Hometown Christmas

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Hometown Christmas Page 14

by A. M. Williams

  She was more perceptive than he gave her credit for, that was for sure. He didn’t think it was that obvious that he increasingly uncomfortable, though not for the reasons that she likely thought.

  “It’s nothing. I’m just in my head.” He didn’t want to admit what was bothering him because he didn’t want to pressure her. But he had a feeling that she would try to extract it from him, anyway.

  Kat shifted in his lap and he froze, hoping she couldn’t feel his erection underneath her. He’d had it since they sat down.

  His hope wasn’t to come to fruition though because Kat shifted again so she was right on top of his dick, which twitched at her being so close to him.

  Kat’s eyes widened as they met his gaze.


  That’s all she said. She didn’t even try to move away from him. She just sat there on top of his dick, killing him slowly because he could feel the heat from her pussy, even through the denim.

  “Yeah,” he finally said, flatly.

  She tilted her head as she looked at him. “This is why you’re uncomfortable?”

  She wiggled her hips, and he sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Yep.” He sounded strained, even to his own ears.

  She stopped moving, thankfully, but continued to look at him with a curious look on her face.

  “Do you want me to do anything about it?”

  Her words were innocent, but considering she was sitting on his lap looking at him with hooded eyes, he knew they were anything but.

  His head dropped back against the back of the couch and he struggled to get himself under control.

  “Ford,” Kat whispered, undulating her hips and pressing closer against him.

  He groaned; he couldn’t help it. “Yeah?”

  “What’s wrong?”

  She moved again, and it was taking everything in him to not grasp her hips and get her into a pattern that would get them both off.

  “Don’t you want me?”

  He sucked in a shuttering breath. “Of course I want you.” He thrust from underneath her to show her how much.

  He opened his eyes and saw that she was still looking at him questioningly.

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  He bit the inside of his cheek as she continued to move, teasing him. “I don’t want to rush.”

  That made Kat freeze and sit up straight. “Rush?”

  Ford nodded. “Yeah, I don’t want to rush what we have here.”

  He looked at her and had a feeling she was about to bolt, but he wasn’t ready for her to do that. He’d just gripped her hips when he felt her move. “Let got of me,” she gritted out.

  “Not until we finish this conversation.”

  They glared at each other. Ford had an idea that she didn’t like that he didn’t want to rush, but it wasn’t for the reasons she was thinking. Knowing her past meant he wanted to make sure she was ready.

  “I don’t know what you’ve done since…Scott.” Kat huffed and wiggled and he just barely stifled a groan. “But I know that I don’t want us to rush into something if you’re not ready for it. I mean physically and mentally.”

  Silence met his words. Kat was still glaring at him, but he detected a slight softening in her gaze. A few moments later, she sagged and dropped her gaze to her lap where her hands were twisted together.

  “You want to make sure I’m ready?” she finally asked, glancing up at him.

  He nodded. “Yeah. I want to make sure you’re okay with the next level. I’m more than okay.” He pressed his hips up to show her how ready he was. “But I’ll hold until you give me the green light.”

  His words must have flipped a switch inside Kat because she was looking at him with hooded eyes again. “I just have to give you the green light?”

  He nodded and swallowed thickly. He had a feeling he might have just signed his life away if the look on Kat’s face was anything to go by. He felt like the prey as he watched her rake her gaze over his torso.

  She grasped his wrists and pulled, indicating she wanted him to let go. He did, watching to see what she would do.

  His mouth dried as she slithered away from him and sank to her knees on the floor in front of him.

  This wasn’t the green light he was looking for, but he’d take it all the same if this was what she wanted.



  Kat hoped the nerves she felt weren’t reflected in her eyes. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her palms were sweaty. She wiped them on her jeans before looking up at Ford.

  The raw desire on his face helped to bolster her confidence as she leaned forward and slowly popped the button on his jeans.

  They both seemed to hold their breath as she slowly inched the zipper down, the sound of the teeth releasing loud in the living room. Once his fly was open, she curled her fingers around the waistband of his underwear and jeans, tugging.

  Ford lifted his hips, and she was able to pull both items down far enough that his cock bobbed out, slapping Ford in the stomach.

  Ford groaned, but Kat paid him no mind, her eyes zeroed in on the prize.

  It had been a while since she’d been intimate with anyone, so she was a little intimidated by Ford’s cock, which seemed so much bigger than it had felt through the denim of his jeans.

  But she wouldn’t let her nerves get the best of her.

  She leaned forward, breathing in the slightly musky scent that was Ford and stopped just shy of his cock, which twitched, almost hitting her on the lips.

  She glanced up at Ford through her lashes and saw that he was concentrating on her. His pupils were impossibly wide, and he seemed to be holding himself still. She hoped it was because he was dying of anticipation and not because he was worried he’d hurt her if he touched her.

  She leaned forward and lightly licked the glistening tip of his cock, tasting the saltiness there. She hummed as she swallowed it down before sucking the head of his cock into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it, getting every drop of pre-cum off it.

