The Battlefield Series 2: Scars Run Deep (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Battlefield Series 2: Scars Run Deep (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He used the toilet to help his stand up and then he stumbled from the bathroom. He walked into the room and looked right at her picture and her beautiful angelic face.

  He snagged it up off the dresser and stared at her face.

  “You belong to me. No one else, Antonia. No one.” He gently ran a finger along the glass and traced her image. His mind began to plan. He was a businessman, a corporate cutthroat, superior threat to anyone in his path for success. He always got what he wanted. No one ever succeeded in telling him no. It would just make him more determined.

  “I’m coming for you, Antonia. I’m going to find you. I’m going to bring you back home where you belong, and no one, nothing, will stop me from getting back what belongs to me. No one.”

  * * * *

  Antonia was out of breath and bent over as she held on to the tree. This running thing was harder than it looked. Carina was starting to run, too, in preparation for their first session at the kickboxing class tomorrow. She kept her palm against the tree as the sweat dripped from her forehead and down her bare arms. It was warm out today, and she probably had bit off more than she could chew by running from her house into town. It was a good three miles to the main park area from her front driveway. That would mean three miles back, six in total.

  “What the hell were you thinking, girl?” she asked herself and pushed off the tree and headed along the path.

  She saw multiple people walking around, including some men with their women and babies in strollers. She was getting used to the sight of ménage relationships and how common they were. As she came up the hill from the path, she spotted the chief of police’s truck immediately. Cesar was there talking to two women, and they were smiling at him and appeared as though they were flirting. One kept pushing her hair behind her ear, all shy like, while the other one talked a mile a minute and would touch his arms, which were crossed in front of his chest.

  Antonia swallowed hard and was shocked at how jealous she felt. Was she seriously considering getting to know him and his brothers? How could she handle four men like them? How could she handle one like the chief of police and all the attention, especially from females, that he received?

  She got that sickening feeling in her gut again. As if she wasn’t good enough. She couldn’t shake these insecure feelings or forget what Ray had done to her. She hadn’t been enough to make Ray stay loyal to her. Everything she’d done for him had only made the man want more and need more with other women. She just wasn’t good enough. How could she be good enough for four perfect men?

  Of course, as usual, thoughts of Ray brought on that nervous, anxious feeling warning her that she hadn’t seen the last of him. She’d made a promise to herself and to Brooklyn to gain control of her fears and her life and start making some changes. Start following her heart and fight for a better life, for respect, and, ultimately, for happiness. She couldn’t shake that uneasy feeling she had. It was that hold Ray maintained on her. It was hard to describe, to explain to anyone, especially Brooklyn. If she told her she still had that feeling of his control again, Brooklyn would get angry. It wasn’t Antonia’s fault though. Ray had a way of controlling and manipulating anyone he set his desires on. Anyone.

  With a quick glance over her shoulder at the chief ending his conversation with the women, she took off for home, determined to make it back without stopping and complete six miles of running.

  * * * *

  Cesar was trying to end the conversation with the Lexington sisters. They were telling him all the reasons why they needed guardians and how they had two different sets of brothers they were interested in. But that wasn’t how things worked. Besides that, they were a wild pair and not looking for commitments right now and would be headed off to college soon. The men they were interested in were older and set in their ways and not interested. In fact, the Lexington sisters even flirted with him and asked if he was ever going to claim guardianship of any woman and whether he would wait for them to return home from college. He had to laugh. His job sometimes entailed things like this. He kept professional and encouraged them to take their time getting to know men and to be careful when they went to college. He was annoyed when he finally ended the conversation, telling them he had work to attend to, and he missed catching Antonia.

  He caught her heading down toward the end of town and more than likely back home. He couldn’t believe she’d run all the way to town and now was heading back. It was more than six miles. He didn’t even know she ran. He did notice she had avoided having any decent conversations with him and his brothers the last two weeks. She kept it short and sweet and was always on the go. They found out that tomorrow she and Carina were heading to the dojo for their first kickboxing session. Damon would be there, too.

  He got into his truck and prepared to head down the road to ensure she made it home okay. It was pretty hot out. As he started to head out, he saw Mr. Peterson, who asked how his mom was doing and to give her his best. Then she went on about the group of kids messing with some garbage cans in the back of the library. He promised to check things out, and fifteen minutes later, he finally got to head out of town.

  As he took his time driving down the road, he was surprised at how quickly Antonia had made it to her house. Just as he pulled onto her street, he caught sight of her falling on the grass in front of her house as if she were exhausted.

  He stepped on the gas and parked in her driveway, turned off the ignition, and got out. He made his way closer and then stood next to her, casting his shadow over her body as she panted for breath. She looked so damn sexy, her breasts pouring from the tank top she wore, her short running shorts tucked deep into her groin showing off tan, toned legs and confirming the woman had one hell of a body.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her as she covered her eyes to block the sun in case he moved.

  “I’ll live.” She barely got it out.

  “You need water, honey. It’s hot out, and you need to stay hydrated. You know you’re supposed to drink a lot of water prior to running and even start the day before running six miles?” he asked, resting his hand on his holster and smiling.

