The Crumbling Brick - Book 1 of the Land of Neo Trilogy

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The Crumbling Brick - Book 1 of the Land of Neo Trilogy Page 7

by JoHannah Reardon

but Ward knew he could catch them in no time at all.

  Teneo was delighted to see Ward and when he heard of the mission that Ward was on, he insisted on coming along.

  “My little friend, I am afraid Paschein will not take kindly to the idea. I don't think he likes me very much so I'm sure he will not welcome any friend of mine."

  "I have the advantage of being small. I will simply stay tucked in your mane. No one need know that I am along. "

  "Then so be it! You will certainly be better company than the odd crew I am traveling among."

  Teneo quickly put the Second Centurion in charge and hopped into Ward's thick mane. He had to hang on tenaciously as Ward caught up with the rest of the party.

  Just as Ward reached the group, Prince Malus greeted the Princess in the garden. "At last, we have the chance to be alone, charming Princess. My, you are breathtaking with the garden as your background. Even the flowers look pale compared to your beauty." Onyma had not yet noticed that most of what Malus said was flattery. If she had taken time to think, she would have realized it was absurd to regard her beauty greater than that of the flowers, but all she could see was that this handsome man was taken with her, or so she thought.

  Malus spoke again, not allowing her time to think at all. "We make a wonderful couple, you and I. Think how proud your subjects will be to have such a handsome pair as you and me ruling their country. We will be a constant inspiration to them. Neo will become a beautiful place under our rule. "

  His words appealed to Onyma for the beauty of Neo gave her great pleasure.

  "Yes, Prince Malus, tell me how you would rule Neo."

  For the first time, Malus looked uncomfortable. In a moment he found his composure and began a new stream of words. "First of all, I would make sure that everyone honored your great beauty. All of your subjects need to see you often. You would have the most stunning clothes and your hair would be designed anew each day. You will ride in a chariot pulled by my dragon and have every desire of your heart."

  Although the Princess was good, Malus' constant praise blinded her from seeing the selfishness in all of this. Malus made it seem all so splendid that no bad thoughts entered her mind. She only saw what glory could be hers by marrying him.

  He continued his prattle all afternoon, weaving a picture of magnificence for her. When she appeared at the ball that evening in the finest dress she had ever owned, she felt that she deserved the praise that was given her. For the first time, Ella thought that Princess Onyma's beauty was not so exceptional. The fresh innocence that had been prevalent before faded now. Ella felt a renewed urgency to speak to the Princess. She would seek an audience with her the first thing in the morning.

  As the music began, everyone's heart filled with gaiety. Malus charmed everyone and treated the Princess just as he said he would. It looked to be a festive evening.

  Ella felt no joy. She sought Philos alone in the tapestry room. When she reached her she fell into her arms and wept.



  The next day found those in the castle lazy. Ella was one of the few up at dawn. She’d slept little the night before, listening with sorrow to the gay music below. In spite of that she rose early, eager to see Onyma. Her desire to speak to her had only increased during the long night.

  Afternoon shadows crept over the courtyard before Ella at last had her opportunity. She’d been trying to see the Princess all morning but was flatly refused. Quite by accident, Ella found her as she strolled along the mountain stream near the castle.

  "Oh, Princess Onyma!" Ella cried with relief when she saw her. Here in the open, away from the influence of Malus, she looked her radiant self whom Ella had originally loved. "I have been trying to see you all day long!"

  The Princess studied Ella for a moment before responding, as if she were trying to recall who she was. "Actually I came here to be alone," she said in a soft but firm voice. "You didn't follow me here did you?"

  "Oh, no!" Ella declared with alarm. "I also came to be alone. I hoped to hear Kosmeo's voice out in the wilderness."

  At the mention of Kosmeo, Onyma's face expressed a great longing, as if she were looking for something she couldn't quite find. "Have you heard it? His voice I mean?" asked Onyma breathlessly.

  "I believe I have, Your Highness."

  "Tell me what he has said to you."

  "Dear Princess", Ella began passionately, "it is so hard for me to be your instructor, but I believe I was sent to Neo to warn you against marrying Malus."

