His End Game (MMG Series)

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His End Game (MMG Series) Page 29

by R B Hilliard


  “What do you want Ellison? What can I do for you?”

  I dropped my head back against the headboard when I felt a second finger slide in. After torturing me with this for a minute or so, he withdrew and pulled away.

  “No,” I gasped, not wanting him to stop.

  His eyes danced with lust and humor. “Hang on greedy girl. I’m just getting started here.” He pulled his shirt off and tossed it on the floor. I was admiring his ripped upper body when he stripped off his jeans.

  Gee, does the man ever wear underwear?

  “Do you see what you do to me?”

  I giggled. “I think the neighbors a block over can see what I do to you,” I teased, loving every second of it.

  He gave me a heated look that scorched me from the inside out. “I need you, Ellison,” he seductively whispered.

  I reached up, pulled him down on top of me and whispered back, “I am yours Max, always.”

  His blue eyes held me captive as he pinned me to the bed and slowly eased inside. Thrust after thrust he took me higher and higher, his eyes never leaving mine and I cried out as I came apart around him. Two strokes later he threw back his head and moaned through his release.

  He woke me early the next morning to tell me he was going to the garage. I was terribly disappointed because we didn’t get a chance to talk last night. After four days of bad moods and tense conversations, I needed some serious alone time with him.

  I couldn’t help but pout. “Will I ever see you again?”

  “Babe, it’s always hell getting a new garage off the ground, but I promise as soon as we’re up and running you will be begging me to leave you alone.”

  “I doubt that,” I muttered.

  “I’m happy that my girl wants me around.” He kissed the top of my head and headed out the door.

  I shouted after him, “Will I see you tonight?”

  “Hopefully!” he shouted back.

  I pouted myself to the bathroom and then to the kitchen for coffee where I found my dad and Piper.

  My dad gave me a knowing smirk. “What’s got your panties all ruffled, Ellie dear?”

  “Samuel, you are really showing all of your sixty-five years with that question,” Piper teased. “In 2013 we ask, what crawled up your ass, girl?”

  He narrowed his eyes at Piper. “If you weren’t my daughter’s best friend, I would bend you over my knee and spank your ass for missing my age by twenty-three years. I won’t though, but only because I don’t want to risk getting kicked out of here before my condo is ready.”

  “Now we’re talking,” she laughed. “I like a good spanking every now and then.”

  Scrunching my nose in disgust, I made a gagging noise. “God, would you quit flirting with each other, especially in front of me. It’s gross and inappropriate.” Finding my highly entertaining, they both started laughing.

  Still laughing, Piper announced, “As entertaining as this is, I’m off for my first interview. Wish me luck!”

  Max hadn’t called or texted by the time I needed to leave for work that night. I figured he had a lot to do and was probably running behind on the Charlotte garage because of his trip to Kentucky. He showed up at Dragonfly around ten, ordered a beer and barely spoke a word to me. I knew something was wrong by the way that he stared at his phone the whole time and ignored Dillon’s taunts. When I finally had time to talk to him, he told me he was tired, would see me at home and left. We were slammed so I didn’t have much time to process his mood. I was a little surprised and disappointed that he didn’t stay and follow me home. After all, he was the one who had made a big deal about me working until all hours of the morning and leaving the bar alone.

  When I got home, the lights were out and Max was already in bed asleep. As it was after two in the morning, I expected this. Still, I was a little disappointed. Feeling tired but frisky, I wanted more of what he gave me last night. So, crawling into bed, I pressed my body against his back while running my tongue down his neck. His normal reaction would be to moan or say something enticingly sexy. Instead, he flinched and pulled away.

  He flinched at my touch.

  He might as well have slapped me. It would have had the same effect. Quickly, I withdrew as if I’d just been burned. Sucking in a breath, I had to fight to keep from crying. Finally, after what seemed like hours, I drifted into a restless sleep. He was already gone when I woke in the morning. Neither Piper nor my dad had seen or heard him before he left.

  What the hell?

