Monstrous Lust

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Monstrous Lust Page 8

by E M Beastly

  It did not matter, or so Thomasin tried to convince herself. Soon he would cum and the inauguration would be over. Even if her first time lacked pleasure, where she was going there would be other opportunities. Yet, she did not get to ponder long upon her situation; the thumping pain of his cock burned terribly. At least she no longer worried about the cold. Her body no longer shook and her teeth no longer chattered. Instead, she silently cried out, "please, hurry and be done with me."

  He was fucking her like an animal, just as she had asked. He mounted her just as any stag would do his doe and fucked her hard and fast. She bit her tongue and tried not to make noise, even if the burning friction was becoming too much for her to bear. It seemed he was taking forever to climax, his friction and rhythm never ending.

  She could feel her blood rushing to her crotch as though it were an irritated wound. The heat and pain thumped harder as he thrust faster. She tried to be patient and hold out for him to finish. She even did a good job of not making much noise in protest, but she could only hold out for so long. In the end, she could not take it and cried out, "Please hurry!" distressingly.

  Faster and faster, he violated her unprepared virginity, yet, he felt no closer to cumming than when he started. Uncontrollably she cried out, 'No more!' Her pleas turned into begging. Tears starting forming as she felt like her pussy must be turning white-hot from the friction. She finally could not take it anymore and with one final cry, she demanded that he stop.

  He did as she asked; letting her fall into the cold snow at his feet. Even with his cock no longer inside her, the burning did not subside. She grabbed her pussy and some of the heat transferred to her hands. Her vulva and pussy lips were swollen and she swore it glowed red in dark. Even the snow could not do anything to ease the burn. So there she lay in the snow before him, spread eagle and holding her crotch crying, "No more, no more! I can't do this anymore! I can't go forward with this."

  The Midnight stag did not obey. Though he did not penetrate her again, he kneeled down between her legs, grabbed her by her thighs to lift her hips up to his antlered head and then began to lick vigorously where she covered herself with her hands.

  She screamed in further protest, "No! No more!"

  Yet, even her fingers could not completely stop his tongue from getting at where it wanted to go. As soon as it did, the magic started. One extreme went to the other like the flip of a switch. His tongue was so soothing, so unnaturally relieving against the burn that she could not help but let her fingers melt away to allow him to fully medicate her with his tongue.

  The extremes of pain and pleasure were such that it did not allow her to reflect on a future course. As she stared into his beautiful cosmic eyes, she could see even now that she had fallen for his tricks. There was no exchange of words, no questions she needed to ask. He answered everything through his eyes and a small smirk she believed to see on the edges of his long face. She wanted this to be quick and dirty, and now she had no choice but to let him soothe her through much more passionate means, even if his means were still dirty and perverse. The forest was going to have her indulge if she liked it or not.

  Her crotch and body still burned with such an unnatural heat that she did not mind that she was buried up to her armpits in snow. As long as he kept licking his new perverse spell to undo the damage of his first, she could not care.

  Later, she would reflect on how little she could control herself under the deluge of sensation. Pleasure and pain, if powerful enough could control the will and make one lose their sense of presence, both in the present and in any foreseeable future. The cold of the snow and winter night chilled her naked skin, but she did not feel it. She could also no longer focus on the knowledge of his deceit.

  Now there was only this moment, and he knew it all too well. The magic of the forest was very mischievous indeed. He took his time licking her swollen clit. Each stroke of his tongue was long and arduous. Thomasin felt like an eternity passed as soothing pleasure streaked up through her spine. Yet, as soon as his tongue faltered or went to make its next stroke, she felt that she had only been satisfied for mere seconds and found herself demanding him to put his tongue back inside her to relieve her awful ache.

