The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 200

by Mj Fields

  ���Yeah, it���s kind of personal,��� Brody answered.

  ���Well it certainly helps explain why London���s Child is so important to you. Speaking of, your sister���s here as well.���

  Brody smiled and hugged Rebecca, ���I���m so glad you���re alright!���

  ���I always am,��� Brody smiled.

  ���So, tell us about your homecoming how did your wife react when you came home?��� Matt asked.

  Brody smiled, ���She���s amazing.���

  ���She didn���t attend any of the memorials or funeral?��� Matt asked.

  ���No, she felt I was alive. She didn���t let go.���

  ���That���s some connection.���

  ���Sure is,��� Brody smiled.

  ���What���s it like being a father?���

  ���Well I���ve been a step father to the coolest little girl, and now, well, I have two. Lexington���s a doll, she knew me when she saw me,��� he smiled and sat back and laughed, ���Apparently she and her mother watched home videos a lot.���

  Rebecca talked about the foundation, and the band came out.

  ���You guys going to play something for us today? ��� Matt asked Brody.

  ���It���s been awhile, maybe next time,��� he laughed.

  Zach smiled, ���I say we play something.���

  Brody looked at him and raised his eyebrow.

  ���That bother you Brody?��� Matt asked

  ���Not at all, the royalty���s pay the same whether he sings or I do,��� Brody forced a smile and then looked off stage again.

  Zach and the band played a song.

  ���You sure you won���t play, we could raise some money?��� Matt asked egging him on.

  ���Sure, why not,��� Brody took a deep breath.

  * * *

  Emma was called to the school to pick up London, who was complaining of a stomach ache. As soon as they got home she began throwing up. Her entire night was spent feeding Lexi and sterilizing everything she came in contact with and trying to keep London from throwing up and fever free.

  Her phone rang at ten and she answered.

  ���Em,��� Brody whispered.


  ���Did you see the show?��� he asked with reservation in his voice.

  ���Yep, you sang well,��� she said softly.

  ���That was unexpected, as was������ Brody started.

  ���Hey I have to go, goodnight,��� she ran in to help London in the bathroom.

  ���This is awful Mommy,��� London cried.

  ���I know it���ll get better soon, usually a twenty four hour thing,��� Emma smiled as she allowed her a tiny sip of water.

  ���Ma���am, your husband called, he would like you to call him immediately,��� Rupert reported and vanished.

  Brody answered the phone, ���Why the fuck aren���t you answering my calls?���

  ���Well let���s see, I have a sick child and between trying to help her, and sterilizing and sanitizing everything so Lexi doesn���t get sick, and taking care of Lexi I haven���t had much of a chance to answer the phone,��� Emma said calmly.

  ���So it wasn���t because of today,��� Brody asked softly.

  ���Not yet, I haven���t had a chance to be pissed about that.���

  ���I didn���t know she was������ Brody started.

  ���I believe you, but it doesn���t mean I���m not pissed,��� Emma said in a clipped tone.

  ���Okay and the dinner������ Brody said softly.

  ���I have to go, London���s up again,��� Emma sighed.

  ���I love you Emma,��� Brody said as she hung up.

  ���I love you Brody,��� she thought.

  * * *

  The next day London spent on the couch, eating dry toast and bananas and drinking ginger ale. Emma did laundry and snuggled with her girls all day. They did arts and crafts and watched movies. She hadn���t heard from Brody and she was relieved that he wasn���t trying to fight with her. She wasn���t even sure he was, everything was so confusing.

  Caroline called and asked how London was feeling and Emma was short.

  ���I���m sorry you���re going through this Emma.���

  Emma laughed, ���How did she get to the city yesterday Mom, and how come you didn���t give me a heads up?���

  ���Well I don���t know how to answer that Emma.���

  ���How about the truth or is that too much to ask for anymore?��� Emma asked quietly so London wouldn���t hear.

  ���Emma ��� this is a very hard situation to be in, I���m sorry. It was an opportunity for her and hopefully that���s a step towards healing. Right now she needs your father and I to put her first. I���m sorry. I don���t love you any less Emma.���

  ���I won���t get into this with you. She���s safe now. She should be trying to get her life together. None of you see what she���s doing ��� no actually you do see! You are feeding into her sick sick games. As a parent you should be helping her not enabling her and you certainly shouldn���t. No! No I won���t do this! I love you Mom but I need to go,��� Emma hung up.

  By noon Lexi was spiking a fever, ���We���re going to have a rough night,��� Emma sighed and took London���s temperature, ���And you���re going to feel much better.���

  Emma was helping London wash her hair when Brody called, ���Sorry I���m helping London, and can I call you,��� Emma laughed, ���well, whenever this is over?���

  ���Is she better Em?���

  ���She is, Lexi has a fever now. You���re lucky to not be here or you���d be next,��� Emma said with a smile in her voice.

