Babes in Toyland II

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Babes in Toyland II Page 24

by Aspen Mountain Press Authors

  He pressed against her and she groaned, pulling away. She couldn't let him ignore his duty. “We can't. Not right now."

  His shock was apparent. She stilled his lips with her fingertips and let the warmth of her heart fill her eyes. “We will have to wait."

  Uncertainty lined his face and she brushed her fingertips through the dark silken hair at his temple, lightly tugging him close. She pressed her body against his and he crushed her to him.

  "Why do you want to wait?” His ragged question lightened the band around her heart.

  "I have a duty to complete.” She pushed him back with a gentle hand and glanced at him through lowered lashes, hopelessly flirting with him. “No sex, remember? Until the end of my tour, I think you said."

  Roarke groaned and raised his hands in frustration. “You're kidding me. I think we negated that when we..."

  She touched his lips again and chuckled. “Rules are rules, Mr. Fae Law, so I'll be sure and think of you.” Her voice dropped to a husky timbre. “Every night when I orgasm to your memory."

  His ragged groan touched her, melting her core into a pool of heat. Her fingers trembled against his lips and the playfulness was gone, replaced by a deep hunger only Roarke could feed. “I'll be waiting for you, at the spring, on New Year's, Roarke. Don't be late."

  He closed his eyes and nodded with a jerk of his head. With unsteady hands he grasped the hand at his lips and kissed each knuckle with lingering attention. Every brush of his talented mouth sent little shots of electricity through her body. She licked suddenly dry lips and cleared her throat. How did she ever live without his touch?

  "I'll be there, Belle,” he rumbled and placed her hand against his forehead before popping away into the ether.

  Belle caressed the empty air for some lingering heat of his touch and thought, how in the seven wonders she was going to wait another week?


  Roarke trudged up the path past the grayed bell. The magic was gone for the season and he, for one, was extremely thankful for it. The council's reprimand had been much easier to take than he'd expected. His report was currently being dissected by a committee. He sighed.

  Soft music danced on the wind and he strained to hear which direction it was coming from. The spring. Strain drained from his shoulders and he felt his lips twitch in a semblance of a smile.

  The week without Belle had been torture. He didn't know how the little Fae had dug her little self so deep in his heart in such a short time. Her smile, her laugh. Every night his dreams had been haunted with images of her riding his cock, silver hair flowing around her like a curtain of gheji, as enticing as a goddess. Her sweet body had driven him insane.

  His wings twitched and he worried about her reaction when she saw the change to his wing pattern.

  He pushed through the bushes and stood at the edge of the spring. Music flowed around him but she was nowhere to be seen. Roarke caressed the hard ridge of his cock through his pants and groaned. He was torn between yelling for the minx, and easing the pain of their separation. His cock needed some serious attention.

  The music surrounded him and he glanced up. Silver moonbeams surrounded the most beautiful creature on earth. His breath caught and he trembled, torn between falling to his knees in worship, and flying up to take his mate.

  She slowly fluttered down and landed in the center of the spring, gripping the pipe in her hands like an anchor. Her silver hair shone like a halo around her sweet face. He trembled, his heart in his throat.

  "Have you come to me, Roarke of the Fae, with an open heart and loving soul?” Her voice shook in nervous anticipation. She extended her wings and he gasped. Her wings were a perfect mix of fire and loyalty. The purples and reds merged to a blaze of color.

  He didn't notice that he'd walked toward her until the warm splash of water touched his bare feet. He waded through the water until he met her in the middle. “I have come, Belle savior of the Fae, with an open heart and loving soul. Have you come to me with bared passion and a full heart?"

  Her wings fluttered softly, the only sign of her agitation. “I have."

  He held out his hands and she interlocked her fingers with his. Their lips met in a brief caress of lips and he released his wings, shy for the first time since they'd met. She gasped, her violet eyes darkening to pools of mystery.

  Awe touched her face, and she caressed the ridge of his jaw, kissing him with a reverence that humbled him.

  "My line of power has infused with yours.” She reached out and delicately caressed his wing ridge. His body quivered under her tender ministrations.

  "You're my mate, Belle. You always have been.” He couldn't stop the tremor in his voice.

  * * * *

  Her breath escaped on a shuddering sigh. “I was hoping you'd say that."

  He laughed and spun her around in his arms. They rose, spinning into the air, silver hair streaming with ribbons of black. Belle sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, the spinning reminding her of how hard she'd fallen for the Goodie-Goodie.

  At that moment he leaned in and whispered something that burned the tips of her ears in shy amazement. “That's not possible,” she whispered.

  Roarke chuckled and showed her that some things really are possible. After all, sometimes Faeries need a little help with their Christmas Wishes too.

  The End

  I wish you and yours all the best this Holiday Season.

  Heart's Desire

  Michelle Hasker

  Chapter One

  Adhamh hid in the shadows and watched the dark haired beauty cross the street. Tonight she was dressed in white fur. As she walked through the softly drifting snow, he couldn't help but be awed by her beauty. She had a natural grace, and oozed sex appeal. His inner beast growled in desire, but concern kept him from acting on his hunger.