  Like yesterday, Piper had interviews and my dad had to work. I, however, had an appointment with my Obstetrician, Dr. Cooper, as I was already about two months overdue for my yearly exam and needed her to write me another script for birth control. I waited around the house for as long as I could before heading to my appointment. I thought that maybe Max would show up and we could talk about what was going on. From the way he acted last night, I knew that something was bothering him. How could I help him if he wouldn’t talk to me? By the time I arrived at the doctor’s office, I was worried. Max had still not texted or called so I contemplated whether or not to call him. Before I could decide, they called my name.

  After the usual weight check, blood pressure and get changed routine, Dr. Cooper flitted in. We played catch up for a few minutes and then she launched into the same questions she asks every year.

  “Are you still using the birth control pill?”


  “Do you take it every day, as instructed?”

  “Yes, in fact, I need a new script.”

  “When was your last period?”

  “Uhhhhh….” This one stumped me.

  When was my last period?

  “Do you need to see a calendar?”

  “Yes, please.” She handed me the calendar and my heart sank. I hadn’t had a period this month and I was due to have one over a week ago.

  Reading the look of concern on my face, she said, “No need to panic, Ellie. We will start with a routine urine test.”

  “Okay,” I squeaked out.

  Please don’t let me be pregnant. Please don’t let me be pregnant.

  Her nurse swooped in and led me to the restroom. She handed me a cup and instructed me to bring it back to room six when I was done.

  I can’t be pregnant. I don’t even know if Max likes kids. Hell, I don’t even know if Max likes me right now.

  When I got back to the room, Dr. Cooper was waiting. I watched her dip something in the cup and then check her watch.

  I haven’t told him I love him yet. How in God’s name can I be pregnant?

  “Well, it looks like it’s a positive. Now, I want to follow up right now with a blood test just to be sure. I can have the results to you tomorrow after lunch. Let’s reschedule the pelvic exam. I really don’t like to do them during the first trimester if I don’t have to.”

  Holy shit!

  I was completely floored by this. In fact, I wasn’t sure if I believed her. “How?” I asked.

  Her eyes bugged. “Ummmm.”

  I clarified. “No, not how did I get pregnant. How did I get pregnant when I’m on the pill and take it religiously?”

  “Oh,” she sighed, probably relieved that she wasn’t going to have to explain the birds and the bees to an already pregnant woman. “Let’s see, if you haven’t missed any pills, then have you been on any antibiotics during the past month? Those definitely will weaken the effects of birth control pills and even sometimes render them ineffective.”

  Placing my hands over my eyes, I sat down. “Holy shit I am in so much fucking trouble,” I blurted, finally losing all semblance of propriety.

  Stepping up beside me, she rubbed her hand over my back, trying to soothe me. “Sometimes these tests aren’t accurate, Ellie. Let my nurse take your blood and then give me a call after lunch tomorrow. Until then, try not to worry.”

  Yeah right.

  Within ten minutes I had given blood and was racing out the door.
  I didn’t want to go to work that night. I wanted to stay home and wait for Max. All kinds of crazy things were running through my head and I was making myself sick with worry.

  I may have his baby growing inside me and can’t tell him because he’s avoiding me, but why?

  I wanted to confess everything to Joss and Piper, but felt I shouldn’t until both a blood test confirmed it and I had spoken to Max. So I did the only thing I could. I got myself dressed and went to work. I left a note for Piper telling her to come hang out. Then I texted Max and told him he could find me at work.

  If he even cares.

  Dillon sensed that something was wrong the second I walked through the door. He rode me about it most of the night. Neither Piper nor Max showed up and, if that wasn’t enough, it turned out to be a really slow night.

  Around ten Harry rolled in. Directly behind him were Gage, Zippo and Ax. I was thrilled to see them and hoped they would be able to take my mind off of my worries. Ax was in the middle of telling a story about a chick with three nipples when the front door opened. Every time someone walked through the door I expected it to be Max. This time, instead of Max, in walked one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. A mane of black hair fell past her shoulders and cascaded down her back. She was short, but had a perfect figure, just the right amount of…. everything.

