Omega - Part Three: Adored

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Omega - Part Three: Adored Page 3

by D. J. Heart


  Evan can’t quite make sense of Peter’s friend. He’s intimidating - but then so is Peter, and he’s actually really nice. But Aiden has an edge to him that doesn’t quite make sense to Evan. He smiles like you’re a joke only he gets, and his comments to Evan and Chad are sharp and cutting, cruel words hidden behind smiles and jokes.

  Evan doesn’t like it.

  “So when do you start school?” Aiden asks, looking away from Chad with a grin. Evan looks up from his plate, smiling at the thought that he’ll soon be attending classes with betas and alphas, learning how to be a real artist. Even though Chad says he doesn’t need classes to call himself an artist, Evan feels like he does. Like he’s earning the label.

  “In January. Peter talked to the school and they said I could start after winter break,” Evan says, belly buzzing with nervous excitement at the thought of it.

  “Peter talked to the school, huh? How much did that set you back?” Aiden asks with a mean laugh, turning to Peter.

  Peter shakes his head, smiling right back. “A lot,” he answers. Evan is confused for a minute, but then he realizes what Aiden is implying. What Peter has now confirmed. His drawings weren’t good enough to get him a place at the school. Peter had to pay them. It surprises him how much it hurts, the loss of validation.

  Peter is paying The Obrey Art Institute to humor him. Letting him pretend that an omega could ever be as good as an alpha or even just a beta. It’s humiliating that he hasn’t realized it sooner. Crushing.

  He should have realized, he thinks. Peter and Chad are amazing: generous and kind, patient and willing to indulge him in anything he asks for - little that might be. Of course they made this happen for him. It’s what they do.

  “So have you picked out his classes?” Aiden asks, still talking to Peter. It’s Chad who answers the question.

  “He hasn’t decided yet, right Evan? He’s still going through all the options and trying to figure out what will suit him best.”

  Evan smiles weakly, feeling silly. He wishes he could leave the table and go hide in his room under the covers. Talking about the Obrey Art Institute now just feels like they’re mocking him. He knows that they aren’t, but it isn’t real. He’s just a silly omega being indulged by his exceptionally kind alphas.

  Aiden looks surprised, looking to Peter to see if Chad is telling the truth. No doubt he’d thought that he’d get a say in which classes Evan was taking, since he would basically be attending them too.

  “Well. It’s going to be interesting, I’m sure. I never took any art classes in high school, and I’ve never even been to college.”

  “I’m sure you’ll love it,” Peter says, teasing.

  Evan sits quietly as Peter and Aiden talk animatedly, Chad much more quiet than usual. By the time dinner is done, even though he hasn’t done anything specific, Evan has decided quite firmly that he doesn't like Aiden. Not just because Chad doesn’t like him, but because he’s an insensitive dick.

  The fact that Peter is friends with him is the first thing Evan can honestly say he doesn’t like about his new alpha.

  “I better get going. I’m moving into a new apartment and I want to get unpacked before the weekend,” Aiden says after a while, their plates longs since empty of food.

  “Big plans for the weekend?” Peter asks, pouring himself another glass of wine despite Aiden’s declaration.

  “Not really. Just hanging out with some of the guys, going out and partying. You know the drill.”

  “I knew the drill,” Peter says with a laugh, “These days I just stay at home with these two.” He waves towards Chad and Evan, standing up and moving around the table to stand behind them He claps them both on the shoulder, like he’s showing them off. Like they’re pets who require too much care and attention for him to go out.

  “You got old, Peter,” Aiden laughs, pushing away from the table and standing up too. Peter drops his hand from Evan’s shoulder, walking Aiden to the door. Aiden doesn’t offer any kind of goodbye, all his attention on Peter.

  Evan and Chad are left by themselves, staring at each other in silence. Chad makes a grimace, shaking his head.

