Midnight Orchids

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Midnight Orchids Page 8

by Angel Nyx

  “That sounds rather…simplistic.” This from Holden. “Why did you allow her to make the decision?”

  “I can be happy wherever I am. Luna can’t. I wanted her to be happy if we were going to stop being vagabonds.” He was anxious while they waited for his sister to get there. He knew he wouldn’t relax until she was safe. When his phone went off, half an hour later, with a text, he nearly jumped out of his skin. “Fuck.” He looked at the text and relaxed. “She’s here. Thank God.”

  It didn’t take long for Kaige to introduce Luna to the others. Soon after that, she had her laptop connected to the internet at the warehouse so she could work and was settled in one of the rooms on the second level. There were a number of bedrooms for pack members to use whenever they needed one.

  “You’ll have to come out to da bayou to meet with my Alpha, but I’ll give you a day or two to get settled in here before dat. Declan, thanks for da help today. I need to be gettin’ out of here. I have a mate to talk to. Da woman saw me wit’ Estelle and got all sorts of wrong ideas in her head.” There was a hint of a growl in Remy’s voice.

  “Good luck with that one, Remy. If she’s anything like Lily, you’ve got your hands full.”

  Remy chuckled at Declan’s comment. “Don’t I know it. Adieu.” He waved and headed out.

  Chapter Eight


  Kylie was just finishing up making sure the bar was fully stocked when Remy sauntered into the VIP lounge. She couldn’t help the way her eyes watched his every move. The man was sex on a stick and he knew it. Not for the first time, she felt dampness pooling between her thighs just from the dark look in his eyes when he looked her over. It was embarrassing as hell because she knew he could smell her arousal.

  “We need to talk, cher. Come sit wit’ me a minute. Please.”

  If he’d left the please off, Kylie would have told him to go to hell. She’d spent five years being ordered around by a man; she wasn’t going there again. “This better be good,” was her response as she walked around the bar to join him at one of the empty tables.

  Remy reached out, slowly, and took her hand in his once they were seated. “I know what you were tinkin’, when you saw me earlier. Dat woman I was wit’, she’s da wife of an old friend. She came to me because he’d gotten hisself mixed up wit’ da wrong people, yet again, and needed me to bail his ass out. I’ve been bailin’ his ass outta trouble since high school. I’m hopin’ dis time he learned his lesson but it’s doubtful.”

  “It’s a little hard to believe that with the way she was clinging to you.”

  “I know, Kitten, but dere’s only one woman I want and I’m lookin’ at her right now. I know you feel da mate connection just like I do, even if you don’t want to admit to it. I don’t know what’s got you so scared, but I’m not givin’ up. Let me take you to dinner tomorrow, when you’re off work.”

  She opened her mouth to turn him down, but what came out was something different. “Okay.” He was right. She was scared. She was terrified that, beneath the surface, he wasn’t the sweet, protective man he seemed to be. She was terrified that, if she let him in, she wouldn’t find out the truth until it was too late. Did she really want to live her life that way? Did she really want to go through life afraid to let anyone get close again? If she was completely honest with herself, the answer was no. So she decided to take a chance and hoped she didn’t live to regret it.


  When he’d stepped into the VIP lounge, his gaze traveled over Kylie, what he could see of her with the bar in the way, and he felt his body react to her nearness. He’d never responded to a woman quite the way he did her. He craved Kylie the way an alcoholic craved their next drink, or an addict craved their next fix. Addicted to her. Yeah, that’s what he was, and he hadn’t even tasted her yet. “I’m not givin’ up.” No truer words were ever spoken. He would fight to his dying breath to win her over and get her in his life, if he had to.

  When she agreed to go to dinner with him, Remy blinked. Had he heard her right? Did she really just say okay, without any fuss or without trying to get out of it? “Did you just say yes?” At her nod he flashed her a wicked smile. “Damn, woman, I never know what to expect from you. Here I was tinkin’ I was gonna have to sweet talk you into it and you proved me wrong.”

