The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 68

by Mj Fields

  She turned up the radio, Godsmack���s Whatever came on. She laughed and turned it up. She turned it up louder and laughed again. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

  He pulled in and turned off the SUV.

  ���Nice song Tessa.���

  ���WHATEVER!��� she laughed.

  She jumped out and popped her headphones in and walked into the house and pet Chewy and grabbed one of the boxes off the table.

  ���There���s more in there,��� she said loudly to Lucas.

  She came in the house singing the song softly. He passed her and closed his eyes.

  She walked back in and was too busy dancing to notice he was still in the house and bumped into him. She gasped. He pulled her earpiece out.

  ���I���m sorry Tessa,��� his nose flared and jaw tightened, and he kissed her with urgency and need.

  She kissed him back. She dug into his back, as he lifted her up and carried her to the deck. She took his shirt off and saw the superman tee underneath it and smiled. She undid his pants and started to go down and stopped. She closed her eyes and stood up. He knew she would be a pain in the ass about that for awhile. He laid her on the chaise and undressed her. Kissing and touching her everywhere as he removed clothing. She kept her eyes closed, and he kissed down her body. Her back arched as he devoured her, when she relaxed he slowly entered her, and she began to moan loudly. He went faster and harder. She cried out.

  ���Baby��� I love you!��� he said as he came violently.

  She laid there trying to catch her breath and her eyes were closed.

  ���Tess if you don���t say it back I���m going to fucking lose it,��� his mouth crashed over hers and he growled into her mouth, ���Please tell me you don���t hate me,��� he said kissing and nipping at her neck.

  ���Lucas you ass, I love you, but what are you thinking? Pissed doesn���t mean I don���t love you,��� she pushed his off grabbing her clothes.

  ���Well, how am I supposed to know that Tessa?!��� he asked throwing his clothes on.

  ���You just are, you don���t stop loving someone because you���re angry because they acted like a fuck head one time in five months,��� she threw her clothes on.

  ���Well Tessa, all this love stuff is pretty new to me. I may suck at the relationship thing, but I love you and I won���t stop saying it!��� he yelled buttoning his shorts.

  ���Well, we have something in common because I apparently suck at sucking,��� she yelled and walked away.

  He started laughing. She looked at him like he was crazy and went in the bathroom and cleaned herself up.

  He stood outside, ���Baby we are fighting after sex now?���

  ���Yes��� apparently we do,��� she scoffed.

  ���I leave for school in two fucking weeks, it���s not far away, but it still fucks with me knowing I���m not going to be able to be with you every day. I love the way you touch me, the way your lips touch mine and when you���re sucking my cock, it���s fucking amazing! And frankly I���m pretty shocked about last night, five minutes, kind of fucking shocking. I saw you hanging on another guy, and yes I was annoyed. And then felt stupid when I found out he was your cousin,��� he said looking down. ���I love you I don���t want to fight, I want to see you laugh and smile and look at me like you love me and desire me, that���s all I got Tessa, I���m sorry.���

  ���Well, that���s all I need,��� she said as tears formed in her eyes. ���I���m going to miss you just as much. I���m a bit touchy too, you���re going to college, and Sadi is going to be there, and I don���t know, what if you meet someone else? What if you get drunk and touch someone else that way that I love for you to touch me? What if you fall in love with someone else?��� she covered her face and he hugged her.

  ���That���s not going to happen Tessa, not ever,��� he kissed her.

  Tessa was enjoying being held by Lucas, she needed this, wanted this.

  Her phone chimed bringing her back to reality Lucas kissed her and walked into the bathroom.

  - Hey, Tessa do you need any help?... Jade

  - I think we have it covered, but if you want to come down, you can��� Tessa

  - actually I would love to enjoy my husband some more��� Jade

  - then you do that, have fun��� Tessa

  - oh I am��� Jade

  Tessa laughed.

  ���What���s so funny?��� Lucas walked out of the bathroom.

  ���Jade. I think she has been very busy.���

  ���I���m pretty sure of it, Ryan looks happy but tapped,��� he laughed.

  They got in the car.

  ���Baby you think you can do that again? Before we get to the park?��� he asked.

  She looked at him, ���Nope.���

  ���Okay then,��� he said. ���That���s not going to happen again is it?��� he asked looking disappointed.

  She smiled, ���As if I could stop myself from wanting you every second I see you,��� she smiled. ���Your feet even turn me on,��� she smiled and went down.

  They pulled into the park just as she sat up.

  ���Nice Tessa,��� he fixed himself as she got out.

  He popped the hatch and jumped out. ���My feet?���

  ���Yes, they���re sexy,��� she smiled.

  He laughed, ���No Tessa, sexy is what I see in front of me, with a dash of hot, quite a dash.���

  Troy came running out and swung her around.

  ���Tessa your shirts on inside out,��� he whispered.

  She ran into the bathroom. He laughed and looked at Lucas, who was giving him an odd look.

  ���Her shirt was on inside out,��� he laughed.

