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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 185

by Mj Fields

  ���I���m so sorry Em,��� he said as he kissed her head over and over again.

  Emma���s head was clearing, and she began to open her eyes.

  ���Em?��� Brody said cupping her face and looking into her eyes.

  ���Hi,��� she whispered, ���I���m tired Brody.���

  ���Okay love, rest a bit then we���ll leave,��� Brody���s eyes showed hurt, ���I���m so sorry.���

  ���I took care of it Brody,��� Bo said as he walked in the room.

  ���Took care of what, do you care to fucking fill me in?��� Brody snapped quietly.

  ���Her drinks contained additives,��� Bo began.

  ���You drugged my wife?!���

  Emma kept her eyes closed and snuggled in tighter to Brody.

  ���I did not DRUG your wife. The wait staff said someone was putting a small dose of a liquid drug called Forget Me Not into the drinks. They���ve been dismissed and dealt with,��� Bo snapped at him.

  ���I want to know what the fuck it was,��� Brody began to shake slightly.

  ���I���ll have it analyzed but there wasn���t enough to do any permanent damage. I can assure you, she���ll be fine,��� Bo looked down at Emma.

  ���From what I understand in high doses she could be out for a couple days, but it wasn���t a large dose Brody and I���m sorry,��� Bo explained.

  ���You���re sorry, what the fuck BO! You���re sorry?��� Brody was tense and shaking.

  ���You need to calm down Brody, there is nothing else I can possibly do, I���ve taken care of it,��� Bo snapped.

  Emma sat up and looked at Brody, and he let out a deep breath, ���You���re awake.���

  ���I am, and I���m going to be fine. I would like to go home Brody,��� Emma whispered.

  ���Okay I can change our flight,��� Brody said holding her tightly.

  ���No back to your������ Emma began.

  ���Ours, Emma, our place,��� Brody kissed her and stood up.

  ���I���m very sorry Emma,��� Bo said softly.

  ���Okay,��� Emma said quietly.

  Brody let go of her hand to grab his jacket and turned back to her and saw panic in her eyes. He pulled her into him and held her.

  ���I���m not going to let this go,��� he snarled at Bo.

  ���It would be best if you did Brody. I���ll handle it. You take your wife home now,��� Bo looked at Emma, ���I am truly sorry Emma. You need to think about your family and keep him in check.���

  Brody let go of Emma and lunged at Bo. They struggled and fell back into the doorway causing the door to the ballroom to swing open and the crowd to break apart as Brody and Bo tumbled onto the floor.

  Emma ran to them and tried to pull Brody off of Bo. Rebecca grabbed her and held her back as two security men pulled Brody off of Bo.

  ���You better not make threats you fucking prick!��� Brody screamed.

  Bo spit a mouthful of blood onto the floor and took his handkerchief from his jacket pocket and wiped his face.

  ���It wasn���t a threat Brody, but now it���s a warning. Get him the hell out of here!��� Bo���s voice boomed through the now quiet ballroom.

  ���You need to remember who I am Bo, I don���t easily scare,��� Brody laughed.

  Emma grabbed Brody���s hand, ���Please Brody, please I want to go.���

  Brody looked at her and saw tears welling in her eyes and felt her tremble. He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head and glared at Bo.

  ���Brody, get her out of here,��� Rebecca said pushing him towards the door, ���I���ll call in the morning, go home.���

  Brody���s body encased Emma as they walked through the crowd. He stopped for a moment and looked up at a woman in front of him. She quickly disappeared through the doorway, and he continued walking briskly until they reached the car, and he put Emma into the front seat.

  * * *

  Brody and Emma drove silently for ten minutes. She watched as his thumb thumped nervously on the steering wheel.

  ���Brody,��� Emma whispered and took his hand.

  ���Not now, Em,��� he said as his nostrils flared and he rubbed her hand gently.

  ���Then when?��� Emma asked pulling her hand away.

  Brody downshifted and quickly pulled over. He jumped out of the car and paced back and forth as Emma sat in the car and watched him. He loosened his tie and clenched his fists. Emma stepped out of the car and cautiously walked towards him.

  ���Brody, please,��� Emma said and began to cry.

  He grabbed her and held her tightly and she felt his heart beating hard and fast against her chest. After a few minutes, he began to relax.

  ���It���s not your fault,��� Emma said and kissed him.

  Brody let out a breath and opened his eyes and looked down at her, ���I shouldn���t have taken you there.���

  ���It was my fault, I thought I was keeping you from your family,��� Emma cried.

  He grabbed her face and wiped her tears with his thumb, ���YOU are my family, Emma. You and London and our child, you���re all I need.���

  ���I���m so sorry,��� Emma wrapped her arms around him.

  ���Don���t you dare be sorry, I took you there this is my fault,��� Brody yelled.

  ���No, it isn���t Brody, no it isn���t… I should have listened, I knew you had reservations I never should���ve pushed,��� Emma continued to cry.