  “I need to lie here and sleep,” she said, her breath finally calming a little.

  “Not in this blaring sun. Come on. I’ll help you inside, and you can get a drink and feel better.”

  “I don’t need looking after. I’m more than capable of hydrating myself.” she snapped at him and pushed herself up. As she tried standing, she teetered as if she might pass out or maybe her legs have given out on her. He grabbed onto her and lifted her up into his arms. She held on to him. “What are you doing?”

  “Carrying you inside before you hurt yourself. Where’s the key?”

  “Under the mat.”

  He squinted his eyes at her.

  She waved her hand in the air.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know it isn’t a great spot, but I wasn’t gone long, and Mr. and Mrs. Corporal have binoculars and are like the neighborhood watch. They know everything.”

  He bent down and got the key, keeping her in his arms. She was such a petite thing.

  “I know them well. You’re lucky to have them keeping a lookout.”

  “Really? You may think otherwise knowing they saw you and your brothers here last week in the middle of the night and started asking me twenty questions.”

  He smiled as he closed the door, brought her over to the kitchen counter, and placed her ass down on it. He pulled open the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water.

  “Here.” He opened the bottle and handed it to her. She held his gaze, and he pressed between her legs, placing his hands on her warm skin.

  “So what did you tell them about us coming over the other night?”

  She guzzled down half the bottle and then looked at him as she set it down.

  “I told them my car broke down and your brothers helped me, and then you showed up to make sure I was okay.”

  He caressed a stray strand of her brown hair behind
her ear. She tightened up. He looked at her lips then down over the deep cleavage between her breasts.

  “Did you tell them my brothers and I are your guardians now?” he asked, moving his hands along her thighs to her waist.

  She stared at his lips, and he edged a little closer.

  “Did you tell those two women you were talking to in town?” she countered, and he was surprised. Was she jealous? He couldn’t help but smile and feel a little triumphant in getting any indication that she was interested in pursuing the attraction they all felt.

  “No need to be jealous,” he said, and her eyes widened.

  She went to move, but he stopped her. He ran his hand over her shoulder and under her hair, gently gripping her ponytail and head so she couldn’t turn away. He stared down into her eyes, wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her close.

  “Don’t ever be jealous of another woman. You’re the woman I want, the woman I’m set on making mine.” He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her.

  At first she seemed to hold back, maybe shocked at him kissing her like this, but then he felt her delicate hands grip his shirt and she pressed closer, allowing him to kiss her deeper. Her body was flush against his, her thighs lifted against his hip and belt, and she jerked back as they made contact with his utility belt. He explored her mouth slowly, gently, and then plunged his tongue deeper. He had to remind himself that she needed slow, yet every part of him wanted fast. He eased his lips away from hers and then held her gaze and licked his lower lip. He just stared at her gorgeous green eyes, which looked shocked and aroused.

  “Holy God, Chief, why did you kiss me like that?” she asked him. He gave her ponytail a tug before he ran his hands down her bare arms to her thighs. He lifted them up against his waist and pressed his body against her crotch.

  “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for quite some time. Figured now was as good a time as any so you know where I stand, where my brothers stand, too. We want you, honey. Want to keep you safe, make you happy, and make you smile. You’re that damn special.”

  Her eyes welled up with tears. She lifted her hand to cover her mouth, and he squinted at her and continued to caress her thighs.

  “What’s wrong? Didn’t you like the kiss?” he asked. She nodded. “Then what is it, baby? Talk to me. Be honest with me.”

  She uncovered her mouth and held her hand against her neck. “I don’t know what to say.”

  He smiled. “What do you feel, sugar?” he asked and adjusted her position against his body.

  “Like I’m losing my mind. You make this sound so simple. I don’t think I’m what you and your brothers need or deserve.”

  “What? Why would you think that? We all feel the attraction. We know what this type of relationship entails.”

  She looked down and away from him. He cupped her cheek and tilted her head up to look at him.

  “Why would you say that? What do you mean? Talk to me, Antonia.”

  “I don’t know about ménage relationships or how it can work for someone like me. I…I only know the bad side to a relationship with one man. I’m terrified by the potential problems that could arise with four.”

  He took a deep breath and released it. Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead.

  “I wish I knew more about your relationship in New York. About how you sustained your injuries and why you’re so timid and fearful. I hope you’ll confide in me and my brothers and see that we truly care and wouldn’t use any of it against you in any way.”

  “I don’t know that though. I’m trying, Cesar. I really am. I don’t want to feel this afraid. I wish things were different, but they aren’t. It’s so frustrating sometimes.”

  He saw the tears fill her eyes, and he damned the bastard who had hurt her to make her feel this way.

  “I don’t know if I can move on and take the chance you’re asking me to. I’m afraid he still has a hold on me.” Tears rolled down her cheeks, and his eyes widened. He appeared as if he was biting the inside of his cheek.

