His End Game (MMG Series)

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His End Game (MMG Series) Page 5

by R B Hilliard

  My, he’s a big boy.

  All of these crazy things ran through my head.

  If we have sex, will it fit inside me? What if it gets stuck? What if I end up in the hospital needing to have an exceptionally large penis removed from my hee-hoo because it’s stuck? Can that even happen?

  I needed to tell him I was a virgin, but how did I go about doing this without totally and completely humiliating myself?

  “What are you thinking pretty girl?” he asked, pulling me out of my head. When I failed to reply he said, “Talk to me, babe, I can’t read your mind.”

  I loved his words of endearment. Nobody had ever called me anything but El or Ellie, except for Piper. It made my heart hurt in a good way. “Before we..uh…take this any further, I think I need to tell you something.”

  He wound his fingers through my hair. “You can tell me anything, anytime,” he said in his quiet sexy voice.

  “Well, I….don’t really have much experience…with any of this.” I closed my eyes when I said the last part so that I didn’t have to see the disgusted look on his face. It didn’t, however, stop me from feeling his body tense up.

  Crap! He’s going to toss me from his lap now and break into fits of hysterical laughter.

  “What do you mean by this?”

  “Ummm,” I stammered, “well, I’ve kissed and messed around some before, but….” I didn’t know how to properly define what little I had done so, dropping my eyes back to my toenails, I didn’t finish my sentence.

  “Hey,” I felt the pressure of his fingertips on my chin again as he forced me to look at him. “If you’re trying to tell me that you’re a virgin, I already know.”

  I inwardly cringed. “Who told you?” Flashes of me stabbing Piper a thousand times flickered through my mind.

  “No one had to tell me and it’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.”

  Okay, wow, that was super sweet.

  Cupping my face he continued. “Here’s what you need to know. I want you. I’ve wanted you for what seems like forever and I need for you trust me when I say that I will take care of you. However, this is completely your call. If you want to wait, I am good with that. No matter what, this is yours to give, not mine to take. We will go at your pace and if you want me to stop, all you have to do is say so. Are you with me?”

  I nodded, letting out my breath. “Ummm, do I need… like a code word or something?”

  He threw his head back and laughed.

  On any other occasion, watching Max laugh would have been something to see but right now, at my expense? Not so much.

  “Fuck using code words. No means no and that’s all you have to say. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I said, without hesitation.

  “You’re good?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said looking directly into his eyes, “I’m great, Max.” I wanted him to understand that this was something I wanted with him, right here, right now.

  He lifted me off his lap and patted me on the ass. “God, you are so sweet.” Then, grabbing my hand, he walked me across the room to the bed. Before we reached it, he veered over to the door and locked it. Then, hooking his hand around the back of my neck, he reeled me in and kissed me. After a few seconds, I felt his body relax into it and realized that he too, was nervous. I can’t say why this made me feel better but it did. Wrapping both arms around me, he coaxed my mouth open with his tongue. My hands traveled straight to his hair as if they had a mind of their own and I practically climbed up his body wanting more. I felt his hands on my ass as he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me to the bed and carefully lowered us down.

  “Thank you for trusting me with this. Promise that you will tell me to stop if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Okay?”

  “I will.”

  Lying down beside me, he kissed my forehead and stroked my hair.

  “You are so damn beautiful,” he murmured.

  So are you.

  A look stole across his face that I couldn’t read. “What’s wrong?” I asked, immediately tensing up.

  Please tell me he’s not changing his mind. We haven’t even gotten to the good stuff yet.

  “Nothing is wrong. I just want to do this right.”

  I watched him nervously run his fingers through his hair and my heart skipped a few beats.

  He’s worried. He wants to make this good for me.

  Taking a huge leap of faith, which was very uncharacteristic of me, I sucked in a deep breath, reached down to the hem of my shirt and slowly maneuvered it up my torso and over my head.

  Thank goodness I wore a decent bra and panties.

