The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 217

by Mj Fields

  ���Brody stop saying that, this is no more your fault than it is mine. I love you, please stop blaming yourself,��� Emma wiped her eyes.

  ���Dadada,��� Lexington woke in her seat and Brody smiled.

  ���Hello Princess,��� Brody said and hugged her tightly and looked at Henry.

  Emma kissed Brody, ���I���m going to make them something to eat, they���ll be hungry.���

  ���Will you be staying for dinner?��� Brody asked.

  ���Yes we will,��� Caroline wiped her eyes and stood up, ���Please let me help, Emma.���

  ���Mom…I���m very sorry,��� Emma hugged her.

  ���Henry, let���s take a walk,��� Brody said and walked outside and Henry followed.

  * * *

  Caroline hugged London and Maddox, ���Welcome home, Maddox.���

  ���Thank you ma���am.��� he smiled.

  London gave Maddox the tour of the cottage and gave up the room she���d claimed as her own, ���Mom I���m going to sleep in with Lexi, that okay?���

  Emma smiled, ���Sounds good but maybe Maddox would like the other room.���

  ���I assumed that Henry and Caroline would be staying in there,��� Maddox smiled at Emma and then looked at the soda.

  ���That���s very nice of you but I���m not sure������ Emma smiled, ���Just one okay Maddox?���

  ���Yes of course,��� Maddox took the soda.

  ���We���re going to be staying, thank you Maddox. And please call me Caroline and when you���re ready, Grandma works,��� Caroline hugged him tightly.

  Henry and Brody walked in, ���Hello Maddox. I apologize about earlier, I was kind of shocked.���

  ���That���s understandable…Grandpa Henry,��� Maddox blushed and shook his head.

  ���Good job Maddox,��� London dove onto his lap and laughed, ���Now you just have to call Mom, Mom.���

  Maddox looked at Emma, ���Is that what you prefer as well?���

  ���When you���re ready, if that���s what you want, nothing would make me happier,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Is that what you called Elizabeth?��� Caroline asked.

  ���No, she was always Elizabeth. I really didn���t know her all that well. I think I met her less than fifteen times in my life,��� Maddox said softly.

  ���Did you call your other parents mom and dad?��� London asked.

  ���No, never.���

  ���That kind of stinks, did you love them?��� London asked.

  ���London honey, let him have a few days to get comfortable,��� Emma smiled at her.

  ���That���s fine. No London, they weren���t like your parents or the ones I���ve read about. They actually weren���t very nice,��� Maddox smiled sweetly at her.

  ���Well that sucks! But it���ll be all better now right Brody, or Dad���can I call you Dad?��� London looked up at him.

  ���Whenever you���re ready London,��� Brody smiled, ���I would love it.���

  ���My Dad died too Maddox, we could start a club, oh and Brody���s dad, your Grandpa Robert died in an accident,��� London told him, ���So you are stuck with these two.���

  Maddox laughed, ���You���re very brazen.���

  ���And a potty mouth, London, suck isn���t a nice word love,��� Brody tried not to smile.

  ���Sorry Dad,��� London giggled, ���They are pretty cool Maddox, you���re pretty lucky to be stuck with them, huh Dad?���

  Brody laughed as he set the table, ���Yes London, Henry and Caroline are pretty cool.���

  Emma watched Maddox laugh and smile with London. She wondered what it must have been like for him growing up and closed her eyes.

  ���Em,��� Brody kissed her head.

  ���I���m fine, how are you?���

  ���Overwhelmed, but its good. London���s calling me Dad,��� he chuckled, ���I hope he will someday.���

  ���Of course he will,��� Emma kissed him, ���Dinner���s ready.���

  Brody stood in the door way and watched Emma put food on everyone���s plate, Maddox sat next to her and London. He felt an overwhelming amount of emotions invade his body and he took several deep breaths.

  ���Brody, it���s going to get cold,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Give me a minute Love,��� he smiled and disappeared into the bathroom.