  “Fuck,” Ford said, the tension suddenly draining from his body.

  His legs fell open, and he sagged back against the couch.

  Taking that as her cue, she slowly moved her mouth down his length, drawing as much of him into her mouth as possible. When she felt herself about to gag, she quickly drew back until just the tip was in her mouth before repeating the motion.

  Ford continued to hold himself still, though based on the fist she could see from the corner of her eyes, it was costing him something to do so.

  She wished he would do something, anything, to show that he was losing control like she felt like she was.

  She’d never really enjoyed giving head before, mainly because Scott had demanded it and anyone else she’d been intimate with hadn’t ever asked.

  But giving it to Ford differed completely from anything she’d done before. Maybe it was because she wanted to do it so badly that made it that much more fun for her. It was like she couldn’t get enough of him.

  She released his dick from her mouth with a pop and Ford shuddered.

  She flicked her hair over her shoulder as she looked at him. “Is that good enough for you?”

  She didn’t have enough time to consider what he might say to her before she was hauled up his body and his mouth was pressed against hers. She gasped, and he slipped his tongue inside, caressing her own as his hands wandered everywhere.

  She felt him on her breasts, her ass, her thighs, her arms. If he could touch it, he did. He then slipped his hands under the hem of her shirt, leaving a trail of fire in his wake as he dragged it up her body and over her head.

  Ford groaned, his gaze focused on her breasts, which was encased in soft black lace. He leaned his head down and pressed kisses against the top of her breasts, making her sigh.

  He quickly pulled back and reached behind her, flicking the clasp of her bra, making it sag. She quickly pulled it off and flung it away from her, not caring whe
re it landed.

  Ford immediately leaned back down, sucking one of her nipples into his mouth, grazing it with his teeth before soothing the sting with his tongue.

  She shuddered at the sensation.

  He released the breast and moved to the other one, repeating the treatment. His hand cupped the other breast, pulling and pinching her nipple, making her arch into him.

  He released her and pulled her face down to his for a hard kiss. She opened her mouth, groaning as Ford mimicked what she hoped they’d be doing soon.

  “Your bedroom?” he asked, pulling back to press kisses down the column of her throat.

  “First door on the right up the stairs.”

  Ford stood, pulling his pants and underwear up enough that he could walk, but leaving his cock out before grasping her under her thighs and wrapping her legs around his waist and starting to walk.

  Since he was paying attention to where they were going, she used the opportunity to kiss every inch of skin that she could see. She pressed them over his cheeks and down his neck, nipping at the skin just under the collar of his shirt.

  She couldn’t get enough of him and hoped that he felt the same way.

  A few moments later, she laughed as he dropped her onto her bed.

  She quickly righted herself and stood, shimmying out of her jeans and underwear, leaving her naked. As she looked at Ford, she realized that he was still mostly dressed, even though his dick was still out and pointing right at her, begging her to touch it.

  She stepped closer to him as he pulled his shirt off, wrapping her hand around him. He thrust his hips toward her and she tightened her hand before sliding her hand up his length and back down.

  “Fucking shit,” he said, pushing at his jeans and underwear to get them off.

  He stepped away from her as he worked to get his shoes off before almost falling over in his haste to get his pants off.

  While he struggled with his clothing, she turned and walked toward her bed. When she reached the edge, she placed a knee on it and glanced over her shoulder. She saw that Ford was frozen, his pants mostly off, as he watched her.

  Knowing she had his attention, she leaned down and brought her other leg to the bed, crawling slowly toward her pillows.

  She knew that she was teasing him, but she didn’t know what had come over her. She’d never been so bold before, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted to tease Ford until he was at the breaking point, ready to join her on the bed because he couldn’t wait anymore.

  Once she reached the head of the bed, she reached into her nightstand drawer, hoping she still had those condoms in there. Living with a parent meant she didn’t have much use for them, but she had them nonetheless. Never knew when she’d need one.

  She set it on the wooden top before glancing over her shoulder again.

  Her breath stuttered as she took in Ford, who was standing at the edge of the bed watching her.

  His hand was wrapped around his dick and he slowly stroked it while he watched her.

  “You done teasin’ me?” he asked, pressing one of his knees onto the bed.

  She pursed her lips like she was thinking about her answer before saying, “Nope.”

  His nostrils flared and a shiver of anticipation worked its way down her spine. She hoped he’d touch her soon. She felt like she might come out of her skin if he didn’t do something in the next few moments.

  They stared at each other and it was like time stood still before suddenly, Ford seemed to leap at her, flipping her over to hover.

  She gasped as her back hit the bed and Ford grinned at her. “I think you want something,” he said, pressing just close enough that she could feel his erection digging into her stomach, but not as close as she wanted him to be.

  He leaned his head down and lightly ran the tip of his nose along the column of her throat, his breath fanning against her skin and making goose bumps rise in its wake. Ford continued down, teasing her the lower he went by not quite touching her.