  Lucas turned red, ���Sorry man.���

  ���Just don���t hurt her, and it���ll be all good,��� Troy patted him on the back.

  ���I won���t,��� Lucas said.

  Everyone left, and Tessa stood outside with Lucas and waved.

  ���Will you come stay with me?���

  ���I have a lot to do here.���

  ���Oh, I thought it looked great.���

  ���It does, but it’s going to look amazing,��� she smiled. ���You don���t have to stay I know you’re probably tired Superman.���

  ���You noticed,��� he said looking at his shirt.

  ���Of course,��� she kissed him, ���Go home.���

  ���I would like to stay and help if you���re alright with that.���

  ���Promise you won���t distract me?��� she laughed.

  ���I���ll do my worst,��� he winked.

  Tessa grabbed a few totes from the back of the Jeep. They brought them in and opened them. There were yards and yards of white silky material. They covered all the walls and the ceiling. She added coverings over the chairs. Everything was white and looked soft and very romantic. She grabbed the yellow ribbon and tied bows around the centerpieces and took thicker yellow material out and tied it around the chairs and made perfect bows. The room looked like it was out of a magazine. She stood back and smiled.

  ���Tessa you did it Baby ��� it looks amazing,��� he said taking down the ladder. ���How did you come up with this?���

  ���I probably saw it in a magazine, but the inspiration was the flowers,��� she smiled. ���Thank you for everything today, it was sweet. Completely over the top and unnecessary, I would never have stayed angry at you Lucas. Bu
t it made for a fun day. I love you,��� Tessa kissed him.

  He held her face and kissed her gently. ���I love you baby.���

  Tessa loved when he called her baby, it was a complete turn on. She knew when he called her that it was going to lead to something that made her scream his name.

  ���Can we go for a walk?��� Tessa said pointing to the stone bridge that passed over the water.

  Lucas smiled and took her hand. They walked up, and she sat on the stone wall and watched the water rush down from the falls behind the trees.

  ���I think they should say their vows here, it���s beautiful.���

  Lucas watched as she took in the scene, he wanted to make love to her right here but was a little apprehensive. He didn���t want to make her angry again. She turned and looked at him; his eyes were heavy and his stare very recognizable.

  She smiled, ���Here Lucas?��� he shook his head yes. ���I was thinking the same thing.���

  When they finished, they walked back to the pavilion arm in arm.

  ���Will you stay with me tomorrow?���

  ���Yes,��� her face hardened a bit and she looked down and scowled.

  ���What���s going on Tessa?��� he asked.

  ���Two weeks and that won���t be an option,��� she said quietly.

  ���We���ll figure it out,��� he hugged her, ���Promise me Tessa because right now I could say screw it all and be totally happy staying here forever.���

  That sounded perfect to her, but knew someday they would probably feel like her mother like she didn���t do all that she could and should have.

  ���I promise Lucas.���


  The Ross��� arrived at the pavilion, and Lucas was standing outside in a suit and tie. Tessa smiled and got out of the car. She stopped to take him in and then took a picture, he laughed and she ran up and kissed him.

  ���You look amazing,��� he kissed her again.

  ���And you Lucas,��� Tessa said looking him over, ���Smokin��� hot.���

  Maggie came out and cleared her throat.

  ���Tessa did you do that?��� she asked.

  ���We did,��� she said. ���Do you like it?���

  ���It is beautiful; Molly is going to be so impressed. Thank you, both,��� she hugged them and walked away.

  ���Thank my lucky stars she hugged me from the side,��� Lucas said smiling at Tessa.

  She looked confused. He grabbed her and pulled her close.

  ���Oh, yeah good thing. Dead puppies Lucas,��� she grinned and grabbed his hand and walked in.

  They all sat, and Molly walked in with John. She never wore makeup or anything revealing and she had never looked more beautiful. Cory stared at her; it was like he was seeing her for the first time.

  ���Do you want to know what he���s thinking?��� Lucas whispered.

  Tessa laughed and shook her head no.

  The ceremony was perfect; short and sweet ��� both of their faces were red after they kissed. Cory could not keep his eyes off of her the entire time. Ryan and Jade couldn���t keep their hands off each other. As they all danced, Ryan looked at Lucas.

  ���Cory has no idea what he���s in store for,��� Ryan laughed.

  Lucas smiled, ���I think he���ll figure it out tonight.���

  ���What is that supposed to mean?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Nothing baby,��� he kissed her head.

  * * *

  Molly and Cory left and headed up north for a week. They were going to Old Forge to a cabin on one of the lakes. Lucas had given them a cabin for a week as a wedding gift. He���d be done with his job on Wednesday, and Ryan had a week between jobs to read and learn some computer programs. The four of them were going to go up and share a cabin for three nights. Lucas was going to help Ryan. Jade and Tessa planned to lounge. Alex and Phoebe both had to work but thought they would be able to bring Kendall and Jake up on Friday night. It was supposed to rain all weekend at home so there wouldn���t be much to do on the farm. Maggie was working, and John was going to do some maintenance on the equipment.

