Tailor Made (69th St. Bad Boys Book 7)

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Tailor Made (69th St. Bad Boys Book 7) Page 6

by Hart, Rye

  Chapter Thirteen


  I stood in the mirror fixing my bow tie, staring at the designer tux I was wearing, but my mind wasn’t on my clothes. It was lost in the sheets of my bed from the night before. The sound of my phone buzzing drew me back to the present and I looked down to see a text from Penny, she was waiting for me in the lobby. It was the night of the charity event and the first time I had been someone’s date to something like that in a very long time.

  Tucking my phone in the breast pocket of my jacket, I headed out of the apartment. I knew that I could have met her at her place, but didn’t want to deal with her father, not on a night like this. I had to be in the right mindset to deal with him. When I reached the lobby I looked out, trying to find Penny. As the crowds parted I looked at her, a smile coming over me. She looked absolutely stunning, with the perfect dress, perfect hair, and perfect smile on her face. As I walked toward her shaking my head, she blushed and looked down.

  “You look absolutely amazing,” I whispered as I kissed her cheek.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I’m still not sure why you couldn’t have stopped at my floor and grabbed me so you could have said hello to my father. I was a little disappointed.”

  I looked down at her, realizing my excuses had run out long ago. I wanted to have this conversation with her but not right then, not when we had the event to get to. I didn’t want to spend the whole evening with her in a bad mood. I leaned forward and kissed her forehead again and stared down at her.

  “I know we just started seeing each other,” she continued. “I just want to introduce you to my father. He is the only sane parent I have left.”

  I stared at her for several seconds, trying to come up with something that she would believe. I hated the fact that I had to lie to her, though I knew this lie would be easier than acting like I’d never met her father before. I took in a deep breath and ran my hands down her arms, grabbing her wrists and pulling them close to my chest. I tilted my hands downward and kissed her knuckles.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said. “I hadn’t realized it was that important to you. I promise there is no reason behind it, other than the fact that I am always extremely busy. My life is planned out by the minute, and sometimes making spur of the moment decisions like that can really shift everything. I promise you it is not purposeful. We have all the time in the world to get to know each other’s families. Tonight was just not the night.”

  I hated that I was lying to her. It was driving me absolutely insane. I may be a playboy and a business shark, but one thing I was not, was a liar. Penny’s father had already turned me into something I despised, and I wondered just how far his reach was going to go. I stared at her face, worried, hoping that my lies were holding up, even though I hated the fact that I had to tell them. I watched her face, hoping that she was going to take that excuse and be okay with it. I sighed slowly and quietly as her face relaxed and a smile slowly emerged.

  “Okay,” she said, nodding her head. “I understand. I’m sorry I didn’t think about the fact that you run a billion-dollar company.”

  “Don’t apologize,” I said hugging her. “I understand how important your family is to you. I promise it won’t be this way forever. I love having you in my life, but it’s an adjustment, an adjustment I am more than happy to make. I just need you to believe that I wouldn’t make a decision without our best interests at heart.”

  I knew that was a bit much, and that she really wouldn’t understand what I was saying, but I had to let her know how much I cared about her. She grabbed my hand and smiled as we turned toward the doors and headed out to the limo. We climbed inside and rode toward the MET where the event was taking place. I watched Penny as we drove along, the lights from the city cascading in shadows through the limo. She looked happy but contemplative, and I knew that was the best I could expect in this situation.

  When we arrived at the MET she smiled excitedly. There was a red carpet rolled out all the way to the door, with media and onlookers crowded on each side. The chauffeur opened the door and I slid out, turning to help her out of the car. She grasped onto my arm nervously and walked toward the door. It was extremely adorable, and she looked absolutely amazing. When we got inside, we checked our coats and headed to the main section of the seating. I kissed her forehead and smiled.

  “I have a speech to make,” I said, watching her nod and stare at me adoringly.

  “Good evening everyone,” I said, into the mic, giving them time to quiet. “What a perfect night. MJ is more than proud to be sponsoring this amazing event for the sixth year in a row. The money made here tonight will not just go to Cancer Research, but to the children that struggle for survival against that horrible disease. I am here, along with my date—a woman who drives me to be a better man, sparking life in me that I didn’t even know was there—to push forward and provide Cancer Research the funding it deserves. So, enjoy your dinner and cocktails, and get out your checkbooks. Together, let’s set new records in fundraising for this great cause tonight!”

  Everyone clapped and whistled as I glanced down at Penny and winked. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was obviously taken back by the words I had said about her. The amazing thing was that I meant every single one of them. Dinner was enjoyable, and I watched as Penny charmed every person she met. She was really good at talking to people, and I instantly knew I would never have to worry about bringing her to events like this again. The auction went off without a hitch, and the donation desk was bursting with donors. At that point we were on track to break records with the amount of money we were raising, and it made me extremely proud.