  “So. Now you’ve met Peter’s old friend Aiden. What do you think?” he asks, downing the remainder of his wine before putting his empty glass back on the table, waiting for his answer.

  Evan knows what Chad wants him to say. It’s obvious how much Chad dislikes Peter’s friend - and seeing how Aiden acts Evan isn’t surprised. On the other hand, Evan can’t afford to take Chad’s side if it comes down to him or Peter. Peter is the boss, and that’s the reality Evan has to stick to no matter what he wants to say.

  “I guess you don’t like him very much,” he goes with, not stating his own opinion, but deciding that acknowledging Chad’s feelings can’t hurt.

  Chad snorts, laughing bitterly. “Now why do you say that?”

  “I don’t know. It just doesn’t seem like you get along…”

  Chad frowns, looking at the door where Peter and Aiden just left. Evan takes a drink of his water, just so that he has something to do with his hands.

  “Yeah, no. Aiden and I have never been each other’s biggest fans. But hopefully you’ll get along with him better than I do…” Chad looks pensive, then he smiles, “You should have a trial run!”

  “A what?” Evan asks.

  “You have your orientation and guide around the campus next week, right? On Monday? How about we have Aiden take you? Let you get used to him and see how you get along when it’s just the two of you.”

  Chad looks very pleased with himself, and Evan feels nervous. Why is Chad so sure that he and Aiden won’t get along? What does he think the alpha is going to do?

  “I guess…” he says, deciding to let Peter settle it. A trial run might be a good idea, even though he’d wanted Peter or Chad with him the first time he actually visited the school.

  Not that he still feels as excited about that...

  Peter comes back into the room looking happy, halting the conversation.

  “That went well, right?” he walks up behind Chad, leaning down and putting him in a playful headlock, rubbing his knuckles into his hair, “I told you Aiden would be up for the job.”

  Chad lets Peter manhandle him, not looking like he minds the casual domination. Evan knows that he wouldn’t. It’s a little unlike Peter, though. Being this playful.

  “So Evan, what did you think?” Peter asks, sitting down and pouring himself another glass of wine. He’s not drunk, but the alcohol has him much more relaxed than Evan is used to seeing him. Evan bites his lip and glances at Chad, wondering what to say.

  “He seems like he’d make a good bodyguard,” he goes with. Aiden is big, even for an alpha, and he has that look like he could break you in half without even trying. Evan has no doubt that he’ll be well protected with Aiden in charge. If he’ll like being protected by Aiden… well, that’s another question.

  “Aiden is very competent,” Peter agrees, giving Chad a look. Chad just shakes his head and crosses his arms.

  “Chad suggested that Aiden could be the one to take me to the orientation next week,” Evan says, not liking this tension between his alphas.

  “He did?” Peter looks at Chad, eyebrow raised in suspicious surprise. Evan wonders why Aiden is such a dick to Chad, and why Peter seems to take Aiden’s side when it’s obvious who’s instigating all the trouble. It just doesn’t fit with what he knows about them.

  “I think it would be good to give them a test run, don’t you?” Chad asks, offering it up as a harmless suggestion. Which it is, isn’t it?

  “OK. A test run it is. I’ll talk to Aiden,” Peter says, leaning back in his chair. They all sit quietly, the mood strange and tense. Evan looks between Chad and Peter; Chad looking sullen, Peter almost belligerently cheerful.

  Evan can’t stand it.

  Wanting his alphas back the way they usually are, he has an idea. He closes his eyes and breathes in through his n
ose, letting Peter and Chad’s scents wash over him, focusing on how the delicious scents make him feel. He waits for his body to react - for the alpha pheromones to send him into blissful heat - eyes closed as he listens to their breathing.

  It works. Evan’s cock gets hard, his hole going from tight and dry to sloppy and wet, greedily yearning for his alphas’ knots. He opens his eyes, lids heavy, and looks between Peter and Chad with a slow turn of his head.

