Steel Crew : Books 1-3 (Steel World Box Set Book 7)

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Steel Crew : Books 1-3 (Steel World Box Set Book 7) Page 34

by Mj Fields

  “Never gonna—”

  “Don’t bullshit me. I’ve stalked your social media. I’ve been Branded? Do you think I want my Katy to—”

  “Pardon my frankness, but I’ve never fucked a fan. Never even so much as let them suck me off, and both have been offered. I have a hell of a lot more respect for myself than that, and for those offering. No desire to be intimate with anyone physically and not emotionally.”

  “You say you’re a man, yet you stand here, eyeball-to-eyeball with me, lying through your fucking teeth. That’s not a man, Brand. That’s a little bitch move. My daughter will stomp all over that when she figures it out and walk away, kid or no kid, you feel me?”

  “I feel you and gonna give it to you straight, always. Keep in mind that you asked for this, and your daughter hasn’t even asked about my past.”

  “Because she can’t see beyond a schoolgirl crush at best while carrying your kid. Been there, done that.”

  I knew he and Bella’s mom were childhood sweethearts, and she died giving birth to Bella.

  “Gonna guess you’re speaking from your experience. But no two people, no two paths are the same.”

  He narrows his eyes, and his nostrils flare. Didn’t want to piss him off, but he brought it there. Pretty sure if I’m ever in his situation, I’d do the same.

  “I’m gonna ask that you let me say what I need to say without interruption and tell you it won’t get said again.”

  His face starts to turn red. He’s pissed, but whatever.

  “Had a girlfriend in middle school who loved to jerk me off. Knew I didn’t love her, but absolutely loved the feeling. High school, a few girls liked to suck dick. They also liked telling people they did. Didn’t even expect to get theirs. They were safe and coming feels pretty fucking good … until you’re done and you think to yourself, this can’t be it. Left high school my junior year to pursue music. Learned real quick how to jerk myself off and did so”—I reach in my pocket, grab my phone, tap in my password to the photo vault, and hand it to him—“while looking at these pictures.”

  He snatches my phone and looks through it. His face is no longer red; it’s fucking purple.

  “She was younger than me, so I didn’t pursue shit. Probably a good thing I was busy keeping up with my schooling and my form of art, or I’m sure you’d have had me arrested.”

  “Fucking right I would have.” He taps the screen, and I hear my voice singing to Katy at the bar the other day. Mom sent me the message and, hell yes, I saved it to the spank bank.

  “Until Labor Day weekend, I was a virgin, so was your daughter.”

  “You expect me to believe that about you?” He takes another pull off his beer.

  “You expect the truth? I’m giving it to you. Katy knows it’s true, because I wasn’t even in all the way when I blew it.”

  He starts choking on his beer.

  “I can stop anytime, but it’s true.”

  He wipes his mouth with his shirt sleeve. “Just because you have shit control doesn’t make you a virgin.”

  I really want to tell him that I’m working on the control thing—mastering it, actually—just to piss him off, but it would probably be a bad idea.

  “Look, you’re gonna believe whatever you want to, but it’s true. I chose not to fuck every girl who offered. Never wanted a kid to wonder who their dad was or be confused about Daddy One and Daddy Two. Wasn’t Katy who made me feel that way. Felt it pretty damn young. Pretty sure I don’t need to explain why I made the decision. But it was Katy who I witnessed showing loyalty to family, and the fact that when she set her mind to something, she stuck to it. Pretending to despise me was one of those unwavering decisions she made, but obviously, it was bullshit. She and I are meant to be, and I never believed in that kind of thing either … until her. You want real? You want honesty? You want truth? There it is. I’m in this and plan to be forever. You need to hate someone, here I am, but I’d hope you wouldn’t do that to her.”

  He grits out, “You done?”

  I shake my head. “Never.”

  He sighs, drinks down the rest of his beer, sets it down, and then looks at me. “Then what are you gonna do with all this time you’re on the road?”

