His End Game (MMG Series)

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His End Game (MMG Series) Page 17

by R B Hilliard

  Dillon watched me with a concerned look on his face. Dana jealously watched him. Polly and Lena appeared to be gearing for a brawl. I noticed Joss talking to someone on the phone. This was all too much and I couldn’t catch my breath.

  Ending her call, Joss said, “I knew you were bitter about getting dumped, but this is low even for you, Jennifer.”

  “What’s wrong Josselyn? Can’t handle the truth? ‘Cause I have plenty more where that came from.”

  Dana started laughing. “This is priceless,” she crowed, patting Jennifer on the back, “you just killed two bitches with one stone.”

  “That’s it!” Dillon roared, “both of you out!” The bar went completely silent.

  “But…Dillon,” Dana cried as she tried to act all innocent.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Kurt shouted. I hadn’t seen him come in but was glad he was finally here.

  Jennifer immediately shifted to seductress. “Heeeey Kurt,” she drawled.

  Joss clinched her teeth.

  “I heard you were telling everyone that Max came to visit you after he disappeared. Is it true?” he asked, ignoring her eyelash batting and lip pouting.

  “Mmmmhmmm, he did,” she purred. “You, of all people, know how much he enjoyed what only I could give him.”

  Joss gasped, Kurt flinched and Dana laughed. I wanted to throw up.

  I couldn’t listen any longer. I needed air. Flinging open the bar top, I bolted for the offices.

  “Ellie wait,” I heard Dillon yell.

  I barely made it to the staff room. I felt like I was going to pass out. Throwing myself onto the love seat, I dropped my head down between my knees, took a huge breath and let the tears flow.

  Breathe. Don’t pass out.

  A few minutes later, I felt large hands rubbing up and down my back.


  “Have they left yet?” I asked him.

  “Kurt kicked them out.”

  “How’s Joss?”

  “About the same as you. Looks like Kurt has some serious explaining to do.”

  Crap! That’s what I was afraid of.

  “Who’s covering the bar?”

  “Polly and Lena.”

  Just the thought of this made me laugh.

  “You want to talk about it?” he asked.

  “Nope.” I shook my head at him. “It won’t do any good and it won’t bring him back.”

  “How long has he been gone?”

  “Way too long for it to still have this hold over me,” I barely choked out.

  “Hey, come here.” Wrapping his arms around me, he pulled me into his lap.

  “When am I going to get past this? It shouldn’t still matter this much.”

  “Maybe when you meet someone else it will fade. It’s hard to put your past behind you when there’s nothing better to replace it.”

  Jerking my head up, I stared into his eyes. “You understand?”

  He smiled sadly. “Better than you think.”

  “Will you tell me about it?”

  “Maybe…someday.” He stared at me for a minute and then, lowering his head, he gently placed his lips to mine.

  I wanted it. I won’t lie. After all this time, I wanted this kiss from this man. My mouth opened in invitation and slowly he swept in. It felt good…really good.

  Dillon yanked his head back mid-kiss. Before I had the chance to ask what was wrong, the door opened and Kurt and Joss both walked in.


  Since I didn’t hear anyone at the door, I didn’t have time to extricate myself from Dillon’s lap. From the look on Kurt’s face, he wasn’t too happy about this.

  Good thing he didn’t see us kissing.

  Kurt told me to go home. He and Dillon would close up the bar. The entire time he talked to us, Joss just stood there quietly staring down at her feet. I was worried about her, but didn’t want to put her on the spot so I kept my mouth shut.

  Kurt, being the nice guy that he is, walked me out to my car. I wanted a moment to say goodbye to Dillon but decided not to push it. When I asked him about being with Jennifer, he turned the tables and asked me about Dillon. There was no way that I was discussing Dillon with him so quickly changed the topic to Jennifer and Max. He, like me, felt that she was lying but I could see my doubt mirrored in his eyes. Neither of us was sure about anything.