  Just like that the mood has changed. Evan feels powerful, knowing that he’s the reason Chad is on the edge of his seat, Peter’s eyes burning with arousal. The alphas are both breathing harder, pupils making their eyes look black.

  “Evan, what are you doing?” Peter asks, his deep voice darkly curious. Evan shudders, looking at the dominant alpha from beneath his lashes. Peter’s gaze is knowing, promising to give Evan exactly what he wants.

  “I just… I want…” he says, not sure how to say I want you to stop being weird and fuck the living daylights out of me until I stop feeling like an idiot.

  “I know what you want,” Peter cuts him off, a small smile playing on his lips. He looks to Chad, the younger alpha’s body tense - like he’s about to leap out of his chair and tackle Evan to the ground and mount him right there.

  Evan wishes he would. Wishes he and Peter would knock over the table, push him to the floor and take him like animals.

  “Chad, take off your clothes,” Peter commands, taking a deliberate sip of his wine as he pushes his chair back and spreads his legs. Evan stares at the big bulge in his pants, mouth watering at the outline of the knot under the soft wool. Peter gropes himself, letting his hand rest on the mound of his bulge as he waits for Chad to obey.

  The tension from earlier has vanished completely, replaced by a smoldering heat just waiting to erupt into flames. Evan can feel himself get more and more needy, his blood turning to molten lava as Peter just sits there like a god waiting to be worshiped.

  Chad stands, stepping out of his shoes as he undoes the buttons of his shirt. Chest slowly coming into view, Evan stares at the slabs of muscle now on display. He wants to bury his face between Chad’s pecs - wants to lick and suck and worship at the altar of his body. Chad notices his reaction, smirking as he lets his shirt fall to the floor and puts his hands on the button of his pants. They come off slowly, pushed down to reveal Chad’s massive cock and dangling balls. Evan stares transfixed, the hard length pulled down by its own weight. He doesn’t even realize that he’s slipped out of his chair and to his knees before he hears Peter, “Evan, back in your chair. Don’t move until you have permission.”

  In his heat, the idea that he might have displeased his alpha with disobedience is awful. He scrambles back into his seat, looking to Peter to see if he’s mad. He isn’t. The alpha smiles at him, warm and happy, gaze returning to Chad.

  Need courses through Evan’s body. He feels like he’s on fire, the proximity of his alphas making his instincts scream that he should go to them. Should prostrate himself before them and beg for their knots. But he can’t. He’s been told to wait, and he will. He’s a good omega.

  Chad is naked, standing tall with his chest pushed out and biceps flexed cockily. He looks like a god, and Evan wants him. Wants to be owned by him.

  “That's good, Chad,” Peter says, the vibrations of his voice making Evan shudder in pleasure. “Now go stand over there and watch. Don’t touch yourself.” Peter points to the window, and Chad moves into position. He stands with his back against the glass - the view over the city framing him - hands behind his back so that he won’t be tempted to touch his dripping cock.

  Peter turns to Evan, ignoring Chad for the moment. Evan feels caught in the powerful alpha’s stare, his scrutiny making him feel laid bare to the bone.

  “Evan, stand up.”

  Peter’s voice is impossible to disobey. Evan jumps to his feet, chair toppling over in his haste. Peter looks amused. Hand still resting on his crotch, the alpha simply stares at him as he waits to be told what to do. Evan squirms, needing something to happen.

  “Take off your clothes and come here,” Peter says. Evan lets out a relieved breath, tearing off his clothes before rushing to his alpha. He hurries around the big table, coming to a stop right next to Peter’s knee. He waits, holding his breath, feeling like he’s about to explode.

  Peter looks at him and lifts his hand, reaching up to stroke his chest. The back of Peter’s fingers as they brush over his nipples feel amazing, the little hairs on the back of his fingers soft and ticklish. It makes his cock twitch, hole gushing slick. Evan moans, low in his throat, Peter’s mouth curling up in a smile.