  “Try my best to stay focused on work. She can focus on school and figure out what she wants to do. Get through this tour, and then be up her ass as often as she’ll let me.”

  “May want to rephrase that, Brand,” Jase says, rubbing his temples.

  “Wasn’t what I meant.”

  “She’s a lot like her mom, so I’m pretty sure you’re shit out of luck in that department.”

  I try but fail to hold back my laugh.

  “Not what I meant,” he grumbles.

  “As I told her, I know you all have her back. I just want her”—I stop when I realize what was just about ready to come out of my mouth—“heart.”

  His eyebrow raises.


  He leans against the railing and crosses his arms, tension evident as he looks me over. Then he finally exhales and nods. “No reason to keep doing this, but there is some things she’s gonna find out about that you may need to be privy to. Asking you not to say a thing until her mom and I have discussed it with the kids tonight.”


  “I’m worried about her heart, too.”

  I nod.

  He rolls his neck. “Carly’s mom died real young of a heart attack. Forty-three years old.”

  “Yeah, I heard that. I’m sorry.”

  He looks down. “Carly’s having some issues with hers. Long QT syndrome.”

  I say not a fucking thing, because it’s obviously bad enough that they’re having a sit-down with their kids, and he’s giving me a heads-up.

  “That’s the reason I’m being so chill about this.”

  This is chill?

  “She’s taking a beta blocker, but I’m pushing for surgery and a chill lifestyle.”

  “I’m not sure what to say, but I’ll help in any way I can.”

  He nods. “So will I.”

  “I’d hug you if—”

  “One step at a time, Brand.”

  I laugh. “She may be a lot like her mom, but I’m guessing she gets her quick wit and sarcasm from her old”—I pause—“man.”

  He smiles and nods. “And her fight.”

  I nod. “So, this heart thing … it’s genetic?”

  He nods once.

  “So Katy—”

  “Gonna have the kids do genetic testing.”


  “So, when I tell you her heart’s not unbreakable, I’m not fucking around.”

  “And when I tell you I’ll never break it, that’s a promise.”

  Going to assume Jase planned it, but Xavier, Taelyn, and Patrick took off for Boston for the night, and Cyrus, Tara, Truth, and Justice went to look at the place they’re closing on about a mile from here, then doing some shopping and a movie.

  The late lunch was just Jase, Carly, Katy, me, Max, Carter, Luna, and Bella.

  Jase was very calm when he delivered the news, and Carly was extremely optimistic. The only time she acted at all affected was when she told Katy and Max that they needed to be tested, and that, until then, she wanted them to avoid anything strenuous.

  I held Katy’s hand discreetly under the table, and she eventually leaned against me, head on my shoulder. Jase didn’t even give me the look.

  After dinner, I offered to clean up and asked Luna if she would help me wash dishes. Her dad helped, too.

  Jase, Carly, and their kids all camped out in front of the TV to watch Elf which, when I told them I’d never seen it, they all acted as if I committed a crime far worse than knocking Katy up.

  “You’re in the clear, man.” Carter laughs as he watches me put a soap bubble mask on myself.

  Luna giggles. “I want one, too.”

  I look at Carter, and he nods. “Just watch the eyes.”

  After I make her a beard, I snap a
picture and show her.

  “Wanna take a selfie?” she asks.

  “Would love to.”

  I take the picture and show her.

  “Send it to the family group thing?”

  “I can send it to your aunt Katy.”

  “But how will Poppa see it?”

  “Well, maybe Aunt Katy will share it.”

  She hops down off the chair and runs into the living room. “Who’s the boss of the family group thing?”

  “Me.” Jase winks at her.

  “Then you gotta add Brandon.”

  Jase looks at Katy, who shrugs. “You heard the girl. Add him.”

  “I don’t have his number.”

  “No file on him yet?” Carter asks Jase then looks at me. “Deal’s not sealed without a thorough background check by the boss of the family group thing.”

