Simply Irresistible: A Totally Sweet Love Story

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Simply Irresistible: A Totally Sweet Love Story Page 9

by Jennifer L. Allen

  “It’s like you’re getting to sample everything you’ll experience when you’re a big-time fashion designer!”

  “It’s crazy, Mer, because not all the designers at these shows are big time. Brianna has an eye for the underdogs. There are a lot of designers who are fresh out the gate at these shows. It’s really neat to see.” I pulled a couple pairs of leggings, three tunics, and a sweater out of my closet and set them on the bed to fold. The magazine was shipping clothes from the sample closet to Paris for me, so I could pack light, which was great because that meant I’d have plenty of room in my luggage to take all my Paris purchases home.

  “Even more reason for you to share your stuff with her. If she appreciates new designers and she appreciates you, then voila. You’re golden, lady.” Couldn’t say I hadn’t thought of that myself.

  “I know. I’m just not ready yet. It’s too crazy a time right now and my news would just get lost in the chaos of Fashion Week. I think I’ll say something when we get back.”

  “Good plan. You’d just better do it.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  “So, how’s Prince Charming?”

  “Ugh,” I groan, adding some socks and underwear to my suitcase. “Why are you calling him that?”

  “Because he is sweep-you-off-your-feet amazing, that’s why.”

  “That’s true, but he’d be appalled if you called him that.”

  “Where is he anyway? You leave tomorrow, I figured you two would be hanging out.”

  “We had lunch today, but he’s out with a friend tonight.”

  “Wait. He’s out with a friend instead of being with you the night before you leave to go out of the country for a week?”

  “Glad you’ve been paying attention.” I flopped down on my bed, messing up my neat pile of folded clothes. “He’s been a bit off the last couple weeks.”

  “Off how?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, watching my relationship with Tyler like a highlight reel in my mind. The good parts made me smile to myself. “He told me he loved me.”

  “What?!” I winced at my best friend’s shriek. “And you didn’t call me immediately?” I could have thrown it in her face that she waited to tell me she’d gotten engaged, but I refrained.

  “Sorry. It’s just been crazy over here with Brianna being out of town, recovering from Fashion Week, and getting ready for Paris.”

  “Well, what about him telling you he loves you makes it seem like he’s off?”

  I look around my small apartment. “Because he’s not here? Because he was so nonchalant about the fact that I’m going out of the country for a week?”

  “I’m sorry, sweetie. Maybe he’s just going to miss you so he’s sad about it and distancing himself. Guys aren’t always in touch with their emotions the way we are.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “I know, that’s not new news, I just wanted to remind you because we don’t always think rationally when we’re upset. He might just be being a guy, you know? No harm meant.”

  “Yeah...I guess.”

  “Don’t let it get you down. You’re going to Paris! And the week will be over before you know it, and you’ll be back home in his arms.”

  I smiled, picturing us lying in his bed together this morning. I couldn’t wait to be back in that very same place in a week. “You’re right.”

  “Okay, girl. I’ve got to go. We’re having dinner with Keith’s parents tonight to talk about the rehearsal dinner. We don’t even have a date set yet, but his mom wants to plan.”

  I laughed. “She’s excited. Her only son is getting married, and she doesn’t have a daughter. Give her some credit.”

  “I hate it when you’re right. Have a great time in Paris. Take lots of pictures.”

  “I will. Love you, bye.”


  The call disconnected, and I stared at my silent phone on the bed. Closing my eyes, I brought back up the image of Tyler and me in bed this morning. What I wouldn’t give to be back in that bed with him. My gaze shifted to my key ring, hanging from the hook by the door. Every time my parents visited me in the city, my father reminded me how stupid it was to keep my key ring right by the door. I never moved it. My key ring held the key to my apartment, and if they were already in the apartment, what difference would it make where my key ring was? key ring didn’t only hold my key anymore. It held Tyler’s key, too. He’d given it to me one day when he had an event after work and needed a clean shirt. I had time, and he didn’t, so I went and got it for him. He never asked for the key back, and I had forgotten all about it.


  Maybe I’d surprise him waiting for him in bed when he got back from his night out with the guys. Would that be crazy of me? Or would he love it?

  I didn’t give it another thought. I slipped on my flats, pulled a sweater on over my tank top, and grabbed my bag and keys. I gave one last look at my unfinished packing and vowed to get back home early enough in the morning to finish before the car came to pick me up at nine.



  The cab ride was quick. The ease in hailing the cab and the lack of traffic made me feel like I was doing the right thing. The universe was making it too easy for me to get to his place for it to have been a bad idea.

  I smiled at the doorman. I couldn’t remember his name, but I’d seen him a few times before. I took the elevator to the tenth floor and got out, nervously making my way down the hall to his apartment. I wasn’t sure why I was nervous. He wasn’t home. I shook off the nerves and stopped in front of his door.

  I took a deep breath and slowly stuck the key in the lock and turned. As I heard the click of the lock disengaging, I heard some rustling from the common area. Panicking at the thought of getting caught—though I wasn’t entirely sure why—I quickly opened the door, slipped inside, and slammed it shut. I leaned my back against the door and closed my eyes, my breath coming like I’d just run up the ten flights.

