The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 22

by Mj Fields

  Lucas���s sisters smiled and curtsied. ���How do you do?���

  ���Very well, thank you.��� Kendall curtsied and laughed.

  They stayed and chatted for a few minutes. As they talked and the kids played with the dog. Lucas pulled Tessa to the side, away from the crowd of chatting family.

  ���Hey, what are you doing tonight?��� his gaze immediately dropped to her chest.

  ���Not that,��� she said.

  ���Tessa, you���re not wearing a bra,��� he said, smiling and pulling her into him. ���And damn you feel good,��� he said as he ran his fingers up and down her back.

  He felt so good against her. She was going to miss this. Take it while you can, she thought, and leave him wanting more. She wrapped her arms around him and finally relaxed. She closed her eyes and held on tight. Lucas kissed her head. Tessa looked up at him and kissed him. She was lost in a very soft and sweet kiss when she heard her mother clear her voice. Tessa turned, and all of them were looking at Lucas and Tessa. Audrianna was smiling; Landon had a shit ass grin on his face. Tessa���s parents, on the other hand, were not impressed.

  ���Tessa, you���re staying with me tonight, still correct?��� Maggie asked. Tessa nodded. ���The kids, the dog, and I will be waiting in the car. Nice to meet you all,��� she said nodding to Lucas���s family and walked away.

  Tessa looked at Lucas and smiled. His head was down and he was looking up at her through those dark lashes, trying not to laugh. He was so damn beautiful; she took the hair tie from the back of his Jersey and smiled as she had planned in her head.

  ���You have another one of these besides the one you have on?��� she asked as seductively as she knew how. He nodded. ���You should give them to your little princesses, armor for what lies ahead in the years to come, from all the boys that may try to break their hearts.���

  She lifted the shirt over her head slowly, his eyes widened as he starred at her erect nipples. His mouth opened and he licked his lips.

  Tessa walked it over to him and kissed his cheek. ���Be good to them. Family is always there, Lucas. Teach them that okay?��� she whispered in his ear. She stood back, ���Do you think your dad will be as impressed with these as he seemed to be with Sadi?���

  ���Tessa…��� he said in a deep husky voice. ���Baby, you are gorgeous, and he���s just an ass.���

  She kissed his lips lightly. ���Teach him how not to be, show him your heart, Lucas. I have to go.��� She grabbed a sweatshirt out of her bag and pulled it over her head before turning toward his family. ���Nice seeing you all, I have to go.��� She picked up Chewy���s leash and walked away. She was gathering her stuff from the lawn where she left her chair. It was then she saw the letter she had meant to give to Lucas. ���Damn it.���

  ���Tessa, let me help you with your things,��� Lucas said as he rolled up the blanket. He saw the letter sitting on her chair with his name on it. ���For me?���

  ���Yes, but open it tomorrow after they leave, okay?��� Tessa asked, ���Promise.���

  ���I promise, Tessa.��� He took the chair that she had bagged up, swung it over his shoulder, and grabbed the bag full of blankets and chew toys. He carried them to the car holding her other hand.

  ���See you tomorrow,��� Lucas said as he put her things in the car.

  Tessa got in and shut the door. ���Please go, Mom.��� she started to feel the burn of impending tears.

  They went to her Mom���s little apartment and Tessa went in to the small room and crashed on the bottom bunk. She cried quietly as she fell asleep, with Chewy curled up beside her. Her mom and the kids left her alone.

  * * *

  Lucas���s family stayed with him at the house. The girls swam in the heated pool and he sat and talked to Audrianna while his dad was on his computer.

  ���Does Leah watch the girls a lot?��� he asked his stepmother.

  ���Only once a week when they see your Dad. Why?��� Audrianna asked.

  Lucas told her about last year at the lake party and about his recent apology. Then he told her all about what had happened Wednesday night.

  ���No way!��� she said. ���And you turned her down, Lucas?���

  He nodded and rolled his eyes.

  ���Well, maybe there is a god. My little raging hormone Lucas may be growing up,��� she laughed. ���Could you teach your Dad that trick?���

  Audri and Lucas were laughing when Landon walked out.

  ���What���s so funny?��� Landon asked smiling.

  ���Nothing,��� they said at the same time.

  Audrianna got the girls ready for bed so they could camp in Lucas���s room. He grabbed the tent from his garage and set it up for them. He gave them each one of his Jersey���s and told them Tessa had said they were armor against evil princes. The three of them sat in the small tent, and Audri took their picture with the same camera she had snapped hundreds of photos with all day. Lucas gave her his phone and she took one for him.

  * * *

  Tessa���s phoned woke her up.

  - Day 8 without Tessa Ross has been interesting, the whole meeting the family thing was different, lol, my sisters love you and that makes me happy, Audri adores you and has threatened me with my manhood not to screw you up, and thanks to the gifts God gave you up front (The girls Baby), I think you may have won my dad over, regardless of all the amazing events of today it is you I find myself still in awe of, btw no pressure but you could start your pills Sunday,������LYA Lucas

  Attached was a picture of him and the girls in a tent. She wondered how Lucas���s mom was taking their visit.