  My aunt had drilled into my brain to never leave home without wearing decent underwear. Of course, her reason wasn’t in case you find a hot guy to screw six ways to Sunday, you must wear fresh undergarments. It was more, in case you find yourself in a wreck and they have to cut off your clothing, you must have on fresh clean underwear. Nevertheless, at that moment I was giving thanks for having on decent undergarments.

  “Gotta say, this exceeds every fantasy I’ve had about you and, trust me, I’ve had some good ones.” His eyes locked on mine. “I’m going to touch you with my hands and my mouth. If you’re going to stop me, do it now.” His voice was filled with a need that I couldn’t help but respond to. Nodding my consent, I watched his hand slide up my stomach. His fingers circled around my bra before lifting it up and spilling my breast into his hand.

  Lord, even the boy’s hands are attractive.

  When he lowered his head, I tensed up. This was more from anticipation than fear. I felt the heat from his breath on my nipple right before he took it into his mouth.

  Holy Mother Mary, his mouth feels amazing.

  Piper wasn’t exaggerating when she told me that her nipples were directly linked to her crotch.

  I get it.

  Max switched to the other breast and daggers of pleasure shot up my spine. Carefully reaching around my back, he unhooked my bra and pulled it off. Then, focusing back on my nipples, he tenderly pulled and rolled them between his fingers. It felt incredible. The boy had a wicked tongue that set me on fire, begging for something I didn’t understand.

  “I need,” I gasped.

  “I know and I promise I’m gonna take care of it,” he assured me. I was so lost in his mouth on my breast that I barely noticed his hand undoing the button of my shorts. Before I could protest, they were off and being tossed on the floor. I tensed again when I felt his hand on my panties. I knew he felt it this time because his hand froze and his head shot up. “You okay?” he gruffly asked.

  “I’m okay. You just surprised me. Don’t stop.”

  Giving me a rough kiss, he returned his hand back to my panties. “So wet,” he murmured.

  I didn’t know if this was a good or bad thing. As long as he didn’t stop what he was doing, I didn’t care.

  “I want to touch you and taste you, now. Are you still with me?”

  “Yes,” I whimpered.

  “Has anyone ever touched or tasted you down here?” he asked, rubbing his fingers from the waistband of my panties down. Up and down. Over and over until I was going crazy with want.

  “No,” I panted. I was so turned on that I didn’t know which end was up. Hell, I didn’t even question when he rolled off the side of the bed, walked to the foot and dragged me down with him. I pulled up on my elbows so I could see what was happening and found him kneeling on the floor between my legs. The two words I would use to describe him at that moment were sexy and wild.

  And mine all mine….at least for the moment.

  I tried not to tremble when he slid my panties off. This was about as personal as it gets and stratospheres away from my comfort zone. Grabbing both of my legs behind my knees, he lifted them to his shoulders. I gasped when I realized what he was about to do and started to scoot back up the bed. Quickly, he lowered my legs back to the bed, placed his hands on the outside of my thighs and halted my escape.
“I’ve got you Ellison, but I need for you to trust me. Can you do that?”

  Exhaling loudly, I released my elbows and dropped back onto the bed. My knees were about to be on Max McLellan’s shoulders, his mouth inches away from the most vulnerable part of my body and I had a life altering decision to make.

  Go with your gut, Ellie.

  “Okay, Max. I trust you.” I wanted this experience and I wanted it with him.

  He trailed his fingers from the inside of my calves up to my thighs and I shivered as if all of my nerve endings were on fire. I jumped when I felt his finger dip inside and braced for the pain that never came. As he kissed me he began moving his finger and I felt a surge of pure ecstasy flow through me. I wanted more.

  “I see you like that,” he chuckled.

  Chills of pleasure were trickling down my spine and an indescribable pressure was building at my core. I wanted release but didn’t know how to ask for it. When Max placed my legs on his shoulders again, I didn’t pull back. My body felt taught like a rubber band that at any moment could snap and shatter everything in its path. Replacing his fingers with his tongue, he dragged it through my center and gently sucked. When he again inserted a finger back inside, pulsing it in and out using the same rhythm as his tongue, I had my epiphany.

