His Lady Spy (The Star Elite Series)

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His Lady Spy (The Star Elite Series) Page 22

by King, Rebecca

  Portia snorted. “I am hardly going to announce it in the broadsheets, am I?”

  “I know, darling, but it is important for you to know that the country is at war, and traitors have to be dealt with in harshest way possible.”

  “You mean that he will be hung.”

  Archie didn’t nod, merely continued to stare at her.

  “Well, he has been a traitor to this country. I have experienced first-hand what the French are capable of.” She frowned at Archie, thinking over the past few days. “Do you think that is why the Guards pursued us?”

  Archie sighed, wishing he had all of the answers. “I think that he may have used his connections to look for you. The Guards may have let slip that they were looking for us, and your father put two and two together from the description of you and Cecily.” Archie didn’t see any need to divulge that their father had been arrested just outside of Headingly. “You cannot lose sight of the fact that you killed one of the French’s most active and important members, and that alone was enough for them to pursue you, although it is unlikely they would have followed you so far just for vengeance.”

  “They were sent by my father,” Portia stared in horror at the floor, wondering what had happened to her father to make him so bitter and filled with hatred.

  “We can only surmise what happened. The men we captured just outside of Headingly have told us that they were sent to retrieve you,” Hugo replied thoughtfully. “We also know that reinforcements weren’t sent when the Guards didn’t return and simply vanished. We think it may be because Manton’s second in command took over, and ordered the remaining Guards after Jamie and Cecily. Right now, we do know that your father is involved with them up to his neck.”

  “That’s why we didn’t encounter any problem after the skirmish just outside of Headingly.” She didn’t need to see Archie nod.

  At that moment she didn’t feel anything for her sire, except disgust and disappointment. The man had always been cold and dour, but it was surprising to learn just how callous and indifferent to the humanity of man he really was. It unnerved her to think that she had been sharing a house with him.

  “I need to go to London in the morning,” Hugo broke the silence. “Is there any message, or anything you wish me to send to your father?”

  Portia thought for several long moments and shook her head. “I have nothing to say to him. Whatever justice he faces is well deserved.”

  “I’m sorry, Portia,” Archie murmured, picking up her cold fingers in his. “I wish the news was better.”

  “At least it explains the last few days of our journey and why everything seemed to stop so suddenly.” Archie nodded, thinking over the events that had taken place in such a short period of time. It all seemed like such a long time ago now.

  The effect it had had on his life was enormous, and the changes it would bring to both his and Portia’s lives would be felt for years to come.

  “It’s over now then. Your father’s operation has been closed down. Although we still have some work to do in Tissington, there is nothing more to fear from your father or his associates. Now you can relax and recover from the ordeal you have experienced over the last few weeks.”

  “I cannot relax while Cecily is still out there,” Portia sighed, rubbing her thumb absently over Archie’s fingers. “If the operation is closed down, why isn’t Cecily free to go on her way?”

  “Because the Guards are still in the area and Manton’s second in command still poses a threat. You are well away from the area,” Hugo sighed, looking at her frankly. “Cecily is still there.”

  Portia gasped. “Cecily is in Tissington?”

  “No, she in one of the outlying towns. We cannot move her because the Guards are in and around the area. Until we learn more about the exact location of their base, their activities and the like, we cannot risk Cecily being seen. It is safer if they stay where they are and wait for us to go and get them.”

  “Oh dear,” Portia sighed, her heart going out to her younger sibling. She was still experiencing her ordeal while Portia was sitting beside a roaring fire, with the might of the English government’s best operatives beside her. It didn’t feel fair or right somehow, but there was nothing she could do about it.

  “I must insist that you remain here for now,” Hugo replied. “At least until we can get Cecily out of her hiding place. When you are together, we can help you on your way.”

  Portia flicked a glance at Archie. “But I cannot stay here indefinitely!”

  “Why not? You are perfectly safe,” Archie reasoned, sensing an argument brewing.

  “Because, well -”

  “We are going to be married as soon as Cecily gets here, so you may as well not make any plans to start afresh anywhere else.”

  Portia’s cheeks flushed at the bald statement, in front of the other two men and turned to stare at Archie.

  “What? I am just saying that it will save a lot of unnecessary planning if you simply accept the fact that you are to remain here.” He settled back in his chair and draped one booted foot over his knee.

