The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 71

by Mj Fields

  ���Alright solo song for our birthday girl Tess,��� he played a song she had just recently started listening to, Zombie.

  ���You got this?��� Ben laughed.

  ���I absolutely do,��� she smiled.

  She stood on a table and belted it out. When the song finished, she bowed.

  ���Alex you better catch me��� she turned around raised her hands in the air and fell backward.

  She landed and opened her eyes, it was Lucas. She bit her lip and grinned. She stood up and grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. He met her kiss and when they finished she opened her eyes.

  ���Happy Birthday, baby.���

  ���It is now��� she smiled.

  ���Doesn���t look like you were doing that bad Tessa,��� he looked down.

  ���It was fine, but now it���s perfect��� she kissed him again. ���Walk with me?���

  ���I brought some friends, baby.���

  Jose, Miles, and Jenny stood behind them. They all said Happy Birthday and the music started.

  ���Links can I dance with your girl?��� Jose asked.

  ���Sure,��� Lucas said. ���Go have fun.���

  ���Tessa you can sing girl,��� Jose smiled.

  ���Thanks,��� she said looking for Lucas.

  He was introducing Miles and Jenny to Jade and Ryan.

  When the second song finished, Jose gave her a hug, ���Thanks, girl.���

  ���No thank you, my guy doesn���t like to dance,��� she smiled as they walked towards the others.

  Jade and Ryan were leaving, she thanked them and looked at Lucas and grinned.

  Ryan laughed, ���Have fun tonight.���

  Lucas shook his head, ���Always.���

  ���Are you staying?���

  He shook his head yes.

  ���All night?���

  He hugged her, ���Yes baby, but I���m tired.���

  She pulled away and stomped her foot.

  ���It���s my birthday,��� he laughed. ���Go take a nap until everyone leaves then,��� she said scowling.

  ���You���ll be well- taken care of,��� he smiled.

  Tessa went and got out some food for the late arrivals; they sat around the bonfire and talked. Jenny was quiet, she must���ve been tired. Jose however was a riot. He and Miles both bought into Ben���s nonsense about the bear that lived in the woods near the camp, until Tessa laughed.

  ���You screwing with us man?��� Jose asked.

  ���Yeah, a little,��� Ben admitted.

  They talked about the game and Miles told them how well Lucas had done. Phoebe told them that so far their field hockey team was undefeated and next week they played Tessa���s favorite team.

  ���On Tuesday?��� Lucas asked.

  ���Yep,��� Phoebe answered. Tessa looked at her and shook her head no.

  ���Alex, are you going to be there?��� Lucas asked.

  ���I have practice.���

  ���Our practice gets over at four; I should be able to make it.���

  ���It is not necessary,��� Tessa said. ���I���m sure I can handle it besides you might be a distraction, your harem might get nastier.���

  ���You a fighter Tessa?��� Jose asked.

  ���Only when provoked��� she laughed.

  ���Ex- girlfriend Links?��� he asked.

  ���Three and they don���t like me very much��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Damn Links, all on the same team?��� Jose laughed.

  ���All at the same time,��� Tessa laughed.

  Lucas gave her a dirty look and shook his head.

  ���No shit,��� Jose said, ���Links ��� you���re Badass.���

  ���No, not anymore,��� Lucas looked at Tessa.

  She smiled and whispered, ���I���m sorry, I guess.���

  Lucas closed his eyes

  Miles laughed, and Jenny raised her eyebrow and looked down.

  ���I want to watch a girl fight,��� Jose said.

  ���I���m not playing. I���m the assistant coach: my sister is on the team,��� Tessa smiled.

  The three left soon after. Tessa���s friends slowly left. Alex, Phoebe, Ben, Lucas and Tessa were all that was left.

  Ben hugged Tessa, ���Goodnight, Birthday girl.���

  ���I���d love to see you play sometime man,��� he patted Lucas on the shoulder.

  ���We have a home game this weekend ��� you should come.���

  ���Cool I will,��� Ben smiled.

  Alex went to give Phoebe a ride home and Tessa and Lucas waved as they pulled out.

  ���Are you mad at me?���

  ���No, it was just you know,��� he started.


  ���A little bit, I���m not the same person anymore Tessa.���

  ���I know.���

  ���Don’t worry about it baby.���

  ���Baby, huh?��� she said, ���I���m a woman, nineteen years old.���

  ���I know, are you ready to put that ring, on the other hand?���

  Her eyes widened, ���Can we wait until December?���

  ���I thought you would say that.���

  He pulled a box out of his pocket. ���So I got you this.���

  It was a box from Tiffany with a tennis bracelet in it.

  ���Lucas it’s beautiful,��� looked at him, ���You seriously need to stop spending so much money.���

  He smiled and kissed her neck. She grinned, and he looked up at her.