  The woman seemed oblivious to the two men following her, but still held her purse tightly in front of her like a shield. The past few nights he'd sat inside this cafe and watched her walk past with the men following her. Curiosity might have killed the cat, but death didn't bother Adhamh. He'd been dead for seven hundred years, and he wanted to know what was going on.

  As he had the last two nights, Adhamh rose and blended into the night, following them. If mugging was their intent, then they'd have attacked her. Instead they just followed her, night after night. He could understand this behavior if they were bodyguards, but they couldn't be. Not when they when they acted like stalkers. They were not honorable men, and he couldn't stand the thought of such a lovely, vulnerable woman being taken advantage of. Or worse.

  A quick investigation he'd conducted yesterday revealed that she was Aine O'Leary, owner of a store called Hearts’ Desire. There were many things an antique dealer might have acquired that would attract the attention of undesirables, but they weren't staking out her store or her home. No burglaries had been committed at her properties, either. It appeared they wanted Aine.

  Word in the underground was that Dominik had a growing interest in antiques, particularly the ones in Aine's store. The question was why, and what did he want?

  Something was going to happen tonight. The air felt thicker, and the tension emanating from the men was palpable.

  Aine went around a corner. The men hurried after her, so Adhamh picked up his pace. When he turned the corner he saw Aine pause and glance back. The fright in her eyes as she looked at the two men stirred him into action. Just as the men drew near to her, he pushed in between them and wrapped his arms around her.

  "Darling! I asked you to wait for me at the store. You shouldn't be walking home alone this late at night. Bad things happen to beautiful women like you when they're alone."

  She stared at him with a mixture of shock and desire. He felt the attraction too, the heady pull of her scent and the sound of her blood as it pumped quickly through her veins. Her fear called to him on a primitive level and not only roused his protective instincts, but it fueled his hunger. Damn, she was potent

  Before she could say a word, he wrapped his arm around her and guided her along the sidewalk. Recognition flared, and desire sung through his body. How was it he knew her?

  "Who are you and what are you doing?” Her frightened whisper tugged at his heart.

  "I saw those two men following you. They don't look like the welcome wagon. If you want me to walk away, I will. But I couldn't just stand by and let them hurt you."

  "But you don't even know me.” Her pale blue eyes met his gaze. She shivered as her eyes darkened.

  He hadn't been mistaken. She felt it too. The knowledge sent a rush of heat to his cock, and it came to instant attention. Fighting the urge to press his mouth against hers and see if she tasted as delicious as she smelled, Adhamh drew her closer.

  "I don't know you."

  "You obviously don't know those men either.” He didn't enjoy her wince as he pointed out the obvious. How did he know her, and she didn't know him?

  "Where are you taking me?” she asked when he gently urged her across the street and into a dark office building.

  "I don't think you want them to follow you home. They'd just wait for me to leave and then attack. I'm positive you wouldn't want to go to my place, so that only left me one other option at this hour of the night. My office."

  "Couldn't we have gone into a restaurant or something?” She jerked her arm away from him as soon as the door closed behind them.

  Adhamh locked the door and leaned on it. “I figure we have a little bit of time, perhaps they'll give up for the night, but they will be back."

  "What are you talking about?” Aine walked behind his desk.

  She was skittish, like a colt, and looked ready to bolt if he sneezed. He hoped brutal honesty would work because he wouldn't be able to live with himself if she ignored his warning and got hurt. Or worse.

  "Three nights ago I saw you walk past with your shadows. I thought it was a little strange, so I followed them and you home. When you went inside, they sat outside across the street and watched your house. I'm a detective, and immediately my curiosity was piqued. You didn't seem to notice them, and I was worried for your safety. I did an investigation on you and the gentlemen in question. I learned that they work for Dominik.” He watched her eyes for signs of understanding.

  "Dominik? The Dominik? The one people talk about in hushed whispers because he's rumored to have spies everywhere?” Her voice quivered as she spoke.

  "Yes, that Dominik."

  "How do you know he's after me? I'm nobody."

  "Oh, darling, you are definitely not nobody. I'd have taken notice of you even without your tails. They followed you last night, and the night before that, and the night before that, too. I have no idea how long before that they've been tailing you because up until this week I was busy on a case. But tonight they looked like they were about to make a move.” He studied her while she fidgeted behind his chair.

  Aine had a drop dead gorgeous body. One even the undead would kill for. She was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. It was no wonder she attracted attention. Beautiful and successful. It was a surprise she wasn't already married. His source had said she wasn't even dating anyone at the moment.

  "Okay, I guess your story makes sense. I did notice them last night, but when neither approached me or tried to talk to me, I figured it was my imagination. Then I saw them again tonight and realized it was too much of a coincidence."

  "Now that their cover is blown, they won't have much to lose and will probably come after whatever it is they want."

  "I don't have anything of value. Well, I have a store full of antiques, but you know what I mean. Nothing worth killing me over.” Her lower lip trembled before she bit it.

  Adhamh tamped down the lust rising in his throat. He wanted her and he'd have her. But not like this.

  * * * *

  Aine stared at her savior. If that was even what he was. For all she knew, he could be in cahoots with the others. And once he convinced her he was on the up and up, he'd sucker her out of whatever they wanted to steal.