  Portia was stunned, and felt her anger surge at him for making such a bold declaration so publically, especially when he hadn’t bothered discussing it with her first.

  “I think you are forgetting one thing,” Portia stared hard at him, seeing no reason not to face the truth head-on. “I am the daughter of a traitor; a man who is sitting in jail, waiting for the heavy hand of justice to strike. You,” she rose and pointed a finger at him, “are a lord for heaven’s sake. You cannot risk having your name tarnished by any association with me.”

  “I am afraid you are wrong,” Hugo replied. “You forget that this is the Star Elite. We are an entirely confidential operation. Nothing we do is known to the outside world. The people we arrest simply vanish, and some are never seen again. Those who are lucky enough to escape the wrath of justice simply prefer to vanish rather than return to their previous lives.”

  “The only people who know about your father are us four, and the rest of the Star Elite. They have to know to be able to continue with the operation,” Simon replied. He glanced at Archie and felt a pang of sympathy for his friend. He himself had faced the same fears and uncertainty while trying to persuade Francesca to accept the position as his wife. It was a time in his life that he never wanted to repeat ever again. If he could help Archie toward finding his own matrimonial harmony, then a few carefully chosen words were the least he could do.

  Hugo pushed to his feet. “Whatever your father chose to do, I am aware that you knew nothing of it. If I have your permission, I should like to arrange for your home in Tissington to be searched thoroughly for anything further that might aid our cause.”

  “Of course you can,” Portia replied. “Help yourself. I don’t intend to return to the house again.”

  “Not all men are like your father, you know,” Hugo replied. He had been to the house and helped with the search already, but that was before Portia had informed them of the hiding places and secret compartments.

  The contrast between the luxurious splendour of the study, and the starkly dishevelled state of the rest of the house had drawn nothing but censure from the men who had seen for themselves just how stark an existence the man had subjected his daughters to. The interview with Portia tonight had merely confirmed what they had already known, and he could fully sympathise with her desire never to see her father again.

  The fact that Rupert and Jonathan had been more forceful than necessary when arresting the ladies’ father had been carefully ignored. Sending the man to jail for questioning had been one of Hugo’s more satisfying arrests.

  Portia glanced at Archie, who moved to stand beside her. “I know, but it just doesn’t seem right that I should bring anyone into disrepute given that I am connected to a traitor.”

  “You aren’t, so let’s hear nothing more of it. It’s over now, and time to face the future,” Hugo warned. “Now, I suggest that while you are waiting for Cecil
y to come and join you, your hours are spent arranging your forthcoming nuptials.”

  Portia gasped when Hugo’s stern face broke into a wide grin and he held his hand out to Archie. “Might I be the first to congratulate you?” He winked at Portia who was swept into a hug by Simon.

  “Well, that was strange,” Portia sighed half an hour later when Simon and Hugo had taken their leave.

  “What’s that?” Archie asked, dropping down onto a chair beside the fire with a yawn.

  “I cannot remember you asking me to marry you,” Portia replied blithely, walking slowly toward the door.

  “Portia?” Archie called, leaning forward and watching her over his shoulder. When she made no move to stop, he lunged to his feet. “Portia!”

  Portia had no choice but to wait for him to catch up.

  “Oh dear,” she muttered, sighing deeply as she stared up the vast staircase.

  “What is it?” Archie drew to a stop beside her and stared down at her consternation.

  “I don’t know how to get to my room. Do you have a map, or something?”

  He bit back a grin and fought the urge to laugh. “Go to the top of the stairs, take a left and walk to the end of the corridor. The room you are looking for is the last one on the right.”

  “Top of the stairs, turn left, then at the end on the right,” Portia nodded, repeating the words to herself as she climbed the stairs. Half way up she glanced back into the huge hallway only to find Archie had disappeared.

  By the time she got to the top of the stairs she was panting slightly. Taking a deep breath she turned to the left and began to follow the long corridor around until she reached the last door on the right just as Archie had said.

  Strangely, although all of the doors along the corridor appeared to look the same, she was fairly certain that this door was different to the room she had been shown to earlier.

  Pushing open the door, she gasped at the opulence that lay before her. The huge four poster bed could have accommodated a family of eight easily, and by the look of them the sheets were silk and had cost a small fortune.

