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Misteria Page 23

by Cameo Renae

  Malzador spread his arms wide and summoned his power. A dark, crimson flame ignited and grew between his palms, pulsing with hatred. It expanded, growing into something horrifying. Something savage and violent. A flame that emanated a dark and evil magic.

  He raised his arms in the air, the ball of flame pulsing with power. Because of his deep seeded hatred for Eason and the others for banishing him to the Underworld, Malzador was blinded to everything around him.

  Behind him, Will and Anna stood—hand in hand. They summoned their power . . . sapphire and emerald flames ignited in their palms and fed off each other, growing and evolving into something no one had ever witnessed before. Something only they together could create. A bright orange-red flame burned bright and pure, so rare, and so raw.

  All the Elves and Buguls and Middling and Centaurs pushed forward. The Giants, winged creatures, Satyrs, and surviving Misterians, dug deep and joined them, surrounding and protecting Will and Anna. Protecting their prophecy. And their hope.

  Amidst the arrows and spears whizzing around them, the twins focused on their power . . . their attention aimed at Malzador.

  Malzador’s arms bent slightly, ready to hurl his power at Eason when Will yelled, “Now!” Together, using every ounce of energy and anger and hope they had left inside of them, they threw their power.

  Like lightning, it shot toward Malzador, but instead of exploding, the flame wrapped around him like a cocoon. At that exact moment, Malzador cast his raging flame toward Eason.

  The power ricocheted off the barrier—placed around him by Will and Anna—and slammed him directly in the chest.

  Malzador’s tortured screams echoed through the entire courtyard as his own power consumed him, burning him alive. Will and Anna held their barrier as long as they could, then . . . it exploded. The massive shockwave leveled everyone and everything standing in the courtyard and beyond.

  As the debris and dust settled, everyone stood still in utter silence.

  Realizing Malzador was gone, and they were without a leader, his army fled from the castle and into the forest.

  The survivors cheered, raising weapons over their heads. They won. They won the battle.

  The Sorcerers gathered and recited the spells to renew the barrier, and in no time, the wall of mist was back intact.

  Will and Anna stared at each other in amazement. “We did it,” Will said to Anna, feeling very weak.

  “We did.” She gave him a weary smile. “Together.”

  “Together,” he repeated. He took his sister’s hand, and they made their way toward their mother.

  Talia was unbound and standing, but her eyes were fixed on the figure who laid motionless on the ground. The dark warrior’s mask was gone, cracked in half, his face smudged in black. She stepped closer and his leg twitched. A soft moan escaped his lips.

  Haribold stepped to the side of Talia, defending her. He took her arm and pulled her back a few feet.

  “Dad?” Henry’s voice called, his head peeking out from behind a dead Troll.

  “Henry!” Haribold’s eyes widened as he spotted his son. He waited until Eason came before he ran to Henry.

  Eason stepped next to Talia, his hand stretched toward the dark warrior.

  “Dad,” Talia wailed, hugging him tightly. He wrapped one arm around her, hugging her back, the other arm still stretched out. “Wait. Please,” she said, lowering his arm.

  Talia stepped forward and knelt a few feet away from the dark warrior.

  He moaned, then his eyes slowly opened. They were no longer obsidian, but a bright sapphire. The same color as—

  “Mom?” Will came up behind her, confused, watching her body visibly tremble as her eyes remained fixed on the dark warrior’s face.

  “How? How is this possible?” Talia breathed.

  The warrior blinked a few times. When he looked at her, a spark of recognition glinted in those sapphire eyes. “Talia?”

  Deep sobs ripped from Talia’s chest, tears fell in torrents, staining her cheeks. Before she could say another word, Eason grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back to her feet.

  “Talia, no!”

  The other Sorcerers stepped around them, but Rhyder stepped forward.

  “Do you know how many lives you’ve killed? How much fear and devastation you caused in Misteria?”

  “Rhyder, please don’t,” Talia cried.

  “He deserves to die,” someone from the crowd yelled. “He murdered our kin.”

  “Yes!” a bunch of voices agreed. “Death to the dark warrior!”

  “What have I done?” the warrior exhaled, sitting up and staring at his dirty hands. “I—I can’t remember. I was lost in a dark and endless labyrinth and couldn’t find my way back.”

  “You have been lost for a long time.” Talia sobbed. “Malzador cursed you. You’ve been under his spell. But we found you.”

