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Bred Page 4

by Jordan Silver

  “This has nothing to do with you…”

  “It has everything to do with me seeing as how she’s carrying my kid.”

  Pamela once again drew in a breath while Stan came toward me, I guess he came to his senses before he reached me because as mad as he was he didn’t swing, he knew damn well he couldn’t take me.

  The harsh words and accusations flew around the room, I let him have his say as long as his words were directed at me we were fine, her mother rung her hands and looked back and forth between her and I before walking towards her but I got between them.

  “She’s my daughter Jeremy.”

  “Yeah and she’s carrying mine the next one to hit her is fucked.”

  “I’m not going to hit her she needs comforting.” I looked back at Nicola and she was curled up in a ball rocking back and forth.

  I let her pass but kept an eye on her as I turned back to face her irate husband.

  “Fuck this, she’s old enough she doesn’t need your permission I’m sorry but that’s just the truth, I’m sorry that you’re disappointed but that should be aimed at me not her and calling her those fucked up names doesn’t say much about you as her father. Nikki is going to be fine, we’re getting married as soon as possible the only reason I haven’t done it as yet is because I wanted to do it right. Now you can either decided to be a part of our lives or not that’s your choice but what you will not do is say anything else to her that’s going to make her cry do you understand me?” he didn’t answer but he didn’t need to, he got the message.

  “If you want to sit down like two adults and discuss this fine but if you’re going to rant and rave we’re done.” How did I fuck this up so royally? I wanted to go to her and take care of her all her fears had seemingly come true and I couldn’t even hold her to reassure her. Her mom was doing a good job of calming her down and she was no longer rocking back and forth, they had their heads bent together whispering. When Stan started in again with his bullshit it was his wife who jumped in and saved his ass

  “Don’t be such a hypocrite Stanley how old was I when I got pregnant with Nicola?”


  “No no more what’s done is done but I will not stand by and listen to you treat her this way, did you see her finger? Did you hear what Jeremy said?”

  “But what about school, her life is going to be destroyed.”

  “Having her didn’t destroy my life so I don’t see why having a kid should destroy hers besides she has a decent man standing beside her same as I did.” I stayed out of their little family moment and went to take Nikki out of her arms.

  “Do you want to go upstairs baby until this is all finished?”

  She shook her head no but I was tempted to send her up the stairs anyway, I hadn’t seen this shit coming I thought for sure I would be the one taking a punch; I had been prepared for that, I was more than willing to face the consequences for my actions. It broke my heart that she had been hit.

  “I’m so sorry baby, I’ll make this up to you I promise.” I whispered the words to her as I held her close, her body had settled and she was calming a little.

  “How could you take advantage of my daughter? I sent her here for help and you, you…”

  “It wasn’t his fault dad, I seduced him.”

  “Shut up Nicola.” I tried shushing her but they’d already heard.

  Her father looked about ready to blow his top and I’d had enough as I’ve said, I’m not accustomed to giving anyone explanations for my actions, I’d been wiling to do it for her sake but the news was already out, either they were going to accept it or not I wanted this shit done.

  “She didn’t seduce me we all know I’m a grown man accountable for my own actions, I wanted her…look I’m not going to discuss that with you, yes you brought her here for my protection but things happened and there’s no going back but the reality is that there is in fact now an innocent baby involved here, my baby. No matter how you feel about me and your daughter I’ll be fucked if you’re going to do anything to harm mine, and that includes distressing her mother. If you need time to process this information by all means but here’s what’s going to happen. We’re getting married as soon as possible with or without you, you can either get your head out of your ass and accept this or you can hold onto your anger that’s choice is yours right now I don’t really give a fuck. Any anger and hard feelings should be directed my way, she did nothing wrong. She’s a sweet bright kindhearted girl who doesn’t deserve to be treated like shit because you think she fucked up now are you going to calm the fuck down or are you ready to leave?”

  His wife glared at him until he hunched his shoulders and seemed to deflate; it was only then that I allowed myself to relax.