  Of course Dillon noticed her, as did every other man in the bar. Flashing his me-so-sexy smile he asked, “What can I get for you, darlin’?”

  Up close I could see that her eyes were a cobalt shade of blue. Flashing Dillon an equally sexy smile, she said, “I’m looking for Jack Barnett.”

  My gut clinched.

  What does she want with Max?

  Dillon’s brow furrowed. “Who?”

  “Jaaaack Barrrrnett,” she repeated, slowly enunciating his name as if Dillon was a little slow in the head. Normally, I would find this incredibly funny, but since she was looking for my Max… not so much.

  Without thinking, I said, “Jack has not made it in tonight. Is he expecting you uh…?”

  “Priscilla Newman, but my friends call me Cilla and to answer your question, I was with Jack last night and again this afternoon. He mentioned heading this way, so I thought I would catch up with him here and have a drink.”

  What does she mean she was with him last night and today? Who the hell is she?

  Dillon was looking at me as if I had grown three heads. Mumbling under his breath he asked, “Do you really know a Jack Barnett or are you just fucking with her?”

  “Oh, I know Jack all right,” I told him and had the sudden urge to run.

  While Dillon and I were quietly conferring behind the bar, Priscilla was taking stock of her surroundings. Suddenly she cried, “Hey! I know you guys. You were at the party at that mansion in Texas, weren’t you? Gage is it? And I remember one of you was named Lighter and Hammer…. or something like that.” She paused, as if looking for something else to say. “Uh…are you guys here visiting Jack too? What a coincidence! I’ll have to make sure we invite you over for a cook out or something real soon.”

  She was in Texas with Max? And now she’s planning get-togethers? What…The…Hell?

  Clearing my throat, I managed to say, “Gee, sounds like you all had a great time in Texas. When did you say you were there again?” I cut my eyes at Gage and Zippo. Zippo flinched and I wanted to throw up.

  “Oh…maybe four or was it five months ago? I forget,” she shrugged.

  I closed my eyes and rubbed the ache that had set up residence deep within my chest. When I opened them back up Gage was watching me with an anxious look on his face and it clicked.

  He knew that Max was in Texas… with her. This is what they were talking about the night that Dillon played. Max flinched at my touch and hasn’t talked to me since he’s been back because he’s been with her. I am such a fool.

  I heard Gage curse.

  I had to know, so I looked her straight in her cobalt blue eyes and asked, “So, you and Jack are…together?”

  I can see why he would want her.

  “Ellie,” Gage warned.

  She threw a breathtaking smile at me, as if completely oblivious to the destruction that she was causing. “Well, Jack and I have been friends for about two years now, but we started seeing each other seriously about seven or eight months ago. I saw him when he was home a few days ago, but he barely had any time for me.” She puckered her lips into the perfect little pout and I wanted to curl up and die. “He told me he was coming here to work on MMG Charlotte so,” she threw her hands in the air, “here I am.”

  This wasn’t happening. I could not be this unlucky in love. Was anyone this unlucky? Placing a hand on my chest, I tried to catch my breath.

  It was all a lie… all of it.

  “What the fuck?” I heard Dillon say but it sounded like he was under water.

  “Is she okay?” Priscilla asked. Her voice also sounded far away.

  “Get her head down between her knees,” Gage said.

  Before I knew it I was lifted into someone’s arms and was moving fast. “Hang on baby,” I heard but wasn’t sure if they were talking to me or not.

  When I came to I was lying on the break room sofa with a cold cloth on my head. “I’m okay,” I said.

  “Ellie, what the fuck is going on here?” Dillon asked. He raised my legs, sat down and draped them across his lap.

  Gage stepped into my line of sight. “Don’t you think you’re getting a little too personal with someone else’s woman?” he directed at Dillon.

  Dillon narrowed his eyes at Gage and snapped, “I don’t see him here? Do you?”

