The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 116

by Mj Fields

  * * *

  When Collin woke, Tessa was downstairs drinking a cup of tea sitting in the study. He watched her as she sat on the ground deep in thought.

  ���Good Morning,��� he said in barely a whisper.

  ���Good morning,��� Tessa smiled as she stood up.

  She walked past him into the kitchen.

  ���Coffee or tea?��� she asked nervously.

  ���Whatever you���re having would be fine.���

  They stood against the counter quietly drinking their tea, and he finally spoke.

  ���I want to take you somewhere today,��� he peered up at her.

  She smiled and shook her head in acceptance.

  ���Good, I���ll be back in about thirty minutes?���

  ���Sure,��� she giggled.

  ���What���s so amusing?��� he asked.

  ���I think we���re both obviously uncomfortable, and well��� I laugh when I���m nervous sometimes.���

  ���Alright. Can I hug you?��� he asked cautiously.

  ���Yes, please.���

  He hugged her, and she smiled and wrapped her arms around him.


  ���Much,��� she smiled.

  ���Okay ��� see you in half an hour Tessa?��� he turned to walk away.

  ���Hey, give me an idea of what we���re doing today, are we staying around here or will we be leaving?��� She called after him.

  ���It’s a surprise��� he called back.

  This should be interesting, she thought. She went into the bathroom and dried her hair; she got out the straightening iron and straightened it. She put on a pair of khakis and a tank top; she grabbed a jean jacket out of the closet. Tessa put on some mascara which she hadn���t done since she���d been there and it’s now been four days she could not believe it was already Monday.

  Collin returned in Khaki shorts, a button down shirt, sandals, a white baseball hat, and his aviators. He looked amazing, and she guessed he knew it.

  ���Hey Leia, here���s a big pillow to lounge on while we are gone,��� he patted her head.

  Collin also brought some toys for her to occupy herself. Tessa smiled at him and wondered how such a self- proclaimed cold, emotionless person could be so kind. They walked out to his black Porsche and he opened the passenger door. Tessa sat inside and smiled, he opened the door for me.

  He jumped in and started the car. There was a smirk on his face as she looked at him.

  Tessa smiled, ���So where are we going?���

  He grabbed her hand and kissed it, ���You���ll see in a minute.���

  He held her hands against his chest. He had to let go to shift the car, damn ��� what was I thinking buying a stick shift? He thought to himself.

  ���I have to shift, I have to let go of your hand, and I don���t want to let go of your hand.���

  Tessa laughed out loud and told him she would hold her hand right here as he shifted the car. They drove down the main street, and she looked at the buildings to the left and all the businesses that had popped up since she was younger. She looked to the right at the beach, what a beautiful place.

  Collin pulled in, turned around and parked in the front row of the empty parking lot. He popped the latch that opened the trunk and grabbed a basket out of it. He ran and opened her door as she was grabbing her bag. They crossed the road and walked down the boardwalk arm and arm, and came to a boat with a sign in front of it that said ���whale watching.���

  Collin squeezed her hands, ���Does this look like fun to you?���

  She smiled and shook her head yes with a childish grin on her face, ���I���ve never done this before.���

  ���Welcome aboard, Mr. Abraham,��� the captain said, ���everything is as you have requested.

  ���Thank you, this is Tessa and this is her first- time whale watching so I���d like to get at it right away so she can have the full experience,��� Collin instructed him.

  ���Of course, sir.���

  Mr. Stone, the captain, went upstairs. The engine roared, and they started to move backward.

  Collin opened a bench and grabbed two yellow vests. He helped Tessa put it on and zipped it for her. He pulled her hair back and twisted it in a ponytail and set it over her shoulder. He grabbed her hand and kissed it and led her to the front of the boat. He sat on the long cushioned bench with one of his long legs stretched out against the back and one foot on the floor. He watched her as she took in the beauty that surrounded her. For a brief second, he thought she looked sad. He reached his arm out, and grabbed her wrist and pulled her down to sit between his legs and snuggle against him. He wrapped his arms around her and put his nose to her head and kissed her lightly.

  She put her hands on his knees and lightly caressed them. ���It���s beautiful out here ��� thanks so much for bringing me. The captain seems to know you. Do you do this a lot?���

  He smirked, ���You could say that, it���s kind of mine.���

  ���Oh, wow,��� she said, ���You know there really isn���t a lot that I know about you. I actually just learned your last name when the captain used it. What do you do?���

  ���I write really boring medical papers based on my research. I travel to teach people around the world new techniques. I own a few properties, and this boat,��� His response made her feel inferior even though she knew that was not his intention.

  ���Wow��� that’s amazing. You must be very proud of yourself.���

  He hugged her, ���Hard work pays off.���

  ���Could you tell me where the bathroom is?��� she asked as she stood.