  ���I���ll take care of this. Everything will be alright Emma I promise you everything will be fine love,��� Brody softly whispered into her neck.

  The phone rang as they neared the town.

  ���This is Brody,��� he snapped as he answered.

  ���Hello its Henry, I just wanted to let you know your father���s here,��� Henry said quietly.

  ���Alright, have him sit still we���ll be there in less than an hour. Thank you Henry,��� Brody hung up the phone, ���My father is at our home.���

  ���Brody I don���t want my father to know what happened, he over reacts������ Emma began.

  ���It wouldn���t be over reacting Emma, but I understand. If you change your mind I���ll talk to him,��� Brody kissed her hand.

  ���I just don���t want him to worry; he���s been through enough with everything that happened to Elizabeth. I have you, and I know we���ll be fine,��� Emma was sincere, and he knew it.

  ���I���ll always make sure you are alright, I promise you that, until my last breath Emma, I will keep you safe,��� Brody���s voice was deep and angry.

  ���Thank you,��� Emma said squeezing his hand.

  ���I don���t know why he���s at our house, but I need to speak to him alone,��� Brody said softly.

  ���Okay, I���m tired anyway,��� Emma began.

  ���How tired Em���you know we should get you to a hospital,��� Brody began to slow down as if he was changing directions.

  ���I���m seriously just tired if I feel any differently I promise to tell you okay?��� Emma interrupted.

  ���Promise me Em?��� Brody said as he pulled over.

  ���Of course,��� Emma smiled.

  * * *

  Brody tucked Emma in and kissed her, ���I���ll be back soon.���

  ���Brody I don�
���t know what the relationship is with your father, and I hope you understand when I say this, he���s still your father. Regardless of what has happened in the past, please don���t be angry at him He���s going to be our child���s grandfather, people can change Brody…they just need reasons to. Look at Troy, he���s trying,��� Emma hugged him, and he kissed her cheek.

  ���I���ll be back soon Emma,��� Brody walked out the door and down the stairs and found his father in the study looking through the music library.

  ���Father,��� Brody said as he approached.

  ���Son,��� Robert smiled, ���Are you alright? Is your wife alright? I was on my way here to talk when Rebecca called; I was extremely shocked to hear you went to your Uncle���s.���

  ���Everything is fine for now,��� Brody wanted to say more but stopped.

  ���No, Brody, not for now, you have to let it go. Bo has changed. He isn���t right, he���s������ Robert stopped.

  ���Why aren���t you there father? You never missed a party, not since mom became ill. Or as you told us, left you,��� Brody snapped.

  ���I can���t change the past Brody, but I do understand that what I told you was wrong. She wouldn���t let me take care of her. She didn���t want you kids to know she was sick. It killed me Brody. God ��� do you know what it���s like to let someone walk away knowing������ Robert stopped and stood up and walked towards the fireplace, ���I���m truly sorry, son.���

  ���Alright Dad, alright,��� Brody walked over to him and patted his shoulder.

  ���What I did after was inexcusable; I didn���t understand that until later. I was angry at her, so angry. I think that���s why I leaned on Bo and his lifestyle. She hated him and all that he was, and I truly felt I hated her at that time. I know it was wrong now, I������ Robert wiped away a tear, ���I loved her so much. I turned away from all my family and all they could have offered our family because I knew it was all corrupt and that living with nothing but her love was more than enough. And then you all came…���

  ���Dad, I understand alright, I do. I forgive you,��� Brody hugged him. He understood what loving someone truly could do to you, finally he knew.

  ���Thank you, thank you so much,��� Robert and Brody hugged for a long time.

  ���Can I get you a drink?��� Brody said stepping back and drying his eyes.

  ���I don���t drink anymore,��� Robert smiled.

  ���Excellent, tea then?��� Brody asked.

  ���I���m alright, but if you need something go ahead,��� Robert sat next to the fire, ���And then we need to talk.���

  ���I���m fine, tell me what���s on your mind,��� Brody sat in the chair next to him.

  ���Stay away from Bo. I���m serious, Brody. You have started a wonderful thing; London���s Child will help so many.��� Robert warned.

  ���I have no intention of going back there. But he made a threat������ Brody began.

  ���Just let it go,��� Robert was visibly upset.

  ���Has he threatened you?��� Brody snarled.

  ���No.��� Robert stood up and walked away.

  ���Dad, I want you to come to the States, we would like you to stay with us, we have plenty of room,��� Brody offered.

  ���Okay,��� Robert smiled, ���Let me tie up a few things around here. I���m going to be a Grandfather huh Brody?���

  ���You are,��� Brody smiled.

  Brody and Robert talked for another hour before they hugged and Robert insisted on leaving. Brody went upstairs, and Emma was in the bathroom.

  ���You alright, Em?��� Brody asked as he walked in the bathroom.