  I planned to go straight home but instead found myself driving toward Max’s old house. I hadn’t been back since it had sold. Seeing it after all this time brought back many memories. Life seemed so simple five years ago. I only ever doubted Max once. That was when Jennifer tried to interfere.

  Funny…all these years later and she is still interfering and I am still spinning my wheels over the same guy.

  Parked in front of Max’s house, I was mired in my thoughts when a song came on the radio that characterized what I was feeling. I had to laugh at the timing. It was like Grace Potter jumped into my body and read my soul. Then, magically, she spun all of my thoughts and feelings out into a beautiful song. Stars.

  Grace and I should have a talk. We seem to have a lot in common.

  On the drive home, I thought about everything that had happened. There were many problems traipsing through my head and none of them had solutions. By the time I got home, I wanted to scream. Instead, I called Piper and told her everything. She didn’t have any solutions either, but one thing she said stuck with me. Always trust your gut.

  The next morning I woke up feeling clear headed and full of purpose. First, I needed to check up on Joss, then I was going to clean my house and last, I was going to call my dad. Joss didn’t answer so I left her a voicemail and started in on the house. After I finished cleaning the downstairs, I phoned my dad. He had been on my mind since we had last spoken.

  “I’m coming for your surgery tomorrow,” I told him.

  “Ellie, I don’t expect you to do that.”

  “Also, pack a bag. I’m bringing you back to Charlotte until you’re better. You can start out on the sleep sofa in the office and, when you are able to handle the stairs, I’ll move you into one of the guest rooms.”

  “Honey, this really isn’t necessary.”

  “It is, dad, so deal with it.” The line went quiet and I wondered if he had hung up on me. “Hello?”

  In a quiet voice, he said, “You just called me dad.”

  Closing my eyes, I fought the urge to bang my head against the top of the desk. “Do we have a deal?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he answered. “I’d like that very much.”

  “Good, I’ll be there first thing tomorrow morning to take you to the hospital.”

  “Thank you, Ellison.”

  “You’re welcome Samuel.”

  I hung up and immediately started cleaning the upstairs.

  First thing the next day I headed for Raleigh. I hadn’t heard from Joss, so I decided to call her again instead of spending the next three plus hours in the car worrying about her. I was relieved when she answered.

  “Sorry I haven’t called you back,” she said.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Well, after a horrible fight and sleeping in separate rooms, something we’ve never done before, I decided to hear Kurt out. He told me that the weekend after Max broke it off with Jennifer he was over at Bobby’s house with a bunch of people when Jennifer made a play for him. They were kissing and fooling around when they were interrupted by a couple of her friends. He didn’t gloss over it like I thought he would, Ellie. He told me that he fully intended to sleep with her that night. Apparently he went to get a beer and as he was stepping back into the room, he heard her talking about making Max jealous by sleeping with his best friend. Wanting no part of that, he says that he set down his beer and walked out.”

  “Do you believe him?”

  “Would you?” she asked. “You’ve known him as long as I have and, in some ways, better.”

  I didn’t even have to think about it. “I believe him.” Kurt was hands down
the most honorable person that I had ever known except for Max.

  Joss agreed. “I wasn’t his girlfriend then. In fact, we had only just met. How can I be mad at something he did before me? You know what horn dogs those guys were back then. Kurt despises Jennifer. He has ever since the night she tried to get between you and Max. I was with him and saw firsthand.”

  “So all is good?”

  “Yes, all is great.” I could hear the smile in her voice and knew that everything was going to be okay.

  Thank God.

  I told her all about my dad’s surgery and my plans to temporarily move him back to Charlotte. “He’ll be in pretty rough shape at first but it’s nothing that I can’t handle. I do need out of my Tuesday and Wednesday shifts, though.”

  “No problem, as long as you are back for margarita night.”

  This made me laugh. “I wouldn’t dream of missing it.”

  “Do you need me to drive to Raleigh and help you?” This is just one of the many reasons why I loved Joss. She would give you the shirt off her back if she felt you were in need. I assured her that I had it under control.

  “Now, tell me, what’s up with you and Dillon?”