  Neither of them knew how long it took him to lick away the swollen pain from her pussy. That was only a means to his real goal. He embraced her with passion; kissing her down there where it was forbidden to kiss as if it was something he deserved. He held her hips and ass up to his long face, working his strong, inhuman fingers to knead her flesh. Sometimes he snuck in a long stroke up her groin and further up her tummy to lick out her belly button. She had to grab his muzzle and antlers to gently push him back down to where his tongue soothed and medicated better. Still, as much as she hated him for bringing them together into a closer bond, she was glad for it. Pleasures of the body were one thing, but the comforting union of two souls was another. The more he connected, fondled and nuzzled her, the more she wondered why she had been so against it.

  The old part of herself that was conservative and resistant now seemed so distant and obtuse. For months, she observed exactly the same thing that was now happening to her. She watched as female forms squealed and squirmed from the tongues and cocks of equally monstrous lovers. Back then, she was nothing more than a fascinated explorer. She wanted to see the wonders and learn why it existed. Yet, she also feared to immerse herself within it.

  Now she did not know why she feared it. She had not a single clue as what kept her from falling into temptation the same way her sisters or brother had. Yes, this creature was no human. She barely knew who or what he was, she did not even know his true name. Yet, he was her guide, and he would show her family a new community that would love her in ways that her old one could never understand.

  He brought her to understand what it was to climax. It was the first time she had ever came; truly came. His tongue was nothing like her secret little attempts at self-pleasure she sometimes snuck upon her body when she thought nobody was paying attention. He was an enchanted creature indeed.

  "Now I think you are much more suited for my embrace," he said, as he let her finally rest.

  She actually noticed the snow and cold again. It felt good to be cooled off, even if the painful heat had long subsided from her vagina. The heat of passionate lust had traveled to the rest of her body. Somehow, in this chilling cold, she found herself sweating, and she swore that the snow around her must have melted down by at least a foot.

  "I have to admit, that was amazing. But I don't know why you are making me go through all this trouble," she finally replied through exhausted breath. "Just take me and get it over and done with."

  The stag came to lay across her body, hugging her tightly as he shuffled his mass along her hot body until his breast pressed against hers. His hips immediately began to undulate in the ritual of passion and lust. Her body now ready for him, allowed him to easily slide all of himself into her with wet slick slurps. Instinctively, Thomasin spread her legs thinking it would somehow help relieve the massive pressure filling her. This time it did not burn. Like his tongue, his cock produced a pleasurable tickle. Quite the change from the hellfire he forced her to first endure. This tickle was so strong, that every time she wanted to rest her legs by trying to wrap them around his ass, the tingle would force her to spread herself wide again.

  She loved this new tingle, but it was too much. It was a taste she wanted to sip, but his loans demanded that she swallow. She was forced to squirm, and she even tried to clench her legs against him, but that only intensified the sensation.

  "Oh, oh my god! I'm going to cum again," she tried to gasp out in between her uncontrolled moans.

  "How is it you can do this to me? You're not even ready to cum. Just fuck me, Oh fuck, oh cum, cumming!"

  She squeezed and squirmed under him and yet he did not give up the simple pace that pleasured her. He enjoyed her virgin pussy folds squeezing hard against his cock, but he had mated with many females in hi
s time. His experience would triumph over her desires to make him cum with her. No, he would only cum with her at the last. Thomasin would first have to cum many more times before he would let his body relent and empty his balls into her.

  He hugged her closer and kissed her cheek. He knew that she squirmed against him without reply to his affection because she was too busy trying to comprehend his pleasure. Her eyes rolled and she gurgled a bit under his spell. He could also feel her squirt, soaking his dick further in her juices. After she succumbed to her climax, becoming limp under his grasp, he let her rest.

  "See, isn't this so much better than me fucking you raw and wild?" he asked once her senses returned; then he kissed her.

