The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 175

by Mj Fields

  ���I���m going to drop London off at school, and head in to work. Will I see you tonight?��� Emma asked.

  ���Give me fifteen minutes and we can drop her off together, and I���ll drop you at work,��� he smiled as he walked by.

  * * *

  ���You do know I���m perfectly capable of driving,��� she said when London was walking into the school.

  ���Are you grumpy this morning Emma?��� Brody laughed.

  ���No,��� Emma said and looked out the window of the black Limo.

  Brody reached for her hand and kissed it gently, ���I love you Emma, tell me what���s upsetting you.���


  ���Are you not feeling well?��� He asked moving next to her and feeling her head.

  ���I���m fine,��� Emma said moving away from him.

  ���Em come now tell me, is it me, am I smothering you?��� Brody asked nervously.

  ���It���s definitely you and you can���t say things like that,��� Emma said and threw her head back in frustration.

  Brody thought about what he had said and looked at her.

  Her face was flush, and she squirmed in her seat, ���Emma, you miss me?���

  ���Stop, please. Just don���t touch me,��� Emma said sadly.

  ���Emma, come here,��� he pulled her closer, ���You need to come Emma?���

  ���Brody, please don���t say things like that,��� Emma murmured softly.

  ���Be quiet please, and stay very still,��� he whispered and kissed her neck as he pulled her onto his lap. ���I like the skirt, but these need to go,��� he said and ripped her underwear, Emma gasped, ���Shh,��� he said running his fingers lightly over her. ���Emma you���re wet for me, see what I can do for you, just the thought of my fingers here,��� he said and slowly pushed into her, she whimpered.

  Brody closed the privacy glass and turned up the radio, ���You still need to stay as quiet as you can, but Clive can���t see or hear us. It���s just you and I Emma and I���m going to make you come all the way to work,��� Emma pushed into his hand, ���Be still Emma,��� he moved his fingers, and he could already feel her body tighten, ���So soon Emma? Should I make you wait?���

  ���Brody, please,��� she said and moved her hips to him.

  He removed his fingers and kissed her. He pulled back and licked his finger, ���You taste so good Emma,��� he said and slipped his finger back into her, and she moaned loudly. He pulled it out and rubbed it across her bottom lip, ���See how you taste, I can���t get enough of it, I need to lick you, suck you, and I want you to come for me. I want to taste you,��� he said as he slid two fingers in her. Emma moaned loudly and tossed her head back. She was on the edge and he started to withdrawal, and she grabbed his hands and pushed into him. ���Okay Em, you need me, tell me.���

  ���Brody I need you, I love you, and I want to come for you please, Brody,��� she panted.

  ���Emma I love you and I want you to come for me, Come now!��� Brody whispered loudly in her ear and moved faster and harder in and out of her until he felt her body relax. She tried to pull back, and he continued to move his fingers. He laid her down and moved between her legs, ���I can���t wait for you to come again I want to lick you dry. Come, baby…I want all of you.���

  When she was finished, she sat up and looked at him, ���Brody.���

  He smiled, ���I know Emma, rest now please.���

  ���I need you, I need to feel you ��� please,��� Emma pleaded.

  He smiled and kissed her head, ���Drink this water Em.���

  ���I want you to feel as satisfied as I do right now, let me…���

  He smiled, ���You can please me tonight love, okay? Now rest until we get you to work.���

  ���I need you now please,��� Emma said and straddled his lap.

  ���Emma not now,��� Brody moaned.

  ���But I…��� Emma started.

  ���Emma, I want nothing more than to tie your hot wet ass up in bows right now and fuck you so hard you can���t walk for a week, I���m doing this for you. You need to stop now. I���ll take care of this,��� he said and shoved her hand down his pants. ���You feel how bad I want you?���

  ���Brody,��� she moaned and gently took hold of him.

  ���Emma, I need you to want this every single day, every minute. I want you to think of how hard I am for you. I need you desperately right now, but you need to rest. I won���t let you until I know you���re ready. Until I know you can handle the three weeks��� worth of need for you that I���ve been denied,��� Brody said as his hand worked up to her right breast, ���And this is mine, and when you���re ready so is this,��� he said and gently rubbed his finger across her shirt over her left breast. ���I want all of you forever. I want you to know that I���ll make sure you���re taken care of and loved and fucked thoroughly every time you need me. I���m denying myself to take care of you Emma, and I want you so bad, it���s painful. That is how deep my love for you is.���

  ���I���m so sorry,��� Emma said and started to cry.

  ���Don���t do that Em, don���t be sorry…I���m not. When you���re truly ready we���ll both know, alright? I promise you when that happens, you���ll never be sorry again. I need those ripped panties, I brought you another pair,��� he said and reached in his leather bag, ���They kept me company for three weeks, and yes they���re clean, I saw to it myself,��� he said and licked his lower lip.

