The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 113

by Mj Fields

  ���She loves you,��� Kendall said, ���I think she wants to go with you.���

  Collin laughed, ���Sounds good if it���s all right with her.���

  Tessa looked down and could feel her face flush.

  ���Sure, her leash is on the fence post,��� she waved dismissively.

  He opened the gate, and she sat as he attached the leash and they were off like a light.

  Kendall looked at Tess and said ���You certainly are short with him, what���s up with that?���

  ���He���s arrogant,��� Tessa responded and realized her face was heating up.

  Kendall laughed, ���Yeah, but he���s hot, might be the distraction you need right now!���

  ���Kendall really, I don���t think so!��� she laughed ���Besides I���m more than sure he has a girlfriend.���

  ���No Tessa, Collin doesn���t do relationships,��� she said. ���I���ve been here a hand full of times and have seen only a couple women leave there, I asked about his girlfriend once, and he told me he didn���t have time for those. Just occasional friends.���

  Tessa felt her jaw drop ���Are you one of them?���

  ���Seriously Tessa did you really just ask me that? Mom would have my ass!��� Kendall laughed.

  ���And you���re trying to hook me up when you know it���s wrong? Mom will have your ass for that, too,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Well, I just figured one of us should check it out and report back, you know live vicariously through each other, and you���re already tainted,��� she said laughing.

  Kendall ducked to avoid getting a pillow to her head, ���I don���t think that���s a good idea. I could kick your butt and run, and no matter how fast you hopped, you couldn���t catch me.���

  They laughed.

  ���I���m going to unload the car; will you be okay without me for a minute?��� Kendall laughed as she walked through the door.

  Tessa was alone and grabbed the remote to turn on the tunes. Sirius 90���s channel. Hard Knock Life by Jay- Z was on; funny that was always one of her favorite songs but from Annie, not the rap version. She laid back to enjoy the evening heat and listen to some music. Her head felt fine now, and she was remembering some of the events that happened earlier. Sublime���s ���What I Got��� played, and she laughed at how silly the song was. The line about the dog running away made her laugh.

  Tessa heard Kendall talking and realized the rest of the family must be here, too. She was overcome by a feeling like everything in the world would be ok. Alex and Phoebe came in, and Jake brought his girlfriend. Molly and Cory, her other sister, the oldest of the five, and niece Sydney walked out to the patio. Sydney ran and jumped on her lap, and they hugged.

  Kendall waved Collin over. He saw the gang all hanging out on the patio, and Tessa simply looking like she was in heaven as she held the beautiful blonde haired little girl with the big blue eyes that matched hers. Collin felt a lump in his stomach and wondered if this little cherub was hers. Leia ran and jumped on Tessa���s chair; the little blonde girl laughed and hugged her.

  Tessa looked up at him and smiled, ���Thank you.���

  She looked even more beautiful sitting there than he had remembered. She was surrounded by everything she loved, her safe people. They softened her, he thought.

  Jake, her brother, came running out of the house, playing his air guitar to the song, ���Remember this concert Tessa? You took me when I was in high school to the Finger Lakes Performing Art center; I skipped school. Wonder if Mom and Dad know about that.���

  Jake was then aware that there was company, and he reached out his hand.

  ���Hey man, I���m Jake,��� he said with a warm, inviting smile.

  Collin shook his hand and introduced himself. Jake offered him a beer, and he obliged. They chatted for a few minutes. Kendall interrupted, and she and Collin walked over to his place.

  Maggie and John came in, carrying a huge cooler filled with drinks and salads. They hugged Tessa and the other kids and went into the kitchen to put things away. John went over to the fire pit and met Kendall and Collin as they walked back over with wood.

  Tessa sat almost pouting as they set up the volleyball net and drank. She saw Collin turn towards her several times throughout the night. He was so handsome and at ease with this family. One she loved with everything she was. One that she had neglected while she was caught up with Lucas.

  Molly sat next to Tessa as they colored in a coloring book with Sydney. They watched as the guys and girls played volleyball. Molly laughed as she looked at Tessa, who was biting her bottom lip with one eyebrow raised, staring at the game. Alex, Phoebe, and Collin played on one team Jake, Kendall and Cory on the other. Well, Phoebe didn���t really play, she just avoided the ball. Collin, well��� he just looked amazing. His tan khaki shorts hung low on his hips and hit his knees.

  ���Pretty nice view��� huh, Tessa?��� Molly smiled.

  ���Great View,��� Tessa replied before she even thought about it.

  Molly laughed yes it was, she thought.

  Dinner was ready. Jake���s girlfriend Sarah was helped Maggie set the table. And the game was over, and Tessa watched as they all shook hands and laughed wishing she could���ve played, too.

  ���Do you think I could have a drink? It���s been awhile since I���ve taken that pain pill that kicked my butt?���

  Molly laughed ���I���ll get you one.���

  Tessa and Sydney colored and Molly returned.