  Needless to say there was a very heated discussion that went on for almost three fucking hours at my kitchen table, it went on so long the women had come in and made snacks for them and the kids. He was pissed yes but in the end he admitted to being relieved that it was me and not one of the many young men back home that she was known to be running with. I wasn’t sure how politically correct this shit was but I shared with him the news that his daughter was pure when she came to my bed. He was completely surprised by that news he’s actually believe her reputation was earned. The news seemed to lift some sort of weight off his shoulders because for the first time after I’d told him he was more relaxed and calm. He wasn’t one hundred percent on board I don’t think but he was getting there. By the time they were gone things were lighter, I spent the rest of the night making up for my mistake and boy did she make me pay.


  “He’s not wearing that.”

  “What why?”

  “It’s a dress.”

  She broke out laughing, today is junior’s christening day, her whole family my team and their families and half the damn town were in my house getting into my shit. I had no idea that when the girl would turn my life upside down, not only did she make friends with the other wives but she’d found some locals as well and instead of her having to head into town they all seemed to gravitate to my place. Now people are asking about buying some of my land to build, all of a sudden it’s the next best thing to live out in the middle of nowhere. I’m not selling them shit, at least that was my stance until my sneak of a wife pouted prettily and whined about little Jeremy not having any friends to play with when he got older.

  Now she’s trying to take my kid downstairs in a damn dress fuck no, I don’t know what the hell gets into women, first it was the damn unisex toys and shit that seemed more feminine to me than anything else, they were all at the bottom of the well out back and this dress was next.

  “It’s not exactly a dress honey it’s what all kids get christened in…”

  “Get it off I’m not fucking around.” I started taking the shit off myself when she didn’t move fast enough. She’s a stubborn little shit when she wants to be, the same old Nicola always pushing the boundaries. She still gets her ass whipped but she doesn’t enjoy these as much as she would like.

  “You’ll have someone to dress up in little girl shit soon enough babe.” I grinned at her, she wasn’t too happy with me for breeding her again so soon, Junior was six months old and she was already four months pregnant with our daughter, I’d warned her, her pussy felt extra good when she was pregnant and I planned to keep her that way as much as possible, not to mention I loved the way her body ripened with pregnancy, I’d had a fuck load of fun with the last one and planned to do more of the same this time around too. While she hemmed and hawed I undressed my boy and dressed him in his little baby suit. When we got down stairs the women including her mom started cackling and money started changing hands even some of my guys seemed to be in on whatever the fuck was going on. I looked down at my wife because I was sure she was in on whatever it was.

  ‘They bet on whether or not you’d let junior wear his christening robe.” She shook her head like I was a lost cause whatever, my boy will thank me later fo
r saving him the embarrassment.

  The day was one of enjoyment and celebration, her father who had come around a long time ago was bugging me about cutting down some of the woods around my place I knew what was coming next, by the time my wife was done I’d be surrounded by fucking people, what happened to my peace and quiet?

  When everyone was gone by the time the sun went down I was beat, I walked my son up and down for our evening talk after his last feeding of the night before putting him down for the night. She was in bed with her milky nipples standing attention, my cock started leaking instantaneously and I dropped my pants and went after her as she tried rolling away from me.

  “Where’re you going huh?” I laid over her making sure to keep my weight off her stomach, which was showing more at this stage than it had with junior. It made me hot as fuck knowing my kid was in there, I’d though for sure from all the horror stories I’d heard that our love life would suffer after the baby came but nothing could be farther from the truth; yeah we had to make room for the new addition to our lives but he didn’t take away anything as far as I could see, instead he added to it, and so will this new little girl and all the others I planned to plant inside her.

  “I love you baby.” I love the way she lights up at those words.

  “Love you too.”

  “Now do I have time to eat your pussy or are you hot to fuck?”

  “You can eat me in the shower. After right now, I need you to fuck the shit out of me.”

  Damn, she always knows how to get me going.


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  Book One Taken

  Thanks for reading

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  [email protected]




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