The Crumbling Brick - Book 1 of the Land of Neo Trilogy

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The Crumbling Brick - Book 1 of the Land of Neo Trilogy Page 10

by JoHannah Reardon

Princess. It will be a pleasure to do all that you command.”

  Princess Onyma could tell that he meant it by the gleam in his eyes.

  As she entered the dining room that evening, she saw with pleasure that Teneo had been faithful to his word. She tried to relax although still tense with worry.

  Prince Malus arrived with pride, resplendent and daring as always. Paschein also came with his men, wearing a look of complete satisfaction. Prince Arche entered humbly, giving his attention to others rather than drawing attention to himself.

  Each prince sat next to Onyma, one on the right, the other on the left. Malus leaned over to the Princess whispering how lovely she looked and what a fine pair they would make on the dance floor. His words made her shiver tonight as if a cold wind had swept through the building.

  Prince Arche said nothing but gently placed his hand over hers. It reassured her that all would be well now that he was here.

  The dinner proceeded gaily, Prince Malus certain that he had won Onyma’s favor and that her kingdom would soon be his. Her maids-in-waiting still giggled about how dashing he was and he certainly was the court favorite.

  Just before the festivities began, Malus took Princess Onyma's arm to secure her partnership during the evening. He smiled broadly when she stepped on a platform to gain everyone's attention, certain that her announcement would be favorable to him.

  As she gained the attention of the crowd, Prince Malus never noticed her give a slight nod to Teneo as he began to place people strategically around the room. “My dear subjects, I ask you to listen carefully to what I have to say. It has come to me by a most reliable source that a terrible plot has been planned in order to take over Neo. "

  A ripple of astonished voices acknowledged the Princess' announcement. Malus smiled slyly at Paschein, both confident that the Princess was speaking of Paschein's report.

  "I am sad to say that Malus is the one who desires to bring ruin upon us. He and Paschein."

  Malus stepped on the platform, trying to hide the shock on his face. "My beautiful Princess," he interrupted, "who would tell you this lie? It must have been Prince Arche. He could not compete with what I have to offer you so he must resort to lies."

  The Princess saw what he was doing as many of her subjects agreed with him, turning their anger toward Prince Arche. She must act decisively.

  “No, Prince Malus. It was Teneo, my royal centurion. I must ask you to leave my kingdom at once. I choose Prince Arche to be king of Neo."

  A great hush swept over the crowd as all eyes turned toward Malus. His handsome face grew hideous before them as all the evil within him unleashed.

  With a wave of his hand, a great brawl broke out throughout the room. Everyone's swords were out in a moment, clashing loudly as women screamed and ran in every direction.

  Teneo led the charge against Paschein, fighting gallantly in spite of his fatigue. He and his band of wee ones were a mighty force as they worked together. As one they climbed on Paschein, slashing him with their tiny swords. He would throw them to the floor but they were soon back on him.

  Many of the forest creatures were there at Teneo's request. The monkeys stormed into the room when the fighting broke out, screeching loudly and jumping on the enemy with their long arms, they quickly pounded the wicked ones to the ground, rejoicing with each victory.

  The horses from the barn entered to join the fight, rearing upon Malus' men. They began to corner them until a loyal guard could capture them with swords and ropes.

  During all of this, Malus was ripping and gouging all within his grasp. When he perceived that his men were losing, he jumped toward the Princess, deciding to destroy her so that he could take control of her kingdom. Instantly Prince Arche stood before her, guarding her with his life as he had promised he would do.

  As the two rivals faced each other, both stood perfectly still for a moment, one with hatred, the other with sorrow in his eyes. Then Malus lunged at Arche, slashing at his shoulder. Arche slipped aside just in time, attempting to drive Malus away from the Princess. Malus then began to swing his sword wildly at Prince Arche over and over again. Each time Prince Arche dodged the blows, stopping them with his own sword.

  Arche moved back, driven by Malus' hatred, until he fell on a stair. Malus saw his moment and brought his weapon down with great might upon Prince Arche. Arche rolled away just in time, but the terrible sword came crashing down on his heel. In great pain he raised himself to standing position, swifter than Malus could recover from his exertion. Swinging his sword broadside with all the power within him, he sent Malus headlong down the staircase. He landed at the bottom with a broken neck, never to plot evil again. In spite of his wound, Prince Arche turned to continue the battle but soon saw the victory was won. In every corner, the good had triumphed over the wicked.