  “When Emelise and I were talking earlier, I told her I would give you a chance to prove…well, to prove that you’re different. It scares the hell out of me, but maybe she’s right. I can’t live my life afraid of letting others close.”

  Remy studied her for several minutes. “Prove I’m different from what, cher? What has you so afraid? I’ll admit, Lily told me dat someting bad happened in your past, but she didn’t know what. Talk to me, Kitten.”

  Kylie tensed. Lily talked to him about her? Maybe she was just trying to warn him so he would understand why she kept pushing him away. “I can’t. Not here. Not now.” She knew that was a conversation best had when she didn’t have to work.

  “Alright. I won’t pry. Not tonight, and maybe not tomorrow night, either. Whenever you feel ready to tell me, I’ll be right here to listen.” He could all but feel her pulling away, and the last thing he wanted to do was make her put her walls back up.

  “Thank you.” Kylie glanced at her phone for the time and sighed. “Doors open in a few; I better get behind the bar.”

  “I’ll be here in case dere’s any trouble.” He had someone lined up to take over as bouncer in a few days so he could focus on the resort hotel he’d been hired to design, but for now he was it. He winked and moved away as the first customers came up the stairs.

  Before too long, there were too many people for Remy to stay focused solely on Kylie, but he glanced her way every chance he got.

  By the time the club closed for the night, Remy had escorted three people out for groping one of the servers, he’d had to kick a couple of guys out of the VIP Lounge once he realized they’d slipped in with a group that had VIP access, and he’d helped a group of women who’d gotten way too drunk get home safely by calling them a cab. “I was beginnin’ to tink dis night was never goin’ to end.”

  Kylie laughed at his grumbled words. “You’d think it was a full moon tonight with how crazy people were. What were those guys doing, the ones you kicked out of the Lounge? From the bar it looked like they were trying to set up a beer-pong game in the back corner.”

  “Dat’s exactly what dey were tryin’ to do. Dat’s how I knew dey weren’t on da VIP list. You did good tonight, keepin’ up wit’ da rush when da other girl got sick and had to leave early.”

  “Thanks. The bar I worked in back home, I was the only bartender on Friday nights. I mean, sure, it’s a small town, but Friday nights everyone and their grandmother came into the bar. I learned real fast how to stay on top of things. It’s all a matter of prioritizing and multitasking your ass off.”

  Remy cocked a brow. This was the first time she’d really talked about her hometown to him. She’d mentioned it before but she’d given very little information on it. “A small town, oui? I can imagine it still got crazy on da weekends. Were you happy dere?”

  “Yeah, Frenchville, Maine is a small town.” Kylie shrugged. “I suppose I was. At least, most of the time.”

  “You’re a long way from home, Kitten. I look forward to findin’ out what brought you to N’Orleans.” He winked at her. “Lemme know when you’re ready to go and I’ll give you a lift back to da compound.”

  “I just have to finish up here, so, ten minutes?”

  “I’ll be right over dere.” He pointed to the table closest to the stairs before he went to it and sat to watch her finish counting her tips. He knew she’d done really well. Almost every person who ordered a drink dropped some money in the tip jar.


  Kylie really wasn’t sure what to make of Remy Delacroix. Sometimes he was almost playful; other times he was so intense he almost scared her. His constant shift in attitude kept her unsettled and made it hard f
or her to get a handle on her reactions to him. When he looked at her as if he was imagining what she looked like naked, it made her want to strip just to see his eyes darken with lust. Then there was the pet name he’d decided to give her. Kitten. Every time he called her that it made her feel warm and…happy. No one had ever given her an endearing pet name before.

  Throughout the night, whenever she had a spare moment, she would catch herself watching him as he prowled around the VIP Lounge, making sure no one was up to anything nefarious. Even when he had to escort out the guys who’d slipped in with a group of people, he’d done it in a way that didn’t make the guys feel threatened or like they were somehow lesser than him.

  When he helped the group of women, who’d gotten wasted while celebrating some important event in their lives, he’d endeared himself even more to her. He’d been firm but gentle with them as he helped them get downstairs and safely off in a cab, assuring them their cars would still be there in the morning for them to pick up.

