The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 26

by Mj Fields

  Smartass, she thought. She took his hand and kissed it, then placed it on her breast. His body stiffened and his eyes narrowed. He was breathing heavier now, and he pulled over on the next dirt road he could find without taking his hand off of her body. Lucas parked the car, leaned over the console, and kissed her, his other hand took the back of her head and he pulled her up to him, the kisses got deeper and his hands began to explore. Tessa moaned as she enjoyed the exploration. She couldn���t believe how wonderful he was making her feel. Her breasts felt heavy, and each time he squeezed her nipple her body burned hotter and it became more difficult to breathe.

  Lucas pulled back and watched her face as he caressed her harder. Her mouth gaped opened slightly and her eyes scrunched together as she bit down on her lip. Her face was warm and breaths shallow.

  ���We okay?��� he asked breathing hard.

  ���Seriously?��� She opened her eyes and smiled. ���Yes. Please, don���t stop.���

  Lucas groaned. ���Perfect.��� He turned her face back to his and licked her neck and sucked her skin ���Mmm.���

  ���Uh���it���s not Friday yet,��� she whimpered as her hands found his hair.

  ���Close enough.��� Lucas lifted her shirt and gently kissed the swells of her breast. He bit down lightly on her nipple over her bra. Tessa moaned deeply and gently pulled his hair as she arched her body toward him.

  ���Lucas,��� she whimpered.

  Her phone chimed.

  - Dad���s looking for you���Alex

  She showed Lucas the message. He pushed out his bottom lip as he pulled her shirt down covering her again. He reached down and adjusted his erection and took in a few deep calming breathes before starting the engine.

  ���I love you, Tessa.���

  ���Love you too.��� She smiled and sat back against the seat. He took her hand as he pulled onto the road.

  ���Are the girls still mad at me?��� Lucas gave her a sly half smile.

  ���Yes,��� Tessa answered.

  ���Really?��� Lucas looked confused.

  She laughed. ���They���re upset because you stopped.���

  ���I had to,��� Lucas laughed and turned red.

  ���Lucas, are you embarrassed?���

  ���Yeah, and what the hell is up with that?��� Lucas asked out loud.

  * * *

  They pulled into the farm and John and the kids were outside barbecuing.

  ���Lucas, that yours?��� John asked.

  ���Yes Dad it���s punishment for his reckless behavior,��� Tessa smiled as she walked by.

  John looked disapprovingly at them.

  ���I know it���s not right,��� Lucas said. ���Your daughter graciously pointed that out to me.��� Lucas gave a weak smile.

  ���Glad to hear she listens,��� John said.

  ���She doesn���t just listen, she teaches me,��� Lucas said. .

  When dinner was finished and the kids were all set for the next day, Tessa sat on the porch and put on her head phones. She had to perform for her voice class in two weeks and had not practiced. They had to choose a song from a Broadway play. She had chosen a song from Dream Girls; Hard to Say Goodbye, My love. She listened to it over and over while she sang along learning the song.

  * * *

  Lucas watched her from the steps. As she sang he did his homework. How did he get so lucky to find someone so amazing after all that he had done? She was truly a blessing.

  Her phone chimed

  - not ever going to happen with us, BTW you have an amazing voice, I want to hear you sing every day for the rest of my life���LYA Lucas

  Lucas heard her giggle as he was sitting on the steps ten feet from her. She walked over and sat behind him, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

  ���Oh hey, baby. I didn���t see you there, you are very distracting, can���t you see I am trying to get this done?��� Lucas joked with a smile in his voice.

  She rubbed his belly and up his chest, then kissed the back of his neck. His head went to his shoulder, and she gave his neck a little nip. He moaned.

  ���Tessa, you need to stop.���

  ���I can���t wait until next Friday,��� Tessa whispered in his ear.

  She licked his neck and blew lightly on the same spot. She grabbed one of his hands and brought it up to her mouth, gently sucking his ring finger. She reached down and rubbed his pants, feeling him harden under her hand as she stroked him.

  He hissed. ���Fuck, baby.���

  She moved faster. His head fell back and he opened his mouth, groaning. She lifted her hand and pushed it down the front of his pants, then wrapped her hand around his hard length and stroked him faster.

  ���Oh god, baby,��� he said, breathing deeply.

  Tessa felt him jerk hard in her hand as his hot liquid spilled over her hand. He held his breath for a few moments and slowly released it against her cheek.

  She stood up and walked around in front of him. ���Good thing you have a book to carry in front of you,��� she said, looking down at him.

  His eyes were heavy and filled with lust as he gave her a lazy half smile.

  ���You caused a mess,��� Lucas smiled. ���I like this game, but before it���s over, I assure you I will be the one who wins.��� He stood with his book in front of him and kissed her, then went in the house.

  Later, Tessa was sitting on the couch reading when he came out from his shower. She grinned, and he blushed and smiled. He sat next to her and kissed her hand. Kendall and Jake came and sat between them. Chewy jumped on Tessa.

  ���Who wants popcorn?��� Tessa asked, getting up to make some.

