Trusting A Texan (Try to Remember)

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Trusting A Texan (Try to Remember) Page 21

by Leann Harris

  “What the hell do you mean?” Nelson bit off.

  “Read the second warrant, Nelson. It’s for us to inspect your person for bite marks. Callie, my goat, bit an assailant. I believe that person is you. Shall we go see?”

  Several smirks followed them into the sheriff’s office.

  A couple of hours later, Nelson had been transferred to a jail in the next county. The Rangers didn’t know who had cooperated with Nelson and they didn’t want to take any chances.

  April had sat quietly and watched as the Rangers had served the warrants and interviewed the deputies. Oddly enough, as she sat in the very building that used to give her bad dreams, April felt at ease. In fact, she felt reborn. The bad memories that Lynn Carson had carried were buried. She was free of those ghosts.

  April. That’s who she was. A whole person.

  Another miracle had happened that morning. When Nelson had accused her of murdering Jeff, Rafe had never believed the lie for an instant. Nor had he resorted to brute force to confront Nelson. He had right on his side, and knew what he was about. The fears that had ruled her heart only hours before had been vanquished by Rafe’s simple belief in her.

  Now the memories of their loving played through her mind. What they had shared was incredible. Did he want more? she wondered.

  Rafe walked into the jail, looking worn and haggard. But when he saw her, he smiled.

  “I think we’ve got most of the ends tied up. You ready to go back home?”

  She stood. “No.”

  Surprise flashed across his face.

  “You asked me a question last night. I couldn’t answer you then, but I can now. Yes.”

  Rafe stared at her.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you.” She wanted to make sure he understood what she was talking about.

  His eyes narrowed. “Are you sure?”

  She stepped close and brushed back a lock of hair that lay on his forehead.

  “You’ve managed to lay to rest all the old ghosts in my life. And you’ve also shown me what I could have with you.”

  His hands cupped her face. “Ah, querida, are you sure you want to take another chance on a lawman?”

  “With you, I don’t think it’s a gamble. You’re a sure thing.”

  His mouth swooped down on hers, letting her know that he was all for the idea.

  Applause broke out. Rafe and April looked around at the Rangers and deputies in the room. Steve gave them a thumbs up.

  Rafe pulled her out of the building. “Steve, I’m taking a few days off. I’m getting married.”

  “Take your time.”

  Rafe smiled at April. “I intend to. Believe me, I plan to take this slow and easy.”

  April shivered at the promise.


  Rafe fiddled with the cuffs of his suit, then glanced at his watch. It was time. He looked at Derek.

  “Let’s go.”

  They stepped out into the sanctuary of the church filled with family and friends. A good number of Rafe’s cousins, aunts and uncles had made the trip from the valley to Midland to see him marry. Their happiness for him filled his heart.

  All of his sisters and their families were in the audience. They sat on the bride’s side, since only Elena, April’s neighbor, had shown up for the ceremony.

  The music swelled and April came down the center aisle on the arm of George Anderson. When she asked Rafe if he minded his dad giving her away, Rafe had been stunned. But as he watched George walk April toward him, Rafe realized that the last trace of bitterness he felt for George was gone. He looked at his gathered family and numerous friends who had traveled from Saddle and knew a sense of belonging he’d never had before.

  When he slipped the simple gold band on April’s finger, he couldn’t help the smile that crossed his lips. April’s fingers trembled as she, in turn, placed a ring on his finger.

  The ceremony went quickly. When the minister pronounced them husband and wife, Rafe leaned down and tenderly kissed his bride.

  “Forever,” he whispered in her ear.

  She pulled back and smiled at him. “Forever.”

  It was a promise. And a blessing.

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-6568-4


  Copyright © 1998 by Barbara M. Harrison

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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