  Then it registered...the television was on. Well, not a television because Tyler didn’t have one, but his laptop. Some cop TV show was playing.

  I opened one eye and took in a slice of the brightly lit apartment before me. A bit too lit up considering Tyler wasn’t home. Then I opened the other eye and let them both wander around the room.

  I froze when I met Tyler’s eyes.

  He was sitting up in his bed, decked out in blue plaid pajama pants and a white t-shirt. He had a handful of popcorn halfway to his mouth.

  “Hi,” I said, stunned.

  “Hi,” he said, also stunned.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, my back still stuck to his door.

  “I live here?” He said it like it was a question. I didn’t blame him. I’d just barrel-assed through his front door like a psychopath, and I was asking him what he was doing in his own apartment.

  “Of course. I thought you were out,” I said, taking one step away from the door.

  He sighed and dropped the popcorn into the bowl. “I’m sorry…I lied.”

  Tears pricked the back of my eyes, but I didn’t let them fall. Why was I even going to cry? Because he lied to me? Why would he lie to me? Why would he say he was going out but stay home? Did he not want to see me? That was it...wasn’t it...he didn’t want to see me.

  “Oh,” I said as realization dawned. “I’m just gonna go then.”

  “No, Mel, wait.” He was up and in front of me in a flash. “It’s nothing bad, I swear.”

  “I asked you to be with me tonight, and you lied to get out of it. What isn’t bad about that?” I wasn’t upset anymore, now I was just mad. Now he was going to lie about lying?

  Tyler groaned. “It’s not like that. I mean it is, but it isn’t. I’m gonna miss you, Mel. I didn’t want to say goodbye to you tonight, okay? I knew if we hung out, I’d just be waiting until the end of the night when you had to say goodbye, and I fucking hate saying goodbye. It was a stupid w
ay of going about it, but I didn’t think you’d find out.”

  “And that makes it okay?” I asked, feeling a little less mad at him.

  “No. It doesn’t make it okay.” Tyler covered his face with his hands and sighed. “I’m bad at this, Melanie.” He looked me in the eyes. “I’ve never been in a serious relationship before. I’ve had other relationships, but they were never like me and you. I never really cared what they were doing, and I don’t think they cared what I was doing either. When things got too real, I did something stupid to screw it up. I don’t want to do that with you, and I’m so afraid that one day I will, like I almost did tonight. Please don’t tell me I screwed this up for good?”

  As much of an adult as Tyler was, I could see that part of him was still that young boy whose parents left and never came home.

  I lifted my hand to his cheek and felt the light stubble there. “You didn’t screw this up for good.”

  Tyler let out a big breath. “Thank you,” he said, kissing my forehead and pulling me into his chest.

  I pulled away, and he frowned. “You have to talk to me, Ty. I’m not a relationship expert either, but I know that people who are in relationships have to communicate with each other. It’s the only way it’s going to work. We talk pretty well with each other, don’t you think?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

  “Then just talk to me next time you’re feeling this way, okay? I don’t want to say goodbye to you either. I’m going to miss you so much. I feel like we have barely seen each other this month because my job has had me so busy, but I still love you.”

  “I love you, too,” he said, giving me a quick kiss.

  I smiled and let him hold me again. It felt so right being in his arms, but part of me was still upset that he’d lied instead of just talking to me about it.

  “But I have to ask...what are you doing here? And why did you come flying in the door like you were being chased?”

  I groaned into his chest. “I heard someone in the hall. Don’t even ask. I’d be a terrible spy. We’ll leave it at that. And I just wanted to see you. I was remembering being in bed with you this morning and I missed that. I wanted to be here waiting for you when you got home tonight.”

  “You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever met,” he said, holding me tighter.

  “So I’ve been told…”

  He laughed. “Come on...I’m watching old episodes of CSI.”

  I kicked off my shoes as he pulled me over to his bed. We laid down in our usual position, with him propped up by pillows and me alongside him with my head resting on his chest. He pressed play on the computer screen, and we watched the Vegas forensics team do their thing.

  I fell asleep in my favorite place, listening to his heartbeat.

  Morning came way too soon.



  So you see, folks...whether you are using an elaborate stainless steel machine in your backyard, a small charcoal grill on your balcony, or a countertop appliance in your galley-style kitchen, the possibilities are endless.

  I watched the cursor blink rapidly at the end of the last paragraph.

  I’d finally done it.

  I drafted a city grilling article. I’d need to practice some different recipes using different grills and techniques before I could write the next column, but I completed the introduction to the series and after re-reading it for a third time, I thought it was pretty damn good.

  Whether or not anyone else would ever read it was yet to be determined. Melanie had a ridiculous amount of faith in me, but she also had a great boss who would probably support her desire to be more than just an executive assistant. My boss probably wasn’t even aware of what my official job title was. Peon Gopher Boy was not it.

  I jotted down a few spices to grab from the corner store and some meat I needed from the butcher, then sent a text to Hannah telling her I’d be utilizing their massive grill that evening. She never cared, but I always wanted to announce myself, not wanting to drop by uninvited. She and Preston acted like an old married couple, but I was sure they still did things I didn’t want to walk in on. As expected, she replied for me to come over any time, so I grabbed my wallet and keys, and left the apartment.