  “He doesn’t have to have a hold on you anymore. You’re working out, starting the kickboxing classes tomorrow, and you let me kiss you. You feel the attraction, and it will only get stronger, especially as my brothers join in.” He ran his thumb along her lower lip.

  “Don’t ever be afraid of us, just be honest. We’re willing to go as slow as you need, though I have to admit, sweetie”—he looked over her lips and even the deep cleavage of her shirt before focusing on her eyes—“it’s going to be hell going slow.”

  Her cheeks turned a nice shade of red, but before she could lower her chin, he pressed his lips to hers and was pleasantly surprised when she began kissing him back and wrapped her arms around his shoulders to hug him tight when he finally released her lips.

  “I need time, Cesar. Just more time,” she whispered, and his heart clenched with concern as well as hope that he and his brothers could make her see she was safe with them and that here in his arms was where she belonged.

  Chapter 5

  “Oh, God, Antonia, I didn’t know that Jack and Milton Cortland would be here.” Carina grabbed onto Antonia’s arm.

  Antonia was in shock herself at the sight of Damon being there. He came over immediately and gave her a kiss on her cheek hello before smiling at Carina and shaking her hand.

  “So glad you two made it. It’s a small class today. Only four newbies starting. Why don’t I introduce you to the instructors? I think you know Jack and Milton, right, Carina?”

  She just nodded, looking numb and very scared. She still hadn’t let go of Antonia’s arm. Damon gave a knowing, small smile, and they followed him toward the multiple men and two other women who were conversing with Milton. One glance at Carina and Antonia saw her eyes stare at Milton and Jack talking to the two women, seemingly flirting, and she let go of Antonia’s arm.

  “I’m ready for this. How about you, Antonia?” she asked her.

  “I don’t know. I guess we’ll find out.”

  Damon introduced them to the men, and immediately, Jack and Milton smiled at Carina. Carina gave a nod and a fake smile before looking away and keeping her attention on Damon. It didn’t go unnoticed, and Antonia wondered if Carina liked the two brothers? They had come into the Filling Station often, along with their brothers Jesse and the local doctor, Nevin, but never stayed too long. She would have to ask her when they were done with this class.

  “Okay, so we’re going to begin starting with some stretches and a warmup,” Jack said, and they all scattered around the room on a large mat.

  Antonia did the stretching as they instructed, taking in the sight of the dummies and other contraptions around the room she assumed they would be working with. It was a nice dojo with two other rooms, currently holding classes.

  “I wonder what’s going on in there,” she whispered to Carina, who wasn’t really paying attention. Antonia felt Damon nudge his thigh against hers. She looked at him.

  “Self-defense for law enforcement and the other class is martial arts and sword fighting.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “Sword fighting? Who the heck would do that?” she asked.

  He squinted at her and seemed to hesitate answering her. “Fox is in there.”

  Her eyes widened, and she looked away, feeling a lump in her throat as fear gripped her thoughts. He knew how to use swords? He was so intense and fierce looking, what if he lost it or got angry? The damage he could do. Look what Ray did to me with a knife.

  “Let’s begin,” Jack stated, and she was grateful to get up and focus on the workout, but apparently Damon felt the need to reassure her that his brother would never harm her.

  Damon stepped in behind her and whispered next to her ear as they started to line up for a series of warmup routines.

  “He would never hurt you. It’s just something he learned in the service and enjoys doing to keep his mind sharp.”

  She swallowed hard, and then it was her turn in line to do the warmup routine. He
r focus went to the workout, and she tried to ignore all negative thoughts entirely.

  Twenty minutes later, she could feel the muscles burn in her legs as she lifted her leg and did the kicks to the bag. Next to her, Carina tried to do the form but was having difficulty. Jack immediately assisted her by placing her arms and legs into the right position. Antonia could see the attraction in their eyes and how badly Carina was fighting it. At one point Carina pulled back.

  “I can do it. I’ll get it. Just let me keep trying.” She sort of snapped her words, but Jack gave her a nod and was very understanding and caring. He must have picked up on her fears just as Damon and his brothers picked up on Antonia’s. Antonia was starting to think that maybe the men of Repose were different, extra special.

  She looked at Damon doing the routine and showing the two other women how to lift their legs and strike. Milton was helping the other woman, who seemed to be playing up the need for help.

  Antonia felt a twinge of jealousy that Damon was helping those flirty women when she went to kick the bag and missed it. She fell flat on her ass, and everyone looked at her. Her cheeks burned, but she couldn’t help but start laughing, and everyone else did as well. It was Jack who bent down and offered her a hand.

  “That was one hell of a kick. If it had hit the target, it would have been a doozy. Good job, Antonia.”

  She smiled and felt a little better about missing the bag and falling on her ass. She went right back at it until the class had finally ended.

  Sweating, and needing a cold drink, she and Carina sat on the side of the mat by the wall and drank from their water bottles.

  “That was crazy. I have the feeling I won’t be wearing heels tonight at work,” Antonia said.

  “I know what you mean. We may be needing appointments for a massage,” Carina added, and they chuckled.

  Damon and Jack walked over to join them.


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