  This, right here, right now, is why I waited.

  Suddenly the pleasure was too much and, arching up off the bed, I snapped, shouting his name over and over again. I was in absolute heaven. No form of self- gratification in the world could top this.

  I had no idea anything could make me feel this way.

  Max rose from the foot of the bed, placed a knee on either side of my waist, hooked his fingers under my arms and lifted me back to the top of the bed. Now, lying between my legs, the friction from his denim covered erection was rubbing up against my bare and extremely sensitive core. It was almost too much. I felt heady from my first Max induced orgasm as I threaded my fingers through his thick hair, pulled his head down and gave him a hard kiss, luring his tongue into my mouth by slowly sucking on it. This caused him to groan and thrust his hips against me.

  Pulling back, he smiled. “I take it that was good for you?”

  It took me a minute to figure out what was different and then it clicked. This was the first time I had seen him unguarded. I wondered if he saw the same in me. If not, I wanted him to. I wanted him to see how special he made me feel.

  Reaching up, I stroked my hand across his face. “Good doesn’t even begin to describe what that was.”

  He slid off of the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt. Before I could get anything else out, my eyes drifted down his body and landed on the gloriously large bulge in his jeans.

  Smiling at my uncertain expression, he continued flicking open the buttons, one…by…one. I couldn’t help but blush at the intimacy of this. I watched his jeans fall to the floor and, when I looked back up, had to do a double take.

  Holy hades, he has no underwear on and My God that thing is huge!

  I stared open mouthed at his body. There were no words to do it justice. I was overwhelmed. He was crawling back up the bed when I felt a sliver of panic. “It will never fit,” I whispered.

  “Sweetheart, I’ll make sure it fits and that you enjoy every second, okay?” He assured me.

  I knew I was being silly, but was there a proper response to one’s first glimpse of an extremely large penis besides shock and awe? If so, I’d be interested to know what it was. “Can I touch it, I mean…you?” I stammered, blushing at my slip.

  “I’d be upset if you didn’t,” he replied. The low sexy pitch of his voice made my stomach clinch. The taught rubber band feeling was back and this time I knew what it meant. He flipped onto his back and placed his hands behind his head as if he were lounging.

  Smug ass.

  In order to get the angle I wanted, I scooted over beside him and shifted up onto my knees. Now, relaxing back on my haunches, I didn’t have as far to reach. Hesitantly, I lifted my pointer finger and stroked his cock from the tip to the base. I was surprised at how soft the skin was. He let out a hissing noise, which caused me to yank my hand back.

  “No, don’t,” he said. Then, wrapping his fist around my hand, he showed me how he liked to be touched.

  “What if I bleed to death?” I asked, stroking him like he showed me.

  He hummed in pleasure. “You’ll bleed because that’s what you do your first time, but I promise it won’t kill you.”

  “So you are an expert on de-virginizing innocent girls?” I felt a prick of jealousy.

  “Nope, but I experienced it once and remember what it was like.”


  He chuckled. “Is de-virginizing even a word?”

  After three more strokes, he let out a semi growl and stilled my hand.

  “I need to be inside you, Ellison, but will stop right now if you are not okay.”

  “I’m okay,” I said, and I was. I was more than okay.

  “Switch positions with me,” he demanded. Before I had the chance to move, I was flat on my back with him resting between my legs.

  I love how he handles me.

  Having his large body on top of mine was strangely comforting. For the first time in my life, I felt warm and protected. He reached across me, snagged his jeans off the floor, grabbed his wallet and pulled out a condom. Watching his arm muscles flex as he rolled it on made my gut clinch and my nipples pebble. He began to slowly rub his condom clad cock up and down my sex. I thought I was going to lose my mind. “Trust me, this will help us both,” he explained.

  “Oh, okay,” I breathily replied. I was scared yet lost in a myriad of sensations that were new to me.