  ���Tessa, can I have a serious moment here?���

  She smiled and tried looking serious.

  ���Alright I see how it is��� he grabbed her and laid her on the ground and in a split second he had her bottoms off and was taking her panties off with his teeth.

  He sat back and looked at her in the glow of the dying bonfire.

  ���We serious now, baby?��� she shook her head.

  He lifted her hips to meet him, and she melted. When she was done, he started again, holy shit she thought.

  ���I���ve missed you baby,��� he stood up and slipping out of his pants.

  She frantically removed his shirt, damn he is so hot she thought, and he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him. He set her down next to the picnic table and turned her facing away from him.

  ���Grab the table baby and hold on��� he lifted her by the waist, ���Wrap your legs around my waist,��� he instructed, she did as he asked.

  Lucas slammed into her over and over again. When he felt she was tiring, he turned her around and laid her on her back and didn���t stop. She lost track of the amount of times she climaxed, but she was about to again. He finished right after she did, and he looked at her trying to catch her breath. He pulled her up and hugged her. She melted into him.

  ���You feel taken care of, birthday girl?��� he lifted her head.

  ���I can���t move,��� she whispered.

  ���Good,��� Lucas grabbed her clothes and dressed her.

  He picked her up and gave her a piggy back ride to the cabin.

  They walked into camp, and there was a fire lit and a bed made, even rose petals. She looked at him confused.

  ���Jade helped me out,��� he smiled, ���You better rest, it���s going to be a long
night.��� He winked and smiled a devilish grin.

  They lay down and snuggled. She fell asleep and woke up an hour later to him kissing her.

  She opened her eyes and smiled, ���I love you.���

  ���You better,��� Lucas smiled as he moved over her body all night long.


  Tuesday was game day. Tessa was feeling nervous about Kendall being up against them. She wasn���t even sure they still played but had talked to Kendall about steering clear of them. Tessa braided Kendall���s hair and waited for her to change into uniform and headed out to the field.

  Tessa saw Jamie and Madison, great she thought. She didn���t sit next to Kendall; she didn���t need to draw attention to her.

  Coach V put Kendall in after half time. She was on the opposite side of the field as Tessa, matched up with Madison.

  The ball was passed to Kendall, she was about to make a goal and Jamie hit her in the back with her stick. ���Oops, Ross is it?���

  Kendall smiled, ���Don���t let it happen again.���

  Coach V looked at Tessa, ���She’s got this.���

  ���If that bitch touches her again, she is going to get her ass kicked,��� Tessa sneered.

  The ball was hit towards Kendall and Madison nailed her in the knee. Tessa started to walk towards the field. Coach V grabbed her.

  Kendall looked at her and smiled. ���It���s all fine Tessa, she swings like a girl.���

  The next play Madison hit Kendall in the stomach, and that was it, Tessa tore after her and Coach V grabbed her.

  ���How many times are you going to let that happen?��� Tessa screamed at the other coach.

  ���Fuck you, Ross,��� Madison screamed.

  Madison was red carded.

  After a time out she checked on Kendall. As she walked off she saw Lucas and Jose, Jose looked shocked and then he grinned. Lucas looked pissed.

  ���If anyone else touches you ��� knock their teeth in��� she yelled to Kendall from the sidelines. Kendall laughed.

  It was the last minute of the game, and Jamie took off after Kendall and Tessa jumped up and ran. Kendall had knocked her feet out from under her. Alex and Ben had just walked in.

  ���Go Kendall��� Alex yelled.

  Ben grabbed Tessa as she ran by and laughed, ���Kendall���s got this, Tess.���

  The game ended, ladies in blue four the B team two.

  Kendall ran over and hugged Tessa.

  ���Couldn���t let me have any fun, huh?��� Tessa laughed.

  She felt Kendall���s heart beating fast against her chest, and she held onto Tessa tightly.

  ���Are you okay?��� Tessa asked and hugged Kendall, she felt her eyes fill up.

  ���My knee and back hurt a bit but hey look at the score ��� we won,��� she said and saw Tessa���s eyes, ���Hey don���t be sad.���

  ���I’m not I���m pissed,��� Tessa said.

  She felt a hand on her back and turned around, it was Lucas.

  ���You okay?��� he asked.

  ���No!��� she yelled, ���They���re fucking crazy! They went after my sister.���

  ���I���m sorry Tessa,��� he hugged her.

  She pulled away and lined up to slap hands with the opposing team. Kendall followed.

  Coach ran out and stood by them.

  ���Watch yourself Tessa,��� he warned.

  Carly was at the end of the line. Jamie and Madison didn���t get a chance, their coach made them sit.