  I had been waiting for her to bring this up. She too had seen me perched on his lap.

  “I’m not really sure,” I answered, “why?”

  “Well, for one, when he went chasing after you Saturday night, I thought Dana was going to blow a gasket. She was beyond pissed. Then you were all cozied up on his lap when we came to check on you.”

  “He was just being nice to me, that’s all,” I assured her. Something was bothering me though and I knew that if I asked, she would tell me the truth. “Did you leave or did you stay until closing?”

  “I stayed so I could scream at Kurt. Why?”

  “Did you see Dana anywhere? Dillon said that Kurt kicked them out but…I mean… I know I left before everyone and all…. I didn’t see her but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t….” I was spinning my verbal wheels and getting bogged down in my own words.

  Her sigh gave me my answer. “Kurt did kick them out but I guess she waited around or came back later because I saw him with her outside after closing. Sorry.”

  My heart leaped into my throat. “Oh, no, don’t be. It’s probably for the best anyway.”

  “It’s complicated or, should I say, those two are complicated. They have played this game with each other for over a year now. He acts uninterested, they fight, he goes back to her and she takes him back, every time.”


  “He’s not good for you, El. Kurt agrees with me on this. It took everything in him not to rip you out of Dillon’s lap Saturday night.”

  “I know,” I sighed, and I did. Dillon Whitaker was not good for Ellie Davis but still……a small part of me couldn’t help but wonder.

  Surgery went well and I was able to move my dad back to Charlotte late Wednesday afternoon. I spoke and texted with Joss, Kurt, Piper and even Harry but funny, I did not hear one word from Dillon. I never gave him my phone number but that didn’t mean he couldn’t find it. I was angry more at myself than anything else. I knew better. Joss told me that she worked with Dillon on both Tuesday and Wednesday night. She also informed me that Dana was a no show both nights.

  By Thursday my dad was feeling better and I was starting to go a little stir crazy.

  “I can cancel work tonight,” I offered for probably the fiftieth time.

  “Go, get out and take a break from me. I’ve got sports and hot soup thanks to you. I am good.”

  “Here’s your pill schedule. You have my cell number and if I don’t answer, here’s the number to Dragonfly.”

  “Go, Ellie, please.”

  I made sure to take extra care with my outfit, hair and makeup. I put on a tight red v-neck short sleeved sweater that plunged just low enough. I squeezed into my tightest Lucky Jeans and tucked them into some awesome black motorcycle boots that Piper had given me. My hair framed my face and hung down my back in spiral curls. I made my eyes look smoky and my lips sexy with gloss. I looked good.

  Eat your heart out, Dillon.

  Dillon’s eyes lit up in appreciation when he saw me walk through the door. “Ellie Belly, you look smokin’ hot tonight.”

  “Dillon,” I clipped.

  The shortness in my tone put a frown on his face. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m sure you can figure it out.”

  “Give me a hint?”



  Ignoring him, I put on my apron and began washing glasses. A few minutes later Garrett rolled through the front. I asked him about Kentucky.

  “It was nothing,” he shrugged, obviously not wanting to talk about it. He glanced warily at Dillon before heading off to the back.

  “Come on Ellie, you can’t torture me like this all night,” Dillon whined.

  Setting down the dish towel, I looked into his beautiful eyes and gave it to him. “I heard you and Dana hooked up after we kissed the other night.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “You heard wrong. She cornered me at my car after we closed but you can call and ask her. Nothing happened.”

  As if she would tell me.

  “Look Dillon, it was just a kiss. I’m good with that. No harm, no foul. We walk away as friends and no one gets hurt.”

  He frowned again. “What if I want to be more than friends? What if I have no intention of walking away?”

  “I don’t think that’s smart.”

  “I never said it was smart. Think about it, Ellie. That kiss was hot and I want to see where it could lead.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think so.”

  “Before you tell me no, think about it.”

  Something about Dillon confused me. I couldn’t seem to put my finger on exactly what it was. However, Garrett beginning his bar prep and the arrival of Joss and Kurt saved me from having to talk anymore about it.