  - Hey how is your Mom doing? Is she okay with them staying there? ���YB Tessa

  - She���s away, get some sleep baby, we need to talk tomorrow���LYA Lucas

  - I am spending tomorrow with Mom and the kids and tomorrow night is Girls night bud, I don���t feel well, I will talk to you tomorrow at some point, going to sleep now, great game today! ENJOY YOUR FAMILY!!!...Tessa

  Tessa had no idea how Lucas could say the things to her that he did after all the things he did behind her back. The way he touched her, looked at her, and made her feel was all an act, but tomorrow it ended for good. Chewy whined as she started to cry so Tessa took him out for a walk.

  When she came back to the apartment, her mom was waiting.

  ���Tessa, please know you can talk to me about anything, whatever it is that���s going on, I want to help you through it.���

  Tessa cried. ���It���s just a mess, Mom.��� Maggie hugged her and let her talk. ���He says all the right things, and he has changed. I mean, his heart has changed. He loves those little girls and he loves me, but look…��� she showed her mother the pictures and then went through and showed her again, pointing out the reflections. She played her mother the voice mail massage and cried. Her mom cried, too.

  ���Tessa, have you������ Maggie started.

  ���No Mom, I haven���t, and I���m so glad I didn���t, but the night I saw you at dinner, I got wasted right in the restaurant while I watched Dr. Feelgood rub your hand.��� She told her mother what she���d done after they left the restaurant.

  She could see her mother trying to hold back her anger but didn���t stop. ���Mom have you slept with him?���

  ���Of course not, Tessa! Dating him is bad enough. I feel horrible. It���s just that your father and I…��� She stopped. ���We���ll talk someday about that, but for now, it���s about you. I���m so sorry you have been hurt. And I���m proud of you.��� They fe
ll asleep on the couch, Tessa���s head on her mother���s lap.


  In the morning, Lucas, Alexandra and Ally woke up and headed to the pool. The girls loved that it was heated and they could swim in New York in October. They splashed and swam and laughed. Landon was cooking breakfast when Audrianna came down the stairs.

  Landon smiled at her. ���Good Morning Audri. You look beautiful.���

  ���I feel great; the first time in almost four years that I have slept for eight hours straight. And look at you! Who knew you could cook.��� she said laughing and finally looked up at him. She blinked her eyes blinked as she tried to not allow herself to get emotional.

  ���I miss you, Audri,��� slipped out of his mouth.

  Audri shook her head no and turned to walk away, ���I am going out to take some pictures. When do you want them out for breakfast?���

  ���I���ll bring it out.���

  Audri walked outside and took several deep breaths and tried to shake off the feelings she knew would only lead to pain and regret.

  Audri took tons of pictures. ���Hey Audri can you grab m …���

  She already had his phone in her hand. ���Got it Lucas,��� she said, laughing.

  Landon brought out breakfast, and the kids got out and dried off. Audrianna gave them each a robe to keep warm.

  Lucas could see how his Dad looked at Audri. He grinned and looked down and glanced at Audrianna, she smirked and shook her head and he laughed.

  ���What���s so funny?��� Ally asked. Lucas���s dad looked at him and he winked, his dad turned red. Lucas laughed again, he had never seen him blush and Audrianna laughed too, in seconds they all laughed.

  Lucas and Audrianna were cleaning up the mess in his room while his father was helping the girls shower for the first time. ���Audri, make him work for it. He loves you, but make him earn it, and he will be yours forever.���

  ���I don���t know, Lucas. I can���t fall apart. I have the girls, and now I think I have you, too.��� She smiled.

  ���Whatever you do, Audri, I want to be part of their lives. Thank you for bringing them into my life,��� Lucas said softy.

  They heard the girls streak down the hall. Landon was following them with towels. He was soaked and chuckled. Audri laughed and he tossed her a towel. She had them both wrapped up and headed to the room to change.

  ���What are you thinking, Dad?���

  ���I���m thinking I screwed up Lucas,��� he said, still laughing.

  ���Then fix it,��� Lucas said, ���and give her time.���

  ���My son giving me better advice on women than even my father gave me? How did that happen?��� Landon asked.

  ���Tessa, Dad. It was Tessa.���

  Lucas helped them load the car and they pulled away waving. They would be seeing each other again soon. He went to shower and get ready to go see his mom.

  * * *

  Tessa pushed her scrambled eggs around her plate, unable to eat. She was dreading the conversation she would be having later with Lucas.

  Her mom told her to, ���get showered we are going shopping���.

  Tessa spent the day shopping with her mother, Jake and Kendall. They each got some new things, then shared a light lunch before heading home

  Tessa had left her phone in the car and had a missed call and a message from Lucas.

  - Hey baby when can you squeeze me in, I need Tessa time?...LYA Lucas

  He attached the picture of them all jumping in the pool.

  - Leaving the mall now, will text you in a bit���Tessa

  Tessa got out of the car after hugging her family.

  ���Have fun with the girls tonight. Call me if you need anything, ��� Maggie said giving her an extra kiss.

