Evolution (Stryker Team Book 1)

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Evolution (Stryker Team Book 1) Page 2

by Frank Carey

  "I am known as Crystal Light of the Dawn," the dragon responded in a voice that reminded Kalana of church bells.

  "She is a she, mistress," Murph whispered.

  "Of course, I am a she, little AI."

  "You know about artificial intelligences?"

  "Yes, for they keep the dust in place. Tell me, why are you walking at night? All know that the night is filled with danger."

  "I'm trying to find friends of mine who may be lost in the dust."

  "Ah, one of the warriors that dropped from the sky. You really need better shielding against the static discharge."

  "And you know this how?"

  Crystal reached over and tapped Kalana's gauntlet, the one that contained Murph. "League database."

  "Hey!" Murph said loudly. "How the plark did you get past my firewalls...? Hey, stop that! No, you are not going there...! Dammit, she went there."

  "How are you doing that?" Kalana asked.

  "We dragons have our ways."

  "Can you tell me if the others are safe?"

  "Some are, some aren't. I will take you to the ones that aren't, but we must wait until the morning or else risk meeting another pack." She walked over to a pile of rock. That's when Kalana noticed that she was built like a centaur with a quadruped back end and biped torso at the front. She picked up a boulder and sprayed it with fire, heating it to red before placing it on the floor at the center of the cave. "This should keep you warm until sunrise."

  "Don't you need heat?" Kalana asked.

  "My internal furnace keeps me warm."

  "Oh. How handy."

  Crystal lay down against a wall like some impossible cat. Unlike Mersa, Crystal was covered in long, luxurious fur, which added to the cat look. "Come, lay next to me and talk. I have many questions about your kind."

  Kalana stripped off her outer uniform blouse and boots before sitting down against Crystal. It was like leaning up against a bear rug with the bear still inside. "What would you like to know?"

  "Do your people mate for life?"

  "You mean elves? Many do; many don't. It's an individual thing."

  "Do you have a mate?"

  Kalana looked at the glowing rock. "I did, but he... He died."

  "Forgive. I forgot your people have finite life spans."

  "Yours don't?"

  "No. We live in stages. One stage ends, the next begins, perpetuity."

  "I don't understand."

  "I have seen that your kind believe in an afterlife, yes?"

  "Yes. Sometimes it's all that keeps us going. Do you believe in an afterlife?"

  "No, for 'After' suggests an end. For us, there is no end, only a series of beginnings."

  Kalana looked at Crystal. "That's deep."

  Crystal smiled, then lay her head down, using her torso limbs as a pillow. "Sleep little one. The sun comes up soon."

  She was right, though Kalana would have preferred to continue, she needed some z's to get through the journey ahead. "Murph, wake us just before sunrise."

  "Yes, mistress. Sleep well."

  Kalana leaned against Crystal and quickly fell into a deep, dream-filled sleep.


  Kalana sat in the locker room and stared at her hands. Moments ago, she watched a man she loved and respected die as she tried to save his life. She knew she should be crying, or beating a locker to death with a bench, but she just sat there, wondering what the hell had gone wrong. "Captain Grenor?"

  She looked up and saw an MP team standing between her and the door. "Yes, Sergeant, I am Captain Grenor."

  "Please come with us, ma'am."

  "Where are we going, Sarge? I'm kinda busy here."

  The sergeant handed her a folded piece of paper. She carefully unfolded it and read it before looking up at the sergeant's stern countenance. "Not a joke?"

  "No, ma'am, no joke."

  "Can I change first?"

  "Yes, ma'am."

  Kalana quickly showered, then changed into her uniform before joining the MPs. They led her down a corridor to an elevator which took them up to the roof where an atmospheric shuttle waited for them.

  "Sarge, did you know the Colonel?"

  "Yes, ma'am, we all served with him."

  She looked at the MPs and saw the looks on their faces. She glanced out the window "We're passing over the Wombat embassy. If you hurry, you can throw me out the hatch. Their young would make short work of my body. No trace, no fuss, no muss, no bother."


  "I minored in psychology, Sarge. The five of you are most clear about what you want to do, and I agree with you. I should die."