  She gasped and spun around as the door clicked quietly closed behind her. Her eyes grew round at the sight of Archie leaning against the door, his arms folded as he smiled cheekily at her.

  “How did you -?” Portia glanced toward the door and turned around to study the room. As far as she could tell the room had only one door, and she had just used it. So how had Archie got there before her?

  “If you promise to be good, I’ll tell you all of my secrets,” Archie murmured, staring at her with renewed hope in his heart. Her cheeks were stained pink from climbing the stairs, and her eyes flashed green fire at him.

  Together, they enough to take his breath, but the teasing smile that curved her beautiful lips made his heart sing with joy and, for the first time in several very long days, he began to relax, secure in the knowledge that there was hope for them yet.

  “All of them?” Portia replied, smiling slightly at the playfulness on his face. This was the Archie she had come to know and love, and she was glad to have him back. Although the stark warrior had kept her safe, the affable, almost boyish charm of the man before her was someone she wanted to see - daily.

  “Every last one of them.” Archie pushed away from the door and approached her, smiling at the slightly defiant tilt to her chin that was so reminiscent of the one in the tavern that he was glad the jug and bowl were on the far side of the room. “I don’t suppose you are going to be a biddable wife, are you?”

  “Biddable?” Portia snorted, shaking her head as he captured her face in his large palms.


  Her brows rose.


  “Maybe,” Portia breached, aching for him to give her what she wanted and kiss her. She placed her hands on his waist and began to draw his shirt out of his beeches.

  “We don’t have time for that,” Archie scolded, making no attempt to stop her. “If we don’t appear for dinner, Hugo and Simon are apt to send out a search party for us.”

  Portia merely smiled and continued to pull at his shirt until she could slide her hands along the hard muscles of his back.

  “Maybe?” Archie breathed, brushing her lips in the briefest of kisses.

  “Maybe what?”

  “I said ‘loving’, you said ‘maybe’.”

  “Definitely maybe,” Portia corrected, tugging at his shirt to draw him closer.

  “I love you,” Archie breathed, sliding his lips along the line of her jaw, he began to nibble down her throat.

  “You do?” Portia drew back, her heart singing with joy and surprise at his husky words. “Really?”

  “Of course.” Archie looked askance at her. “Do you think I make a habit of bedding the people I rescue?”

  “Well, I don’t really know.”

  “Let me assure you my darling, that you are the first, and last, women I am ever going to marry. If you think you could find enough affection in your heart to consider spending the rest of your life with me?”

  “Oh, Archie,” Portia sighed, hearing all of the hope and yearning he made no attempt to hide from his voice. “Of course I love you, and I would be honoured to become your wife.”

  Archie drew back to study her carefully, smiling at the love that shone back at him. “Thank you for saving my life,” Archie muttered, resting his forehead on hers.

  “Me, saving your life?” Portia gasped frowning up at him in confusion. “Don’t you mean, you saving my life?”

  “Nope, you have undoubtedly saved my life,” Archie reasoned, sensing her next question. “I now have a reason to fight harder to return home, my love.”

  Whatever else Portia was going to say was swallowed by the possessive capture of her lips as Archie finally gave her the kiss she had been so patiently waiting for. All thought vanished in an instant and, with a sigh, she gave herself over to his tender ministrations, making no protest as he carried her over to the bed and lay her gently down on the lush covers as though she was the most precious thing in the world.

  She had no idea what the future held in store for them, but she knew she had a priceless gem in Archie and, although she would never forgive her father for his behaviour, she couldn’t exactly hate him entirely for bringing the might of the French down upon them.

  She had been forced into a position where she had taken a life, but in doing so had been given her own life back. The small adventure she had so innocently craved, had taken her life on an entirely new venture.

  This time though, she had her very own warrior by her side to share it with.

  The End

  Other books by Rebecca King

  The Star Elite – Book 1

  Capturing Sir Dunnicliffe – released July 2013

  The Star Elite – Book 2

  Smuggler’s Glory – Released 20th November 2013

  The Star Elite – Book 4

  Lord Melvedere’s Ghost – Released 20th February 2014

  The Cavendish Mysteries

  If You Were Mine – released December 2012

  Cinders and Ashes – released February 2013

  Chasing Eliza – released March 2013

  The Gallows Bride – released May 2013

  Children’s Books

  Archie’s Battleflat Adventures: The Harriman Mystery – December 2013




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