  Emma looked at him and gasped as he put her feet through the leg holes. ���I don���t deserve you.���

  ���Emma we���re perfect for each other, and yes you do deserve all I���m going to give you. I know I won���t ever tire of you,��� he smiled, ���I hope you feel the same. We���re here love, can I come by for lunch?��� he smiled devilishly.

  ���I would love to say yes, but I don���t think I could handle it, I think work is going to be the best place for me to rest, because when I���m with you…I can���t think about anything but how you make me feel. And I���m not just talking physically Brody Hines, you make my head spin,��� she quickly kissed him and hopped out the door, ���I love you more,��� she said and shut the door.

  Emma���s phone chimed while she was on the elevator, a text from Brody.

  - we love each other more���MM

  - so sweet���Em

  - I wouldn���t want you upset all day, last time I didn���t return with the proper response you were a little upset. I don���t want you to be upset with me. And I don���t think it���s possible for you to love me more, just saying. I���ll have your lunch delivered. Don���t respond I have control issues and must have the last word. All my love���MM

  - Oh Brody, you can���t control everything���Em

  - Is that a challenge? ...MM

  - Sure is���Em

  - You will be in trouble someday very soon���MM

  - Not if I get you first, I love you, going to work now. All hot and bothered with visions of bows dancing in my head���Em

  * * *

  Emma was glad to be back to work, but even happier that the day had ended. She walked out of her building after work and her phone chimed, a text from Brody

  - Emma, my car is there I had some things to wrap up. Go pick up London; I made an appointment for you both at the spa for man
icures and pedicures. I should be there when you���re finished, I love you���MM

  - UUGGHH I���ve thought about that car ride all day, maybe I can take care of myself on the way to pick up London, never tried that before���Em

  - Don���t you dare, they���re all mine���MM

  - How about a picture now? ...Em

  - Emma right now I need to wrap up a few things, and you���re distracting the hell out of me���MM

  - I���m going to take you in my mouth and suck you so hard���Em

  - Emma please love, I don���t have time for this right now���MM

  - And then I���m going to let you watch as you come in my mouth���Em

  - Just so you know I���m at your place, and your mother is baking cookies, me walking around trying to hide a hard on is not an easy task…MM

  - Silly boy you gave me a toy. Who was that for? ���Em

  - You���re not talking to a boy Em, and that was for me when we Skype, it better be unused���MM

  - You better ask Lila, I sent it with the other gifts���Em

  - I���ll be stopping by to pick those things up and tossing that one. How wet are you right now? ...MM

  - None of your business, if you had come pick me up it wouldn���t be a question���EM

  - Oh Emma, your being defiant���MM

  - How hard are you right now? ...Em

  - I���ll show you soon enough���MM

  - Well then I���m going to have your driver stop and pick you up on my way to get London ���Em

  - Please not now, I���m trying to bond with Henry. Hoping he might like me someday���MM

  - Fine you win, I love you���Em

  * * *

  Emma and London got out of the car feeling very pampered. Emma wondered where everyone was. They walked up the stairs into the apartment. It was lit up with candles, flowers, orchids, and tulips everywhere. Silk bows adorned everything they could, all silver and white.

  ���Mommy did you do this?��� London gasped.

  ���No,��� she said when she could finally speak, ���I���ve never seen anything so beautiful.���

  ���Well I have. Two things actually,��� Brody walked out of his room.

  He was dressed in a grey suit and black neck tie, ���London I would like to steal you for a moment, would you come with me?���

  Brody winked at Emma who was still looking around at the beautiful room full of flowers, and took London���s hand and lead her into her room.

  ���London I have a very important question for you. A few actually, I would like to ask you how you feel about some things, ok?���

  London stood with her eyes wide open and looked nervous as she pushed her long black hair out of her face and nodded her head yes.

  ���Do you know how much I love you and your mother?��� She nodded her head yes and smiled shyly. ���Do you think you feel the same way about me?���

  ���Yes.��� she answered.

  ���Well, how would you feel if I asked your mother to marry me?���

  ���I would be happy,��� London smiled.

  ���Okay because that would mean I���m marrying into your family so technically I would be marrying all of you. And since you are my favorite person in the family I want you to know how much you mean to me. So,��� he said getting down on one knee, ���I have one last question for you: London Fields will you please accept this ring?��� he smiled and pulled out a small box and opened it revealing a small platinum ring with a beautiful diamond set in the band, ���do you accept London?���

  She laughed and hugged him tightly, ���Yes!���

  Brody hugged her and placed the ring on her finger.

  ���Now if your Mom says yes I won’t feel so sick to my stomach,��� he said and took a deep breath.

  London laughed, ���You���ll be just fine, take a deep breath and think about something that makes you happy, that’s what I do. Thank you so much, Brody.���

  ���Thanks London, that helped a lot. Your grandma is waiting for you, if you could give me a few moments alone with your Mom I would appreciate it,��� Brody said walking out the door with her hand in his, ���off you go now.���

  ���Brody, is everything alright?��� Emma said searching his face.