  He was gone for a while and heard a knock on the door, ���Sorry Em, come in.���

  Maddox opened the door, ���I���m sorry.���

  Maddox looked at Brody and his cheerful face fell, ���Are you alright?���

  ���I will be. I���m not really used to all these feelings either.���

  ���Kind of a gooey feeling right here?��� Maddox asked touching his heart.

  Brody swallowed hard and nodded his head in agreement and Maddox hugged him tightly, ���We���ll be fine, right Dad? I mean Brody…this is so weird but even with everything I feel������ Maddox cried and Brody held him tightly.

  ���Gooey son?���

  ���Gooey Dad,��� Maddox hugged him back tightly.

  ���I really need to use the bathroom,��� Maddox said softly.

  Brody laughed, ���Of course, sorry I���ll be right out there okay?���

  Brody walked out to the dining room and everyone had finished eating, ���I���m warming your plate.��� Emma said.

  Brody took Emma���s face in his hands, ���I love you so damn much.���

  ���Me too, Brody,��� he kissed her, ���Since I got that reaction out of warming your plate, what do you think I���ll get by telling you London and I are making cookies?���

  Brody scrunched his nose up and winked, ���I���ll show you later.���

  ���Did someone say cookies?��� Maddox asked softly.

  ���Yep, really great cookies Maddox, come on������ London started dragging him into the kitchen.

  ���Wait a minute, you and Brody need to finish dinner first,��� Emma laughed.

  Brody and Maddox finished dinner and London carried out a plate full of cookies for Maddox with a candle on it, she began singing Happy Birthday���s to you and everyone joined in, ���We missed a few right?���

  ���Sure London,��� Maddox blushed, ���Thank you.���

  Maddox took a cookie and ate it and smiled, ���Gooey��� Dad.���

  Brody laughed, ���Everything is today, huh?���

  ���Yeah, it���s great though, real great,��� Maddox smiled and visibly relaxed.

  ���Here���s some milk,��� London said and she set in on the table. When she moved her arm it tipped the glass over.

  ���I���m so sorry, please, I���ll clean it up,��� Maddox stood quickly and turned bumping into London who fell.

  He reached down to help her up, ���I���m so sorry, London, are you okay? Here let me help you.���

  Emma looked at him and saw that he was shaking, he looked up at Brody and terror was in his eyes, ���Please don���t make me go back…I���ll clean it up…I didn���t mean to������

  Emma grabbed him and hugged him, ���Maddox it was an accident, London spilled the milk������

  Maddox stiffened and h
is voice broke, ���No I did. Please don���t punish her, it was������

  London started to cry and hugged him, ���Maddox, its okay. Please don���t be sad or scared. We love you. Mom spill some milk show him its okay!���

  Emma laughed and knelt down, ���London come here.���

  ���No! I���m staying with him Momma,��� London cried.

  ���Maddox, we don���t get upset over little accidents like that okay? We might be upset if you did this though,��� Brody took a full glass of milk and dumped it on London���s head.

  London gasped and Brody laughed. Maddox looked at Emma whose jaw was gapping open and she started laughing. Maddox took a deep breath and smiled.

  ���You jerk,��� London smacked him and laughed.

  Emma grabbed a towel and started cleaning up the milk and looked at Maddox, ���It���s all going to take a while but we���ll get there. We all love each other very much and Maddox, now that you���re here you���re stuck with us, we love you too.���

  Maddox looked confused and touched his chest.

  Brody knelt beside him, ���The gooey feeling, that���s love Maddox. We love you son.���

  ���More,��� London plopped down toweling off her hair, ���We love you more.���

  ���More than what?��� Maddox asked.

  ���Anything, we all love each other more than anything. Except Daddio here, he���s on my poop list,��� London laughed.

  Caroline and Henry sat on the couch watching them, ���So did you pick a side Henry, because I have.���

  ���Was it ever really a choice Caroline? This all started because he was trying to make her happy,��� Henry put his arm around Caroline, ���I just wish ������

  ���Me too,��� Caroline hugged him.

  * * *

  ���They���re all asleep Em,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Our three children,��� Emma smiled, ���We should have cigars that say, It���s A Boy.���

  ���Em, I have something you could������

  Emma laughed, ���Really?���

  ���Yeah really, it���s already lit,��� he smiled and winked.