  ���Sure, follow me.���

  ���I can find it ��� just tell me where it is.���

  Tessa made her way down below. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle out of the ice bucket sitting on the counter. She opened a drawer and found a corkscrew and opened the bottle. She walked in the bathroom, closed the toilet and sat there and drank from the bottle. She wanted to go back to the beach house and turn back the clock. She should���ve never gone for a run that morning; she would have enjoyed her time with her family and sulked. She would���ve not let herself be fooled for one minute that this man would be interested. She wasn���t happy that she already felt drawn to him, wanting to take care of him, when she was supposed to be healing and finding herself. She���d finished nearly half the bottle when he knocked on the door.

  ���Everything ok Tessa, do you need anything?���

  ���Nope, I���m coming,��� she stood up and felt a little woozy.

  She opened the door with the bottle in her hand.

  ���You found the wine,��� he smiled

  ���I did, pretty good stuff,��� she smirked.

  He grabbed her hand and felt her tense up. He looked at her and wondered what if anything had changed in the ten minutes they had been there. He pulled her towards him, hugged her and kissed the top of her head.

  ���Why didn���t you tell me you were thirsty?���

  She took a big drink from the bottle; he stepped backward and bent down, so they were eye to eye. She avoided his gaze.

  ���Tessa, what���s wrong?��� he asked taking her head in his hands.

  ���This, all this, you, what am I doing here? Four months ago, I called off my wedding and graduated from college. Two months ago I signed off on a house, and up until four days ago I was working twelve- hour shifts and saving every penny so that I could just figure out who I am for the next month. I know where I���ve gon
e wrong, promises I made as a child I���ve broken. And here I stand ��� drunk in front of a man who is incredibly hot and says all the right things and who makes me want to do unspeakable things with him���and all after less than four days. I want to just get drunk; screw you till neither of us can walk, and go home��� knowing that���ll be the end of this. Whatever it is.���

  He grabbed a tissue and dried her eyes. He began to kiss her, he started at the base of her neck and moved to her jaw, he moved up the side of her cheek and across her forehead. His kisses were soft and gentle and lingered at just the right time. He continued down her other cheek and down her neck. He unzipped the lifejacket and took it off her. He resumed his incredibly sexy cascade of kisses down her neck her throat and stopped just above her rapidly rising and falling breasts. He moved his lips to hers and with his tongue, parted her lips. She opened her mouth inviting him in. He pulled her up into his arms and carried her to the bed. He placed her on it and continued kissing her. She was incredibly turned on and wanted him badly.

  ���Tessa is this what you want?��� he asked in a deep raspy voice.


  ���Are you sure?���

  ���Tell me what you want, Tessa,��� he kissed her.

  ���I want you Collin,��� Tessa moaned.

  ���Are you sure?���

  ���Yes, please, now,��� he continued kissing her. Ravaging her mouth with his tongue and began kissing her neck again, ���Please! I beg you, please.���

  His kisses slowed and he grabbed her and lifted her up, he sat her on the bed and grabbed her head so that she couldn���t turn away. His eyes were dark and feral.

  ���That���s one. I don���t want it like this, not because you���re a fucking mess. Not until, you���re ready, and trust me this is unbelievably hard. I want nothing more than to rip these clothes off you now and go at it with you until dawn, but it���s not happening.

  He stood up and adjusted himself, squatted down and took several deep breaths. He breathed heavy and he appeared extremely angry. He walked towards her again, breathing deeply, his nose flared, his jaw tightened and he picked her up and kissed her fiercely again. She clung to his body holding on for dear life. She grabbed tightly to his hair and kissed him back. He walked to the bed and placed her on it and looked down at her breasts rising with each deep fast intake of breath.

  He knelt again, punched the bed, stood and walked up the stairs.

  Tessa sat up frustrated, and angry: she felt rejected. And the man had the nerve to tell her that���s one! Seriously?! Her body was still trembling and she was ready to scream, and he walks out! She stood and walked to the bathroom. When she was finished, she grabbed the bottle of wine and stomped up the stairs. He was on his phone; she stopped and waited, giving him privacy to finish his call before she tore into him.

  ���No, not here, I���ll fly up in the morning��� I miss you too,��� she heard him say.

  Tessa turned and walked down the stairs and to the bed. She drank three more big swigs of the wine and set it on the floor and fell asleep.

  She woke to him holding her and her arms wrapped tightly around him. Her head was pounding, and she felt sick to her stomach. She wanted to go back to sleep.

  ���We���re docked,��� he ran his hands softly over her hair.

  ���Ok sorry,��� she stood up and walked towards the stairs.

  Mr. Stone walked down the pier towards them, he handed Collin the keys to the car.

  ���Thank you, Mr. Stone.���

  He smiled warmly at her.

  The ride home was silent, and it was dark when they returned. She walked into the house, and Leia ran past her and met Collin at the door.

