Jungle Fever (Bayside Tigers #6)

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Jungle Fever (Bayside Tigers #6) Page 1

by Rachel Real

  Jungle Fever

  (Bayside Tigers Series)

  By Rachel Real

  © 2015 by Rachel Real. All rights reserved.

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  Explicit and graphic love scenes are ahead. If you are uncomfortable with VERY GRAPHIC sex, turn back now. This book is intended for readers 18+

  Other Bayside Tigers Books

  Surf n’ Turf (1)

  Furry Fling (2)

  Wet N’ Wild (3)

  Purrfect Paradise (4)

  Roaring Waves (5)

  Jungle Fever (6)

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  More Books by Rachel Real

  Chapter One


  We’re gonna see strippers... What the hell was I thinking when I agreed to this? Elsa Spilnecki thought. Sure, it was Elsa's bachelorette party. And sure, it's supposed to be her last wild night of fun, but really?

  Elsa's typical idea of fun was cooking up new super secret recipes for her bakery. The same recipes that made James Marshall, her fiancée, take notice. But her wild and crazy bestie, Caroline Rue, wasn't taking "no" for an answer.

  "C'mon, Elsa. You didn’t fly all the way down here, to this bright sunny paradise, just so you could mope for seven days in the hotel..." Caroline teased, pushing a reluctant Elsa forward.

  Elsa's wedding was only a week away. And so far, she's only been panicking about flower arrangements, food catering and dress fittings.

  A bunch of Elsa's friends and colleagues flew in from New York for her island wedding in Bayside.

  "Caroline, this isn't really me. I mean hot guys wearing next to nothing—I think I'll pass. The only man I need is James. He's dignified, respectful and—," Elsa started.

  "BORING!" Caroline interrupted, rolling her eyes.

  Elsa shifted her weight to one side, teetering on her heels. "Anyone who doesn't have a million tribal tattoos or doesn't play in a crappy band is boring to you. I like my stable predictable life—thank you very much!" Elsa replied with a toss of her straight auburn hair.

  "Girl, I only like him because you like him. To me, he's a bit pushy. He's always making passive aggressive snipes about your weight..." Rita, one of Elsa's co-workers, replied, butting in.

  Yes, James did always make comments about my rounder than normal figure. But James was a work out freak, his comments stung but he's only trying to make me better, right?

  Elsa reasoned.

  "Sure whatever. Tonight’s not about him. Tonight is all about seeing some sexy dick!" Caroline squealed.

  Elsa shook her head. When she held open the door to the club, Elsa was the last to enter. She looked up at the club name...


  "Wow, really?" Elsa muttered arching a brow before strolling inside.


  The staggeringly loud music forced Elsa to cover her ears. Half naked beefcakes roamed all around. Their shirtless oiled up chests were so lean it looked like they were sculpted from stone. Elsa grimaced every time one of them would gaze at her with their strangely dark golden eyes.

  "Okay, Bride to Be..." Caroline snickered, guiding Elsa in the middle of their table. "You sit right here."

  The D.J. blurted into the microphone.

  "Alright, everyone give it up for the sexiest dancer in the Bayside, MAGIC MICAH!!!"

  All the women in the crowd screamed and yelled at the top of her lungs.

  A bad feeling made Elsa's skin prickle. Oh, no. What is Caroline trying to pull?

  Suddenly, the lights dim low, and a loud base bumps through the speakers. A tall, muscular man wearing a tight police uniform had Elsa rasp at the sway of his hips. He had a carnivorous look in his eyes and came prowling down the center of the stage. His hair was almost buzzed down in a crew cut and the way he licked the corner of his mouth had Elsa thinking filthy thoughts. The "police officer" vaulted off of the stage, landing right in front of Elsa.

  "I've heard you've been a naughty little bride..." Micah growled.

  Elsa gulped not knowing what to do next.

  "Gurl, get the hell up there and shake your tail!" Caroline urged, thrusting Elsa into Micah's burly embrace.

  "Are you carrying any heat? Can't be too safe?" Micah grinned in Elsa's ear.

