The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 192

by Mj Fields

  * * *

  Emma was feeding Lexi and making airplane noises when Brody walked in to the kitchen.

  ���Good morning Em,��� he smiled.

  Emma looked up and grinned, ���Good morning. Come sit and I���ll make you breakfast.���

  ���I���m really not hungry, but thank you,��� he said still standing in the doorway.

  ���Well I���m going to feed you anyways, come sit please,��� Emma demanded.

  Brody sat and looked at Lexi, ���Good morning Princess,��� he whispered.

  ���DADADADA��� Lexi screeched and laughed out loud.

  ���Wow,��� Emma laughed.

  ���What did you feed this child, Em?��� Brody laughed.

  ���Rice cereal, it���s next to you, she may want more,��� Emma laughed at Lexi���s excitement.

  Brody took a taste with his finger, ���Oh God Lexington that���s disgusting,��� he laughed and she laughed at him, ���Can we feed her something else? She certainly shouldn���t have to eat this rubbish.���

  ���She likes it, try to feed her,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Alright, your Mommy thinks you like this, so could you be a dear and open your mouth?��� Brody asked.

  Lexi took a bite and spit it all over him, Emma laughed.

  ���See she hates it,��� Brody laughed as he wiped his face.

  ���No that means she���s full, London taught her that trick,��� Emma giggled.

  Emma placed eggs, ham, and toast in front of Brody, ���Can she have this?���

  ���NO!��� Emma gasped.

  ���Okay,��� he laughed.

  ���Now eat,��� Emma picked up the fork and made airplane noises to him and shoved the fork in his mouth. She grabbed a napkin and wiped the remaining cereal off his face and smiled.

  ���Emma, did you hurt your hand once over there?��� Brody asked pointing towards the stove.

  ���Yes,��� she smiled.

  ���I bandaged it up?��� He asked cocking his head to the side.

  ���Yes, you wrapped it up very nicely,��� Emma chuckled.

  ���I want to see London, when can I?��� He stood up and walked over to her.


  ���When you were hurt what was the argument over? And did I sit you here?��� He grabbed her and sat her on the counter.

  Emma gasped, ���Uh huh.���

  ���Very nice, and did I eat dinner that night?��� He smiled.

  ���Yep,��� she said and hopped down.

  ���Did I like it?��� Brody asked nuzzling into her hair.

  ���Not nearly as much as I did,��� she said under her breath.

  ���Mmm, M&M���s and bows,��� Brody whispered, ���I remember that.���

  ���You need to stop before…��� Emma started.

  ���You need to come, Emma,��� he said smiling.

  ���Brody,��� she turned around.

  ���Well?��� he asked.

  ���You���re going to have to wait two weeks,��� Emma smiled and turned around.

  ���Like hell I am,��� he grabbed her.

  Emma shrieked and ran, ���You are too!���

  ���Mrs. Hines,��� Clive raced in.

  Emma stopped and her face turned red, ���Yes?���

  ���Everything alright?��� He asked.

  ���For God sakes Clive, everything���s fine,��� Brody snapped.

  ���Emma?��� Lila ran out.

  Emma laughed, ���Good morning everyone, Rupert.���

  Emma fed them all breakfast, ���Lexi and I are going to shower,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Is that safe?��� Brody asked alarmed.

  ���Well, sure it���s also very necessary or I won���t get one before naptime,��� Emma picked her up. ���Pew, yucky pants, your Daddy should do this,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Do you want me to?��� He asked, shocked.

  Emma laughed, ���We can wait a few days until we force that upon you.���

  ���Well I can watch her while you shower?��� Brody offered.

  ���Miss Lexi, a shower all by myself sounds great, after we change those pants.��� Emma laughed.

  ���I would like to come watch,��� Brody said following her. Emma turned around in shock, and Lila laughed. Brody smiled, ���To learn Emma, the diaper thing.���

  ���Of course,��� Emma blushed and walked up the stairs.

  * * *

  ���That���s disgusting,��� Brody gagged, ���You���re a nasty little thing.���

  Emma laughed, ���Wait until it���s up her back and down her legs.���

  ���Does that happen often?��� Brody asked looking horrified.

  ���No, but it���s very hard to stomach. Okay, you have this now?��� Emma asked.

  ���Yes, come Princess let���s go see what kind of trouble we can get into,��� he smiled as he picked her up, ���Have a nice shower Em.���

  When Emma finished getting ready she walked downstairs, Henry was there and they all sat at the table. ���Good morning Princess, are you still upset with me?��� Henry asked and hugged her.

  ���Good morning Daddy, no of course not, I was just ������ Emma stopped, ���I was mad.���

  ���Why were you angry Emma?��� Brody asked.

  ���Well maybe not angry, emotional I guess,��� Emma smiled softly.

  ���No you were pissed, I wouldn���t let her call you,��� Henry smiled.