  ���You sound better, happy even.���

  ���I���m a busy Mommy.���

  ���Should I come home, do you need anything?���

  ���Oh boy here we go Lexi. I have to go,��� Emma hung up.

  * * *

  By Thursday night Emma was exhausted and not feeling well. London was going to school in the morning and Lexi was in snuggle mode. Emma lay on the couch sipping green tea when the phone rang. Troy wanted to visit with London. He had ended the visit the weekend before so she could spend time with Brody. Troy asked if she could come home with him for just one night, his cousin Tessa was finally home and London���s cousins would be there. Emma knew he was better and that he wasn���t pushing because he knew Emma was going through a lot and they had become friends when Brody was presumed dead..

  Emma talked to London who was excited about seeing her cousins. Troy would pick her up at four Friday afternoon and promised to return in time for bed Saturday.

  Emma fell asleep and woke up at two in the morning and threw up for four hours. She felt better long enough to take London to school and feed Lexi and it started again. She woke to Rupert telling her to call Brody.

  ���Emma, you really need to start answering your phone,��� he said and sounded stressed.

  ���Sorry, I���ve been sick.���

  ���What���s wrong?���

  ���I told you, stomach bug, it went through all three of us, Lexi���s asleep right now and I don���t feel well I need…��� Emma dropped the phone and leaned over the toilet and threw up. When she finished she rinsed her mouth and grabbed the phone, ���Sorry, I n
eed to sleep.���

  ���Okay, is London looking forward to tonight?���

  ���She���s going with Troy to make up last weekend night he missed, why?���

  ���Well I promised I would be home. Why does he get to make up the night and where are they staying?��� He demanded.

  ���She���s going for one night to his home. His cousin���s in town with her cousins. She���s excited, Brody. I feel awful���do we need to do this now?���

  ���No but if she isn���t going to be there and you don���t feel well maybe I should stay and participate in this fundraising dinner tonight,��� Brody said quietly.

  ���That���s fine.���

  ���I wish you could come with me Em,��� Brody whispered softly.

  ���Will I see you tomorrow?��� Emma asked sadly.

  ���Wild horses love,��� he said with a smile. Emma smiled when she thought about the time he sang the song and they danced in the rain naked on their back patio.

  ���Mmm��� she moaned.

  ���You feeling better, I can blow this off tonight.���

  ���No ��� go. I want you well.���

  ���How is my little angel?��� He asked sadly.

  ���Perfect as always,��� Emma yawned.

  ���Sleep love, I���ll see you tomorrow well rested and ready for lots of me.���

  ���Goodnight music man, I miss you, I love you,��� Emma whispered.


  ���And forever.���

  ���Hang up and get some sleep, I���m sorry I haven���t been there to help you,��� Brody said sweetly.

  ���No you aren���t, or you would be puking as well,��� Emma giggled.

  ���Sweet dreams. Love you more,��� he said and hung up.

  * * *

  Emma took a long bath and ate crackers, she smiled and remembered being sick when she was pregnant for London, she ate so many damn saltines that she was sure she would turn into one.

  She stepped out and onto the scales, she had lost seven pounds since the bug began. Perfect she thought, little black dress is going to look hot now, she laughed, if you ever use it!

  Emma blew her hair dry and looked in the mirror, looking damn good, she thought smiling.

  Emma grabbed bronzer and started with her legs and worked her way up, she smiled.

  ���Let���s just see how you fit,��� she said and grabbed her dress out and held it against her and twirled and smiled.

  * * *

  Caroline walked in the house, ���I���m glad you called,��� she set down her bag, ���I think it���ll give us a great chance to talk,��� Caroline looked up at Emma, ���Honey, what are you doing?���

  ���I miss my husband, I won���t be gone long but could you stay until I get home?��� Emma asked considerately.

  ���Of course. You look stunning.���

  * * *

  Emma walked in and looked around and took a deep breath, ���Mrs. Hines,��� Zach whispered from behind her.

  Emma jumped, ���Oh, hi Zach,��� she laughed.

  ���You look absolutely gorgeous,��� he looked her up and down.

  ���Well thank you, and you look dashing.���

  ���Let me grab you a drink,��� Zach grabbed two glasses of champagne off the tray passing by, the waitress stopped, smiled, and blushed as she walked away.

  ���You have some effect,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Do I?��� Zach smiled. Emma drank down the glass in one gulp. ���Thirsty?���

  ���I guess so, have you seen my husband?��� Emma asked scanning the crowd.

  ���He���s up next,��� Zach pointed to the stage.

  ���Oh he is performing?���

  ���Yep and then the DJ and then me. You should stick around and watch,��� he smiled coyly and scanned the crowd for the waitress. He raised his hand and the same blonde doe eyed waitress quickly came and he grabbed two more glasses, ���Thank you,��� he smiled and winked.