  Micah groped Elsa's thick curvy hips and grinded his crotch into her ass. He then bent her over table and frisked her between her soft milky thighs.

  Jesus, if James saw this—he'd kill me! Elsa panicked in her mind.

  "I bet your man doesn't touch you like this..." Micah whispered hot against her neck.

  Every cell in Elsa's body went ablaze when Micah lightly grazed her panties. He then handcuffed her and led her towards the stage.

  Elsa reclined into an empty chair shown in the spotlight.

  "GO! ELSA!" her friends cheered with sex crazed glee.

  "Okay, you really don't have to do all of this..." Elsa pleaded, inhaling Miach's heavy musk.

  A smile spread across Micah's face when he stood tall in front of her and then ripped his shirt in half. Elsa bit her lip, unable to calm the frenzy in her body. Her eyes caught sight of Micah's gorging hard-on through his tight leather pants. All of his muscles flexed underneath the hot lights and sweat dripped down the contours of his abs. Micah then grinded his tantalizingly hard cock in Elsa's face.

  Elsa almost couldn't breathe, staring into Micah's wicked eyes. She felt herself moistening between her milk white thighs. Micah leans in, achingly close, almost as if he were going to kiss her.

  "Okay, little bride...I'll let you get away with just a warning—this time..." He growled.

  Then abruptly he pulled back, unlocked her handcuffs and guided Elsa to her seat.

  That's it! It’s over! Elsa thought, tempted to run back on stage. More male dancers performed their acts, but the whole night Elsa only had one man on her mind.

  Her pulse still ran hot and her heart raced in her chest. At the end of the night, when Elsa and her friends returned back to their hotels, Elsa didn't dare shower and lay back all sweaty in her bed. She stared up at the ceiling. On her mind, she pictured Micah grinding on her again and again.

  Chapter Two


  Elsa buried her face in the pillow, still trying to sleep off last night's massive hangover.

  "Who is it?" She screamed, her voice muffled.

  "It's James, I need to pick up some things from the grocery store.." James, her fiancée, shouted from the other side of the door. Elsa didn't even want to bother rousing up from being bunched in her warm covers.

  "Elsa, you can't just hang in bed all day!"

  Elsa slowly leaned upright with dried drool on her face. Like a zombie, she lumbered towards the door and unlocked it.

  James moved in and kissed Elsa softly on her lips. He looked at the ragged state of her.

  "So, I'm guessing you went out with the girls last night," James stated, still taking stock of Elsa's messy appearance.

  "Yeah, it was a little bit crazy last night," Elsa mumbled.

  "You didn't embarass me I hope," James replied.

lsa didn't quite know how to answer. James came from a wealthy political family. His Uncle was the Mayor of New York City. He was always worried about preserving his high pedigree reputation.

  "It's fine," she assured. "What did you need from the grocery store? I'm not sure they even have one on the island."

  "They've got a Farmer's market close by, we can check that place out. It will do you some good to eat some healthy veggies..." James said, poking Elsa in the middle of her belly.

  James always had to make comments about Elsa's weight. It annoyed her sometimes, but she just chocked it up to being one of James' few flaws. I can't just toss him aside because he not perfect. That's just silly, right?

  Elsa grabbed her coat and then followed James out of the door.


  The smell of fresh fruits and vegetables wafted into Elsa's nose. The sea air blew Elsa's hair into her face. The outdoor Farmer's market had a rainbow of every fruit and vegetable you could imagine. James stopped in front of a stand selling fresh kale.

  Elsa twitched up her nose. Even at her age, she hated to eat vegetables.

  James poked her in the stomach again. "You should be eating kale, Elsa. Especially if you want to slim down your thighs."

  Elsa sighed, feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

  "There's nothing I like more than a woman who has thick thighs..." a voice let slip. Elsa swiveled around and saw the stripper from Jungle Fever standing right beside her. She gulped.

  Micah wore a backwards baseball cap, Hawaiian board shorts and a tight white t-shirt. Elsa could easily make out the outline of his tanned abs. James noticed a weird tension between the two.