  ���Of course, I just had to use the bathroom,��� Emma smiled, ���Are you alright?���

  ���Wonderful actually. Dad has agreed to leave here and move to the States. He���s sober, and I understand why things turned into such a mess for him. I couldn���t imagine what I would do if I lost you Emma,��� Brody grabbed her face and kissed her.

  Emma knew he had a rough night and that he needed her.

  She pulled back and let out a breath, ���I want you.���

  ���Then have me,��� he said and grabbed her and kissed her hard on the mouth.

  Emma wrapped her legs around him, and he carried her to the bed. She slowly began to unbutton his shirt as he kissed down her neck. She struggled trying to unbutton his shirt as he lifted her shirt over her head and grabbed her breast and squeezed it gently. Emma moaned and continued unbuttoning his shirt.

  ���Fuck it,��� he snarled and ripped his shirt off and continued kissing her.

  Emma released him from his pants and began to stroke him. Brody gasped and bit down on her nipple as he rubbed the other between his fingers. He pulled her up off the bed and pushed her up against the wall and wrapped her legs around him as he licked and sucked her breast. He moved into her slowly and she moaned.

  ���I will never lose you,��� he groaned in her ear, ���I love you Emma and you are my life.���

  Brody continued kissing her neck and pounding into her as she hung on for dear life.

  ���Brody,��� she moaned and felt her body explode.

  Brody laid her on the bed and continued slamming into her until she came again and he finally finished and lay on top of her.

  ���I love you,��� he said against her cheek, ���So much Em, I love you.���

  ���I love you more,��� Emma said right before she fell asleep.

  * * *

  ���Rebecca, what time is it?��� Brody asked when he answered the phone.

  Emma sat up and looked at Brody and saw his face in the moonlight, his expression turned from confusion to pain immediately.

  ���I���ll be right there,��� Brody hung up and jumped out of bed.

  ���Brody?��� Emma asked following him into the bathroom.

  ���Em,��� he grabbed her and hugged her and quickly pulled back, ���There���s been an accident, I need to get to the hospital it���s my father.���

  Emma grabbed him clothes as he washed his face and brushed his teeth. Emma dressed quickly and walked out of their room and woke her mom to tell her they had to leave and that she would call when she could.

  Brody was grabbing his coat when she ran down the stairs, ���Em you don���t have to go. I���ll call you.���

  ���I���m going with you,��� she grabbed her coat.

  Brody stopped and looked at her and let out a deep breath.

  ���Brody if it were my family you would insist so don���t bother, let���s go,��� Emma grabbed the keys and walked out, he followed behind her.

  ���I can drive, Emma,��� he snapped.

  ���Get in,��� Emma said and started the car.

  Emma held his hand as they walked into the hospital and Rebecca met them at the desk of the Emergency Room.

  ���Brody, he isn���t good,��� she cried.

  ���I want to see him, take us to him,��� Brody and Emma followed Rebecca into the exam room.

  Brody stopped short at the door and turned to Emma, ���You don���t have to be in here.���

  ���Brody, stop,��� Emma whispered and gently stroked his face.

  Emma took Brody���s hand and walked to Robert���s side. Brody cringed when he looked at him. Robert���s eyes were swollen and purple, his face had several lacerations and a blood stained bandage was
wrapped around the entire top of his head.

  ���Mr. Hines, I���m Doctor James. I would like to discuss your options, would you care to have a seat?��� Brody sat down, and Emma stood beside him with her hand on his shoulder. His face was expressionless as he looked at Robert.

  ���Your father suffered a great deal of trauma to his head. He has what we call countercoup injury. The force of the impact from the accident caused severe brain damage to the opposite or left side of his brain. He has also had a fractured skull, the blood you see is from his ears, and his pupils are uneven. From the scans we���ve run it���s only a matter of time before he passes. We would like to know if you would consider allowing us to harvest his organ������

  ���Get the fuck out,��� Brody screamed and stood up.

  ���I understand that this is a horrible������ Doctor James continued.

  Brody took a step towards him, and Emma stood in front of him, holding him back.

  ���Now is not the time Doctor,��� Emma said holding Brody���s hands tightly around her waist.

  ���But it���s a time sensitive������ Doctor James started.

  Brody tried to release his hands from Emma���s grasp.

  ���With all due respect, get the hell out, get out now,��� Emma snapped and the doctor left the room.

  Emma turned to Brody and grabbed his face and looked into his eyes, ���Sit, Brody sit down over here.���

  Emma dragged a chair next to Robert���s side, and Brody sat, ���Hold his hand.���

  Brody closed his eyes and held his hand. Emma started to walk away.

  ���Em������ Brody started.

  ���I���m not going anywhere,��� Emma looked at Rebecca who still stood in the doorway.

  Emma pulled a chair next to Brody���s and took Rebecca���s hand and walked her to the chair where she sat next to Brody.

  Emma stood behind them and kissed them both on the head. They sat for close to an hour, and the heart monitor started to beep loudly causing a team of nurses to rush through the door.


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