  “Are you going to be a good boy for me?” Peter asks, hand stilling. It’s warm, Evan’s whole world narrowed down on the point of contact. He nods vigorously, not able to make himself speak and break the spell Peter has on his body.

  Peter turns his hand, moving his index finger and thumb over Evan’s nipple and pinching down gently. It’s like an electric jolt from his nipple to his cock. Evan cries out in sheer pleasure. Peter grins and tightens his fingers. He places a hand on the curve of Evan’s ass and pulls him in between his knees, fingers still holding his nipple in a firm grip.

  “What’s your safeword?” Peter asks, pinching down a little harder. Evan gasps and cries out, “Red.”

  “Good boy,” Peter says, letting go of his sensitive nub. Evan mourns the loss. His nipples are extremely sensitive, and having Peter play with them is the best. Even when it hurts a little, it still feels amazing.

  “Chad, are you doing OK over there?” Peter asks, yanking Evan down into his lap. Evan lets out an umph of surprise, letting Peter pull him back into his muscular chest. Both Evan and Chad are naked, Peter still completely dressed in his sharp suit. There’s no question whatsoever who's in control

  “Yes,” Chad answered, sounding wrecked. Evan looks at him, taking in the pre-cum dripping from his cock and the way his abs are twitching. Chad is just as affected by Evan’s heat as the omega, and Evan can’t help but marvel at Peter’s self control. You’d never guess he had an omega in heat on his lap. Not with the way he’s keeping calm.

  Evan wonders if it’s because Peter prefers alphas. If he would be more affected if Chad were the one going into heat. Not that it matters. Peter is clearly interested in Evan, despite his preference for alphas. Evan doesn’t have any problems with Peter on that front.

  “Good,” Peter says. He lifts Evan up and spins him around so that his face is pressed into Peter’s chest, legs straddling the big alpha’s lap. Ass spread wide, Evan can feel the slick dripping past his twitching rim and down over his taint. Peter grabs his ass and spreads it even wider, exposing his hole. Still talking to Chad the powerful alpha says, “Come over here and eat him out.”

  Chad is on him with the speed of lightning. He knocks over a chair on his way, falling to his knees between Peter’s legs and placing his hands over Peter’s, attacking Evan’s hole with his tongue. Evan jolts. Chad’s tongue is rough and greedy, licking across his rim and tasting his slick.

  “Alpha I… Please…” Evan doesn’t know what he’s saying. Chad’s tongue pushing into his ass feels too good, and when the alpha adds two fingers, finding his prostate and curling his blunt fingers down, Evan is gone. The pleasure overwhelms him. Stars explode in front of his eyes as his body spasms and he shoots his load all over Peter’s pants. When he comes back to himself a few minutes later, Chad is still licking his ass, and Peter has released his magnificent cock from its cloth prison. Evan can feel the hard length pressed against his stomach, throbbing and hot, and he wants it. Want to feel the fat knot stretching him wide open, locking him in place as Peter pumps him full of his release.

  “Are you back with us?” Peter asks, voice tinged with amusement, stroking his back as Chad feasts on his ass. Evan looks up blearily, wondering how Peter can be so fucking calm. He can feel the alpha’s cock against his skin - knows how hard he is - and still he has perfect control. It’s impressi

  Evan nods, mumbling yes. Peter grins, using his hold on Evan’s ass to slide him up his body until they’re face to face. He pushes Evan even further up, tongue licking its way up Evan’s chest and nipples. Evan feels the massive head of Peter’s cock drag over his taint as it passes between his legs and realizes that the big alpha is getting ready to fuck him.

  Thank God.

  “Line me up, Chad,” Peter commands. Chad is standing, no longer on his knees, bent over and still licking Evan’s hole like he’s starving for it. At Peter’s command he pulls back, Evan’s ass a mess of slick and spit, and pulls Peter’s cock back so that it’s pressing against Evan’s hungry opening.


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