  "You two...know each other?" James asked.

  Elsa tried to mumble an answer but couldn't quite get out the words.

  Micah answered. "Yeah, she saw me doing some street art. I drew her a picture."

  Elsa looked surprised. "Oh, so you're an artist?"

  "I'm a man of many talents," he growled low and soothing.

  Elsa couldn't hide the devious smirk on her face.

  "That's perfect actually," James exclaimed. "I've been wanting to hire someone to do our portrait for our wedding."

  What? Elsa freaked out.

  "Nah, I'm sure Mr.—" Elsa trailed off. She didn't know Micah's last name.


  "I'm sure Mr. Steel," she continued. "Doesn't have time to do our little wedding..."

  James just walked passed her and shook Micah's very big hand.

  "You're hired," James insisted.

  A perverted smile spread across Micah's face as he shook Elsa's fiancée’s hand.

  "Elsa, would you be a dear, and hammer out all of the details with Micah," James told her before walking off to look at more fruits and vegetables.

  "An artist, really?!" Elsa hissed at Micah.

  "It's true. I draw pictures of tourists during the day...." Micah replied.

  "I think we both know what you do at night..." Elsa said, feeling utterly embarrassed.

  "You sure as hell weren't complaining about it last night," Micah asserted, leaning in close.

  "Last night was a mistake, okay. I don't even remember half of what happened..."

  "I do," Micah growled. "Take this. Give me a ring when you want to see a private show..."

  He handed Elsa his card, from the Jungle Fever strip club. Elsa blushed, glancing at Micah's tempting mouth. Micah had this macho swagger that and an annoyingly addictive charm. He openly slapped Elsa's ass and went on his merry way.

  Chapter Three

  The next day Caroline and Elsa headed out for brunch. They sat at a table underneath the shade of palm trees.

  "Are you still going to your dress fitting today?" Caroline asked, peeking at Elsa over her shades.

  "Yeah," Elsa replied still weirded out about seeing "Magic Micah" this morning.

  Caroline knew something was up. Like all best friends, she had a special "spidey sense" when something was definitely wrong.

  "Cough it up," Caroline demanded. "You're hiding something. You might as well tell me 'cuz you know I'll find out anyhow."

  Elsa knew Caroline was good at digging up dirt on her life.

  "Remember that hot stripper from the club last night," Elsa mumbled.

  "Uh-huh. How could I forget...The one with the super hot pelvic thrusts?" Caroline replied.

  "Yes," Elsa said rolling her eyes. "Well, James hired him to do portraits for our wedding. I'm even going to see him at the fitting later..."

  Caroline stared at her blankly. "The dude's a dancer AND an artist...woah!"

  "Focus, Caroline!" Elsa replied annoyed. "His name's Micah, and James doesn't even know that Micah is a...well y'know. What should I do?"

  Caroline mulled over her thoughts while sipping on her chilled mimosa. She saw the panic and worry stricken expression on her bestie's face and then offered her some frank advice.

  "Fuck it. Don't tell James. Why does he need to know what Micah really does? James is an asshole anyway...And if I had the chance, I'd give Magic Micah a blow job right now... "

  The last thing Elsa needed was some insanely hot stripper watching her try on her wedding dress. Elsa pinched Caroline's shoulder.

  "Ow! Well, I would. All James ever does is make you feel like shit. If I were in your shoes, I'd screw Micah in heartbeat. Dude looks like he can really get down..." Caroline said and shrugged.

  Elsa cupped her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing too loud. Of course, Elsa would never sleep with him. Not that she wasn't tempted. But she loved what she had with James and she wasn't about to just throw that away.

  "I'm telling you, Elsa. If you don't hit that...you're going to regret it..."

  "He's just hired to be my artist not my gigolo," Elsa giggled.

  Caroline cocked her head to one side. "Wake up, Elsa. The only reason he accepted the job, is because he wanted to be closer to you, DUH!"