  Gaudy Christmas decorations filled his office, reminding her there was only a few shopping days left until the holiday. And now she could add dealing with thieves and whatever else these men might be to her list. Didn't criminals even take a break for the holidays? They should at least get their Christmas stealing out of the way before Black Friday, leaving the hard to purchase gifts for the honest people.

  Aine looked back at the tall dark stranger. He wore his chocolate brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. While she'd never been one to go for a guy with long hair, he pulled it off rather well. Eyes blue as midnight watched her every move like a hawk. He reminded her of a predator. Or a vampire.

  That's it!

  Aine grabbed onto the back of his chair when her knees went weak. Closing her eyes, she listened to the hushed whispers rushing through her mind. The ring? Not the ring. It's my ring! He's a stranger. I can't give him my most prized possession. It won't even mean anything to him. He'll probably pawn it or give it to some bimbo. I don't want anyone else wearing my ring.

  Yes. He would be perfect.

  No, he won't! Aine swayed, and opened her eyes. Even though she fought the whispers, in the end she had no choice. There would be no peace for her until she gave him the ring.

  "Are you okay?” Adhamh's deep husky voice rumbled through her, startling her out of her internal argument. At least he couldn't hear the voices in her head.

  "Yeah.” At least she would be if he kept that sexy mouth closed.

  "You don't look like you're okay. I'm sorry if this came as a shock to you."

  "You spiriting me in here and locking the door didn't help,” she snapped.

  He chuckled and nodded his head. “I apologize for that. Can I introduce myself to you and show you the information I've gathered?"

  Aine swallowed past a lump in her throat as he advanced to the front of the desk. “I guess.” She was as nervous as a virgin on her wedding night. Only, how many women were still virgins when they got married nowadays?

  Sometimes a long life was a blessing, and other times it wasn't. Things had changed over the centuries, and not always for the better. Watching the human race self-destruct while she couldn't do a damn thing about it was worse than being there to see the Fae world divide and go to war. At least the Fae hadn't destroyed everyone around them.

  "My name is Adhamh.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a wallet. He showed her his licenses, both driver's and his detective.

  "Adhamh. Like Adam, but Gaelic."

  He grinned and pocketed his wallet. “Exactly.” He turned the small desk lamp on and opened the planner. “This is my desk, my office."

  "I believe you are who and what you say you are, but I'm still not sure about your intentions."

  He reached to the left for a manila folder. “Here is the file I collected. The trail of the men following you led me right to Dominik. I don't know what he wants with you. If I did, we could find a way to stop him."

  "He deals in the black market, right?” She waited for Adhamh to nod before she continued. “There could be any number of things I own that he's after. I don't even know what I have in my store without looking at a spreadsheet. I have multiple business dealings, and numerous rivals or enemies, whatever you'd prefer to call them. Hearts’ Desire isn't my only business either. I also have a day care for families with low income that I started near center city. But I doubt that could have anything to do with it."

  "I think it's safe to say he's after something at Hearts’ Desire."

  "But what?” As she studied him, Aine wondered if her instincts could be wrong about Adhamh. What if he wasn't a good Samaritan trying to help? Maybe anytime now he would make a suggestion, or ask if she had some item and make the offer to give it to the men for her. The idea was too ridiculous for her to continue that line of reasoning. Her instincts weren't that bad and had saved her in the past. She'd trust them now, too.

have no idea, Aine, but I couldn't leave you to those two men. I'm afraid they'll only renew their efforts, too."

  "Do you think they will try to break into my store while I'm here with you?"

  "I'm not sure. I think they want something that's not in the store."

  "But you said—"

  Adhamh sighed. “I know what I said, but I take it back. They were going to grab you. I know they were. If they wanted something at your store they would just break in and take it."

  "But it's impossible to break into my store. No one has succeeded yet."

  Adhamh's eyes caught hers and held. “Are you serious? You've never had a theft?"

  "I've never had a break in, I didn't say there hadn't been any thefts.” Aine tightened her grip on the chair.

  Adhamh leaned closer and looked into her eyes. “I think he wants you."

  A shiver raced up her spine at his words. It was something that had crossed her mind more than once tonight. While she didn't know why Dominik would want her, or why any person would want to kidnap her, she did admit it was a possibility.

  "I can't imagine why."

  "I can.” His eyes darkened as he looked up and down her body. “I can think of several reasons why."

  "You're such a male. A damned arrogant one, too."

  Adhamh chuckled, but didn't break eye contact.

  "I know what you are.” Aine grinned, flashing her teeth at him.

  His eyes flickered, but the rest of his face maintained a neutral expression.

  "You don't look surprised, but then you've had centuries to practice your expression, haven't you, vampire?"

  Adhamh leaned over his desk. “Not only do you know what I am, but you're not afraid of me. Tell me how you know this. Tell me why."

  "Oh, I am afraid of you.” Aine grinned. “But not because you're a vampire, because I don't trust you. You are an unknown, Adhamh. A creature of the night, that is a creature of sensual delight, granted, but one that I'm unfamiliar with. Sorry to disappoint you."


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