  Her recovery was not long enough to expect this. Even if the form humping her body was surely the shape of a man's, the face and lips connecting with her own were most definitely an animal's. It was only the cosmic stare of his eyes, familiar and haunting, that prevented her from fighting this action. It was her first real kiss; not just lips contacted lips. His tongue and saliva mixed with her own. She felt slightly repulsed, but any time she acted poorly against him, he simply had to slam his cock into her with a mighty thrust to distract her, if but temporarily, with other pleasures.

  Eventually, he let her lips rest and turned to play with her tits with both tongue and rough hands. She did nothing to stop him. She could feel another climax ready to shoot intense pleasure through her muscles. She moaned and squirmed just as before, but he kept his rhythm steady and his interest in her body's delicious tits undisturbed.

  "Why...why can't you just be finished with me?" Thomasin exclaimed after her third trial. "You're a forest predator, isn't that what you want? I watched your kind please themselves, seeking lust as your only companion."

  "I thought you sought so much more than just the simple pleasures of the flesh entwining?" He replied while giving her his all to make her climax that much more pleasurable. "You are one of us, Thomasin. You are family. Our love of lust goes deeper than just simple indulgence. You are my friend, my companion, and my lover even if it is only for this moment. My pleasure only comes from yours. Every time you cum or shout out it glee to the climax we make, that is my reward."

  Thomasin had seen many wondrous acts of passion in her time in the forest but never had she been part of the magic, at least, not like this. She clenched at that snow that they had both sunk into, but it was gone. She was so busy with her partner that she had not noticed it melt away around them. The heat of their enchanted passion caused spring to come early with green grass sprouting and wildflowers blooming. Truly, she felt as if she were in a dream or a work of fiction. It made her feel like everything was going to be alright.

  "You brought the forest to me, didn't you? She said after a wild moan. "You always had to be my guide... our guide. Did you take my mother as well?"

  The Midnight stag just looked her in the eyes with his wild cosmic stare and said nothing. There really was nothing he needed to say. Instead, he shifted his position on top of her. He pulled her legs up with his mighty antlers, bending her over while she still lay on her back. Her ass stuck up in the air as he forced her knees to touch the ground near her sides. He himself squatted in such a way as to have his cock and balls dangle over her puffy vagina.

  "I think its time to bring you home now." He said as he thrust in deep, allowing her to see everything. She only got an instant to reflect on how amazing that much flesh could enter a woman's body, or why there was no way she could escape its pleasure as it scraped against her vaginal walls.

  He had finally decided to once again fuck her fiercely. With her body now rightly prepared, her pussy lips did not burn to his terrible friction. Now they audibly slurped and smacked as lubricated wetness sprayed and sloshed about.

  "Jesus!" Thomasin cried.

  He had worked her nerves raw through the multiple orgasms he had forced her to endure. Now they screamed at her. She was not sure if her body wanted this level of sexual pleasure: Part of her did scream, "Yes! More!" but another part screamed, "I can't take anymore!"

  She immediately climaxed again; it was her most powerful yet. Yet, all she could feel was a misty spray bounce of his jerking cock and balls and believe it to be an element of the changing weather. The trees of the enchanted forest were sprouting up all around them. It was as if they had always been in the enchanted forest. From the haunting lights of fireflies and the glow of luminescent trees, she felt the forest mist envelop them and thought it was to blame for the moisture she sprayed onto their bodies.

  His relentlessness did not let her relax after her climax. A new intense orgasm came roaring forth even greater than her last. Her body could never keep up with this beast who lived in these lands of indulgence. He continued to thrust away without pause or showing signs of exhaustion. Her nerves and flesh simply did not know what to do anymore. She tried to speak, but only loose jargon spilled out. She tried to think, but a white cloud of pleasure cloaked her thoughts.

  Over and over she came. Through magic or delirium, the snowy meadow became the familiar dark and foreboding forest. With her senses being ravaged, she looked about her like a child; seeing everything as if she was seeing it all over again for the first time. The forest denizens watched her. There were so many eyes and so many strange faces. Thomasin tried to find a familiar face amongst the crowd, but her family could be anyone and anything now that they had accepted the curse.