  Closer to me? Elsa thought. He can’t possibly have a crush can he?

  "Anyways, I better head out of her or I'll be late," Elsa said gathering her things.


  Elsa's flat sandals clacked against the street as she hurried through a cobblestone alleyway. She fixed her gaze on her watch, and noticed that she was almost late to her dress fitting appointment. Even though it was the daytime, dark shadows loomed in the alleyway. Elsa clutched her purse under her arm as she paced towards the other side.

  "A pretty girl like you shouldn't be walking alone..." A man grunted from the shadows.

  Elsa only ignored the voice and just sped up her steps.

  "Hey, bitch! You need to stop when I'm talking to you," the creepy man hollered.

  Elsa ran before the stranger knocked her on the ground.

  "Please—here, take my purse," Elsa offered, her entire body trembling.

  The mugger palmed Elsa's face and looked directly in her eyes.

  "That's not all I want..."

  Suddenly, a swift white blur sprang out of nowhere, knocking the mugger to the ground. Elsa also scrambled to her feet and pressed her back against the wall. The vicious looking tiger with blue-gold eyes and snowy fur trailed after her.

  What the hell is a tiger doing on the middle of an island? Elsa thought too afraid to make any sudden moves. The beast bared its ferocious fangs at Elsa. Elsa turned her head to avoid looking into its firey eyes.

  "You okay?" a familiar voice asked.

  Elsa turned, nearly snorting when she saw Micah standing there completely naked in front of her. Micah's sturdy chest heaved while trying to catch his breath.

  "Wha? You're a...a tiger!" Elsa garbled.

  Chapter Four

  Micah's powerfully built body moved ever closer to Elsa.

  "It's best not to walk alone on the island, lots of thugs are always looking to get easy tourist dollars... Sorry about that?" Micah tried to console her.

  But Elsa couldn't help but be mesmerized by the look of his nicely cut body.

  "What's this who
le tiger thing about? I mean, that doesn't make any sense..." She finally found the words to say.

  Micah picked up his ripped shirt from the sandy ground. "I'm a shifter. I can transform into a weretiger. Most of the people who live here in Bayside are shifters hiding in plain sight."

  "Why are you naked?" she squinted.

  "Our clothes rips to shreds when we shift," Micah shrugged and said.

  Elsa glanced down at her watch again. She'd was to late to make the dress fitting.

  It didn't matter anyway as she was too shocked over a wild tiger saving her life.

  "Well, maybe you can come back with me to my place. You can just stay over a couple of hours to catch your breath," Micah said.

  Honestly, Elsa just wanted to go anywhere. It didn't matter where.


  The first thing Elsa noticed was all of the art hanging on every inch of Micah's walls. Pieces of art even hung from strings near the ceiling. Beautiful charcoal drawn sketches even lined his table. He lived in a bungalow with large open windows right next to the beach.

  "God, with all of this talent, why don't you just quit stripping and just be a legit artist?" Elsa asked picking up a sketch.

  "Trust me, I've been trying. But I can't get a loan to open up a gallery. So, I got into stripping. You tourists get to see only the good parts of Bayside...it's whole another reality for those of us who've lived here all of our lives," Micah grunted.

  "So, what do you all day?" She shook her head, genuinely curious.

  Micah sauntered out of the bathroom, wearing only his baseball cap and sweatpants.

  "Sometimes I surf. Go day drinking with friends on the beach, water skiing..."

  To Elsa, Micah had this total fantasy life. A life where he could wake up on a lazy afternoon and do whatever he pleased.

  "Where's your shirt?" Elsa asked eyeing Micah's tanned bare chest.

  "It's too hot for a shirt," Micah grinned, knowing Elsa couldn't help but look.

  "I don't know what I'd do if I could only strip for money. Plus, I'm like a terrible dancer," she grumbled.

  "You're a terrible dancer?" I don't believe you?" Micah smiled. He walked forward shirtless.

  "Everyone knows how to dance, they just need the right teacher," Micah growled, looking lustfully at Elsa as she stared at her shoes.


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