Fall Into Darkness

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Fall Into Darkness Page 8

by Valerie Twombly

  He moved to sit next to her. “The mark you have—the wing—marks you as a mate. As such, when an angel chooses to have sex with a potential it begins the bond. Your body will heal any wounds or ailments. The marking on your hip will change. The outline of a second wing has already begun. It indicates the mating has started.”

  She threw her pillow at him. “Stop talking riddles and spell it out!” She felt both freaked out and a sense of relief.

  “We have six months to either complete the process or let the bond break. At this moment, it’s only a partial mating. However, we will begin to feel its effects soon. Our desire for each other will grow and become harder to deny. We’ll begin to feel each other’s emotions and hear the other’s thoughts.”

  She could only stare at him and try to absorb what he said. Laughter bubbled up, and she couldn’t contain it any longer. “This is crazy nonsense. You’re crazy.” She knew he wasn’t, but things were happening so fast she needed a scapegoat. If he weren't wacko, she was.

  He stared at her then moved from the couch, stretching his neck to the left then the right. Muscles flexed under the perfect skin of his chest, and then something magical happened.


  Wings, covered in pure white feathers that looked like the tips were dipped in black ink, unfolded from his back.

  She brought her hand to her mouth and gasped. “Oh my…”

  They stretched several feet out before he brought them back in and tucked them close to his body. “It would seem my punishment has been rescinded.”

  Ashley jumped to her feet and moved closer, her hand out to caress them, but she stopped suddenly. “They’re magnificent. C-can I touch them?”

  “Yes. But before you do, you should know that we don’t allow just anyone to touch our wings. It’s a privilege given only to those special to us.” He stepped sideways and stretched one out to her.

  An immense sense of affection flooded her. “I’m honored that you would allow me.” She ran her fingers over the top ridge and down along the feathers. “I’ve never felt anything so soft. Can you feel me touching them?” She looked up and noticed his head tipped back, eyes closed and lips parted.

  “Yes, they’re very sensitive and your touch stirs urges deep inside of me.” He straightened and opened his eyes. Lust and desire resided in their indigo depths.

  She licked her lips, unsure if the urges burning through her body were hers or his.

  “We can’t give into our desires. We need to talk,” he stated.

  She pulled back her hand and nodded then moved back to the couch. As quickly as his wings appeared, they were gone.

  “How do you do that?”

  “It’s magic. I can will them to become part of me or simply be absorbed back into my body.” He took his seat. “It’s obvious that you had a big part in my abilities being returned to me.” His features softened. “You were the reason I was sent here. The Seven wanted me to find you and they wanted us to mate.”

  “So it would seem.” Her head spun. Soon, she would wake up and realize her angel had been nothing more than a dream and her lonely existence would continue as before.

  * * *

  Unbelievable. The Seven hadn’t wanted him to procreate. They wanted him mated. Probably figured if he had a female, he’d settle down. Fucking bitches! He wasn’t sure who pissed him off more— them or himself for not keeping his dick in his pants. He needed some air.

  “I’m going to get some more firewood.” He walked from the room and out the door, knowing he left her to wonder what happened next.

  He stomped through the snow and headed around the cabin to the little shed that housed the firewood he’d seen earlier. The snow came down in big flakes at a rate of an inch an hour. “Fucking winter wonderland. Great.” He’d never been a fan of cold, even less so now. Kissing Ashley really ate at him. He knew it was a mistake, yet he’d let his lust take control. Now look at where it had left him. Left her.

  He wanted her, but didn’t want a mate. His job put him in constant danger, and he needed to be a loner. What kind of life could he offer when he was gone all the time? She would be better off with one of the other archangels or even a guardian.

  He stormed into the shed; his anger bubbled to the surface. Yeah, the thought of her with another man set his teeth on edge. While he stood there contemplating what he should do, his senses went on high alert. He sniffed. Even in the heavy snow, he caught the smell of sulfur.

  “Damn hounds,” he whispered under his breath. Not just one, he scented four. Why?

  He quickly loaded the small sled with several armloads of wood and pulled it back to the house. It would have to do for now. He didn’t want to leave Ashley alone for too long. When he reached the back door, he stopped and glanced around. He couldn’t see the hounds, but knew they were out there. He grabbed some wood and headed inside.

  When he walked through the door, the soft glow of kerosene lanterns greeted him. “You lit all of these?”

  “Of course,” she answered from the couch. “Who’d you think did it?”

  He just grunted and stacked the load of wood next to the fireplace. He gave her a suspicious glance. She was up to something, but he wasn’t sure what. “There are more hounds out there. Four, I’d guess.”

  She leaned forward and looked around the room. “Can they get in here?”

  He tossed a log on the fire and jabbed it with the poker. Satisfied with the blaze, he set the instrument aside and went to her side. “They will not attempt it as long as I’m here.”

  She settled back into the sofa. “What happens when you leave? I assume you still plan on going after the storm.” She brought her fingers to her mouth and chewed her nail. “Why are they after me?”

  He touched her arm and pulled her hand away from her mouth “I’m not sure why they want you. Their behavior is unusual.”