  Ella, who’d stayed in the hall during the battle ministering to the wounded, now approached the Princess, taking her hand to comfort her. Prince Arche reached her at the same time with words of wisdom. "Thank Kosmeo, this battle is won. My men and I would like to finish the job by driving the Obs from the country before they hear of Malus' defeat."

  Teneo now rushed to Prince Arche. "Great Ruler, there is no need. I sent a group of my comrades to free Ward. They by this time are on their way to rid Neo of these enemies.

  "You are a fine, loyal subject, Teneo. We will go at once to assist them."

  Teneo bowed low, considering Arche's words the worthiest praise he had ever received.



  Princess Onyma’s face glowed in spite of the fact that she was still shaking. When she’d been loyal to Malus, her face reflected his pride and selfishness. Now it mirrored Arche's love and gallantry, making her far more beautiful than ever before. Ella nearly wept with joy as she looked at her.

  “Dear Ella," the Princess entreated, taking Ella's hands in her own. "I ask your forgiveness. You were brave and true to me in spite of the horrible way I treated you. Kosmeo certainly sent you. I would like to honor you at my wedding. Will you ride Ward before me, leading the way? I know of no one I would rather follow."

  Ella, completely overcome, only nodded her head. Understanding, Onyma hugged her so tightly that she could hardly breathe. Finally she spoke, "Princess, I must speak to Philos of this victory. She will have a wonderful tapestry to weave now.”

  The next few days at the castle were tense as everyone waited to hear news from Prince Arche. When at last he returned, he was in a most jovial mood. He led Ward in tattered, but very much himself, sharing all the glory with him.

  Princess Onyma, usually stately and reserved, ran out to meet him, falling into his arms. “My Prince, do you bring good news?"

  "Very good news! It seems that the Obs are really very skittish. As soon as we told them that Malus was dead and Paschein captured, they fled for their lives.” Prince Arche laughed. “It was quite a sight seeing matted fur and gangly legs running everywhere. When we left, the monkeys were returning to their homes, as well as all the other displaced creatures. Thanks to Ward we knew exactly where to find all the scoundrels."

  "I can't thank either of you enough. You have restored peace to my, I mean our, kingdom," the Princess added, blushing.

  "And now we can think about happier things. We have a wedding to plan." Prince Arche glowed with warmth and love for Princess Onyma.

  The next couple of weeks were full of activity in preparation for the wedding. Daily Ella helped Princess Onyma make decisions, spending all the rest of her time riding Ward or humming with Philos.

  When the day arrived, Ella rose before dawn. She spent time reading the Great Book and reflected for a long time on the events that had occurred in this remarkable year of her life. As the hour of the ceremony drew near, she dressed in her fabulous gown made especially for the occasion. It was the color of the sky; not merely blue, but all the colors found in a perfect sunset, blending together just as they do when the sun dips under the horizon.
r />   She greeted Ward who was groomed impeccably, all of his wounds healed perfectly. As she mounted him, she turned to look at Princess Onyma and Prince Arche.

  The Princess was dressed in the purest white gown she had ever seen. The light of the stars radiated from it and the butterfly girls carried her train so that not a speck of dirt could be seen on it.

  Prince Arche wore a costume entirely of gold. It was so bright that it seemed like the very sunrise. He was so handsome and powerful looking that everyone caught his or her breath as he strode by.

  The music began, using every instrument found in the room that Ella had discovered when she first came to the castle. It sounded to Ella like a thousand angels lifting their voices in praise.

  The ceremony passed quickly, the Prince and Princess being pronounced one and proclaimed King and Queen at the same time. Ella's awe at the entire affair changed to excitement when she saw that Sequor performed the ceremony. Perfect, beautiful, glorious, grand, regal, and warm. Ella could not think of just one word to describe her feelings about it.

  When the wedding feast began, she expressed her feelings freely. She danced and sang, greeting everyone around her. Much of her time she spent thanking Sequor and Ward. The rest she used greeting Teneo, Mika, and even silly Torqueo.

  As gifts were presented to the royal couple, the most significant was the tapestry woven by Philos.

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