  After dinner, Penny and I sat laughing and talking with the people at the table. As usual, there were the different groups of people. There were the old money men, who had brought their wives, enjoyed the dinner, and made a very large donation, then excused themselves for the evening. Then, there were the social groups that stayed around at the event until almost the end, soaking in as much time with the richest of the rich as possible. I didn’t mind either group, as I was forced to be at the event until the bitter end. At one point, the people at the table excused themselves and I looked over at Penny, whose eyes were glimmering in the light of the large chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I took her hand and motioned for the dance floor. She smiled and nodded her head, setting her bag down on her seat.

  As we stepped out onto the floor I whirled her around, pulling her close into me. We danced quietly to the sounds of the orchestra music, feeling the proximity of our bodies. She smelled so amazing and I didn’t want the evening to end. I pulled back slightly and looked down at her face.

  “Will you come back to my apartment? Stay the night with me,” I said, hoping that she would say yes.

  “I wish I could,” she sighed. “I have an early meeting with my team, down in the building I rent. It is extremely important because our release is coming up. I think it would be best if I went home so I could make sure to have everything I needed when I wake up.”

  “Okay,” I said, smiling and kissing her forehead.

  She leaned into me and we continued to dance. Though I believed her story, I couldn’t help but notice there was something up with her. She didn’t seem as carefree and open as she had before. I didn’t know what it was, whether it had to do with her father, her project, or the fact that she was just exhausted from the excitement of the evening. Whatever was bothering her wasn’t something I could fix right then and there, so I just held her close and danced, hoping that whatever it was, whatever was giving her hesitation, quickly faded away.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I woke up excited, ready to see my team, give them the awesome updates, and really get back to work on this project. It was nice knowing I was going to walk into the meeting with good news, since we had faced so many bumps in the road along the way. I grabbed a coffee at the café before heading out of the building and grabbing a cab. I had rented a small space in Br
ooklyn for us to have a home base for the project. Some of the staff worked there, but most everyone worked remotely, not wanting to move their entire stash of equipment to the office. I understood, especially since most days I worked out of the Avalon myself.

  Once I arrived and greeted everyone, we dove right into the updates. Everything was right on track, we had been able to move through all the issues seamlessly, and were on schedule to launch the demo of the software in two weeks. Everyone was ecstatic, and we talked about all the things this would mean for us. My mind was on track at that moment, but I knew Gabriel was going to eventually creep his way back in. But for the moment, I was focused on the people I worked with, and the great meeting we just had. Everything seemed like it was starting to line up for me and honestly, it was blowing my mind.

  Excited didn’t even begin to cover what I was feeling. I had created a software that had the ability to outshine every other product in the field. I had put together a team of the best in the business to trail me, fix my mistakes, and make this program completely fool proof. We already had interest from buyers across the world and my anxiety level was at a peak. I had rented this building, but I didn’t expect to be there for very long. I suspected we would be in a better place, with an actual setup by the end of the month. Then everyone would have a place to go and work, and while I focused on the marketing aspects of the product, my developers could start on the next phase of projects. Everything was perfect.

  After the meeting, I went back to the Avalon, ready to get down to work. I smiled at the security guard and waved at Gabby, who was working a shift at the café. As I turned the corner, I stopped, scooting over behind a pillar. Gabriel and my father were standing by the elevators talking. I tilted my head, wondering what they could be talking about. They definitely didn’t look like they were two strangers meeting for the first time. I inched closer, not wanting to be seen. Everything about that situation seemed strange and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

  The conversation looked heated. Every time someone would walk past, they would lower their voices and look around. My father had a furrowed brow, and though irritation was on his face, he also looked to be pleased with Gabriel in some ways. Gabriel’s body language was angry but contemplative and his hands were clutched behind his back as he spoke to my father. I looked around, making sure no one was watching me, and scooted across the floor to the wall that was just around the corner from them. I wanted to know what the hell was going on, and I knew if they saw me they would quickly change their demeanor. I was tired of these games, of this uncertainty, and I wanted to know what was going on right then and there.

  I scooted closer to them, but their voices were muffled by the sound of the television in the lobby. I gritted my teeth and stepped closer, now right on the other side of the wall. I leaned my head against the marble and listened, wanting to understand why both Gabriel and my father were meeting like this, yet had told me they didn’t know each other. It was all so confusing, and I needed to get to the bottom of it.

  “It’s not the time,” my father said, angrily. “She is my daughter and I will decide the timeframe.”

  “And I care way too much about her to keep lying to her,” Gabriel replied. “You need to tell her.”

  “Tell me what?” I walked around the corner and stood there, staring at both of them.

  They both froze at the sound of my voice, turning toward me with completely startled faces. They stood there staring at me, neither one knowing what to say. I had caught them both completely off guard and I wanted some damn answers. “I said, tell me what?” I put my hands on my hips and stared at them angrily. “Someone better start talking.”

  “You really need to sit down with your dad,” Gabriel said, shaking his head. “This needs to be between the two of you.”