  "It is time I fill you now!" the Midnight stag cried.

  He finally stopped his wild thrusts so that he could join in with her moans. He let her twitching pussy milk his cock. His milk was thick and Thomasin's body drank it eagerly. Even though his cock surged over and over inside of Thomasin almost as many times as he had made her cum, never did he spill one drop from out of her womb, nor did she let him. Her new body wanted it all - needed it all.

  * * *

  Thomasin awoke to the rays of light shining through the emerald branches above her. It had been a long but wonderful night. Her lover must be off somewhere grazing in one of the many nearby glens. More than likely, he was sharing his endless virility. Perhaps one of her sisters had come to visit this morning.

  It took her a moment to stand and groom herself. She had not become accustomed to her new legs, nor had she figured out how to sleep with them under her. It did not matter. Perhaps in a few days, she would try some new form.

  She strode to the stream whose waters were always so clean and pure and followed it until it reached a pond. Here she could look at herself. It was not customary for females to have antlers, but she wanted them anyway. They were just a small pair encased in thick velvet. Nonetheless, they had many prongs and circled her head like a princess's crown. Her antlers went well with her eyes, the deep cosmic eyes he had given her as her homecoming gift.

  "Maybe I will stay this way just a bit longer," she told herself. "After all, I am promised that I will see father today, and I want him to see what I have become."

  Two Sister's Ghost Story of Lust

  * * *

  Do you want to hear a ghost story? It is not just any ghost story. Yes, it has a victim who is haunted by a nasty spirit. You could even say the spirit is a demon or some other monstrous creature of the night that plagued her home and delivered frights. What makes this story different is that this spirit was a horny beast. Instead of death, despair, or just simple freights, this spirit wanted to have a good time and bring pleasure to himself and to his victim through sexual schemes. He wanted ghostly monster cock stuffed inside warm flesh for his delight. A common occurrence as it would have it within the house hidden in the forest of lust.

  Touched in the Dark

  * * *

  Genie Mercia had plenty of inspiration for her short stories from the old house she was now forced to call her home. It was big, it was cheap, and it was going to require a lot of maintenance. It was also ranked as one of creepiest places she ever visited. She rather liked the weird feeling for some perplexing reaso
n. Maybe it made her feel unique, like an 'Adam's' family member, and she was little Miss Wednesday. She was certain the house was haunted even if there was no proof of it. For the last seven months since they moved here, she could feel a presence following her around as though it was waiting impatiently for something. Strange little events happened around the property, nothing that could not be easily explained. Still, she was certain things of hers were being moved or tampered with all the time. These things were the same for her sister Heather Mercia and even their mother Diane, whom would not admit to anything being amiss. The way things seemed to disappear gave Genie an impression that the presence was trying to learn things about her family, and concerned her that those things may be a bit more intimate and personal than she cared to share. The house even had a long history, which was elaborated on by her high school peers. They filled her ear with what trouble she was in for living here.

  The history had no axe murderers or suicides. In fact, the house had been vacant for most of its hundred-year lifespan. Nobody wanted to live here, and that was its mystery. Yet, it was elaborate and big for a ranch house, with not the atypical layout for its many rooms. It almost seemed like it was built to be confusing so as to hide a secret chamber or two.

  It was strange that her mother became so insistent that they all move so suddenly now that she and her sister were nearing an age that they would both be leaving to live on their own. She was eighteen and had just graduated before they moved here. She had hoped to have moved out before then, but her college acceptance letters had so far all been rejected. Until something better came around where she could get the start she needed, she would have to contend with feeling as if this house was watching her. She wrote this all down in her notebook that she used as both a journal and a means inspire her literary ideas for her next short story. She hoped that the ghosts would not read them. Blushing at the thought as she entertained herself through writing little erotic adventures down in her notepad like an artist who liked to make scribbles.


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