  ���I see,��� Brody looked at her, ���Would you like to take Lexington? We need to discuss a few things here.���

  ���Umm no. I think I���ve been kept in the dark about enough, I���ll be staying.��� Emma took Lexi, ���Come here Lexi.���

  ���I don���t wish to do this now,��� Brody stood up and walked away.

  Emma followed him, ���Because I���m here?���

  ���I don���t want you here for this,��� he said looking into her eyes and he was angry.

  ���Well I think I should be, shouldn���t I know what���s going on?��� Emma asked and reached to touch his face.

  ���No,��� Brody stepped back.

  ���Fine. Have it your way, Brody,��� Emma walked past him fighting tears.

  He stood and watched her as she disappeared up the stairs.

  Emma came down two hours later, and they were still sitting at the table talking. They all quieted down when she walked in the room, ���I���m going to make my daughter a bottle,��� she snapped and went to the cupboard.

  ���Dada,��� Lexington babbled and held her hands out to him.

  Brody smiled and stood up, ���May I?���

  Emma handed her to him and she laughed.

  ���She likes you, Brody,��� Henry smiled.

  ���Yes, well your Princess watched home videos everyday so that Lexi would know me,��� Brody smiled and looked at Lexington.

  Emma walked up and held her hands out for Lexi.

  ���You did?��� Henry asked, ���That must have been hard, Emma.���

  ���No that was nothing, this right here is hard, but I���ll figure it out,��� she left the room and started up the stairs.

  ���What is that supposed to mean?���
�� Brody snapped.

  ���Don���t worry about it,��� Emma walked briskly up the stairs.

  Brody stormed up the stairs and swung opened the door and Emma jumped, ���Would you like all the gory detail love? Do you want to look at me with hate instead of love?���

  ���Brody that���s������ Emma said softly.

  ���I cheated on you,��� he hissed, ���Does that feel better now?���

  ���I���m feeding our daughter, this is an inappropriate time for this,��� Emma said sternly.

  He scowled at her prude like attitude and walked out.

  * * *

  Emma sat at the computer and checked her email. She printed out a couple manuscripts that she was to read, her phoned chimed.

  - Could you please come out now? ���Lila

  Emma took her time and gathered her papers and stapled them together. She walked into the kitchen and sat perched on the counter. Lila stood and handed her a piece of paper, ���This is the press release we sent. Brody and you can������

  ���Are you kidding me?��� Emma jumped off the counter, ���Where are my damn keys Rupert?���

  ���What is it?��� Lila asked.

  ���Do any of you think?��� Emma said shaking, trying not to cry.

  ���Elizabeth is aware of the situation,��� Henry said standing up.

  Emma laughed, ���That���s great Daddy. But how about London, and Troy? Did you all let them know as well?���

  ���Of course not,��� Lila said.

  ���Well how long do you think it���ll take for this to get out? MY FUCKING KEYS RUPERT NOW!��� Emma yelled.

  ���I���ll drive you,��� Rupert said and walked to the door.

  ���NO! I���ll handle this,��� Emma snapped.

  ���Em, just sit down������ Brody said nervously.

  ���I���m not joking, I can walk if I need to,��� Emma said through her teeth.

  ���Wow…you���re pissed,��� Brody said wide eyed.

  ���Really ��� you caught that? This is my daughter we���re talking about, one who you always thought of before making choices. And Daddy, I know your head is up your ass about Elizabeth, and the stroke, and everything…but she���s crazy and nasty and I���ve dealt with that as well. I make the choices for my children, got it?!��� Emma snapped, ���Rupert ��� I still don���t see my FUCKING keys.���

  Brody stood up, ���Clive, I would like to go too.���

  ���No,��� Emma said, ���You stay here and do whatever it is you need to do. Lila, please listen for Lexi she���ll probably sleep for two hours.���

  ���I���m coming Emma, you don���t get to choose,��� Brody sneered.

  ���That���s where you are wrong, I���ll take care of it. But could you possibly let me know when decisions are made that will affect our children?��� Emma said and walked out.

  Clive opened the door and Emma got in, ���Could you please drive fast Clive I swear to God������ Emma started to cry and the privacy window came down, Emma looked up as Brody was sliding in the back through the window, ���Are you serious?���

  ���Look I���m going to fuck up several times over the next���fifty years. But don���t do that shit to me Emma,��� Brody demanded.

  ���Do what shit? How did you expect me to respond when I���m pushed away?��� Emma snapped, ���You know what…I can���t do this right now.���

  ���Okay,��� he said and looked down.

  Emma called Troy, ���Hey, do you have a minute?���

  ���Well no…yes���. I don���t know Emma. What the hell is going on? Elizabeth was just here and said Brody���s alive?��� Troy asked.

  ���SHE WHAT?��� Emma gasped.