  ���Hey girl,��� he said, ���you want to go out?���

  Tessa walked into the bathroom and ran the bathwater. Collin took Leia out and threw the ball for a few minutes allowing time for her to bathe. When he came in Tessa was sitting on the couch holding her knees rocking back and forth. He walked passed her and gently touched her hair. He grabbed the cooler off the back porch and grabbed a plate of cheese and crackers from it.

  He handed her a cracker, and she turned away ���I���m not hungry.���

  He gently turned her face towards him, ���If we���d have eaten today, you may have fared better with that bottle of wine. I won���t take no for an answer.���

  She nibbled on a piece of cheese and ate three or four crackers. He opened and handed her a bottle of water, she drank it slowly, afraid that something may come up.

  ���Are you ok Tessa?��� he asked with genuine concern in his voice as he handed her two Tylenol.

  She took the pills and drank them down, ���I feel like an idiot, and my head feels like someone smashed it with a hammer. I took a wonderful day and made it ugly. I���m sorry, I really am. Other than that I���m fine and very ready to go to sleep.���

  ���I don���t know what happened today. I wish it went differently. I���m not sorry that I���m here with you,��� he said softly as he kissed her on the head.

  She couldn���t forget the conversation she walked in on and truly just wanted to go to sleep.

  Collin got up and opened the door and let Leia in. He took her hand and helped her stand. They walked hand in hand up the stairs, she got into bed, and he tucked her in and lay next to her and she fell asleep in his arms, again.

  She woke and heard his voice coming from the bathroom.

  ���No, I need to do this, Tomas. I won���t need you to travel with me. I���d like you to stay at the beach house until I return. I will email you instructions when I get a minute. I���ve booked a flight for tomorrow morning, returning Saturday at 6 am.���

  He hung up, and she could hear him brushing his teeth. She rolled over and acted as if she were asleep. He got into bed and pulled her closer to him.

  ���Goodnight Tessa, sweet dreams,��� he kissed her head, and she stared out the window and finally fell asleep.

  * * *

  Her phone rang, and she answered it

  ���Hello, yes, it���s three o���clock in the morning Lucas, alright what do you need to talk to me about?��� She scooted off the bed and walked into the bathroom trying not to wake Collin.

  ���Yes they���re coming up Thursday��� but I���m a little confused as to what you needed to call me for at three in the morning��� Alright��� no, we don���t need to talk face to face, the last time we talked I thought we covered it, there really isn���t much else to talk about���yes, I did, and I want you to be happy��� Lucas are you okay?... Is your family ok?��� Alright good, can you please tell me what you need?... Yes, I���m fine. Thanks.���

  There was a long pause as she listened to him talk.

  ���Well, I hope that she makes you happy��� No, I���m not being sarcastic; I want you to be happy��� No, I don���t hate you��� Ok Lucas, nope thanks for letting me know although I don���t feel it���s any of my business��� no, it���s been five months Lucas��� ok listen ��� I���m exhausted and still a little unsure why this call had to happen at this time a day or at all, but I wish you happiness and hope things work out for you. Alright, goodbye Lucas���. Yes, I do, you don���t just stop.���

  She took a drink of water and looked in the mirror. Okay girl, time to breathe. She took several deep breaths. She washed her hands and shut off the light. She walked quietly out of the bedroom and down the hall, Leia walked behind her, and she went outside on the patio.

  Collin heard the outside door close and wondered if she was ok. He had heard her side of the conversation and kn
ew that must have been hard for her. He waited for what seemed like forever to him and finally got up and walked downstairs.

  He went quietly to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of glasses of water and walked outside and squatted next to her and handed her a glass of water.

  She looked at him, ���Thank You.���

  ���Do you need anything?���

  ���My girls to talk to, but it���s only four in the morning,��� she forced smile.

  ���Well, I think you should just pretend I���m them and let it out,��� he said in an odd sincerity.

  ���Thank you, but I���m going to pass. I will tell you that I didn���t expect that he would not move on and have an actual girlfriend and not just someone to keep him warm. I truly hope and will pray that he finds happiness. I was with him for more than 4 years. I don���t hate him. I can���t say it���s his fault entirely; we were kids basically raising each other. I needed more than he could give to me. I accept that,��� she smiled. ���That being said thank you for listening, and I���m sorry for today. I feel honored that you felt you could trust me enough to open up to me last night. I feel honored that you have been a gentleman enough to fight off my drunken sexual assaults. I hope that if anything, you know I respect you and am very happy you have made me feel desirable and interesting enough to spend time with,��� she finished with a yawn.

  He grabbed her hands and kissed them. ���You look tired ��� let me take you to bed and hold you, which by the way I enjoy a great deal and thank you for letting me experience that.���

  They walked upstairs, hand in hand and lie in bed and fell asleep.

  The light shown through the window, and she woke as he was bringing breakfast to her in bed. He set the tray in front of her and moved the pillows as she sat up. He climbed in behind her and pulled her back into him. He loved to touch her and have her body press against his. A new feeling for him, the closeness, the contentment. He didn���t know it could feel so good or why exactly it felt so right.


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