King Cave

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King Cave Page 44

by Scarlett Dawn

  Ezra’s lips trembled as he stared between my face and the piece of paper I had just signed, but in the end he kept his trap shut…like a good husband. Of course, I already knew his middle name, which was Cahal after his dad, but now he knew why I had never mentioned mine to him. I still glared when he stoically signed his name underneath mine. He raised an eyebrow, lips pinched. “I didn’t say anything.”

  I sighed, handing the sheet over. “You didn’t have to. It’s written all over your face.”

  He made an odd gurgling noise, but luckily for him, he still didn’t say a word.

  As did Judge, who blinked at the sheet in his hand. Stared. His lips twitched, but no comment was forthcoming, even as stoned as he was, which was damn remarkable. He then glowed golden, disappearing with our paperwork and taking it himself to wherever Mysticals turned in their paperwork for marriages so it would be kept quiet without passing through the hands of anyone else who would see our names together.

  During the lull, I ran my hand ran up and down Ezra’s thigh. We had changed back into our normal street clothes. It was soft leather over heated skin I was touching. “Maybe I should have Jury take a picture of us, so I’ll have a photo of you in these pants.” Mmm. I grinned as Jury rushed out of the room, not even needing to be really asked, quite the dutiful assistant. We had the DVD of our wedding in hand, but I wanted a picture. “Where did you get them?”

  He rested back further on his chair, spreading his legs wide. “I borrowed them from a store.”

  I laughed outright. “Borrowed?”

  “Indefinitely, naturally,” he murmured, lighting a cigarette and smirking. “So, you do like them? You haven’t said anything yet.”

  I leaned over and stroked his lips with mine a touch hungrily, tasting spice and tobacco. “Uh-huh. They hug your ass perfectly.” And, dear merciful heavens, did they. And said ass was mine. My wolf growled a little.

  Ezra’s chuckle vibrated against my lips. “I’ll have to borrow a few more if they make you react like this all the time.”

  Ignoring the fact I was panting a bit, I nipped his lip. “Promise?”

  “Oh, yes,” he whispered, eyes roaming my face, flaring with heat. “Most definitely.”

  Jury took two pictures for us. A close-up and one at a distance — to get his pants in the picture — then she quickly scanned them, printed the shots, and deleted the images from the memory card. Judge reappeared right about that time, grinning like the devil as he waggled the copy of our official marriage certificate in his hand. All went into an envelope — marriage certificate, pictures, DVD — that we addressed to the spelled PO Box I had in New York, since it wasn’t safe to cart items like these around, risking being caught. Ezra had surprised me initially by mentioning the PO Box when I had sat stumped after they had asked for an address, apparently he having memorized the list I had given him about all my hideaways worldwide, but it was genius. So after we watched Judge physically sigh in resignation, his fun done before completing the memory spell on both himself and Jury, we left the house unnoticed, both Judge and Jury snoozing and completely oblivious to the events that had taken place in the study. We had our stamped envelope, our rings, and a life together ahead of us.

  “You’re so mine, wife,” Ezra rumbled against my ear, holding me from behind as I unlocked Lynn’s SUV.

  “Yes, I am,” I purred, turning my head to kiss his bristly cheek. “And you’re so mine, husband.”

  “Mmm.” He nuzzled against my neck, growling softly, “Yes, I am most definitely yours.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Dropping off the envelope at the post office took hardly any extra time since there was one close to the vacant house. Upon entering said house, we quickly jetted past Cahal, who had a brand new bottle of whiskey in his hand — the other empty by his feet — while he growled a little under his breath at us. We headed straight for the room where we could hear Brenna and Brann still up and playing, even though it was close to midnight. Lynn was half passed out, completely exhausted, and we took a few minutes to quiet Brenna and Brann, only leaving the room when their breathing evened out, their eyes closed, tucked next to each other under a sleeping bag Lynn had been quick enough to pack.