  Lucas and Ryan worked long hours for the remaining three days. Jade and Tessa kept busy discussing in great detail how much Jade enjoyed Ryan. The girls all went and got there Mani Pedi���s and Tessa got waxed. Then they went out to lunch. They shopped for supplies for their trip and made food to bring.

  Jade and Tessa met the guys at the job site the last day. Lucas was handing out envelopes containing bonuses for finishing the job ahead of schedule and without incident. Lucas thanked them for their work and introduced Ryan as his replacement for those staying on.

  Jade smiled, she was so proud of him. Ryan was amazing, the way he took care of her, filled every need and put her before himself: she loved him. Jade never would have thought six months ago she could ever be happy again. She vowed to herself that she would never go a day without letting him know how much he meant to her.

  He walked over to her and bent down to kiss her and then kissed her belly. Tessa thought that was one of the most beautiful things she had ever witnessed. She was so happy for Jade and Ryan. Lucas came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck.

  ���Hey baby,��� he said and she smiled.

  They waved goodbye to Jade and Ryan.

  ���You rode with Jade?���

  ���Yes, I wanted to ride home with you,��� she looked around. ���When does the trailer leave?��� she asked smiling.

  He grinned and took her hand, and they went inside. ���This your desk, Mr. Links?���

  He locked the door.

  ���Yes Miss Ross ��� it is,��� he smiled.

  She lifted her sundress above her head, and he clenched his jaw. She took her bra off and turned around and slowly took off her panties. She turned around and smiled and narrowed her eyes.

  ���Miss Ross when did you do that?��� he asked swallowing hard.

  ���Two days ago Mr. Links, do you approve?���

  ���Uh Huh,��� Lucas said.

  She sat on his desk, and he pulled his shirt off over his head as he walked over to her and dropped to his knees.

  They walked out an hour later both exhausted and smiling. He opened the door for her and kissed her head.

  ���I love you baby.���

  ���I love you Mr. Links,��� she said and laughed.

  On Thursday morning, Lucas picked up Tessa and loaded up the coolers and bags.

  ���I can���t wait to have you for four days,��� he kissed her.

  ���I can���t wait to be had,��� she smiled.

  They picked up Ryan and Jade. Tessa hopped in the back and let Ryan sit up front. He was too tall to sit in the back. She reached up and rubbed Lucas���s head, and he sat back.

  ���I���m not trying to be rude,��� Jade said, ���but should we drive separately?��� Ryan and Lucas both laughed ���What���s so funny?���

  ���Nothing Jade, I think we should all ride together, it���ll be fun,��� Ryan said.

  ���Then you need to sit back here,��� she pouted.

  ���You don���t like me,��� Tessa said and rubbed her belly.

  ���Not as much as I like him,��� she looked down.

  ���Can I sit up here for an hour, Jade?��� Ryan smiled back at her.

  ���I guess.���

  ���Didn���t you take care of her before we got there?��� Lucas asked.

  ���Did you take care of Tessa?��
��� Jade asked.

  ���Okay,��� Tessa said.

  The guys laughed.

  ���What���s so funny?��� she asked.

  ���The Ross girl���s rock,��� Lucas said, and they both laughed.

  ���We do,��� Tessa said and hi- fived Jade. ���You���re two lucky boys.���

  ���We certainly are,��� Ryan said and reclined his seat back so that he could hold Jade���s hand.

  They set up camp and Jade, and Ryan took frequent walks in the woods. When they were gone, Tessa and Lucas took full advantage of the time alone. Tessa walked out of the cabin and wrapped herself in a blanket; she sat next to the dying fire and looked at the sky. She couldn���t shake the emptiness she was starting to feel already. Tessa knew that Monday Lucas started practice and that the next week he would be living in Syracuse. She loved him but in the pit of her stomach she felt that he wouldn���t be satisfied with just seeing her a few times a week. He was going to be so busy with school and ball. He would be traveling for games and studying for tests. He would be meeting new people, and Sadi was going to be there too. She couldn���t even imagine the dreadful things she would do to try and break them apart. She felt tears and let them go. She was alone and wouldn���t have to put her thoughts into words for anyone.

  ���Hey, what are you doing out here?��� Lucas asked sitting behind her and wrapping himself around her. ���You���re not worried about the bear around here?���

  She reached her hand behind her and ran her hands through his hair, ���Just enjoying the beautiful night,��� she said leaning back.

  He turned her face and kissed it, ���You���ve been crying Tessa, why?���

  ���Oh, I was just thinking about how much I was going to miss you,��� she laughed.

  ���Tessa we���ll be fine, right?��� he asked.

  ���Yes Lucas, I���m just going to miss you.���

  ���Don���t miss me yet, baby,��� he whispered and kissed her neck and caressed her body; ���I love you.���

  They made love in front of the smoldering fire under the canopy of pine trees. The stars twinkled down through the clouds sparingly. She started to fall asleep and he kissed her. They walked inside together. She used the bathroom and they fell asleep fully satisfied, wrapped in each other embrace.


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