The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 12

by Mj Fields

  Tessa took a few deep breaths and wiped her tears. ���Am I still a virgin?��� she said and began to cry again.

  She stood up and hugged her. ���Of course you are, there is a thin layer of skin further up in the vagina, still intact and will be until you have sex or there is heavy manual stimulation,��� she sat back down.

  ���Tessa I can sense that you and your mother are having issues. I want you to take my number and call me if you ever need anything, okay? Maggie is a good woman, I have known her for years, she���s a good friend of mine and she loves you. ���

  ���If she loved me she wouldn���t have done this to me,��� Tessa cried, ���I don���t want him back in here, can���t you just finish this up I want to go home. I don���t want her back in here either; she can go get the car��� can you tell her that please.���

  ���Sure Tessa, I���m going to leave and I will be back with paperwork for you, your mom will have her own okay, there���s a box of tissues for you to clean up with right there. You may have some bleeding so there���s a pad if you want to use one.��� She left the room.

  Tessa got dressed and sat and waited for the nurse practitioner to return. She gave Tessa information on STD���s, lots of information. She handed her three packs of birth control pills and a bunch of condoms and explained how to use them. She handed her a card with her office information on the front and she wrote her cell number on the back. She gave her crutches to use for two weeks, which she explained would help her heal better ��� the less she put weight on it which met no running or practice until she was seen again in two weeks.

  * * *

  She used the crutches as she walked out of the ER. Her mom got out and opened the door for her. She glared at her and opened the back door and got in. Her book bag was still on the bus, ���Damn it,��� she said.

  ���Tessa, your mouth,��� Maggie snapped.

  ���My mouth Mom, what about my vagina? How does it feel to sit outside a room knowing someone is in there fucking raping me on a hospital bed?��� Tessa yelled at her.

  ���It was time for you to have an exam Tessa, it���s a routine exam that all women have once a year once there sexually active and you better not speak like that again,��� Maggie said trying to stop her voice from quivering.

  ���Your boyfriend Dr. Feel Good and you make that decision together Mom? Did you two have a lengthy conversation about my vagina?��� Tessa asked rudely.

  ���Tessa that���s enough,��� Maggie said softly.

  ���No it���s not! What the hell makes you think that any part of that was okay?��� Tessa screamed.

  ���Your actions Tessa, you���re kissing that boy at the end of every game, and the way you sat on his lap, and he was holding you today Tessa, that���s what made it necessary,��� Maggie yelled back at her.

  ���So you get to decide who penetrates me first?��� Tessa screamed and tears started flooding down her face. ���I hate you Mom and want you to know you literally opened that box, so now its game on!���

  Tessa���s mom started toward her house, ���Not a chance, I want to go home,��� Tessa insisted and her mom took her home.

  * * *

  They pulled in and she saw Jade was there. Thank God she thought. She got out of the car ���Oh no Tessa are you okay?��� Jade asked.

  ���I am fine, but want to tell the story only once so can we go inside please?��� Tessa asked drying her face.

  Her mom followed them in the house and opened the cupboard and grabbed a glass of water and handed Tessa a pain pill, ���Take this, it���ll help with the pain,��� she said. Tessa swallowed the pill and sat at the table, her dad warmed up dinner and she sat pushing it around her plate.

  ���Tessa has a small hairline fracture on her ankle bone. She will have to be seen in two weeks to be released for PE and Hockey then. Her bruises are pretty severe and she���s going to hurt a lot more in the morning. She can have a pain pill every 6 hours but it will make her drowsy and loopy so she should stay home from school tomorrow,��� Maggie said as if giving a report at work.

  ���I���ll stay with her for a few hours,��� Jade offered.

  ���Jade honey you need to go to school. John what is your schedule tomorrow? I have to work until three.��� She said.

  ���I have a delivery in the morning, I���ll be home by noon,��� John answered.

  ���So Jade it is,��� Tessa smiled.

  ���That���s up to her father, Tessa,��� John said. ���Is that all Maggie?���

  Maggie answered, ���Yes��� and she kissed Alex and Tessa on the head, she walked upstairs and kissed the little ones and left. She walked to the car, pulled out the driveway, and began to sob.

  Tessa started laughing, ���What���s wrong Tessa?��� John asked.

  ���Everything and nothing, I am feeling loopy,��� Tessa said, ���And I am one dirty girl.���

  Jade drew a bath for her and Tessa got in. She washed her hair and sat until the water was cooling and she got out. Jade had left to get an overnight bag and things for school. She returned and sat on the couch with Tessa, who was high as a kite.

  ���Lucas hasn���t called has he?��� She tried to sit up but couldn���t she started to laugh.

  Jade got up and grabbed her bag. There were seven missed calls and ten text messages. Tessa was staring at the phone when it rang. His picture popped up.

  ���There he is,��� she said.

  Jade took the phone and pushed the button to answer his call.