  “Breathe, baby,” he whispered, placing himself at my entrance. He ran his tongue down my neck, which instantly loosened me up. At the same time, he pushed deeper inside me. “I have never wanted anything more than I want you right now.” I could hear the strain in his voice as he fought to stay in control. “Hang on to me and take a deep breath.”

  Doing as instructed, I took in a deep breath and felt a sharp searing pain shoot through my core. I opened my mouth to scream and he swallowed it down with a tongue sucking kiss. When seated all the way inside me, he froze. “This makes you mine now,” he declared, looking down into my eyes. The look of lust on his face took my mind off of the pain.

  “Yes,” I hissed, arching my body up to meet his. He pulled back slowly and then pushed back in. Out and in, he rhythmically drove deeper and deeper into me. I don’t know what got me there faster, the fact that this was finally happening with my fantasy guy or the reverent look in his eyes which were glued to mine the entire time. Either way, I was close and, from the sexy noises that were coming from his mouth, so was he.

  “Max,” I gasped.

  “I’m there, babe,” he growled and that’s all it took. I shouted his name, God’s name and possibly said something about Mother Mary as I broke apart. One thrust later, he shouted his release and then buried his face in my neck.

  After cleaning us both off, he crawled back in bed and pulled me close. I was a total and complete marshmallow and he knew it. He wrapped his arms around me and trapped my legs under his as if he were afraid that I would escape. “Mine,” he groggily mumbled. I felt his lips kiss the back of my head right before he fell asleep.


  As I lay there in the dark, I thought about the guy I had dreamt of for as long as I could remember and relived every second of that day. I knew that I was forever changed by this experience.

  Waking up next to Max was amazing. His sleepy eyes and untamed hair made him look sexier, if that was even possible. We were one steamy hot kiss in when an obnoxiously loud Piper started banging on the door and shouting for us to get up.

  “Stay here. I’ll get it,” he sighed and kissed the top of my head. He had his jeans on and zipped before I could get another peak of his amazing body.


  I heard the door open and coul
dn’t help but giggle when Piper shrieked, “Lord almighty you are so fucking hot!” I heard what sounded like Joss mumbling and then Max laughing. The sound of his laughter made my heart stutter.

  “Ells, I’m going next door to grab some caffeine. Come on over when you’re done gossiping and we’ll figure out breakfast,” he shouted from the front door.

  “Will do,” I laughed.

  He so had me pegged.

  “Wellllll?” Piper asked as both she and Joss settled on the bed with me.

  “Well, what?”

  “Come on El, Max answers the door with no shirt on and you are lying in bed completely bare-assed. Spill!”

  “I can’t,” I told them. “There are no words.”

  “It was that good your first time?” Joss skeptically asked, a look of disbelief plastered on her face.

  “I know, right? I thought a lot about it last night after Max fell asleep. There is not one person I know who has said their first time was amazing.”

  Joss, now sporting a shit eating grin asked, “But I take it yours was?”

  “It was…. it was… beyond my wildest everything.” I paused for a second to get my thoughts together. I wanted to explain it in a way that they would understand. “It was better than the best love scene I have ever read and you both know how much I read.”

  “Shit, we get it,” Joss said laughing.

  “How about you guys? What did you get up to last night?”

  “Kurt and I went to bed early,” Joss said, her face red with embarrassment.

  I raised my brow at Piper. “And you?”

  “Harry and I drank and that’s it,” she informed. “He’s actually really funny. Ummm, listen, I talked to Joss already this morning but, now that I have you here, I wanted to tell you that I kind of met someone. His name is Thomas Smithfield, but I call him Tom, and he goes to a boarding school near mine in Virginia.” Grabbing my hand, she continued. “I wanted to tell you, but didn’t want to rub in that I had a boyfriend when you were so sad about Max. In fact,” her voice wavered and she nervously bit her lip, “I have been invited to spend the summer with him in Wyoming.”


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