  “Who is manning the bar?” I asked, trying to distract them.

  “Zippo and Harry,” they both replied.

  “Don’t worry about the bar El,” Dillon assured.

  Gage squatted down beside me and wiped the cold cloth across my face. “Sweetheart, sometimes things aren’t what they seem.”

  My eyes filled when he said this and I couldn’t help but let out a self-deprecating laugh. “And sometimes, as much as we don’t want them to be, they are.”

  I watched his eyes close. When he opened them back up they were filled with such agony that I had to look away. Apparently he, too, had been hurt before.

  I felt the need to explain. “The man I have loved for most of my life has spent the last five weeks lying to me. If that’s not enough, he has also been cheating on his obviously sweet and beautiful girlfriend, who is currently standing out there waiting for him to show up. I’d say it is exactly how it looks. What I don’t get is why?” The backs of my eyes were burning and I was having a hard time stopping my voice from shaking.

  I need to get out of here before I completely lose it, but have nowhere to go.

  Dillon reared back. “Are you trying to tell me that your Max is her Jack?” He was beginning to catch on which meant that he was about to flip out. When I didn’t answer, he picked up my legs, stood up and gently set them back on the sofa. Then he stalked over to the sink, picked up the soap dish, shouted “Mother Fucker!” and hurled it against the wall. Pieces of it flew everywhere.

  That’s exactly what my heart feels like.

  Jerking his hands through his hair, he pierced me with his silver eyed stare. “He split us up knowing that he had some snatch waiting for him back in Kentucky?” His voice was full of disbelief.

  Gage scowled at him. “You are not helping here, Dillon. Don’t make this about you.” He pointed at the door. “We’ve only heard her side of the story out there and we don’t even know her. Ellie needs to talk to Max.”

  “Yeah, except that he won’t talk. He has been avoiding me since yesterday and now I know why. I do not want to see or talk to him right now and I certainly can’t go home because he could be there. What do I do?”

  “Here,” Dillon said handing me his keys. “You know where I live. I’ll close up here and meet you back at my place. If you get hungry eat something and if y
ou get tired you can crash on the bed. I’ll take the couch. Stay as long as you need.”

  Frowning, Gage shook his head at me. “This is not a good idea.”

  “She needs a place to regroup. You got anything better?” Dillon responded.

  “Call your girls when you get to Dillon’s. That way, if this isn’t how it looks, you won’t be making it worse,” Gage directed at me.

  “Okay, I’ll call Piper and Joss when I get to Dillon’s,” I assured him.

  “How ‘bout this, I’ll drive you over in your car and get Ax to follow. I can catch a ride on the back of his bike.”

  Dillon pulled me off the sofa. “Go out the back so you don’t have to walk through the bar. I’ll see you in a while and El?” I looked up at him. “I will do my best to help you through this okay?”

  “Don’t tell Max where I am, Dillon. Promise me that if he comes looking for me, you won’t tell him okay? You too, Gage.” After they both agreed, we left for Dillon’s.

  You are my end game, you always have been. You are it for me.

  “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  I didn’t realize I had spoken out loud until Gage reached over the middle console of my car and grabbed my hand. “Hey, nothing is definite until you hear it from Max okay?” I could feel the tears coming and knew that I wasn’t going to be able to control them for much longer. All I did anymore was cry. I wanted to tell Gage that I was pregnant. I wanted someone to understand how serious the situation was, but I couldn’t.

  “I just got him back Gage. Of all people, h-h-how could he do this to m-m-me? Wasn’t it e-e-nough that he left me to begin w-w-ith?”

  He squeezed my hand and spoke in a low calming voice. “Don’t know the details of your past relationship, but what I do know is that Priscilla is not who she’s pretending to be. I met her five months ago in Texas and she did not give a favorable impression.”

  “Evidently he sees something in her,” I sniffled.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. After seeing him with you, I think we’re missing something. I can feel it in my gut.”

  “It looks pretty damning, Gage. She is so beautiful. It kills me to say it but I totally see why he would want her.”


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