  "What?” screamed the Princess, not at all her rational self. "You would accuse one so noble as Malus as being a danger to Neo? I believe Paschein was right. You are a spy, bringing your own destruction on our land."

  This outburst against her by this regal woman almost caused Ella to burst into tears. Some moments passed before she gathered her emotions enough to speak again.

  "I know you are very fond of Malus." Ella spoke carefully now. "And I can understand why. He is handsome, daring, exciting... everyone is obviously impressed with him, but I believe Kosmeo let me see inside of him, beyond the outer cover into his true self. It was a horrible glimpse, which caused my whole being to shudder. Please, I beg of you. Look past his beauty into his heart. Work only at knowing his heart."

  The Princess was touched by Ella's words and all that was reasonable in her acknowledged that what she said rang true, but Malus had a strong hold on her. It became clear to Ella that the battle was far from being won.

  "I think you are spiteful to say such things," the Princess said as tears filled her eyes. "How could it be anything but a perfect match? I wish you to leave my presence and I don't want to see you again at the castle."

  Ella lingered, unable to tear herself from the sorrowful sight.

  "Be gone, I say!" the Princess demanded.

  Ella slowly walked back to the tower room. Strangely, the further she got from the Princess, the less discouraged she felt. She had done what she was supposed to do. It was up to Kosmeo to convince her. She was certain he would use her words in the future when they were needed most.



  If Ward and Teneo had known the events that were taking place at the castle, they would have returned at that moment. However, knowing only their mission, they continued on.

  The second evening of their journey as they neared the spot where Ward met Torqueo, they stopped for the night to rest. Ward chose a spot away from the others. Teneo soon understood Ward's dislike for the search party. Because of the nature of his job as centurion, he suspected everyone.

  After Ward was sleeping soundly, Teneo scurried over to listen to anything that might give him insight into why Paschein and his crew were acting strangely. He heard a lot of profane language and found out most of their bad habits, but he learned little that was useful for anything. When the others settled down, he returned to Ward and slept peacefully inside his warm mane.

  As they continued on their way the following morning, Teneo began to whisper questions into Ward's ear. "Why did the Princess choose such an odd group of people to send on such an important mission?"

  "I don't know," Ward replied with a shake of his mane. "That question has been bothering me ever since we left the castle."

  The others glanced at him now and then, wondering about the strange unicorn that spent the day talking to himself.

  Soon Ward began to recognize the familiar landscape where he and Ella had met the displaced Torqueo. He trotted up to Paschein to give him the news.

  "This is the place, is it Ward?" Paschein asked in an unusually kind voice. "Well then, we had better investigate at the nearest village."

  The odd band of individuals turned to inquire at the community found near the crossroads. Ward's curiosity was intense to discover if Torqueo had spoken words of truth concerning the Obs.

  As they entered the town, which was mostly inhabited by monkeys, they found it abnormally quiet. Generally this village was ali
ve and buzzing.

  Paschein spoke first, "All looks nice and calm. Seems this monkey friend of yours had a wild dream of sorts."

  "On the contrary, Paschein, this village is never calm. Something is dreadfully wrong."

  No sooner had Ward made this statement than a tall, thin fellow with matted fur and gangly limbs approached them. His extremely high and screechy voice sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard and his eyes reminded Ward of one who’s crazy. However, he greeted the party with great dignity.

  "Hello, my friends," he said, bowing. "What brings you to our village?"

  Teneo looked about for signs of others but saw none. Ward impatiently spoke next, "Where are the monkeys?"

  The creature's eyes narrowed at Ward in a menacing way. "Some are still here. Most have decided to leave this town."

  "Did something disagreeable happen here?" Paschein asked in a friendly manner. The furry fellow smiled knowingly at Paschein as if to acknowledge that they were kindred spirits.

  "Not really. They are just a temperamental lot, these monkeys. Never satisfied. Guess they’re just tired of this dull village. My friends and I are delighted they offered us their homes since they were moving on.

  "Now you see, Ward." Paschein looked at him with a grin. "You were listening to the wrong side of things. I am much more inclined to believe this fine fellow than those silly monkeys.”

  Ward's hair stood on end at the thought of this creature as being a fine fellow.

  "I would like to speak to one of the monkeys left in the

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