  After shutting the door quietly behind us, Ezra moved swiftly, backing me into the far bedroom. I grinned, but I placed a gentle hand against his arm as he shut and locked the door behind us. “Ezra, I understand if you don’t want to do this right now.” I turned his face toward me when he froze. “Other than the fact your father will be able to hear every damn thing happening in here,” in the other hotels, we had made sure to get rooms far away from his parents, “you’ve had two very…trying…days. We can just rest.” I stroked his clenched jaw. “I know you feel like you should, but we don’t have to.” It wasn’t like we had to legally consummate the marriage after the ceremony. It was only tradition, Judge had whispered to me earlier when he had realized I didn’t know everything about Mystical weddings.

  I saw his lips thin in the dark bedroom that was barely lit by the streetlight shining through the lone window. He turned, pulling my front flush against his chest. His warmth surrounded me. “I want to.” There was a bit of desperation to his tone, truth his scent. “And we can be quiet.”

  My gaze darted back and forth between his. He was hurting and hiding it damn well, but more than likely re-entering this house had made his anguish resurface, decent thoughts gone. I nodded slowly. “Whatever you need.” In the next second, the way his mouth attacked mine, and later the quiet but extensive lovemaking session, told me just how much he needed to forget, to be soothed, and I helped by loving him physically and mentally, giving him all that he needed.

  A scream brought me awake.

  I sat up, pulling away from Ezra, who also shot up a second later, both of us sitting in silence with our heartbeats already thumping rapidly. The scream came again, and I was instantly on my feet finding the first shirt I could to put on. “It’s Antonio.” His scream was one of pain.

  Ezra was already stuffing his legs into his pants. “I got that.”

  Grabbing my gun from the ground, fear consuming me, I raced out the door, scenting the air as I went, while Ezra blurred past me into the room where Antonio had been sleeping. Lynn exited his own room, closing the door behind him, gun in hand and eyes glowing just as I turned into the bedroom. I stopped dead, eyes assessing as Lynn followed me in.

  It was the barest breath. “What’s going on?” I couldn’t understand what I was seeing.

  Cahal was sitting on the floor, back to a wall, holding Antonio’s back to his chest with his arms tight around Antonio’s middle, trapping Antonio’s arms. Cahal’s legs were wrapped around Antonio’s while Antonio arched against him, drying blood running down the side of his face, his eyes glowing brightly and another shout falling from his mouth as he fought inside Cahal’s hold. There was the scent in the air of plenty of blood, and dark splatters of blood all along one of the walls, each area rounded and curved into the sheet rock as if Antonio’s head had gone through it repeatedly. The bottle of whiskey was spilled next to them as Cahal grunted when Antonio twisted enough to sink his teeth into Cahal’s shoulder, more blood scenting in the air…then Antonio began banging his forehead against Cahal’s shoulder. Hard. Cahal’s hands and legs blurred and he instantly had Antonio flat on his stomach, holding Antonio’s head, shouting, “Get his fucking book!”

  Ezra ran a hand over his face, eyes wide, but nodded, blurring out of the room only to return a heartbeat later with Antonio’s bag in hand. He held it while I holstered my gun, and shock and worry ate at me so much my hands shook as I unzipped the bag, listening to Antonio scream in endless pain. Curses flew past my lips when I didn’t find it immediately. Of course he would hide the damn thing at the bottom. Finally having it in hand, I dropped to my knees next to Antonio’s sweat and blood covered face, which was being restrained by Cahal so he didn’t continue to bash his head against anything.

onio,” I yelled, placing the book in front of his face. “I’ve got your book.” He continued shouting and a large part of my heart broke, seeing a part of him I never had before. Seeing a part of him he had hidden from me all these damn years. My eyes instantly welled as he continued struggling and screaming, tears quickly tumbling down my cheeks. I dropped the book in front of him and pressed my forehead against his, holding his cheeks on either side, whispering, “Dad…,” I choked, calling him for the first time ever what he had always been to me, between his cries, “Daddy…please stop. I’ve got your book.”

  Suddenly, there was silence so loud it seemed to echo with its intensity.

  His flaring golden eyes blinked. “Lil?”

  I sucked in a breath, my chest heaving, and my voice trembled, “Dad, I’ve got your book.”

  His face scrunched further in pain as he whispered, “I need it.”

  “Okay,” I nodded, taking a hand off his cheek, grabbing the book and holding it so he could see it. “It’s right here.”

  “Pen,” he murmured, sounding like he was gurgling on agony, his breathing hitching.

