—beginning (opening), 137–66
dangers, 158–60
end of, 163–66
essentials, 1
pattern, 1, 4
—beginning hypothesis, 125
—categories, 267–68
—defined, 1, 4, 22, 36, 48, 84, 116–18, 131, 215, 258, 310, 311, 315
—elements, 132–34
—end, 187–213
—building climax, 188–99
weaknesses, 193–95
—resolution, 200–14
negative character, 210–11
—function and process, 117–18
—issue, 133
—material, 262–69
—middle, 166–87
build, 166–82
building climaxes, 180–82
reducing tension, 182–85
unity, 169–71
—outlining, 279–84
—question, 125–90
—reader satisfaction, 117, 118–23
—world, 46–48
Stout, Rex: 225
Style: 32–35
Subjectivity: 14–18, 46–48
Success, requirements for: 259–62
Summary: 74–77, 108–109
Suspense: 71–75, 77–83, 164–66, 176–77
Swope, Herbert Bayard: 13
Symbolization: 147–48
Talent, defined: 258
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord: 116
Tension: 119–30, 171–85
Tevis, Walter: 245
Thompson, Mary Agnes: 312
Time, objective vs. subjective: 70–77
Time: 276
Topic, defined: 99
Transition: 109, 111–12
Traps: 1–21
Tropic of Capricorn: 116
True Story: 267
Twilight of Honor: 312
Unattainable, the: 243–44
Understanding Other People: 239
University of Oklahoma: viii, 312
Verbs: 27–29
Viewpoint: 155–57
Villain: 95, 251–54
Virtue vs. courage: 248
Vital element: 165
Vividness: 25–30; vs. brevity, 30
Wagner, Geoffrey: 265
Weeks, Mary Lyle: 312
Williams, Jeanne: 312
Williams, Race: 142
Williams, Tennessee: 179
Willingham, Calder: 179–248
Wish-fulfillment: 242–48
Wooden Horseshoe, The: 312
Woolf, Virginia: 261
Words: 22–35
Work: 284–90
Worry: 166
Wouk, Herman: 261–99
Writer, The: 317
Writer and His Markets, The: 310
Writer, becoming a: 259–62
Writer's Digest: 269, 317
Writer's Notebook, A: 261
—can you learn, 2–3
—defined, vii
—nerve as talent, 258
—talent, 3, 258
—traps, 1–21
Yerby, Frank: 3
Yourself, need to be: 261–62
Techniques of the Selling Writer Page 35