  ���Yep, could you have a seat please Emma,��� he took her hand and led her to the chair. He grabbed his guitar and started to play.

  ���I wrote this song the day after our last awkward phone call a few weeks ago while I was in London. I want to play it for you if I could,��� Emma smiled, and he played and sang.

  Wrapped in Silk

  Soft caramel fanned across my breathless chest,

  The scent intoxicating as the warmth of her breath.

  You���re wrapped tight around me, and I���m wrapped in you,

  A lifetime like this makes my heart, not so blue.

  When I sit alone it���s your smile your heart your love I miss,

  A deep burning desire, the taste of your kiss.

  I close my eyes, and I feel you beneath me,

  Holding me high you never deceive me.

  Wrapped in my arms, my heart feels so full.

  Wrapped in my heart. Loves light never dulls.

  Wrapped in silk, as your body should be always,

  Wrapped in my kiss, I could live on your love every day.

  Wrap you in silk from head to toe,

  Wrap you in my love topped with soft silky bows.

  More precious to me your smile each day,

  The roads once traveled are now far away, the wounds unaware for your love they have healed,

  My need for you I have never known the confusion it caused not even real.

  Years of pain my heart hid in fear,

  Weeks of a need unfamiliar brought down to tears.

  I tried to let go, willed myself to run

  Chains were let loose replaced with smooth silk, without you could have never been done

  I won���t let go I won���t let go

  Forever is not long enough.

  I promise you my heart a life without pain I promise you a life where all dreams come true if you���ll say the same,

  Wrapped in silk, wrapped in silk, forever with me wrapped in your silk.

  He looked at her the entire time and when he finished she stood up and walked over to him and kissed him and grabbed his guitar and put it on the floor.

  ���Did you like it, Emma?��� Brody chuckled.

  ���I loved it, and now I want you,��� Emma loosened his tie as she kissed him straddling his lap.

  ���Emma I can���t wait to have you, but I need to ask you something first,��� Brody pulled back, ���Could you get up for a minute, love?���

  ���No,��� she kissed him again.

  ���Alright then, can you give me a second?��� Brody said, ���Please ��� I have something to ask you.���

  ���Can it wait an hour?��� she asked unbuttoning his shirt, and kissing his neck.

  ���Not really,��� he moaned.

  ���Sorry, control freak, I need you and London���s with Mom,��� Emma said frantically undoing his pants and kicking off her shoes.

  ���Emma I think you should������ Brody started as she pulled up her skirt and lowered herself slowly onto him.

  ���You still want to talk Brody,��� Emma whispered in his ear.

  ���Actually, I really have to, it shouldn���t take long, fuck Emma you are so hot,��� Brody said pushing further into her as he reached in his pocket and grabbed
the ring.

  ���Oh God,��� Emma moaned.

  ���Emma slow down give me a second please, Emma, please,��� he moaned and grabbed her hips stopping her, ���Emma I had this whole thing planned, and this was not part of the plan but fuck, you���re amazing. Marry Me, Em. Please Marry Me,��� he showed her the ring.

  ���Fuck me Brody and then we���ll talk,��� Emma kissed him.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and stopped moving; she put her head on his shoulder and started to cry.

  ���Emma,��� Brody smiled as he sat back. ���Give me an answer please.���

  ���Boy did I screw that up,��� she said as he wiped the tears off her face, ���I���m sorry.���

  ���Sorry for what Emma?��� Brody asked searching her eyes.

  ���This was all so beautiful, and I wanted to win a stupid game,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Emma, this is actually pretty perfect, I���m shocked that I proposed when I was deep inside you however, I���m still waiting for an answer Emma.���

  ���Sorry, I���m just shocked and embarrassed. I ruined this, I���m so sorry,��� Emma said.

  Brody shifted nervously, and Emma moaned, he laughed and kissed her softly, ���Do you need more time Emma? If you do I understand. I knew you might think this was all too soon, and I can give you as much time as you need, I know without a doubt that I���ll love you until the world stops spinning, so if it���s time you need I���m not going������

  ���Yes,��� Emma hugged him.

  ���Yes what? You need more time?���

  ���I���ll marry you ��� of course I���ll marry you,��� Emma kissed him, ���But not because of cancer or…���

  Brody stood abruptly and walked with her still on him to her bedroom. He pulled his pants off.

  ���Your parents and London are waiting for us, so I���m going to do this quickly, on all fours love.��� Brody slowly entered her and wrapped his arm around and used his hands on her sweet spot, ���This has nothing to do with cancer Emma, I ordered this ring the Monday after I left, I paid for it and picked it up the night before I left to return to you,��� he started moving faster, and she moaned. ���This is because you are mine and I���m yours forever Emma because I love you,��� he moaned and she tensed up, ���Come Emma, it���s been awhile and I need to fill you, come now!��� he instructed, and her body did as he asked. He continued as he held her up and finally finished.


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