  Her nipples pebbled, and she flexed her thighs, wishing she could rub them together to help ease the ache between them.

  Being with Ford most of the day had been a weird foreplay that had only ramped up once they were alone together in the house afterward.

  If she really thought about it, she’d been yearning for him and his touch since she met him.

  Ford flicked her nipple with his tongue, bringing her back to the here and now. She propped herself up on her elbows and bit her lip as she watched him move lower and lower on her body until his mouth was hovering right over where she wanted him the most.

  She was shaking with anticipation, just barely keeping herself from thrusting her hips toward him or threading a hand through his hair to yank him closer to her.

  Several agonizing moments later, Ford finally touched her, giving her a firm lick from her center to her clit.

  A strangled moan left her throat as he repeated the motion.

  He then swirled his tongue over her clit before sucking it into his mouth. He thrummed his tongue against her and it was like she could feel it everywhere.

  Her body was tingling, and she wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep herself propped up for much longer.

  He released her before moving down to her slit and stabbing his tongue inside her, thrusting it a few times while he pressed against her clit with his thumb.

  “Holy fucking shit,” she said, her entire body tightening like she was a string being tuned.

  He moved his tongue back to her clit, flicking it while he pressed two fingers inside her and curled them.

  She broke. Her orgasm crashed through her with no warning and she felt like it would never end. She gasped as she tried to breathe through it, her entire body strumming with the pleasure coursing through it.

  Ford kept up his ministrations even after she’d sagged back against the bed and she had a feeling he was going for a second orgasm.

  Unlike the first, this one built slowly, teasing her with the edge as he slowly worked her over. Where the first one ripped through her, this one slowly crested before spreading through her body and leaving her a boneless mess on the bed as Ford pulled back.

  She caught the smug look on his face before he reached over her and grabbed the condom, ripping it open and sliding it on before he settled between her thighs, gripping them and moving her around until she was where he liked.

  She wiggled her hips, letting him know that she was waiting, making him laugh.

  He reached between them and lined himself up with her center, pressing against her lightly. She thought he’d go for broke and slam his way inside, but he didn’t. Instead, he teased her.

  He put his tip in, thrusting lightly and driving her crazy with want before slowly feeding her a little more. By the time he filled her, she was squirming and wishing she was on top so she could take them home.

  “What are you waiting for?” she moaned, throwing her head back as she tried to urge him to move.

  Instead of answering, he just smirked at her.

  Desire coursed through her at his expression and she had a feeling she was about to find out what he was capable of.

  He moved his hands to the sensitive skin behind her knees, grasping her there. He then pulled back and pressed back in ever so slowly. The slow drag of his cock against her g-spot had her seeing stars, and she wished he’d get with the program.

  But he didn’t. He continued his slow thrusts, driving her slowly mad. She took some pleasure in the fact that it was driving him mad too. She could see the way he was clenching his jaw and feel how hard he was holding her legs. He looked like a man that was about to snap.

  Sure enough, a few moments later, his control was gone, and he was snapping his hips against hers. They both moaned as he bottomed out. He repeated the motion, moving more quickly this time. Each time he thrust in, he rubbed her clit just right and she could already feel another orgasm building.

  He released her legs, moving his arms so that his fists were by
his knees and bending her so she was almost in half. Because of this, the angle of his thrusts changed.

  “Oh my God,” she said as he started pounding into her, slapping his hips against her own.

  Her headboard banged against the wall and she was so thankful they were alone in the house because she’d never be able to look anyone that overheard this in the eye ever again.

  Ford moaned above her and she had a feeling that he was getting close. The tempo of his thrusts picked up.

  She looked down to where they were connected and the visual of Ford fucking her was enough to push her over the edge and into her third orgasm.

  Her walls clenched around Ford, drawing a loud shout out of him. He thrust into her one more time and ground against her as he swelled inside her, signaling his own release.

  They both sagged. Kat couldn’t feel her fingers or toes. She was sure Ford had broken her.

  He sat up and pulled out of her, making them both shiver.

  “Bathroom through there,” she tried to say, pointing toward the closed door. She was sure it came out garbled, but Ford seemed to get her intent all the same.

  He disappeared through the door and she quickly pushed the comforter and sheet down to climb between them.

  She was already half asleep when Ford joined her in the bed, pulling her into his arms.



  Early the next morning, Kat woke up before Ford. Normally she’d be up feeding the dogs, but Sundays were her day to not worry about it as one of the hands handled it. It was supposed to be her day to sleep in.

  But what was sleeping in? She didn’t know.

  It ranked up there with waking up next to someone. She had no idea what that felt like until this particular morning when she woke up in Ford’s arms.

  It was odd. He was a furnace, and she was wrapped up in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder and a leg thrown across one of his.

  She’d never experienced this with any other partners—not even Scott—so she used Ford being asleep as a time to consider the night before and this particular morning.


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