  Tessa was glad her dad didn���t tell her mom that he and Alex would be making a delivery tonight, she wanted to be crazy with her girls. She took a deep breath; she couldn���t believe this was it.

  - So I love the way you are with them and I know they love you. Your stepmother is very sweet. And you are a rock star on the field. SU? Great job! I don���t know how to say this, because it���s not like we are dating but we need a break Lucas. I have been holding this together for two days for you because regardless of what has happened I need you to be okay. I ask, no beg you to be ok. You Lucas Links, have come a long way from the obnoxious ass that I met two months ago. Please, please give me some space, let me be strong, if you ever loved me, let me heal so that someday we can be true friends���Tessa

  She cried after she sent the message. A minute later, her phone rang. She declined his call.

  - Tessa Ross what is going on? I thought things were going well, I���m very confused baby, especially after being reimbursed for Chewy. He was a gift, is this a female thing? Please call me���.LYA Lucas

  - Please Lucas I don���t have it in me today, and I don���t even have my period, please let it be���Tessa.

  - Fuck that Tessa! I have changed for you, what kind of games are you playing with me now? The Tessa I fell head up my ass in love with would not be so cold, is it GI Joe? Come on baby give me something���.LYA Lucas

  - Nothing to do with Toby, look at the pictures you sent me, who was she? I think the call I have on my voice mail said Leah? She had on your shirt and nothing else in the bed picture and was in the mirror of the first photo. I assume she took the hot tub shot. Look at them LUCAS!!? I have for three fucking days now. I respected you enough to make sure to not stress or worry you so you could get through your game, and your family being here. I kissed you for crying out loud, for you, even though it tore me apart knowing what you did. Because Lucas I do care, but I need you to give me the same respect I have given you. I am begging you. Let me heal. In case you don���t remember eight days ago I found Sadi in your hot tub, and now Leah? That���s two, I won���t give you three.

  She pushed send and then immediately typed another message.

  - hey everyone I���m turning off the cell for a much needed break from reality. It���s girls night, if you need me call the home phone���.Tessa

  Tess looked at her phone and took a deep breath; SEND ALL.

  Jade pulled in fifteen minutes later; Uncle Jack waved to Tessa as he pulled out. Tessa ran to Jade crying and hugged her. She told her all about what had happened and showed her the pictures. Then she let her listen to the voice mail.

  ���Okay Tessa, you are going to be fine. I���m here and we will keep very busy.���

  Jade filled Becca and Phoebe in when they got there.

  ���Road trip?��� Phoebe asked. ���I���m not joking I wanna kick his ass.���

  They all laughed.

  ���No, but Becca, you���ll have to excuse me because I���m going to drink my face off tonight,��� Tessa said.

  ���Tessa, that���s not a good idea��� Becca said.

  ���I think it is,��� Jade said. ���Whatever Tessa needs. And hey, we have the house to ourselves, a hot tub, and music.���

  ���Yeah, lets rock this joint,��� Phoebe yelled.

  They all laughed and Tessa grabbed two bottles of wine out of the cupboard.

  * * *

  Lucas listened to the voice mail. ���Damn it,��� he yelled.

  He looked at the pictures and could absolutely understand how she would think he���d been with Leah. He had so much to tell her. It could all be easily explained if she would just listen. He started to think about his mother and how much of a mess she was when he took her to Tully Hill rehabilitation center today, and how she had cried and begged him not to leave her there for three months. Then he thought ab
out the holidays, and it was suddenly all too much. He opened the top drawer of his dresser and grabbed his trusty little pipe. It was already packed, and he lit it and breathed deeply in.

  * * *

  The girls were dancing and acting silly and decided to hit the hot tub. Tessa was the first to take off her suit and toss it on the ground. ���Tessa, that is sinful,��� Becca gasped.

  ���Why, Becca Brooks, I don���t think God would think so. I wasn���t born with my clothes on,��� Jade said, stripping down. They all joined in and laughed.

  * * *

  Lucas woke and took another hit. He wasn���t going to let this go. He showered and changed, brushed his teeth, and threw on some clothes. He took a couple more hits and put his bowl under his sink. Then he grabbed his white hat and walked out the door.

  Lucas heart beat against his chest as his anxiety grew about how she would feel when he told her the truth. He was ready to tell her everything. The good, the bad, and the fucked up. He messed up with Sadi. Not by choice but by circumstance.

  He pushed the accelerator needing to get to her. Needing to know if she would understand the things that happened and move forward. He reached down to adjust the radio. He looked up just as he was heading off the road. He overcorrected and his car did a 360 and hit a tree.

  ���Son. Son, wake up. Open your eyes.���

  Lucas opened his eyes and lifted his head off of the steering wheel.

  ���Just sit back, the ambulance will be here soon.���

  He was taken in the ambulance to the hospital where he was given a breathalyzer and passed. The police officer asked him if he was the quarterback from the newspaper.

  ���Yeah that���s me��� he smiled.

  ���You have someone to call?��� the officer asked. ���An adult. I need to talk to someone. Do you understand, Mr. Links?���

  He called Tommy and asked if he could talk his parents into letting Lucas stay with them, again. Or at least say they would.


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