  She wanted, so badly, to believe that the good man she saw at work was who he really was but she was afraid. Ezra was able to fool others, too. He was a smooth talker and a charmer, when out in public. It was when he was in the privacy of his own home that he changed. He reminded Kylie of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

  The more time she spent around Remy, the more she found herself hoping that the face he showed the world was the only one he had. What would it be like to be held by a man who only wanted to bring you pleasure? It would no doubt be wonderful.

  “All done. So, this date you’re taking me on tomorrow, do I need to dress a specific way? I mean, I’d hate to wear jeans only to have you show up dressed to the nines.”

  Remy chuckled. “Casual dress, Kitten. I’m not goin’ to overwhelm you on our first date by takin’ you to a fancy restaurant where you might feel uncomfortable.”

  “First date? So you think there will be more after tomorrow?”

  “I don’t just tink so, Kitten, I know so.” He winked at her and offered his arm to escort her to where his truck was parked a block away.

  “Laying it on a little thick there, aren’t you, Cajun?” she teased, even as she slid her hand into the crook of his elbow.

  “Gotta impress you somehow, cher. No’ting else seems to be workin’.”

  She rolled her eyes at that. “I don’t need to be impressed. I need honesty.” She bit the inside of her cheek. No matter how hard she tried to keep her walls up around him, he always seemed to get through.

  “Dat’s one ting you will always get from me, Kylie. I don’t lie, not ever. If a man can’t be honest and truthful, he’s no real man.”

  She studied him as they made their way to his truck. She could hear the sincerity in his voice. It helped him to worm his way, just a little more, past the walls she’d put up to try to keep herself safe.

  Once they were on the boat, headed into the bayou, Kylie closed her eyes and let herself relax a little. “You know, I didn’t plan on moving to New Orleans.”

  That got Remy’s attention. ‘Oh? What brought you here, den?”

  “It was the first bus leaving the station. I didn’t have a destination in mind, I just wanted to leave. This is where I ended up. Maybe Lily and Emelise are right. Maybe the Fates had a hand in my being there at that bus station at that exact moment. It brought me here and…New Orleans is already starting to feel like home.”

  “I’m glad it is, Kitten. If da Fates had a hand in bringin’ you here, den I owe dem my thanks. I was tinkin’ about leavin’, petitionin’ one of da other Pards for permission to meet with dere unmated females in hopes of findin’ my mate. Looks like da Fates decided to step in before I could.”

  Her eyes snapped open, and a low growl trickled out of her at the thought of him being with another woman. The intensity of the flash of jealousy startled her.

  Remy heard the growl and chuckled. “Easy, Kitten. No need to get jealous since you’ve got my undivided attention.”

  Kylie made a noise that sounded very much like a snort. “Whatever. I’m not going to stroke your ego, Remy.”

  “Oh, I don’t want you strokin’ my ego, but I can tink of someting else you can stroke all you want,” came his playful growl.

  Kylie was glad it was dark because his words made her cheeks flush with heat. “Keep dreaming, Cajun.” She felt the boat bump up against the dock and was a bit sad to realize their playful banter was coming to an end.

  Remy tied the boat off and moved to offer her his hand so she could get out. When her hand slid into his, he curled his fingers around hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I like dis playful side of you. You need to let it out more.”

  When he curled his fingers around hers, she felt the same jolt of electricity she’d felt every other time they touched. Once again she felt dampness and silently cursed her body’s reaction to him. It was embarrassing as hell to know he could smell her sudden arousal. “I guess you just brought it out in me tonight. That or I’m just really tired. Maybe a bit of both. It was a long night.”

  Remy kept hold of her hand until they reached the walk leading up to Caine and Emelise’s home. “Get some rest, Kitten. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “See you tomorrow, Remy.” She was reluctant to let go of his hand but eventually she did and slipped into the house. She watched through the window as he stood there for a moment, a forlorn look on his face, before he turned away to go to his own home. She was in so much trouble with that leopard. The way her body responded to him, she knew it was only a matter of time before she gave in and that scared the hell out of her.