  “What is that flavor?” Hannah asked around a moan as she chewed another piece of filet.

  “Try this piece,” I said, ignoring her previous question. I couldn’t share all my secrets, even with my sister. She glared at me but took the offered fork and put the meat in her mouth.

  “Mmm, this is good, too. But it tastes the same.”

  I grinned. Just what I’d been hoping for. “One was grilled on your electric grill in the kitchen, the other on the grill out back.”

  “No way,” she said.

  “Yes way.”

  “How do you do that?”

  “A magician never tells.” I said, setting the plates down on the table in front of her.

  Hannah rolled her eyes. “Whatever. If you won’t tell me, you’ll just have to keep coming over here and making me steaks.”

  “As long as you’re buying.” The two small filets I picked up at the butcher on the way over cost twenty bucks a pop. I couldn’t afford to make that a habit.

  “I would gladly stock my fridge with filet mignon and any other kind of meat if you came over and grilled for me on the regular.” She pulled over the plate with the counter-cooked filet and cut off another piece. “It’s uncanny how you are able to capture the taste of the grill in something that was cooked in the kitchen.”

  I shrugged. “Practice makes perfect.” Also, the right seasoning blend did wonders.

  “How’s Melanie?”

  I smiled, thinking of my girl. “She’s great.”

  “Is she enjoying Paris?”

  “I think so. Brianna’s kept her pretty busy, so she’s exhausted, but the whole thing is right up her alley, so I think she’s enjoying it.”

  “It’s like an immersion experience...she’s been dropped right in the center of the fashion universe. Must be nerve-wracking.”

  “Yeah, sounds about right...she eats that shit up, though. She’s fearless. She dives into every opportunity headfirst.” A quality I really, really wish I possessed. Maybe if I had even half the courage she had, I’d be doing something different with my life.

  Hannah smiled a dreamy smile at me. “You really do love her.”

  Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

  “Seriously, though,” she said, taking a sip of her wine.

  It was a Cabernet Sauvignon I chose from their cellar to pair with the filets. That was another feature I thought to add to the grilling column, wine pairings for those who wanted to add an upscale aspect to their grilling.

  “I see the look in your eyes when you think about her. You get all cloudy and dreamy. You’re totally in love with her.”

  “What’s your point?” I asked, trying not to bark at my sister but losing my patience. I knew I loved Melanie. I didn’t need Hannah droning on and on about it.

  “It’s just nice to see you happy, little brother. That’s all.” She took another sip of wine and started to get up from her chair. I went and scared her out of her own kitchen with my grizzliness.

  “It’s nice to be happy,” I offered. “In a relationship, that is.” Hannah paused and sat back down, seeming to sense I wasn’t finished.

  I wasn’t sure what else I wanted to say, but I thought back to the conversation we’d had over lunch in Central Park months ago. I’d ‘fessed up to Melanie about self-sabotaging my previous relationships, but I hadn’t admitted it to Hannah. I didn’t know why it was easier to admit that to Melanie, but not to my sister.

  I let out a deep sigh. “You were right...I did sabotage my previous relationships. I left them—or got them to leave me—before they decided to leave me. Before you say anything, I know it’s a Mommy and Daddy issue of mine, and I’m working on it. I don’t know why Melanie is different, but she just is.”
br />   “Does she know about all this?”

  “Yes. We’ve talked about my dating history and my...issues.”

  Hannah’s eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Yes, Han. This is the real deal with Melanie. I don’t want to screw it up. I told her as much.”

  “That’s really great, Ty.” She got up from the table and wrapped her thin arms around me and squeezed. She smelled of something floral, just like our Mom used to. I always wondered if the connection was just in my head, or if Hannah had taken to Mom’s perfume, but I never asked. I figured if Hannah was using the same perfume as Mom, it was her personal choice to do so and none of my business. It was a familiar and comfortable scent, though, so I liked it.

  “Thanks for letting me do all this over here tonight,” I said, squeezing her back.

  “No problem. Gonna tell me what you’re up to?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Okay,” she said, pulling away. “You’re welcome here any time, as long as you feed me and clean up after yourself.”

  “Deal,” I agreed, then I got to work clearing the table.



  “Oh, Ty,” I moaned, licking my lips. “This is amazing.”

  “We haven’t even gotten to the best part,” he said, sliding another plate across the marble counter.

  We were sitting at the counter in his sister’s kitchen. She and Preston were out for the night and had given Tyler permission to wine and dine me at their house. Apparently, Tyler had been a busy boy while I was away, testing—and mastering—a bunch of different recipes on the grill.

  “What’s this?” I asked, rubbing my hands together in preparation.

  “These are grilled bananas smothered in chocolate sauce and covered with crushed, grilled almonds.”

  “Oh. My. God. You grilled dessert?” I asked, wowed.

  My dad had grilled all the time when I was growing up, but he never made dessert. Or pizza, for that matter, which Ty had offered up tonight as an appetizer. Grilled pizza?! Could you believe it? It was ah-mazing.


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