  Tessa brought in the popcorn and Alex and John joined them. Tessa shot pieces at the kids as they tried to catch them with their mouth and they laughed. They threw some at Alex, Tessa, and Lucas. Tessa caught them all and was deemed champion. She stood up and did a victory dance. They all laughed. Lucas helped her clean up the popcorn mess.

  ���You���re pretty good with your mouth, Tessa,��� he whispered. ���The whole finger trick was nice,��� he smiled as he rubbed his thumb across her lower lip.

  Tessa bit lightly on his thumb. ���Next Friday, you and I will find out how good I really can be.���

  * * *

  The next morning she made ham and eggs, the kids ate and started getting their stuff on for school. ���Did you like the bus Tessa?��� Jake asked.

  ���Nope, is it still stinky and smelly just like I remembered.���

  ���Yeah, it sucks,��� Kendall said.

  ���Watch your mouth Kendall,��� Tessa said trying not to laugh.

  ���How about two days a week you ride with us?��� Lucas asked.

  The three looked at him a little shocked.

  ���Are you serious?��� Jake asked.

  ���Why not?��� Lucas said and smiled.

  ���Can we today?��� Kendall asked excitedly.

  ���You���ll have to ask your sister,��� Lucas said.

  ���Do you know they have to be there twenty minutes before us?��� Tessa asked.

  He smiled and winked, ���Uh huh.���

  Oh, she thought and grinned, ���Well then okay.���

  * * *

  Her mom and dad were sitting at the table with Jake when Tessa and Lucas came home from practice. Jake had a black eye.

  Tessa dropped her bag and ran to him. ���What happened, Jake?��� ���Jake was suspended for the day; he got in a fight,��� Maggie said.

  ���A fig
ht… What happened?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Joel Black punched me in the eye because I told him that Lucas lived with us and he was your boyfriend.��� Jake rolled his eyes.

  ���Why would someone punch you for that, Jake?���

  ���Joel is Sadi���s younger brother,��� Lucas said quietly. ���I���m sorry, Jake.���

  ���Did you punch him back?��� Tessa snapped.

  ���Yep, that���s why I got suspended,��� Jake smiled.

  Tessa hugged him. ���Good job, buddy.���

  ���Tessa, that���s not appropriate,��� Maggie snapped.

  ���Then it���s going to be really inappropriate when I kick his sisters- ���

  ���Tessa,��� John stopped her.

  She grabbed Jake���s face and raised her eyebrow. ���It won���t happen again without major consequences, I promise.��� She kissed his head.

  ���I am so sorry,��� Lucas said to Jake.

  Jake smiled. ���I���m not. Now Sarah thinks I���m cool.���

  ���Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Tessa, I���m sorry.���

  ���It���s not your fault, son,��� John said.

  Tessa walked got up and walked outside.

  ���You might want to go calm her down, you���ve never met Tessa the Terrible, have you?��� Maggie smiled at Lucas as she grabbed another ice pack out of the freezer laughing.

  * * *

  Lucas watched as Tessa ran down the dirt road behind the farm. He took a deep breath and ran toward her, yelling her name when he was close enough for her to hear him.

  She turned around and smiled. ���Try to catch me, Links.��� She ran faster but he caught up quickly.

  ���Give me a challenge, Ross.��� Lucas smiled turning and running backwards ahead of her.

  ���First one to the trees wins.��� She flew past him.

  ���You ready to get your fine ass kicked,��� he laughed as he passed her again.

  ���Hey Links, I���m no cheerleader I can beat you. Check this out,��� she said as she took her shirt off and threw it.

  ���Not fair Ross,��� clearly sidetracked, he stumbled.

  ���You better get it or I will tell my Daddy you took it off me,��� she giggled.

  She passed him as he turned back to grab her shirt, ���See ya at the trees Links.���

  She ran as fast as she could and was almost there when he grabbed her around the waist. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and he walked to the woods and plopped her down and softly fell on top of her. They started laughing and were breathless. He rolled to his back. ���I won,��� she said.

  He rolled to his side and looked at her as her chest rose and falling quickly, ���No I don���t think so,��� he smiled and kissed her neck and started moving down.

  They heard the tractor.

  ���My shirt,��� she insisted.

  ���Say please or I will tell your Daddy what a naughty girl he has Tessa the terrible,��� Lucas said trying not to laugh.

  ���Forget it then,��� Tessa went to stand up.

  ���Damn it Tessa here,��� he laughed and threw her shirt to her.

  ���You better stand in front of me and block the view,��� Tessa laughed.

  He did, ���You Tessa Ross������ he started.

  ���Won,��� she smiled, ���and by the way, you haven���t seen Tessa the Terrible yet,��� she kissed his check.

  ���No but Tessa the Tease, that���s another story,��� he smacked her ass.

  She looked at him and her jaw dropped, ���Lucas!���

  ���Sorry baby did I hurt you?��� he asked concerned.

  Her mouth started to form a sly little smile and her eye brow rose slightly.

  ���Tessa,��� his voice was a growl, ���Killing. Me!���

  They walked toward Alex on the tractor, ���Mom sent me down to see if you were both still alive, want a lift,��� he asked raising the bucket. They both hopped in.