  ���Are you trying to make that girl fall apart?��� Emma laughed, ���So how are things going here, are you raising a lot of money?���

  ���Well that depends, it���s an action of sorts, people bid on the performer and a dance,��� Zach said and smiled, ���Your husband brought in $50,000. Do you think he���s worth it?���

  ���Sure do,��� Emma smiled.

  ���I bet I can bring in more,��� Zach laughed.

  ���Don���t count on it, hot shot.���

  The music started and Brody sang the song he sang when he proposed to Emma, she smiled brightly as she watched him. She couldn���t wait to get her hands on him. The song ended and Emma took a step forward and Zach grabbed her, ���Now he has to dance.���

  ���Oh, okay,��� she smiled and took a drink.

  She saw Ariel walk on the dance floor and Brody bowed as he took her hand and smiled his sexy hot smile. Emma looked at Zach and then her glass.

  ���It���s an obligatory dance Emma,��� he smiled and raised his hand and the waitress was there in a seconds.

  The dance ended and Emma took a deep breath, ���Wish me luck, Emma Hines,��� Zach smiled as he kissed her hand, ���Oh and if I bomb, bail me out.���

  Emma watched as Ariel hugged Brody and he smiled and turned away. Emma saw Elizabeth walk up to him quickly and they exchanged words. She saw him run his hands through his hair and let out a frustrated breath. He pointed to the door and she shook her head no. Brody grabbed her hand and quickly disappeared out of the room. Emma was shocked and she grabbed a drink off doe eyed blonde���s tray and looked up at the stage, Zach was smiling and his bid was up to $45,000. He turned towards Emma and his eyes widened, Fuck it she thought and raised her paddle. The bid was at $48,000.

  Emma whispered to the gentleman standing next to her waiting for her bid, $50,001, the auctioneer announced and Emma won the bid. She smiled and Zach laughed.

  Emma stood watching the door, willing him to come back out, he had been gone for five minutes and she grabbed another glass of champagne. Zach walked up, ���Emma we���re up,��� he said and dragged her to the dance floor, ���Any specific song?���

  ���Something fast, nothing slow, let���s do this,��� she plastered a fake smile on her face.

  ���I get to choose?���

  ���Anything you want,��� Emma said looking towards the door.

  ���And fast is good?���

  ���Yes Zach fast!��� Emma snapped.

  ���Mr. Taylor has chosen the song for him and Mrs. Hines,��� the DJ laughed.

  ���I���ve never heard this,��� Emma said as she danced out to the floor with Zach. He laughed, ���Zach this is naughty,��� Emma gasped.

  And the crowd noticed. Emma smiled and put her hands up as if to say oh well.

  Emma was drunk and followed his lead and laughed as he walked up behind her and slowly worked his way down, it felt more like a lap dance, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the music and then stood back as he worked the crowd. At the end he walked to the beat of the music towards her and she laughed, he dipped her and she saw Brody walking out with Elizabeth. She quickly stood up, ���Hey ��� I don���t feel very well.���

  Zach looked over at Brody, ���Well, then let���s get you out of here.���

  They walked out and his car was waiting. He opened the door and was walking around to get in when he saw Brody runn
ing out.

  He cranked up the radio and revved the engine of the red R8, Crazy Bitch blasted through the speakers and Emma laughed at Zach and turned and looked out the window at Brody���s very angry face, ���You want to stick around and deal with more of that shit?���

  ���Nope,��� she said and shot Brody a dirty look as Zach peeled out.

  ���Slow down, buddy,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Buddy huh?��� Zach laughed, ���Look in your side mirror, two cars back would be a pissed off husband���s limo, I would prefer to get you home without getting into a fight.���

  ���Oh, Zach, I���m so sorry,��� Emma gasped. ���That wasn���t my intention, I didn���t mean to start problems.���

  Zach laughed, ���By the looks of you when you walked in tonight, I know that this wasn���t your intention. By the way are you alright?���

  ���I���m fine, I do need some crackers, I feel sick,��� Emma said holding her stomach.

  Zach punched it and the car took off, he zipped into a gas station, ���Sit but if you puke in my car I���ll let your husband catch us and kick his ass in front of you,��� Zach laughed and ran into the store.

  He returned with ginger ale and saltines.

  ���Here���s a bag Emma, if you need it,��� Zach peeled out of the parking lot.

  Emma looked at the speedometer and they were going a hundred miles per hour, ���Hey now���slow down. I���m a mommy of two beautiful girls and they need me.���

  Zach laughed, ���We���re good, I won���t let you get hurt.���

  ���Thank you for everything tonight.���

  ���No thank you, I got to dance to a, what did you say, naughty song, with the hottest chick in the place,��� Zach winked at her.

  ���Listen if you���re driving fast and winking at me, thinking you���re going to get laid you���re wrong. The rock star stuff really doesn���t do it for me,��� Emma hiccupped.


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