  “Ezra?” I asked hurriedly.

  “I’m on it,” Ezra stated before I felt a brush of wind against my back.

  My lips trembled as I stared at Antonio. “You scared me.”

  He grunted, again that odd gurgling noise making its way from his throat. “Leave.”

  “No,” I grated low, leveling my eyes with his. “You hid this from me.” My forehead banged against his. “How could you hide this from me?” Tears fell in a torrent again when he couldn’t answer me, biting his lip so hard it bled, and I sobbed, “God, I’m so mad at you.”

  Again the choking noise as I felt wind whip at my back. “Love you.” He gasped hard. “Please leave.”

  “Here,” Ezra whispered, placing the pen on the ground between our faces. He grabbed my shoulder, tilting me away from Antonio. “He doesn’t want you here for this.” He tried pulling me away as Cahal started moving Antonio. “Come on, sweetheart.”

  “No, goddamn it!” I shouted, brushing his hand away and quickly grabbing the book and pen, getting on my knees, and holding them out when Cahal had his back against the wall again to restrain Antonio when he bucked. “Here,” I grabbed one of Antonio’s hands, placing his needed items there, “Here’s your book and pen.”

  He was trembling inside Cahal’s hold, but he calmed some and automatically began flipping through pages like a madman, intermingling this with thumping his head back against Cahal’s shoulder hard enough to break bones. But he still gritted through his teeth, “Get her out, Ezra.”

  I shouted when I felt a rush of wind, instantly being carried outside like a child so fast that my head spun. Sobs racked my body, but I fought only half-heartedly when I was tossed onto the back seat of the Hummer with a restraining Vampire husband on top of me. I now knew why Antonio didn’t want me seeing this, his weakness, his frailty. He had said why.

  It was because he loved me so much. As a parent. No parent wants to appear weak or to scare their child. That was why I eventually succumbed to Ezra’s quiet soothing, even though my heart ached, and let my tears take me under.

  Entering the vacated house as the sun broke over the horizon, I felt as if a sledgehammer had been beating me repeatedly throughout the night. I wobbled enough that Ezra had to keep an arm around me so I didn’t fall, and when we found Lynn upstairs sitting outside his door with his head back, appearing just as beaten as I felt, I knew instantly he had been there all night. We stopped next to him.

  I asked softly, “You waited to see if Elder Zeller needed help with Elder Farrar?”

  “Yes.” His face was carefully blank. “Elder Farrar didn’t…calm…until an hour ago.” When my breathing hitched at his words, he eyed me. “I heard you say he’s your father?”

  “Yes. He helped raise me, along with my biological mother.”

  “Ah.” Behind hooded lashes, his eyes flittered back and forth between Ezra and me, finally landing on Ezra. “King Zeller, you may want to take a shower before you interact with another Shifter. The scent isn’t as strong as it was last night, but it’s still noticeable.” When we stilled at his comment, both of us forgetting about my sexual scent being all over Ezra, Lynn stood, cracking his back, and switched topics altogether. “What time are we leaving today?”

  Ezra and I stood there for a few beats trying to catch up with the fact he wasn’t throwing a fit at knowing the King Vampire and Queen Shifter were sleeping together. Ezra cleared his throat as he maneuvered us so he was between Lynn and me, eyes hard on him. “You aren’t…” He left it unsaid.

  Lynn actually chuckled. “Stupid enough to rat out the King Vampire and my Queen?” He shook his head. “No, I’m not. I’d like to live long enough to watch my children grow old.”


  Maybe Lynn Johnson wasn’t as stupid as I had originally thought him to be.

  I cleared my throat this time. “We’ll be leaving in under an hour.” We needed to get on the road. “We’ll get breakfast on the way.”

  He nodded and silently went into his room.

  I patted Ezra’s chest. “I can take it from here. You’d better go take that shower.”

  Warm hands cupped my cheeks, green eyes intent on mine. “You’ll be fine until I get back?”

  My smile was a little forced. “I can manage.” I swatted his rear. “Go and hurry back.”

  I was folding items and then stuffing them roughly into my duffle when I scented Antonio behind me. “You should have told me.” A shirt fell out and I began refolding it. “I wouldn’t have been so damn upset last night if you had given me a little warning about your gift.”