  Kurt and Joss only stayed for about half an hour. Kurt was taking her out to dinner, hopefully to propose. He wouldn’t give me any details so I had to use my imagination.

  Around nine or so Dana showed up. I was relieved to see that Jennifer was not with her. She sauntered across the bar like she owned the place and parked her fanny right in front of Dillon. Why this infuriated me, I can’t say. It just did. I tried to hide my disgust, but the knowing smile on Dillon’s face let me know that I failed.


  Matchbox 20’s She’s So Mean came on right after she sat down and I had to smile.

  “Oh Dil, I just love this song,” she beamed. “You would,” I mumbled under my breath. Dillon cut his eyes at me and I smirked.

  “Well, you are in good company as it is apparently one of Ellie’s favorites too,” Garrett chimed in. I wanted to kick him.

  I am never listening to this song again.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, shooting me a nasty look.

  Garrett smiled and shot me a wink. “This is one of the songs from Ellie’s playlist. I thought you would have put some new ones on by now.” Garrett hadn’t been around since last Friday and had no clue as to what transpired. I would have to fill him in later.

  “I like it too. It sure beats that….noise of Dillon’s we’ve been tortured with lately,” Polly said, stepping behind the bar to hug me.

  At one point Harry and Jordan stopped by and had a few drinks. Harry spent the whole time lecherously patting his crotch while trying to get Polly to sit on his lap. I talked to them when I could, which wasn’t much because the bar was slammed. It seemed like everyone and their mother had heard about margarita night.

  Dana was a huge distraction. The fact that Dillon would not look her way unless she initiated it made me happy but also confused me. By eleven, things started to ease off and I could hear individual conversations.

  “I am seriously going to rip someone’s hair out if this awful shit isn’t changed!” Polly shouted while waiting on her order. Another sc
reamer of Dillon’s was playing.

  Dillon grinned at Polly like a kid in a candy store. “Ladies, aren’t you familiar with Black Sabbath’s Children of the Grave?”

  “No!” we all yelled.

  “I don’t care if it’s called Yankee Doodle’s ding dong! If you don’t change this shit to something worth listening to, I’m going to thump you where it counts,” Polly growled. This only made him laugh.

  Since I wasn’t right in front of them, I couldn’t hear exactly what was said but it sounded like Dana told Polly to back off of her man.

  Dillon, clearly unhappy about this, leaned across the bar and growled, “I am not your man, Dana. I never have been and never will be. Go home.”

  Glaring at him she shouted, “No, you don’t own me and you certainly don’t own this bar! I’m staying right here!”

  He threw up his hands in frustration. “You’re right, I don’t. Stay. Do what you want. I don’t give a shit but leave my friends alone.”

  She settled back down onto her stool and watched him like a hawk for the rest of the night.

  A mentally unstable hawk.

  “Looks like trouble in paradise,” Garrett observed.

  “If she’s there, it’s more like hell,” I replied.

  I was loading the last drinks of the night onto Polly’s tray when she pointed out a guy at the pool tables that she’d been eyeing all night. I had to admit, he looked pretty good.

  Dillon, who was standing beside me, heard the whole thing. As soon as Polly left with the tray of drinks, he leaned over and asked, “Can I see you in the lounge for a minute?”

  “Nope,” I said, focusing on the register.

  “It will only take a second, really,” he assured.

  The bar had pretty much cleared out and Garrett could handle the load. Dana had her eyes glued to us. Seeing her still sitting there made me mad. “Fine,” I told him.

  Grabbing my hand, he swung open the bar top and pulled me toward the back.

  “Dillon!” I heard Dana shout behind us.

  When we reached the lounge, he closed the door. Before I could ask what he wanted he pinned me against the wall, tilted my chin with his fingers and kissed me. At first I kissed him back and then, remembering everything that had transpired since our last kiss, tried to pull away. This failed. Unable to deny that the boy could kiss exceptionally well, I gave in.


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