  "He was our CO, ma'am."

  "And I loved him. One push and we all get what we want."

  "Not today, ma'am," Sarge said as she leaned against the bulkhead. "Not today."


  A year later...

  Kalana stood in front of the chamber doors and stared at the engraving covering the wood. Her lawyer stood beside her trying to give her a pep talk, but Kalana stopped listening. She preferred to just stare.

  "Did you know that these carvings are designed to calm whomever looks at them?"

  Kalana turned and saw a legend standing next to her. She gasped, then she and her lawyer came to attention and snapped salutes. "General McMurphy!"

  "Nice form," she said while returning the salute. "At ease, Captains."

  Kalana couldn't stop staring. Elf Marine Expeditionary Force General Marta McMurphy, retired and ex-Space Marine, the woman who stopped the grange invasion. The woman who stopped the invasion from the Alue universe, great-great-great-something granddaughter of DCI Gabriel Adon. The list went on and on. "Can I help you, ma'am?"

  "No, but I can help you. May I borrow your lawyer for a few minutes?"

  "Yes, ma'am, of course!" A dazed Kalana watched the two walked off while wondering what the hell was going on.

  "I bet you're confused." Kalana looked and saw a tall, lanky elf in a business suit smiling at her. Again, she went to attention and saluted the gentleman. "Ambassador Irithyl, sir!"

  "At ease captain. I'm just here as an observer."


  "I'm here to watch. Captain, why did you join the Space Marines?"

  "I'm needed here, sir. I'm a good doctor, or was, and I thought I could make a difference."

  "Was? Hmmm. Did you kill the colonel, Captain?"

  "He died on my table, sir."

  "But did you kill him?"

  She looked at him and saw something in his eyes. "I honestly don't know. I've relived the moment a thousand times, and I honestly don't know."

  He nodded. "Good answer. Carry on, Captain, and good luck." He walked away to join the general and Kalana's lawyer.

  Kalana checked her pulse to make sure she still had one. It's one thing to face the death penalty, it's another to do so while hallucinating. Finally, her lawyer rejoined her while the General and Ambassador entered the chambers through a side entrance. "Who do you know in high places?"

  "No one, I swear. What the plark is going on?"

  "Assuming General McMurphy and Ambassador Irithyl have as much pull as I think they do, you will be offered an alternative to the death penalty. As your lawyer and your friend, I recommend you take the deal."

  "What deal?"

  "The deal I hope they ask you to take?"

  "Marisa, you're an elf, not a Zen priestess."

  "Sorry. Just follow my lead."

  The door opened and they were led inside by a rather burly bailiff. With Marisa at her side, Kalana was led to a raised and railed platform at the center of the room.

  Moments later, the court entered the room and sat at the bench at the front of the room. Off to the side stood a very angry Tralaskan woman, Diana, Lady Ventana of House Ventana. She was also the mother of Colonel Peter Ventana, the man who died on Kalana's table.

  The lead judge, General Traxx, banged a gavel, signaling the beginning of the end for Kalana. "Sir, I would like a moment of
your time!"

  The court turned and watched a petite human woman in the dress blues of the EMEF walk in and take her place on another raised and railed platform.

  Traxx nodded. "Have the record show that General McMurphy has been granted two minutes of the court's time. Hello, General. Long time; no see. What would you like to say?"

  "I beg leniency for Capt. Grenor."

  "No!" Lady Ventana yelled. "She killed..."

  "Silence!" Traxx yelled as he swiveled all three eyes in Diana's direction, "Or I will have you removed." He turned his attention back to Marta. "Please, Marta, continue. Tell us what you have in mind. The Space Marine Corps disdains the useless taking of life if there is a viable alternative."

  "Bust her down to private and put her through boot camp. Captain John Williamson of Bonehead Team has requested she be assigned to him. They need a corporal."

  "And he felt it necessary to have you ask this for him?"

  "Yes, sir. He is taking care of an emergency. Per the motto, sir, semper Gumby."