  ���How are you doing Tessa? We were a bit shocked when you sent the text you had already left. Mom was really worried about you, so was I,��� Molly rubbed her back.

  Tessa smiled ���I���m good, this is a great diversion, being away from everything, and now that you���re all here, it���s pretty perfect.���

  Maggie yelled for everyone to come eat. Everyone went in the house and washed up for dinner. Collin went to his house and returned with a black tee on. She was disappointed; she smiled as looked down. She hopped into the house to wash her hands and go to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and smiled, she brushed her teeth and put on some lotion, she could tell she had gotten some color today and didn���t want to peel.

  When she returned, the table was full. The only empty spot was between Sydney and Collin.

  Sydney smiled and touched the chair next to her, ���Great view, Auntie Tessa.���

  Tessa smiled and kissed her head ���Sure is.���

  Collin stood and pulled out Tessa���s chair before she had the chance too. Her face immediately felt hot again.

  ���Thank you,��� she said softly.

  Molly got up and grabbed the bottle of wine that sat by the lounge and filled Tessa���s glass.

  ���Thank you,��� Tessa and Molly smiled at each other.

  Dinner was great, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. John talked a lot about Organic farming and mentioned more than once that it was a very busy time of the year. After several comments like that, Tessa noticed Maggie kick him under the table. Tessa giggled knowing how uneasy he was about not being at the farm for even a minute at this time of year. Collin saw her smile as she pulled her hair back and twisted it and let it lay to the side.

  Sydney yawned and Molly laughed, ���Looks like someone is ready for bed, say goodnight to everyone.���

  Sydney walked around the table giving everyone hugs and telling them goodnight. She reached Collin and looked up at him.

  ���Night- Night, great view.���

  Tessa began to choke on her wine and stood up to leave the table before she spi
t a mouthful across it. She threw her hands in the air like she had taught Sydney to do when something went down the wrong way and stopped coughing.

  ���Good job Auntie Tessa, you put your arms up like a big girl,��� she threw her arms around her legs to congratulate her on her big girl accomplishment.

  ���Molly, could I go in and turn a movie on for her?��� Tessa asked.

  Molly shook her head yes, and Tessa limped in with Sydney.

  ���Well��� that was uncomfortable,��� John laughed. ���But I agree with Sydney ��� you are one handsome son of a gun.���

  Alex went and grabbed everyone a drink and jokingly put one in front of his parents. He knew their two drink rule, well Maggie���s rule, John took it and winked at his wife who was looking at him, disapprovingly.

  ���That���s for kicking me,��� he kissed her cheek and finished his drink.

  He pulled out Maggie���s chair and grabbed her hand and they walked inside. He scooped Sydney up in his arms and brought her upstairs.

  Tessa walked outside and grabbed what looked to be the last of the bottle of wine.

  ���Damn Tessa what���s it like to drink again and not be the DD for the guys? You sure you can handle another glass? You���re looking a little tipsy,��� Jake joked.

  ���It���s alright. Not necessary, but alright,��� she said with a sad smile. ���Could you go turn on some tunes, please?���

  ���What shall it be?��� he asked.

  ���I don���t care��� just not sappy music.���

  ���How about the 90���s channel again?���

  ���Sounds great,��� Tessa answered.

  They had all moved to the patio, and the guys cleaned off the table. They were all pretty tired and tipsy when they finally sat and enjoyed the evening breeze.

  Collin could tell that they were all concerned about Tessa, and he was sure it had little to do with her ankle. The song You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette came on, then her brothers sat looking at each other and began making up their own words. One would start, and the other would step in, Tessa laughed at them knowing that she had done the same thing when singing songs to them when they were all younger.

  ���I want you to know that I’m sickened by you, I wish nothing but the worst for you,��� Jake sang.

  ���An older version of me��� Alex took over, ���Is she big chested like me.���

  ���Would she go down on you in a theater,��� Jake sang as he smiled at Tessa.

  Tessa chimed in, ���Does she speak red- necked and would she smoke your doobies.���

  Kendall sang ���I’m sure she makes a really excellent bar whore.���

  Collin was having a great time as he watched them laugh and singing. He sat back and enjoyed himself he was relaxed for the first time in years. It wasn���t at all awkward, they all made him feel very welcome. He could tell Tessa was getting drunk, she couldn���t keep a straight face, her hair fell around her eyes, and he wondered what must have happened to her. He wondered if the song they sang together had anything to do with it.

  Kendall changed it to the hair nation station and the song Have A Drink On Me started playing as Molly finally came out to join the group.

  ���Hey ��� could we get a group picture before any of you pass out?��� Molly laughed.

  Collin offered to take it, and he snapped about twenty photos. Phoebe grabbed the camera and told him to get over there. It was like the parting of the red seas, all of Tessa���s siblings moved so that Collin had to sit pretty close to her lap. Phoebe immediately began shooting. He moved her ankle so that he would not sit on it, and was told to move back until he was practically on her lap, his back touched her chest. Tessa put bunny ears behind his head as she leaned over his shoulder to make a silly face, he turned towards her and they were nose to nose for what seemed like ever.