  He lowered his head. “Spell or no, if what I’ve done is as bad as they say, then I deserve to die.”

  “No, you don’t,” Talia said, facing the Sorcerers. “He was under a spell from Malzador. But he’s free. Look at his eyes. He’s not the same man,” she begged.

  Talia freed herself from her father’s grasp and dropped back to the dark warrior’s side.

  “Mom?” Will stood behind her, with Anna beside him.

  The dark warrior’s eyes met theirs, so different than they were before. They were filled with emotion—sadness, pain, confusion.

  “Are those your children?” he asked Talia.

  “Yes,” Talia breathed. “And they are your children too.”

  “What?” His eyes lifted to Will and Anna.

  Will froze, his heart hammered deep inside his chest and the world around him began to spin. Talia stood and came between her children, wrapping her arms around their shoulders.

  “William. Anna. I’d like you to meet your father, Jarek.”

  Anna gasped, looking at her mom. “You said he was dead.”

  “I know I did. Malzador made us believe he’d been murdered, but instead, he put a strong, dark spell upon him. A spell that turned him into a slave and . . . the dark warrior.”

  Will’s mind spun like a tornado, and he felt numb. He didn’t know what to think or feel. A few minutes ago he’d sent a ball of flame at the dark warrior—his father, an Elven prince—to kill him. The man who murdered and imprisoned countless, who pillaged and attempted to destroy Misteria. The man who tried to kill his mother. Who would have plunged a dagger straight into her heart, if it weren’t for Anna’s shield saving her.

  Jarek sat up, rubbing his temples. Then on unsteady legs, he finally stood.

  “It’s like you’ve returned from the dead,” Talia said, shaking her head. She stepped forward into his arms.

  “I feel like I’m back from the dead,” he said, hugging her. His eyes landed back on Will, and then Anna.

  Their father was tall and handsome, muscular, with sharp strong features and pointed ears. His hair was auburn, the color of Anna’s, and his eyes were the exact same color of Will’s.

  “They are mine?”

  “Yes,” Talia replied. “And they saved us.”

  Jarek’s eyes filled with tears as he came to stand in front of his children. “I hope that one day you will be able to forgive me.”

  Will shook his head, unable to speak, his heart bursting. His father . . . his father was alive. A man he’d believed was dead since he was born. A man he heard so little about until they entered Misteria.

  He stared at his father’s face . . . so foreign, yet he couldn’t deny the resemblances. Looking into those familiar sapphire eyes, Will felt a deep sadness, thinking of all his father had to endure while under the spell. Being taken and stripped from everyone he ever loved, forced to act against his will, forced to do things he would never do. A spell so strong and wicked. To Will, that spell was worse than death.

  Will looked deep into his father’s eyes. “It wasn’t your fault,” he said. “And we forgiv
e you.”

  “Yes. We forgive you.” Anna agreed.

  Jarek knelt in front of his children and opened his arms. They both fell to their knees and hugged him. The void in their hearts instantly filled . . . a new beginning unfolding right before them.

  “Thank you,” Jarek repeated over and over.

  Jarek then turned his attention to the five Sorcerers standing around them. “I’m so sorry,” he apologized. “I would have never willingly brought harm to anyone here. Misteria is my home and I’ve sworn to protect it.”

  “We know,” Eason said.

  Will instantly noticed that the man had the same emerald eyes as his mom and sister, and nudged Anna. “Who is he?”

  “Our grandfather . . . Eason,” She answered with a smile.

  Eason stepped up to Talia. “Father,” she bawled, falling into his embrace. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I was so worried about you,” Eason said, stroking her hair, kissing her forehead. “I’ve missed you too.”

  Will couldn’t believe what was happening. First his father, and now his grandfather. The man—the myth—who rescued the creatures of Misteria and helped put the protective barrier of mist around it. This moment was a fairytale come true . . . a miracle, right before his eyes. And it was all so overwhelming.

  “Talk about a family reunion,” Anna whispered, her eyes red, swollen, tears still streaming down her cheeks.

  Will exhaled loudly. “I hope this isn’t a dream.”

  “This isn’t a dream. It’s the most wonderful reality,” their mother answered. “I love you both. I love you so much,” she said, peppering kisses on their faces.

  “We love you too,” they replied.

  Lavinia slowly made her way toward them, her eyes wide. “Jarek?” she exhaled as if she were looking at a ghost.