  Traxx fixed his gaze on Kalana. "Captain, do you accept this generous offer?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "No, dammit! She killed my son..." Diana started to say when she was interrupted by someone placing a hand on her shoulder. She spun around and saw a tall earth human, perhaps in his sixties, looking at her with one incredible smile. "Lady Ventana, could I offer you a nice cup of tea?"

  "Who the hell are you to dare to touch me?"

  "Earth Security DCI Gabriel Adon. I am also known as the savior of Tralaska by some on your planet. I was asked to attend this trial as backup security."

  "Savior of Tralaska?"

  Gabe transformed into a seven-foot tall, armored cyborg with white on black plating and glowing blue eye slits. "You may know me as Stryker-1."

  Lady Ventana swallowed hard. "You're a myth."

  He held out his hand, palm-upward. A small Tralaskan fire rose appeared in it. He handed it to her, careful not to crush it. "No myth, ma'am. Just a cop doing his job. Now, how about some tea?"

  She nodded, then took his hand." "I loved my son, you know."

  "As did Captain Grenor," Gabe said. "General McMurphy asked that I read the police report. It’s clear that he was killed. What is not clear is who killed him. As for the Captain, she is about to face an ordeal that only one in a hundred recruits make it through? Hell, I couldn't do it even in this outfit." He changed back to human. Come, milady, and I will tell you about things that will curl your hair.”

  Taking his hand, she followed him out of the room.

  "Then it is agreed. Effective immediately, Private Grenor will be remanded to the Paris Island II training camp in Antarctica where she will enter basic training. Upon successful completion of training, she will receive the rank of Corporal and be transferred to the command of Captain John Williamson." He banged his gavel. "This court is adjourned. Dismissed."

  Two MPs walked over and waited while Marta and Marisa said their goodbyes. Finished, they took positions on either side of the doctor before leading her out into the corridor and up to the roof where her ride waited.

  "General, will she be all right," Marisa asked Marta.

  "She'll be fine. More importantly, she'll be safe. The Space Marine Corps takes care of its own."

  "Wait, you think she's in danger?"

  "Not now. No one touches a Bonehead unless they want to lose a hand. Capt. Williamson's group is as tough as they come. They have the reputation of not being a team to mess with."

  "Will she ever be allowed to practice medicine again?"

  Marta looked at the elf lawyer. "I certainly hope so for our sakes. The corps needs good doctors like Kalana."


  Kalana woke with a start. "Where are we?" she asked.

  "You are in a cave with a six-legged dragon that looks like a precious friend of yours from your childhood.

  "Muffy?" Kalana looked over at Crystal and saw a wide smile. "You do look like Muffy. Do you read minds?"

  "No, but I do get images, especially from the dream state. I am sorry for your loss. Your mate-to-be felt like he was a good person."

  "He was. He deserved better."

  "I remember Stryker-1. My brood and I watched him slay the energy beast. He is a formidable warrior, yet his heart is just and good."

  Kalana thought back to the dream. "So many people stood up for me. I heard that Gabriel and Ambassador Irithyl both petitioned the court for leniency. Why would they do that?"

  "Perhaps they see the truth beyond the emotion as you should try to do."

  "Are you trying not to tell me something?" the elf asked the dragon.

  "Dragons never try. We only know when to do and when not to do."

  "Murph, is it dawn yet?"

  "Yes, ma'am. I popped a micro flier from your pack and visually checked the area we are heading to. There is no sign of the pack that attacked us earlier."

  "They are there," Crystal said. "They wait to see what you do next. It seems they are impressed with the way you handle yourself."

  "Is that good?" Katala said as she got up and put her pack and uniform back on.

  "It is different. Usually, the pack sees one as either danger or prey. You seem to be both, yet neither."

  "Do you practice at being cryptic?"

  "I need no practice."

  "I see. We need to go."

  Crystal got up and shook herself. Kalana was amazed to see every lock of Crystal's hair fall perfectly into place. "How do you do that?" the Marine asked.

  "Practice," Crystal explained. She walked outside and stretched in the morning sunlight. Kalana followed her out, but stopped when she heard an unearthly howl. Instantly, she had her gun drawn and set to full power."

  "You have nothing to fear, Little Sister. They know better than to approach us."