  ���Hey Lucas, it���s Jade,��� she said. ���Tessa left her bag on the bus, so I brought it to the house. She just got out of the bath and is stoned out of her mind on pain pills,��� she laughed. ���I guess you could try?��� She handed the phone to Tessa.

  ���Hello,��� she said slowly. ���I���m alright,��� she answered.

  ���I would love that Lucas,��� she laughed.

  ���Can Jade tell you because I���m falling������ Tessa dropped the phone.

  ���Hey Lucas,��� Jade said after picking up the phone. ���No I���m staying with her tonight and hanging out here in the morning. Her Dad has a delivery he���s leaving at six in the morning. Well her ankle is fractured and she���s badly bruised, and as you already know she���s on some pain pills for the next few days. Okay, see you then. I���ll tell her. Talk to you soon,��� she said and hung up. She looked over and Tessa was fast asleep.

  She grabbed her phone and sent a text to Tommy

  - Hey hot stuff, I���m going to stay with Tessa tonight, she has a fractured ankle and I���ll be late for school tomorrow, I am going to miss you���J

  - Hey pretty girl, oh no on both issues, I���m going to miss you���T

  - Lucas is coming here in the morning if you ride with him we could hang out UNSUPERVISED for a little bit :)���J

  - Sounds like a plan���a really good plan���T

  - Sweet dreams hot stuff���J

  - As long as you���re in them���T

  - I better be���by the way your ex was a bitch today���J

  - Really?? That���s unusual, do you think it was a competitive thing?...T

  - No I think it was a Tommy thing, and you better not cave , man���get it cave man���oh the thought of you dragging me into a cave by hair���weird but I think I might like it���J

  - Listen naughty girl we have discussed this���revisit in six months right, oh and don���t talk that way or I will bring my club in the
morning ���.T

  - Threat or promise?!?!?!?... J

  - Okay revisit in 3 months, your killing me Jade���T

  - Goodnight future lover���J

  - Your bad���T

  - I want to be���J

  - Done Pretty girl goodnight���T

  - Makes me sad���J

  - Two months final answer���.T

  - If I keep pushing will it go down again?...J

  - Nothing about this conversation is making anything go down Jade, goodnight!...T

  Jade was smiling ear to ear as she ran upstairs and grabbed blankets and pillows. She laid Tessa down on the overstuffed couch and covered her up. Tessa said Lucas���s name in her sleep and she laughed. She took the loveseat and fell asleep dreaming of November.

  Jade woke up to Tessa trying to stand up, she helped her in the bathroom and she was bleeding. ���Tessa it���s not your week,��� she said. Tessa started crying and told her the whole story, about Dr. Feel Good, about her fight with her mom, about the Vagatron; she cried and told her about every painful moment. How she felt like she had been raped and how she hated her mom.

  Jade began to cry with her, ���I���m so sorry Tessa,��� she said. She ran the bath and helped Tessa in. She grabbed her pain pills off of the counter and gave her one and a cup of water. The bathroom door was opened as she left to get Tessa���s clothes

  ���Jade please grab me Lucas���s sweatshirt off of my bed and some grandma panties?���

  ���Of course Tessa��� she said wiping her eyes and closing the door behind her. She turned and saw Tommy and Lucas standing with a brown bag in the living room looking horrified.

  * * *

  Tommy smiled weakly. ���We brought breakfast,��� he said, holding up a paper bag.

  ���Shhhh!��� Jade said to them. ���She���s going to die when she founds out you were here.���

  ���Not before my mother does.��� Alex���s voice sounded behind Jade.

  Jade looked down at her underwear and tank top. She felt her face heat up and she ran up the stairs.

  She came down holding Tessa���s clothes. She kissed Tommy. ���Hey pretty girl, I���m moving that back to a six month revisit,��� Tommy said looking terrified.

  ���I agree,��� she said, walking into the bathroom.

  ���I feel better,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���The pills kicked in, huh?���

  ���Yep, I think I could go for a run on these babies,��� Tessa said. ���Awe Jade, you got my sweatshirt. Help me put it on,��� she said. ���No, not the bra. I want my boobies touching his shirt.���

  ���Tessa, the boys are out there so try to be quiet,��� Jade whispered.

  ���What?��� Tessa yelled.

  Breakfast was on the coffee table when they walked out a few minutes later. Tessa hobbled out on her crutches.

  Alex looked at her. ���What did Mom do to you, Tessa?���

  ���Alex,��� Tessa said and tears formed in her eyes. ���Not now.���

  Alex looked away as his hands fisted at his side.

  ���It���s not as bad as it looks,��� she said, sitting down. ���Most people don���t even know they have a fracture when it���s this small, but the bruising hurts, and I have really good pain meds.��� It was still quiet. ���So breakfast looks wonderful. How about we eat?���

  Jade grabbed plates and napkins.