  “Please don’t leave me alone,” she pleaded.

  Eli did the only thing he knew to comfort her. He pulled her into his lap, pressed her head against his chest, and stroked her hair. “I’m not leaving until we figure out what’s going on. I promise, you’ll be safe.” I swear to the heavens, I’ll protect you with my life. He didn’t know whether he should curse the Seven or thank them. However, one thing was certain. He’d never be able to keep his hands off her with her seated over his erection.


  Ashley snuggled in closer and wiggled over his erection, unable to help herself as desire bloomed in her core. “Eli, do you really believe turning your back on the human race is a wise decision?”

  He groaned. “According to the Seven, the answer would be no. I’m of a different opinion.”

  She leaned back and looked at him. “Isn’t it your duty to protect us?”

  “How can I protect the human race from their own destruction?” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip. “You’re not one of them, sweetheart. You’re one of us.”

  “But my mother was human, so I’m one of them as well.” She played with a piece of stray hair that fell on his forehead. The texture felt silky beneath her fingertips. “Tell me, what happens to me if I never mate?”

  He wrinkled his brow. “Then you continue your life as a human and die as one.”

  Though she’d been ready to end her life only a day ago, so many things had changed since then. With the knowledge of who she was and why she had these strange visions, she found herself ready to live. She still had many unanswered questions, including the identity of her father and how many more like her struggled out there alone.

  “And if I mate?”

  “Then you’ll become immortal and carry out the mission chosen for you.”

  She chewed her bottom lip and ran her hands down his chest. “I see. You said before that this was a partial mating. What does that mean?”

  Eli cleared his throat. “There are two steps involved. The first time you have sex the bond begins. As I stated, the outline of the second wing will form where the first one is and the h
uman will heal from any injuries or ailments. However, if the mating isn’t completed in six months, the connection that started will be broken. The second wing will disappear, and both will be able to pursue another mate. This is to ensure you have chosen wisely.”

  She pulled his shirt free from his jeans and ran her hands underneath, along his naked flesh. “Then what? It all sounds so complicated.”

  He sucked in a breath. “It’s to ensure the couple fall in love. Eternity is forever. There is no divorce in our world.”

  “So they don’t have to be in love to start the mating? How is it completed?”

  “No they don’t, but they should at least like each other. Once they’ve decided to complete the mating, the man must show his wings. He will encompass her while they have sex and upon his ejaculation will release part of his aura to his mate while taking part of hers. They will be bound. Lend strength to each other. If one dies, the other may choose to follow.”

  She pushed his shirt up and kissed his chest. His hands slid down her waist and clutched her ass. Heat flooded her core.

  “Ashley, you’re not considering trying to mate with me, are you?” His voice was gruff.

  Was she or did she just want to fuck him? Her mind was so clouded. She tipped her head back to look up at him. “But what if I am the reason you were sent here? Tell me Eli, would the Seven still condemn you to Hell if you mated?” She searched his eyes for any kind of emotion, but she couldn’t read him.

  “It’s possible but you’ve only met me, and there are so many others to choose from. I’m a rebel, Ashley. I follow my own rules, which is why I’m here. I don’t intend to change. Belonging to me would only break your heart.” With those words, he lifted her off his lap and set her aside then jumped to his feet.

  “It’s your desire talking. It’s what happens when a bond is started. When this storm is over, I’ll try to go home and let them know you’re here. Someone will come for you. In the meantime, I suggest you get some sleep. I’ll stay out here. It will be better if we don’t share the same room.”

  He was fighting what they’d started; she sensed it and appreciated the fact he was trying to protect her. She’d follow his advice… For now.

  * * *

  Eli lay on the couch, thankful Ashley had heeded his advice and gone to bed. Several times, he fought the urge to go to her. His body, desperate to take her again, needed to feel her hot sheath wrapped around his cock.

  He flipped to his side. “Only six months and the urges will stop.” He wondered if they would also abate with distance. It would be a tough battle of wills. He hadn’t expected his need for her to consume him and wondered if she experienced the same. Guilt riddled him because he had done this to her and she didn’t deserve any of it. She seemed like a good person and knew any of the other angels would be honored to call her mate.

  His teeth sank into his bottom lip at the thought of one of them touching her. Maybe even someone he knew, a friend perhaps. He sensed her before she spoke.

  “Why are you not in bed?” He was pretty sure he already knew the answer.

  “I can’t sleep. I need to see you,” she said softly, her voice laced with desire.

  “We can’t give into our lust. It’s only the bond, it’s not real.”

  He sat up and she slipped in beside him. “It hurts.”

  “I’m sorry I did this to you.” Against his better judgment, he pulled her close and stroked her hair.

  “It’s not as though you did it on purpose. I mean, you didn’t know.” She tipped her head to look at him. “Actually, I’m kind of glad. Otherwise, I still wouldn’t know who I was.”

  He hadn’t thought of it that way and she was right. He couldn’t imagine what life must have been like for her always seeing death. This time he didn’t resist the urge to brush a kiss across her forehead. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt for us to satisfy our urges, as long as you understand I’m still leaving in the morning.”