  They ran in and showered. When they came out Alex, Lucas, Jose, and Ben were standing there

  Kendall was laughing at Tessa, who held her hand.

  ���Well ladies, when is your next game?��� Jose asked.

  Tessa crossed her arms and kicked stones. ���Four weeks.���

  ���Tessa come with me,��� Lucas took her hand.

  ���Are we okay?��� he asked.

  ���To be honest Lucas I���m a little more concerned with how Kendall is.���

  ���I understand you’re pissed but I know Kendall is alright.���

  ���What���s that supposed to mean?��� she snapped.

  ���You took off after both of them like a momma bear.���

  ���It’s my fault,��� she said.

  ���Okay, keep talking Tessa I knew this was coming,��� he stood back and looked down at her.

  ���Really you get to get pissed about this Lucas?���

  ���Tessa, please just let it all out.���

  She looked at him like she could not believe he was saying that to her.

  ���Not trying to fight baby, I just know I got it coming.���

  ���Forget it, I���m not doing this right now, go I���ll see you tomorrow,��� she said and he grabbed her before she walked away.

  ���Tessa don���t. Let���s get it out now, please baby,��� he pulled her into him.

  She knew she wasn���t going to calm down, and he wouldn���t let up. She leaned back and closed her eyes trying to calm herself and end this spat.

  ���You���re so faking this right now,��� he whispered in her ear.

  She turned around and kissed him; she rubbed her hand down his back and rested her thumb in his waistband. He rubbed his hand up her side and she moved her body slightly. He gently pulled her hair back, so she was looking up at him, ���Still full of shit, baby.���

  ���What would you like me to do drop to my knees to make this all better for YOU?��� she asked.

  He let go and stepped back and looked pissed.

  ���You don���t get to be mad, Lucas. You���re riding with Jose, right? You���re keeping him waiting. I���ll see you tomorrow night Lucas, I get that neither of us asked for them to go after my sister, but we aren���t the victims here, I need to be with her.���

  ���Okay Tessa,��� he took her hand and walked fast to their friends, ���You ready Jose?���

  ���Sure man,��� he said.

  ���Kendall are you okay?��� Lucas asked.

  ���Yes,��� she smiled.

  ���Good, I���m sorry Kendall��� he hugged her ���Good game ladies, goodnight Tessa,��� he kissed her head and walked away.

  ���Alright that was nice,��� Ben said, ���Anyone up for pizza, my treat?���

  They all went and had pizza, Ben sat across from Tessa.

  ���You okay Tess?���

  ���No, that crap today was because of me,��� Tessa said quietly.

  ���I don’t think it was you girl. You did good tiger; remind me not to mess with you Ross���s. You just have bad luck or choose guys with crazy girlfriends or ex- girlfriends��� he laughed referring to Lauren, ���How���s that toe anyway?���

  She laughed, ���So you���re sticking up for Lucas?���

  ���Now would I do that? Just telling how it is, I didn���t expect Lauren to pull that nonsense. I���m sure Lucas didn���t expect them to do that again.���

  ���After New Year���s Eve Ben, what did he expect?��� she asked defensively.

  ���He expected at that point that you hate him, right? He was trying to push you away. You���re all in now, think about it,��� he sat back and winked at her.

  ���Kendall you���re okay right?��� he smiled.

  ���Fine thank you,��� she blushed.

  ���See, not the same as wha
t happened to you. I think we all should hit the hot tub,��� he grinned at Tessa.

  They pulled into the farm and got out, Phoebe, Alex, and Ben all got changed. Tessa and Kendall were doing the same.

  Her phone chimed it was him

  - I���m back��� LL

  - Okay, see you tomorrow��� LT

  - You sure?... LL

  - Yes, goodnight��� LT

  Kendall had no bruises she was alright. Tessa was upset but knew there was nothing she could do to change what had happened.

  They went down and got in. Ben laughed, and Tessa smiled.

  ���Did you get a new suit?���

  Tessa had on a rash guard and shorts.

  ���No,��� she blushed.

  ���You know you still look hot,��� he whispered.

  She splashed him.

  * * *

  Tessa pulled into the parking lot at South Campus and walked into his dorm, she ran up to the third floor and walked into the common area; she was a little early and figured she would just wait for him. She sat on the couch and Jose walked out.

  ���Hey girl, how you feeling today, a little less pissed off,��� he laughed.

  Jenny and Lucas got off the elevator laughing; she rubbed his back ���See you later Links.���

  Lucas walked by and didn���t notice her.

  ���No, not really.���

  ���Links, your girl���s here,��� he called after him down the hall.

  Lucas turned around and saw Tessa and walked back and pulled her up.

  ���Hello Tessa,��� he kissed her, ���I see you���re still not happy.���

  ���I���m fine Lucas,��� she looked down.


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