  ���It is too quiet.��� Her head started to wobble. ���You guys should try one of those pills. They make you feel funky.���

  She ate half of the bagel and drank the juice. Tessa started to lie down on the couch and Lucas grabbed her pillow and put it behind her. He sat on the couch, lifted her legs, and sat them on his lap. He cringed when he saw the purple and yellow bruise that went from the top of her foot up to almost her knee.

  ���I am so sorry, baby.��� He kissed her leg from toe to knee.

  ���Lucas you didn���t beat me with a hockey stick, and there are other places that,��� she started.

  ���Tessa, go to sleep.��� He threw a blanket over her face and she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

  ���Alex, don���t you dare talk to your mom about what you heard until you���ve talked to Tessa. She didn���t think you guys were out here. God willing, she won���t remember,��� Jade said. She looked at Tommy and Lucas. ���And that goes for you, too. She was sharing that with me in confidence. Got it!���

  ���Yes, dear.��� Tommy nodded.

  ���So would you like to know about your wonderful Kate yesterday?��� Jade asked.

  ���I never said she was wonderful. I did break up with her, you know. She wasn���t perfect like you, pretty girl.���

  ���Well, she was downright rude,������ Jade said, putting her hands on her hips.

  ���I���m sorry.��� Tommy took her hand.

  ���At least she didn���t beat you with sticks,��� Lucas said quietly as he stared at Tessa.

  ���So what happened?��� Alex asked.

  Jade gave the play by play.

  ���Who the hell were these girls, Lucas? Ex- girlfriends?��� Alex asked.

  ���Not girlfriends, per say, just girls I use to… well you know,��� he said.

  ���So four girls have gone after my sister because of you?���

  ���I think it is because they���re freaken crazy. It���s not Lucas���s fault,��� Jade snapped at Alex.

  Alex sat quietly for a few moments before he asked, ���Phoebe went after one of them?���

  ���Yep, she got red carded,��� Jade said.

  ���Nice. I like Phoebe,��� Alex smiled. ���When did hockey become more dangerous than football?���

  * * *

  Alex and Tommy went to school, but Lucas refused to leave. Jade was staying for a couple more hours. After an hour, Tessa woke up, stood and whimpered, she hunched over grabbing her belly. Jade was in the bathroom getting ready for school, Lucas grabbed her waist and steadied her.

  ���Good morning, sleepy head,��� he whispered in her ear.

  At first she was confused, but then she remembered what happened. ���Hi Lucas.���

  He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. ���You okay, Tessa?���

  ���I���m fine, thank you. I do, however, need to go the bathroom.���

  He let her lean on him while he walked her to the door. She knocked and Jade opened it. ���Tessa you look, um, better.���

  Jade smiled as Tessa came in. Jade shut the door and Tessa went to the bathroom. She was still bleeding but not as bad. She took care of her mess and washed her hands. She brushed her teeth as Jade did her hair. Tessa threw her wet hair up in a messy bun on top of her head.

  ���You guys should go to school. I���m fine, and I don���t plan on taking any of those pills again,��� Tessa said. Jade turned and hugged her. ���It���s okay. The mom- ster told me that it���s something women have to do once a year when they���re sexually active.���

  ���Then I am never having sex,��� Jade said.

  ���If it was as horrible as that then we probably would never have been born, Jade,��� she said.

  Lucas had cleaned up the mess on the coffee table, and Tessa sat on the couch and put her leg up. She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. ���You guys go to school. My Dad will be here in a couple of hours, and I���m going to sit here and veg. I���ll be fine.���

, I���ll get your schoolwork and bring it to you after school,��� Jade said. ���Do you need anything else?���

  ���Just one thing; find out when we play them again,��� Tessa said through her teeth.

  Lucas sat next to Tessa and pulled her gently into him. They sat quietly for a few minutes, ���You can go now Lucas, I���ll be fine,��� she said rubbing his leg.

  ���I���m not leaving. As many times as you tell me it���s not my fault, I know it is. I���m staying here.���

  ���Okay, again, it���s not.���

  ���Tessa, there is a lot you don���t know, and I want you to, I want you to know everything,��� he looked away.

  She grabbed his face. ���Tell me then, and look at me when you do.���

  ���I���ve known the girls from yesterday for a long time. I have slept with them on and off for two years. They knew about each other, and even though they���d get jealous, they kept coming back ��� until about six months ago.���

  ���Why would you do that to them?���

  ���I���d get drunk and one of the three was always around. When we had sex, it wasn���t nice sex; it was rough, kinky, nasty, and with toys. We fucked Tessa. We never made love. At one point they decided that we should all sleep together. I thought it would be cool.��� She gasped. ���My mom was away one night, and they all came over with a bong, and well, it was every man���s fantasy.���

  ���How often did this happen?��� she asked.

  ���From the fall of sophomore year, I think. Yeah, Mom takes a break and goes to dry up before Christmas, most of the time it���s in the fall.���

  ���Who do you stay with?��� she interrupted.

  ���I stay by myself, I can handle it.���

  ���Apparently not,��� she laughed.


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