  ���Is it true?��� Troy asked, ���I mean your sister���s a nut job Emma.���

  ���Yes it���s true, we���re actually on our way over now to tell London, I was calling you to give you a heads up. I can���t believe she would do this,��� Emma said shaking, ���Unbelievable, please tell London we���re on our way, and Troy ��� he doesn���t remember a lot. Please let her know, this was supposed to have gone much smoother than this, damn it.���

  Emma grabbed a tissue, ���I���m sorry Emma,��� Brody said softly

  ���It is what it is,��� Emma wiped away tears.

  ���What can I do for you?��� Brody asked in a tone that reminded her of a whipped child.

  ���Get better, trust me. Let me ask you a question, when you stormed in and told me you cheated on me, did you have sex with someone remembering me or were you drugged or forced?��� Emma asked.

  ���I really don���t know Emma, I don���t remember,��� he said sadly.

  ���Okay so you don���t remember me or having sex with whoever?��� Emma asked.

  ���I don���t remember you Emma, I remember the sex,��� Brody said and looked down.

  ���Did you like it, did you seek it?��� Emma asked.

  ���I know I didn���t seek it, did you see the marks Emma?��� Brody asked with a forced laugh.

  ���Sorry,��� Emma looked down.

  ���That���s not cheating Brody, that���s rape,��� Emma whispered.

  Brody looked at her, ���And this is why I didn���t want you to know, the way you���re looking at me now. The way everyone will look at me from now on.���

  ���I love you, I���m not looking at you any differently than I would anyone else who was struggling,��� Emma said and hugged him, ���Now what the hell am I doing? I���m pissed at you, right? Yes…I���m pissed.���

  Brody laughed, ���You���re very funny.���

  ���I���m not trying to be. How are we going to do this?!��� Emma said as they got closer to her parents��� house.

  ���Tell her as much as she can handle, nothing more right?��� Brody smiled and Emma nodded her head.

  ���Can you please give me a few minutes to talk to her alone?��� Emma asked as she looked up at him.

  Brody looked at her and stared into her eyes, ���God Em,��� he said and kissed her.

  ���As nice as that is Brody, we���ll be there any minute������ Emma started and he kissed her again.

  ���You taste so good,��� he said and sat up and grabbed her back and pulled her into him, ���I���ve missed you,��� he kissed her again, he pulled away and pressed the call button, ���Clive pull over and take a walk.���

  ���Yes sir,��� Clive said.

  ���Brody ��� they���re expecting us,��� Emma gasped as he kissed her again.

  ���I need you now,��� Brody said, ���I���ll be quick.��� Brody started to pull her pants down.

  ���Brody wait, we need a condom, a bed,��� Emma started and his hands slide down her thigh and slowly he eased his finger into her, she moaned.

  ���You���re so tight Emma, and hot and wet, they did testing I���m all good, but this is going to take a while to get into,��� he said and slowly moved his finger up and down, ���Does this feel good Emma?���

  ���God yes,��� she moaned.

  ���Then you���re going to love this,��� Brody licked his lips and went down, his tongue lightly skimmed her clit and she gasped, as he sucked and nipped her. His t
ongue plunged deep inside her and she tried to pull back and he grabbed her waist and plunged his skillful tongue even deeper.

  ���Brody, please not now,��� she gasped.

  ���Emma,��� he said looking up at her as he used his finger to pleasure her, ���I need to taste you, please don���t tell me no.���

  She felt the knowing tightening below her bellybutton. Her back arched and she felt her whole body tighten as she screamed out his name.

  His mouth moved swiftly down to where it had been and he sucked and tugged at her. She felt like she was literally going to explode, her hand found his hair and his moved to her breast, her body quaked and she pulled back again, ���Oh no Em, I want more, come for me again, come now!��� He demanded as his finger plunged deeper. Her body released her orgasm and he buried his face deeper into her and savagely called her body to orgasm again.

  ���Brody,��� she yelled out and he continued a bit longer.

  He sat up and texted Clive, Emma sat up and grabbed tissues and watched him as he washed his face and sat back, and looked down, ���Are you satisfied, Emma?���

  ���Yes,��� Emma said in a whisper.

  Brody sat back and looked complacently out the window, ���Brody?���

  ���Yes,��� he asked still staring out the window.

  ���Why aren���t you looking at me?��� she whispered looking down.

  ���Sorry, Em,��� he said and turned and took her hand.

  ���You need to talk to me,��� Emma said sadly, ���Where are you right now?���

  ���Emma love I���m right here, now pull yourself together,��� he said and patted her hand.


  Emma felt sick to her stomach as they pulled in. She looked at him and his expression was unchanged. She opened the door still looking at him and London dove into the car, ���Brody!!!��� She shrieked.

  He turned and looked at her and smiled, ���Well hello there, London.���

  ���Are you alright?��� She scampered across Emma and sat right next to him, ���Give it to me straight I can handle it. Tell me everything.���

  Brody laughed, ���I have no doubt you could, but to be honest…I don���t remember much of the past almost two years, but your mother seems quite sure it���ll be alright.���


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