  “No, obviously you are involved,” I said.

  “Still, this is your father’s place,” he said, shaking his head.

  I stood there absolutely livid, knowing whatever my father told me was going to be a sugarcoated and washed down version of the story. That was exactly what I didn’t want. I wanted the God damn truth, and I wanted these two to stop treating me like a child. I was a grown woman and I deserved answers as to why they were both obviously lying to me.

  “If you really care for me, like you said you did in that speech last night, you need to tell me what is going on,” I said staring at Gabriel. “This is not okay in the least. I thought that we were partners in this. I thought that I could trust you.”

  “Penny you can trust me,” he said pleadingly. “Look, I know your father. I’ve known your father for about a decade.”

  “I knew it,” I said, shaking my head and wrapping my arms around myself.

  I stood there angrily clenching my teeth and trying to keep my hands from shaking. This whole time Gabriel knew exactly who my father was, and he purposely lied to me. I didn’t know why he was lying, but I felt completely and utterly betrayed. Everything about this situation was shady and I couldn’t figure out why my father was standing there like a dog with his tail between his legs. I wanted to scream at them both, and tell them how horrible they were for lying to the one person that supported both of them. Instead, I just stood there staring at them, waiting for someone to give me more information than what I had so far. They knew each other, fine, but if it was a good relationship they would have told me from the beginning. There was something bad going on between them, I could feel it.

  “You don’t understand,” Gabriel said. “I’m not trying to keep things from you.”

  “Then explain it to me, I’m not stupid,” I said angrily. “I am pretty sure I’ll catch on quickly.”

  “Many years ago, I was going to do a deal with your dad,” Gabriel said, quietly.

  “Gabriel,” my father snapped. “Don’t. Please don’t do this, not like this.”

  My head snapped toward my father and I looked at him suspiciously. Why would my father not want Gabriel to tell me what happened? What was so insanely difficult about telling me what happened between them?

  “Dad,” I said, with a controlled, but angry voice. “What is going on? Please explain all of this to me, because it looks terrible.”

  He stood there staring at me. He opened his mouth to say something, but sighed and shook his head. He didn’t want to tell me whatever this was, but I didn’t care. If either of them wanted me in their lives, then they needed to start talking. I was not going to stand by and allow myself to be caught up in something that didn’t feel right at all.

  “Randall,” Gabriel snapped. “You need to figure this out. You owe her an explanation. This isn’t just your life you’re affecting anymore.”

  I looked back and forth between my father and Gabriel, realizing they weren’t going to talk. I shook my head at them both, sick to my stomach over the whole thing. I turned and walked away toward the doors, ignoring as Gabriel called after me. If they wanted to be silent, I could be silent too.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I slammed the phone down and put my face in my hands, groaning. I had been calling Penny all day, but she wouldn’t answer the damn phone. At first, she was sending me to voicemail, but after I texted her several times, she just turned her phone off. It was so damn frustrating not being able to contact her. I knew what had happened this morning looked really bad to Penny, but she needed to hear someone out. It wasn’t my place to tell her about her father’s indiscretions, but if he forced my hand, and it meant being with her or not being with her, then I would tell her myself. That being said, it was pretty impossible to tell her anything when she wouldn’t pick up the phone. I thought about going over to her apartment but the last person I wanted to see at that moment was Randall. I was pretty sure I would punch him right in the jaw.

  I picked up my cell phone and dialed Jay’s number. He always knew what to do, even in crazy situations like this one. He was an outsider looking in and might be able to give me some good advice.
  “Hey,” I said when he answered the phone. “You got a minute?”

  “Sure,” he replied.

  “Penny overheard her father and I talking this morning,” I said. “She blew up and demanded to know what was going on. I didn’t want to be the one to tell her, and Randall cut me off anyway, so she stormed out. Now she won’t answer any of my calls or texts.”

  “Give her some time,” he said. “Take a deep breath and give her a little space. Does she know about her father?”

  “No,” I said. “I started to explain my part of it all, but he cut me off. She just stood there staring at both of us and I didn’t know what to do.”

  “You don’t have to wait for him,” Jay said. “If it were just rumors or you weren’t involved at all, then it would be his place, but that isn’t the case. You have the right to explain yourself without him butting in. Give it some time and then when she is ready, tell her everything.”

  Before I could say anything, my phone beeped. I pulled it away from my ear to see who was calling, and my eyes widened as I realized it was Penny. I put the phone back to my ear.

  “Jay, I’ll call you back, its Penny on the other line,” I said, frantically.

  Pulling the phone back, I switched the calls, took a deep breath and put the phone back up to my ear. I really hoped that she was calmer. I cleared my throat and answered.

  “Penny,” I said, with a sigh. “Thank God.”

  “I want to know the truth,” she said, with an emotionless tone. “I want to know all the information, not just some of it. I want to know the truth, the unbiased truth, no matter what it is. I need to know what happened or I will never move past this.”


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