  A snort behind me. “Curse, more like.”

  I jammed my shirt into my duffle. “I’m pissed, Antonio.”

  “I understand,” he said softly, placing gentle hands on my shoulders. “Although, one good thing did happen from it.”

  “What?” I snipped, zipping my bag with almost enough vigor to rip it.

  Soft words. “You finally called me dad.”

  My damn eyes welled again, and my chin trembled. “Of course, you’re my dad.” I swiped a few tears away, only to have my throat burn and nose clog. I tried to hold it in before I completely lost it, but my body racked with sobs as I turned and threw my arms around his middle, stuffing my face against his chest. “You scared me.”

  “I know, Lil.” He held me tight, kissing my head softly. “I know and I’m sorry.” He rested his head on top of mine, rubbing my back as I bawled like the frightened child I was at that moment. “I never wanted you to see that. I’m so sorry.”

  My breathing hiccupped, my chin wobbling uncontrollably, as I let out a keening cry, “I didn’t know what to do!”

  “Shh.” He held me tighter. “You were perfect. You did exactly what I needed.” He was practically crushing me, which I needed, my body was quaking so badly. “It isn’t normally that bad, I promise. Only when I have longer, more powerful visions do they affect me like that.” I hugged him snugger while he continued soothing me. “It’s usually more of a headache, that’s all, Lil. I swear.” He cursed quietly, holding the back of my head. “God, I’m sorry you had to see that.”

  Eventually my sobs quieted as he held me, and I sniffed hard, rubbing the back of my hand under my nose, half proud I didn’t use my shirt sleeve. I felt like half a child, lost in my worry for him, and half an adult, pissed he hadn’t informed me of his gift’s conditions. I tilted back, thumping his chest with my fist. “Don’t hide things like this from me. I don’t handle shit like this well.”

  His lips lifted, his eyes tired. “It only proves you’re not made of stone.” When I growled a little, he murmured, “Alright, I won’t hide ‘shit like this’ whenever I can help it.”

  My lips pinched as I wiped my cheeks. “I guess that’ll have to do.” I raised my right hand, thumb out. “If you really want to make me feel better, you’ll spell this ring so I
can shift with it on.” Like the half child/half adult I was feeling right now, I knew when to bargain for what I wanted without questions being asked.

  His eyebrows crept up, his gaze swinging to the ring, but he said nothing as he touched the ring, his finger glowing golden for a moment at the contact.

  Presto, I had a shift-worthy wedding ring.

  We both made our way downstairs, duffles over our shoulders. Everyone was downstairs waiting for us. Ezra tracked me with his eyes as I came to stand next to him, leaning against the wall and letting his heat and scent relax me further. His pinkie touched mine where our arms hung, and I instantly felt soothing calm transfuse my bones, my mind. I sighed in appreciation, resting my head back.

  Antonio’s eyes scanned the room, taking in Lynn, Brenna, and Brann, then moving to Elder Zeller, who was again staring out the window, arms crossed. Antonio’s eyebrows furrowed, and he peered into another room before his gaze met mine. “Where’s Mrs Zeller?”

  I froze, even with Ezra gifting me his power, because I didn’t think Antonio was talking about me.

  “She’s dead,” Cahal stated factually, turning to face Antonio and placing his hands in his pockets.

  Antonio’s gaze flew to Cahal. “What?”

  Cahal studied Antonio in the silence, even the kids going quiet. “You never saw her death?”

  I took my hand away from Ezra’s stiff one, taking a few steps forward. Instinct had me in protection mode, moving so my back was to Antonio, creating a barrier between him and Cahal. Even though Cahal had helped Antonio last night, he had done so while Antonio was defenseless. He wasn’t the type to fight someone who couldn’t defend themself. If he was going to fight for his mate, it would happen when a real brawl could occur.

  I stayed still, waiting for Antonio’s answer, which would definitely be a deciding factor between Cahal attacking him or not by the way Cahal stood on the balls of his feet, even if his hands were harmlessly in his pockets. Ezra jerked from his statue position, obviously done working past his shock that Antonio might have known beforehand. He moved closer to his dad with his eyes steadfast on him, ready to take him down if he moved, a fight being not what we needed right now.


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