  She turned to go down the hall to the guest cottage when she stopped. Caine and Emelise were both in the living room and Emelise was watching her. “Hey. I didn’t realize you were already home,” Kylie said when she spotted them on the sofa together.

  “I let Lily close up. She did good for her first night as manager. Mal stuck around in case she needed anything, but Lily insisted I get home to spend some time with my mate and daughter. You seem…happy but also a little unsettled. Are you okay?”

  Kylie heard the worry in Emelise’s voice and closed her eyes a moment. “Honestly? I have no freaking clue. Remy is taking me to dinner tomorrow, but I have the feeling he’s going to show up earlier than that to try and get me to spend more time with him.”

  “And that’s a problem, why?” Eme asked.

  She laughed a little. “Because, every time I’m with him, he pushes through my defenses a little more, and it scares the hell out of me.”

  Emelise got up and went to her. She gave Kylie a brief hug, then took both her hands and held them tight. “Listen to me, Kylie. I know your past has you skittish, but Remy is a good man. Do you really think Caine would have made Remy a lieutenant if he was violent or dangerous?”

  Kylie thought about the question a moment. She saw the way he doted on Emelise; she knew he was one of the good ones. “No, I don’t think he would. I see what you’re getting at, but it’s still scary.”

  “I know. Believe me, I know,” Eme told her. “When I came here, I was determined to keep Caine at arm’s length because my past taught me that men couldn’t be counted on to be there when you needed them. They wouldn’t stick around for the long haul. Caine proved to me that what I thought, all this time, wasn’t true. There are men who will be there when you need them, no matter what. Men who will treat you like you’re the most precious thing in the world to them. Remy is one of those men. Don’t be afraid to let yourself be happy, Kylie.”

  “I’ll try. That’s all I can do. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed. It was rough when Sally got sick and had to leave. Good-night, you two.” She waved at them and went to her room where, after a quick shower, she collapsed in bed. Her dreams, that night, weren’t nightmares from her past coming back to haunt her. No, that night she had erotic dreams where a certain Cajun leopard played the center role.

  Chapter Nine


  Mid-afternoon found K
ylie looking through her closet, trying to decide on what she wanted to wear. It didn’t make any sense, when she thought about it. They were just going to dinner, a casual dinner, and yet she couldn’t come to a solid decision. A growl of frustration slipped from her. This was freaking stupid. She just needed to grab something and get dressed. A frustrated growl escaped her and, in desperation, she went in search of Emelise. She found the other woman in the kitchen fixing Hailey a snack.

  “Hey, Eme, do you have a minute, once you finish making Hailey’s snack?” Kylie chewed worriedly on her bottom lip.

  “Sure. Is everything okay?”

  Kylie sighed. “Not really. I can’t figure out what I want to wear to dinner this evening.”

  “Want some help?”

  “Would you mind?”

  Emelise rolled her eyes at her. “I wouldn’t have offered if I minded.” She finished what she was doing and followed Kylie to the guest cottage and the bedroom she was using. “So, what did Remy tell you about the date? Fancy or casual?”

  “He said it’s casual.”

  “Okay. We can definitely work with your new wardrobe.” Emelise looked through Kylie’s closet before she pulled out an ankle-length skirt in deep purple. A few more minutes and she had a pale lilac peasant’s top. “Oh, this would be gorgeous with that skirt. I have a pair of sandals that you could wear with it. I think we wear the same size.”

  Kylie tipped her head at the shirt Emelise held in her hand. It was a thin muslin top in pale lilac and it had a beaded neckline and billowy sleeves. The thin material would keep her from getting too hot in the Louisiana heat. “I wouldn’t have thought to pair it with the skirt.” She took the outfit from her, went into the bathroom to change, and then came back out for Emelise’s opinion.

  “Oh, perfect. Let me get those sandals. What are you going to do with your hair?”


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