  His eyes studied her face, then he took a few steps forward and embraced her. “Sister. It’s good to see you.”

  “Lavinia, thank you for taking care of our children,” Talia said.

  “It wasn’t only me,” Lavinia replied, glancing out over the sea of survivors. “Everyone here did their part to keep them safe.”

  “We shall never forget your bravery or your kindness,” Talia said loudly, placing her hand over her heart.

  “The prophecy was true indeed,” Kingsley spoke. “Eason, your grandchildren have saved Misteria.”

  “They did indeed.” Eason winked at Will and Anna. “I guess it runs in the family.”

  All five Sorcerers bowed their heads at Will and Anna, and everyone else in the courtyard followed suit . . . bowing to the saviors of Misteria.

  Rhyder came to them next, his wounds already healing. “I’m proud of you both. Each of you showed great courage and control of your power today. But there is still so much to learn. What everyone witnessed is just the beginning of what you can do and what you are capable of.”

  Will grinned. “Then we should be glad we have the best mentor. We’ll need someone to teach us.”

  “I guess you do,” Rhyder said, slapping his hand on Will’s shoulder.

  Anna saw a flash of white from the corner of her eye and ran over to her friend. “Zohar, did they hurt you?”

  “I’m fine,” he replied. “How about you?”

  “Just a little weak, but good.” Anna looked the Unicorn in his eyes. “I would have never made it this far if you hadn’t been there. Thank you.”

  The Unicorn dipped his head. “I’m glad I was here to witness Misteria’s salvation.”

  “Me too,” she said, hugging his neck.

  Henry joined Will and held out a hand to his friend. Will stared at him a moment before grabbing his arm and pulling him into a hug.

  “You did it,” Henry said. “You guys actually did it. And it was amazing.”

  “No,” Will said, looking at Anna. Then his eyes swept to Zohar, Rhyder, and Tobin who was still on the ground with Thaddeus at his side. He glanced at the Sorcerers, Lavinia, and the Elves. Then to all the Misterians surrounding them. “We all did it.”

  Across the land, everything that had been touched by evil was renewed by Malzador’s death. Everyone in the dungeon was set free, and families were reunited. Misteria was reborn, the wall of mist was restored, and the Sorcerers reclaimed their places in the Crystal Castle.

  For an entire week, Anna and Will participated in huge celebrations. Every night there was music and dancing and singing and tables filled with food. The castle was brimming with friends . . . old and new.

  To mark the last night of the celebrations, Jarek and Talia renewed their marriage vows. Jarek also vowed to help restore Misteria—to rebuild what he destroyed and heal the land that had died during his destructive run. Lavinia and the Elves of the Hallowed Wood agreed to help him.

  On the last night of the celebrations, Will and Anna were recognized as saviors of Misteria.

  Neither of them would ever forget what happened. They had come to Misteria to follow their mother, but fate had a much larger plan in store . . . to save a land they knew nothing about but were very much a part of.

  They knew they hadn’t saved Misteria alone. The friends they made along the way gave them the strength and courage they needed to push on. Brave souls and survivors of Misteria who played a part in defeating their adversary. Some even giving the ultimate sacrifice—their lives. And, Will and Anna would never forget it.

  In a short time, they’d learned so much about their precious, magical land. That even in the darkest of times, there would always be a glimmer of light—of hope—that would guide them and remind them that they weren’t alone.

  Misteria was no longer a fairytale.

  Misteria was real. And it was now their home.

  HUMONGOUS thanks and tons of appreciation to:

  My editor: Victoria Rae Schmitz

  My cover designer: Stefanie Saw

  My formatter: Nadege Richards

  My awesome betas who offered me their wonderful feedback:

  Kimberly Belden

  Karla Bostic

  To Lavinia Urban and Raven Hall,

  whose awesome names I used in this story.

  Thank you!

  And last, but not least . . . to my husband, who has been a constant support.

  I love you so much!

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  The Hidden Wings Series:

  (YA Paranormal Romance)

  Hidden Wings

  Broken Wings

  Tethered Wings

  Gilded Wings

  Wings of Vengeance

  Midway Series:

  (Hidden Wings Spin-off)

  Guarding Eden

  Saving Thomas (Coming soon)

  After Light Saga

  (YA Post-Apocalyptic Romance)






  In My Dreams – Duet

  (YA Paranormal Romance)

  In My Dreams

  In My Reality




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