  "What are they, if I may ask?"

  "They're boys, of course."

  "Wait, you mean like you're a girl and they're boys?"

  "Of course, little sister. Their leader is my chosen one. He is watching us, waiting for the time to reveal himself."

  Kalana swallowed hard. "You mean the one you scared off isn't the leader?"

  Crystal shook her head? "He is... Murphy, can you help?"

  "Yes... Yes, I see it now... Milady, She and the leader are adolescents while the others are pre-adolescent children, barely sentient ones at that."

  "How do you... You and Crystal are in telepathic communication?"

  "Of course, Little Sister," Crystal said. "That is how we communicate with all AI people."

  Kalana raised an eyebrow. "You OK with this, Murph?"

  "Yes, mistress. It's exhilarating."

  Crystal smiled with enough teeth to make a sand shark proud.

  Kalana smiled back with a slightly less impressive set of teeth.

  "Crystal, how far are we from the nearest Marine in danger?"

  "On the other side of that ridge."


  "Mersa and Trent, according to their trackers. I'm detecting weapons fire."

  "She pulled her pulse-blast rifle from its scabbard and checked it before clipping it to her harness. She quickly checked her pistol before nodding in the direction of her team mates. "Let's go."


  "Mersa! 10 o'clock!" Trent yelled.

  The Basili spun and fired at the incoming creature. "These things were NOT in the briefing!" she yelled as her rifle pulse threw the creature into the rocks beyond the clearing. "Ammo status?"

  "Only a few shots left, and I'm out of packs. How about you?"

  "Same, and my fire breath is having no effect on them."

  Trent pulled his trigger, but only got a beep in return. "Out!" he yelled as he unsheathed his knife. "Come on, me beauties. Let's see if you bleed..." He stopped when a pulse rifle landed in front of him, its status lights glowing bright green. Before he could say thank you, a pack landed next to Mersa, its external pockets laden with power packs. They looked up and s
aw pistol pulses and gouts of flame throwing creatures willy-nilly as Kalana and a large, six-legged, furry fire-breathing something supplied suppressing fire from the right flank. Seeing they were no match for the reinforcements, the remaining creatures fled back into the rocks.

  "You two gold-bricking again?" Kalana said as she ran up and hugged her two team mates. "Are either of you hurt?"

  "We're fine," Mersa said. She flapped her wings for emphasis, which caused Crystal to stare.

  "You have wings?" the white dragon asked.

  "Crystal, this is Mersa and Trent. Mersa is a Basili--the closest thing the League has to a dragon--and Trent, an Alue."

  "Hello, Crystal, Mersa said. "I thought some of your kind had wings."

  "Only the adults, but you are far smaller than the smallest adult. Have you merged yet?"

  "Merged? What is merged?"

  "Become one with your mate?"

  "Noooo. Don't have a mate yet. The wings appeared when I hit puberty."

  "Such differences between our peoples. Your wings are beautiful."

  "Thanks, I think. Kalana, any word from the rest of the team?"

  The corporal shook her head. "The dust keeps getting in the way."

  "Then how did you find us?" Trent asked

  Kalana nodded toward Crystal. "She led us here."

  "Hey, pretty lady, what's your secret?" Trent asked.

  Crystal looked upward and made a cooing noise. The three Marines looked up and saw a dark silhouette flying overhead.

  "Is that what I think it is?" Trent asked.

  "It's a dragon," Mersa answered, "and it's the size of a troop transport.

  "It is my parent," Crystal added.

  "Crystal, are you in contact with your parent?"

  "Always. They say there is one remaining member of your team missing. They are searching for her."

  "Her? Do you know her identity?" Kalana asked.

  "Sergeant Hartman. She landed in a particularly unfortunate area of the universe."


  "Yes, it is what we consider our mating grounds. Several dozen packs of males roam that area waiting for females. My beloved waits for me there."

  "Packs of dragon-like creatures with energy weapon-proof armor?"

  "You encountered them?" Kalana asked.

  "Yes," Mersa answered. "A pack of about twenty ranging in size from Earth dog to Katalan power cat. Our weapons were useless against them."


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