  Everyone laughs, and a couple seconds later, I get a notification.

  Maybe Jase Steel added you to a group text.

  Luna runs back in the kitchen. “Send it, Brand.”

  So, I do.

  Once everything is cleaned up, I walk into the living room, and Katy pats the spot beside her.

  “You sure you all don’t need some family time?”

  “You’re in the family group thing, Brandon; sit down and watch the movie,” Jase says.

  Carly smiles at him.

  He reaches over, grabs the back of her neck, and pulls her head against his chest.

  Smiling, she lays her hand on his chest and tugs on his shirt, or maybe his nipple piercing.

  I look at Katy, who rolls her eyes and whispers, “At least she’s not tugging on the other.”

  “No shit?” I whisper back.

  “That’s the rumor.”

  “You into that?”

  She looks at me. “Um, no.”

  “You sure?”

  “A reminder of my dad’s thingy every time”—she pauses—“you know.”

  I chuckle quietly.


  “Just glad you said every time and not if we”—I pause—“you know.”

  She shrugs and leans against me, and we watch Elf.

  When it’s done, we watch a bunch of other Christmas movies and chill. Meanwhile, Carter, Max, and I take turns making snacks and shit.

  Never had a down day like this when I’m not on a bus or stuck in a hotel room, and honestly, I am loving it.


  I open my eyes and see Jase standing in front of Katy and me and realize we both fell asleep.

  “We’re all headed to bed.”

  “Okay. I’ll wake her up.”

  “Just remember, not under this roof.”

  “Already promised a couple days ago. But just so you know, when the rental period is over—”

  “We rented for a month. You’ll be gone.”

  “I get that, and if your place isn’t ready, you can stay as long as you want. Hell, I don’t care if you stay here forever. I know you like the place. But I’m not promising—”

  “Enough to offer to buy it until I found out it was already purchased by some hotshot country star.” Jase smiles tightly.

  “Didn’t know you were considering it.”

  He narrows his eyes. “Sell it to me.”

  I shake my head.

  “No?” He acts shocked.

  “Place holds more meaning to me now than it did then. But stay.” I see him look down at Katy and continue, “When I come home, I’ll stay next door. But I’ll be asking her to stay with me.”

  “As I said the other day, not under this”—he pauses—“roof.”

  “Are you giving me permission to have her come spend the night—”

  “Jesus, really, kid? I’m not giving permission for shit,” he mumbles as he turns and walks away. Then he stops and turns back. “I’d rather have her safe than sneaking around.”

  He’s totally giving me permission, which is cool, because it would have been real fucking awkward with Truth sleeping in the other bed in the room.

  “Breakfast is at nine.”

  “I’ll be here to help cook at eight.”

  He looks at Katy then back to me. “Night.”


  Life Changes


  I feel myself being lifted and know by the touch, the scent that it’s Brand.

  Keeping my eyes closed, I link my fingers behind his neck.

  When he chuckles and stops walking, I open one eye.

  “Think maybe you could open that door?”

  “Killing the vibe, cowboy.” I exaggerate a sigh as I open the door and a blast of cold air hits us.

  He walks out and turns us so I’m facing the door. “Could you lock it?”

  Shivering, I shake my head. “Bossy and brash. My dad will—”

  “He gave me a strange kind of permission.”


  “It was a no permission, kind of permission.”

  “Still not following.”

  “Just lock and shut it before he changes his mind.”

  “I feel like I should argue this, but—”

  He kisses me and pulls back quickly, a look of concern in his eyes. “How are you?”

  “I’m not sure how to be. Mom’s acting like it’s no big deal, but Dad—”

  “Is a wreck,” he finishes my thought.

  I nod as I lock the door.

  Brand rests his chin on my head as he walks us to the stairs.

  “I can walk.”

  “I’d rather keep sweeping you off your feet as long as I can.” In the moonlight, I see his Adam’s apple bob. “Not wanting to leave you Monday morning. Not now.”