  ���Alex what are you doing tonight?��� Lucas asked.

  ���Not sure why?���

  ���How about you, Phoebe, Tommy, Jade, and Tessa and I go out to dinner? We can all ride in the Lexus he said. ���It���ll be an early night, big game tomorrow for all of us,��� Lucas said and squeezed her hand.

  ���Sounds good, I���ll call and ask.���

  ���Cool with you, TT?��� Lucas smiled at Tessa.

  Tessa smiled and shook her head yes, ���Can I pick the spot?���

  ���Of course,��� Lucas kissed her hand.

  ���Good you get to meet my aunt tonight,��� she said ���hey Alex we���re going to go to the Spot,��� she said and laughed.

  ���You sure he���s ready for that?��� Alex laughed.

  * * *

  They picked up everyone and Tessa told him where to turn. He pulled in and she smiled ���You ready?���

  ���Sure. Your aunt work here?���

  ���No she owns it,��� Tessa laughed.

  They walked into the rundown bar and made their way through to the dining area. It was all picnic tables and a dance floor. Almost everyone said hello to them.

  ���Hey there babies,��� a blonde woman with a low cut blouse came running out and hugged the girls and kissed Alex. ���You haven���t been up to see me in almost three months, the last time I saw you was when we went to the concert.���

  ���We���re sorry Aunt Josie,��� Jade smiled ���Been a little busy,��� she said. ���This is Tommy, Tommy this is my aunt Josie.���

  Josie looked him up and down and told him to spin around, she grabbed his butt, ���Nice,��� she said. ���You on the pill yet Jade?���

  ���No not yet,��� Jade smiled.

  ���You can turn around now Tommy,��� Josie said, ���You are a doll.���

  ���Alex who���s this pretty little thing?��� Josie asked smiling.

  ���This is Phoebe,��� Alex smiled.

  ���Very nice to meet you, Phoebe, be good to him, he���s a keeper,��� Josie hugged her.

  Phoebe turned red, ���I think so too.���

  ���Tessa, Tessa, Tessa, who might this be?��� Josie asked.

  ���I���m Lucas, the lucky one Tessa said yes to,��� Lucas smiled that dazzling smile and turned around before she asked. ���Go ahead Josie,��� and she did ���Pretty nice right?���

  ���Hell yes,��� she smiled and laughed.

  ���Now you?��� he said, and everyone laughed. Josie blushed.

  ���You coming up to help out during deer season, girls?��� Josie asked.

  ���I don���t know,��� Tessa said.

  ���I will,��� Lucas offered.

  ���What kind of experience do you have?��� Josie asked smugly. ���Oh hell, who am I kidding? You wear a tight tee shirt and jeans, you���re hired. Can you wash dishes?���

  ���Yep,��� Lucas smiled.

  Tessa laughed. ���Alright, I���m in, but we are both in sports right now.���

  ���That���s fine. We can work around it,��� Josie said. ���Jade?���

  Jade smiled. ���I���m a little busy right now. I���ll check my schedule.���

  ���Kind of a lame crowd tonight, and no one is singing along. Go get them started and
dinner���s on me,��� Josie said.

  ���Dinner is always on you, Josie! Alright, any requests?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Joplin, baby!��� she snapped her butt with the bar rag.

  It was her aunt���s favorite. Tessa kissed Lucas and ran up to Karaoke Joe. She grabbed the cordless mic, waited for the music to start, and sang. The locals went wild clapping and cheering as Tessa sang. She avoided looking in Lucas���s direction as she played the crowd like she had for years.

  At the end of the song Tessa as she set the microphone back in the stand. She bowed and handed the mic to Joe.

  ���One more Tessa?��� he asked.

  Tessa smiled. ���For you, Joe, sure. Pick one for me.���

  He played Shania Twains Any Man of Mine. She brought a chair up on the dance floor and made Lucas sit there while she sang. She danced around him and ended with her foot on the chair between his knees. Lucas smirked and watched her the entire time. Tessa took his hand and pulled him up to her, then kissed him in front of everyone.

  Lucas walked over to Joe and whispered in his ear. Joe smiled and handed him a microphone. ���Tessa Ross, come back up here,��� he said into the mic. Everyone cheered. She walked up and looked at him. ���Sing with me baby?���

  ���You sure about this?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Hell no, but I���m going to try,��� Lucas laughed.

  Picture by Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock started. She laughed and so did he.

  He sang to the crowd and then grabbed her and pulled her against him, ���Wish I had a good girl to miss me. Lord I wonder if I���ll ever change my ways.��� He kissed her nose and turned back to the crowd.

  Tessa sang to the crowd and then looked at him and sang, ���I���ve been waiting on you for a longtime, fueling up on heartaches and cheap wine. I ain���t heard from you in three damn nights.���

  She turned back to the crowd and continued.

  ���I found your picture today, I swear I changed my ways, I just called to say I want you to come back home, I just called to say I love you, come back home.��� They sand facing each other smiling.


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