  ���Alright Alex, time for bed big Boy,��� Phoebe grabbed his hand and led him inside.

  Molly and Cory, Jake and Sarah, and Kendall followed suit leaving them sitting there looking down, uncomfortably close to one another.

  ���This is awkward��� she laughed, ���It���s nice but awkward.���

  Damn those words flow to easily when I drink!

  He just sat watching her as she squirmed enjoying it immensely.

  ���You have a great family Tessa. You all seem to enjoy each other so much,��� it was more a question than an observation.

  ���Yeah, they���re pretty great, most of the time,��� she joked.

  His stare made her feel like she was stripped naked, and he knew it.

  He smiled ���You know this has been the most fun I have had in years. My family is small and scattered around the world.���

  Again in typical true Tessa form she opened her mouth and out it flew.

  ���I think you looked like you were having a pretty good time last night,��� her eyes now wide with a look of terror.

  He laughed ���Wow, well��� that���s one way to point out the white elephant in the room.���

  ���Or the one on your deck last night,��� damn why couldn���t she stop this? ���Sorry, I don���t often drink, and this is part of the reason, I open my mouth and stuff just comes out, no control.��� She sat back and looked up at the sky. ���By the way where is your girlfriend?���

  Collin laughed at the way she was trying to avoid eye contact, ���We kind of went through this earlier, I don���t have a girlfriend. By the shape you seem to be in now, I���ll probably have to answer that question again at another time. So listen up okay.��� He grabbed her head with his hands, so she was looking at him and did not let go. ���I don���t have a girlfriend. Relationships are messy, and I don���t have time for that. What I do enjoy, is the occasional��� no strings kind of relationship. I like sex, for hours. I like to give and receive, over and over and over again. When I���ve had my fill and so has my partner, I can concentrate on work. I love to hang out with my friends, but only have time for a handful. And right now I wish that I could throw you over my shoulder and take you over to my place and have you over and over and over again.���

  Tessa sat with her jaw dropped staring at him, her body pulsed everywhere. If she weren’t so turned on she would slap him across the face right now. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and slowly removed his hands from her head, she sat up on her knees and inched her way towards him. She grabbed his hair and gently moved his head to the side and whispered in his ear. ���You couldn���t handle it. I���ve been with the same man for nearly five years. I gave him everything over, and over again, wherever and whenever he wanted it,��� her breath was hot, and her voice husky as she continued, ���I kept it hot. I just called off our wedding because he didn���t know how to treat me. Sex, hot, dirty, loud, earth- shaking sex, is just that. I wanted more, and he wanted everything but to return the respect I gave. I can be a whore in the bedroom, beyond what you can probably even bring yourself to ask your friends with no strings. As I sit here and see your excitement grow,��� she looked down at his bulging pants and purposely bit her lip ���I can promise you this. I���m not a no strings kind of girl. I never will be. As hot as you are, and as lonely as I am, I���m telling you over and over and over again ��� NO!���

  Tessa released his hair from her hands and lightly shoved his head back as she shook her head slowly from side to side. She looked into his eyes. They were heavy and filled with desire, his breath, deep and hot. She was proud of herself and began to look at him with a set smile.

  He stood slowly in front of her. He took her around the waist and threw her over his sh
oulder, ���You���ll say yes, I guarantee it.���

  Tessa kicked and hit as he walked towards his house, ���I will scream if you don���t put me down now.���

  He smacked her ass, chuckling in an arrogant tone, ���Yep you���ll scream, and moan and yell my name,��� he spun around and walked towards her house. ���But first you���ll beg, Tessa. I can promise you that, you���ll beg me at least a handful of times before I unleash on you.���

  ���And I can promise you ��� you pompous, arrogant ass that you���ll be on one knee in front of God and my family before that happens,��� she yelled.

  The light came on, and the door opened, Molly stood there as he set her down inside the doorway.

  ���She needed some help getting in, goodnight ladies,��� Collin turned and walked out the door.

  ���What the hell was that all about Tessa?��� Molly gasped.

  ���He���s impossible, ���she looked at her sister. ���He drives me crazy!���

  Molly laughed ���I get that, you guys looked at each other all night at dinner, is there something you wanted tell me?���

  ���I’m going to bed,��� she limped up the stairs and crashed in the bed next to Kendall.

  When she closed her eyes, it was his steamy blue, intense eyes she saw. Get a grip for crying out loud. Tessa rolled to her stomach and buried her face into the pillow. One small breath and his scent filled her. His head was here, he had slept here with her.

  Collin walked to his house and slammed the door. That woman is frustrating, and it turns me on what the hell is that about! He went into his bathroom and took a very cold shower washing her smell from his skin before climbing into bed and falling fast asleep.


  The next morning, Tessa stood ��� waving goodbye to her parents from the parking lot. Collin sped into his spot and stopped.


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