  I lean up and kiss his neck as he starts down the stairs, inhaling.

  Once on the ground, he hurries through the crisp night air, pausing to hip-check the gate then hurrying toward the French doors leading inside the “guest house.”

  “Welcome home,” he says as he sets me on my feet.

  “Home, huh?” I grab his Henley and pull him closer to me.

  “Think when I was given permission, I handed over the big house to your dad.”

  “Huh?” I laugh.

  “The place is huge. I’m not gonna be here for four months.” His eyes squint as if he’s in pain.

  “Hey, we synced calendars earlier. You’ll be home for Christmas for over a week. Then back a couple times between shows, and—”

  “Back for good before your birthday,” he interrupts. He still looks upset.

  “Maybe I can talk them into letting me go to your New Year’s Eve show in Toronto, and if not, we will see each other every day, thanks to modern technology.”

  “Xavier’s busting my balls about the summer tours I want to cancel.”

  “You’re not cancelling.” I fist his shirt and shake him.

  “Nothing’s set in stone right now, and I don’t want to miss a thing,” he says, narrowing his eyes.

  “I love that, but who’s saying we can’t travel with you this summer?”

  “Your concern for your little crew and starting a new school says that.”

  “Once the baby is born, it won’t matter.”

  “Glad you brought that up. I was saving that argument for when you were missing me so much that you’d cave to any request I made.” He pulls me into a hug. “Love you, Katy.”

  “Love you, too.” I hug him back.

  “I know you’re tired, so let’s take a quick shower and get some sleep.”

  “Shower together again?”

  “No sense in wasting water, or a minute.”

  Holding my hand, he walks us up the stairs leading to the main level.

  I look around at the kitchen, dining, and living area. It’s stunning, just like the house next door, but much cozier.

  “Hey.” He squeezes my hand, and I look back at him. “You like it here?”

  “Yeah, cozier, and the fireplace is pretty amazing, too.”

  “Noted. Now let’s get

  With butterflies dancing in my belly, I follow Brandon through the stark white bedroom with gray worn wood flooring. All the wood in the room resembles driftwood, including the beautiful four poster king-sized bed. It sits high off the floor and is facing the large wall of windows overlooking the Atlantic. It’s too dark to see the ocean of course, but it’s singing its evening lullaby. Truth thinks the sound is frightening; I find it soothing.

  “We’ll get there soon enough.” Brand gently tugs on my hand.

  The bathroom is white, as well. The same worn gray wood frames the mirrors and windows that also face the Atlantic. The shower is big, like Mom and Dad’s old bathroom, but clear glass, not frosted. The bathtub, plenty of room for two, and soon enough three.

  I hold my hand over my belly.

  Brand releases my hand and holds his over mine. “Is the baby moving?”

  I shake my head.

  He closes his eyes and gently kneads my belly then opens them and smiles softly. “How am I gonna feel this over FaceTime?”

  “We could take a picture, and you could add it to the others in your photo vault. Seems like that’s been working for a while now. What’s a few more months?”

  His eyes visibly begin to darken. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  I say, “Shower,” as he says, “Phone sex.”

  I laugh. “Well, apparently not.”

  “Because I pride myself on being a gentleman first”—he takes the hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head—“I’ll follow your lead.”

  I grab the hem of his and pull it up as he bends down so I can remove it completely.

  “My God, you’re incredible,” I whisper as he begins to pull my leggings down.

  “And your perfect little pussy is completely edible.” He kisses across my belly.

  “Shower first,” I whimper out.

  “Anything you want, Katy, anything.” He stands and tosses my leggings into the laundry hamper, again, without even looking. To me, that is incredibly sexy, too.

  Holding his hand under the water, testing the temperature, his eyes caress my body. I love that feeling and have since I can remember. Only now, I don’t have to pretend I don’t.

  “Ladies first.” He waves his hand in front of him.


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