  She ran a finger down his jawline and across his chin. Desire bloomed in her eyes. “I love the feel of your stubble. It’s so soft.”

  Her simple touch had him hard and aching with need.

  She planted a kiss on his chest. Her gaze traveled past his navel and to his rigid cock. “Can I help you with that?” She licked her lips.

  He stifled a moan. “I certainly won’t stop you.”

  She kissed her way along his abs; her golden hair glistened in the light of the fireplace and tickled his skin. Hot lips blazed a trail along his groin and down his thigh. It was her turn to tease him, and he would enjoy every second of it. Grabbing the waistband of his underwear, she jerked them off. Then she licked him from the underside of his balls, up along his shaft, and to the tip. Wet heat swirled on his head before she took him into her mouth and sucked.

  He fisted her hair and rocked his hips. “Damn, sweetheart.” He thought he lived in heaven but being here with her, in this moment, was true heaven. She continued to stroke him, her head bobbing as she worked him to the edge, but he needed to bury himself deep in her wet core.

  “Ashley, I need to be inside of you when I come,” he bit out.

  She let his cock pop free, and he swore he saw the devil in her eyes as she crawled between his legs and straddled him. Settling herself over his shaft, she pressed the tip to her sex and slid down it.

  He was balls deep.

  “Shit. I need to fuck you.” He grabbed her hips and pulled her up. His prick glistened from her juices in the soft light. The sight stirred something deep inside him. She belonged to him, and he wanted to finish the mating. It was wrong, and he fought the urge, reminding himself life with him would be difficult for her.

  With a growl, he shifted his hips and brought her back down. Her muscles squeezed him as she took over and worked her body up and down his shaft.

  She tipped her head back and scraped her teeth over her bottom lip. He could feel her on the edge of exploding. Reaching between her legs, he pinched her clit and sent her shattering into an orgasm. His own hot seed pulsed up his shaft and filled her.

  She settled against his chest, their heartbeats syncing in rhythm and her eyes closed. He sensed she already slept and chided himself.

  This should have never happened. It only strengthened their bond, yet he had been unable to deny her. This made it clear his decision to leave was the right one. If they continued to stay together, he’d end up mating her for eternity and she deserved someone better.

  As she snuggled into him, her soft curves touching his hard muscle, he realized he would miss her. He almost wished for a different life, and had it been, he wouldn’t hesitate to stick around and get to know her better. Having a woman like Ashley to come home to would be a blessing. However, it was something not reserved for him and he would have to give her up.

  Eli stood with her in his arms and carried her to bed.

  * * *

  Ashley stretched her arms across the bed, amazed at how wonderful she felt. Matter of fact, she couldn’t recall when she had been more alive. Something was wrong, so she opened her eyes and realized Eli was no longer in bed.

  She pushed herself up and spotted him at the window. Daylight filtered in and the snow had stopped. The view of his firm, naked ass sent heat pooling to her sex. He was a perfect specimen of manhood, but then perfection was to be expected from an angel.

  Throwing the covers off, she slid out of bed and padded across the carpet. Quietly, she slipped behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “It looks cold out there.” An odd sensation hit her.

  “It’s me you feel,” he responded, still staring out the window.

  “I don’t understand.”

  He finally turned and pulled her into him. “The apprehension. We’re connected now, and you feel my emotions just as I feel yours.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “Oh.” She searched his eyes. “So why are you jittery?”

  “The hounds are still out there. They haven’t left, and I sens
e another power, but I can’t place it.”

  She suppressed a shiver at the memory of the attack. The thought of those things out there caused her to blanch. “Why do you suppose they hang around, and what can we do about it?”

  “I surmise they’re here because I killed one of their own. They may seek retribution.” He escorted her back to the bed and grabbed his jeans. “We should talk,” he stated, pulling on his pants.

  Discomfort skittered down her back. She wouldn’t like this, but then doubt clouded her mind, unsure of whose emotions she felt.

  She went to her dresser and pulled out clean underwear, a sweatshirt, and jeans. Donning them quickly, she followed him to the kitchen.

  “Would you like coffee?”

  “No. You go ahead, though.” He pulled out a chair and plopped down. She could feel his eyes bore into her as she went through the motions and started the pot to brewing.

  “Okay,” she murmured, pulling out her own chair across from him. “Let’s have it.”

  “I’ve been able to reach my commander, and he’ll be sending someone here shortly.”

  She knew it was coming; yet it still stung. “So you really are leaving me?”

  “Look, it’s better this way. If we continue to stay around each other, it will only get harder to break our bond. I have a job to do. Something is going down, and I need to find out why so many of our own are falling into the darkness.”

  “What about you, Eli? What’s going to save you from falling? I thought the Seven sent you here to find your humanity?”

  He leaned back in his chair. “They did.”

  “And have you? Do you think they want us to sever our bond?” She pinched the bridge of her nose. The whole thing confused her, and she would be the first to admit she wasn’t ready for an eternal relationship. Hell, she’d hardly found out who she was. Yet, she couldn’t help think that allowing the bond to break would end in tragedy for him. There was also a part of her that didn’t want to let him go.


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