  Emma looked down quickly and back up, he smiled.

  ���Your cheeks are pink Em, your mouth is watering������ Brody laid down on the bed, ���What are you waiting for?���

  Emma turned away, ���You���re asking for a ������

  ���Yeah I am,��� he laughed.

  ���That���s kind of demeaning you know?��� Emma crossed her arms and stuck her nose in the air.

  ���If its demeaning Em why is it making you so damn hot that you���re unable to look at me?��� Brody laughed deeply.

  ���Because������ Emma began.

  ���It���s supposed to be wrong?��� Brody asked sitting up and pulling his shirt over his head.

  ���I don���t know,��� Emma tried to sound strong and her voice cracked.

  Brody walked by her naked, ���Its okay Love, I���ve got it. You must be tired. Get some sleep. I love you.���

  Emma chewed on her lip and climbed into bed. She threw herself back into the pillows and let out a moan.

  Brody came out with her tooth brush in one hand and himself in the other, ���I brought this for you, you forgot.���

  Emma looked up at him and grabbed for the tooth brush, ���Thank������

  ���Kiss me goodnight Emma,��� Brody said softly into her ear.

  ���You really don���t play fair,��� Emma whimpered.

  ���Not when I���m playing with you Em,��� he kissed her, ���There���s nothing I won���t do for you or to you. Ask anything of me Emma and I���ll do my best. You once said you wanted to be happy, today even through all of this you looked so happy Em. Tell me what made you smile and I���ll do it every day for the rest of my life. I never want to disappoint you again Em, ever.���

  ���Brody, you���you make me happy. The kids, all three of them,��� Emma smiled, ���Without all the craziness, we wouldn���t have Maddox. We have three kids Brody.���

  ���And you���re still good with that right?��� Brody asked kissing her neck.

  ���I am,��� she smiled.

  ���Happy enough to celebrate?��� he smiled and glanced down.

  ���Yes Brody, happy enough to celebrate,��� Emma smiled and took him in her mouth.

  * * *

  Emma sat up and smiled, ���I can���t believe you asked, you���ve never asked.���

  ���I can���t believe you almost denied me, what the hell is up with that Em,��� Brody chuckled.

  ���Well it was kind of������ Emma stopped and grinned.

  ���No games Em,��� Brody smiled, ���You���re mine, remember? And I���m all yours. By the way, I better not have to ask again, you���ve been slacking,��� he stood up and smacked her butt.

  ���Oh yeah?��� Emma laughed, ���It hasn���t been all that readily available as of late.���

  ���Then you should have missed it Em,��� Brody pulled her up and looked at her, ���You over it?���

  ���What do you mean,��� Emma smiled.

  ���I���m not leaving again love, your mouth is going to get very sore. And I���m going to make you happy Em, in your heart and between those legs, often,��� he kissed her nose.

  ���Promises promises,��� she giggled.

  ���We have lots of plans to make in the morning, let���s sleep,��� Brody pulled her into his arms and they fell asleep.

  * * *

  ���No they won���t get mad,��� Emma heard London whisper, ���Just come in.���

  ���London, I don���t think this is a good idea,��� Maddox laughed in a whisper.

  ���Its fine, I���m just going to ask if we can make breakfast,��� London said quietly.

  Emma opened her eyes and looked at Brody who was grinning at her, ���Good morning, London and Maddox.���

  ���Morning Daddio, I want to teach Maddox how to make breakfast, can I?��� London whispered.

  Emma sat up and smiled at Maddox, ���I can make you both breakfast, just give me two������

  ���Mom, please,��� London pleaded.

  ���Did she wake you up Maddox?��� Emma laughed.

  ���No, she was being really quiet when I opened my eyes and she was sitting on the end of the bed,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���London,��� Emma scolded, ���That���s kind of rude.���

  ���I can���t help it Mom! I have a brother and I���m SOOOO excited!��� London did a little dance and they all laughed.

  ���Should we still be in our rooms, I mean what time are we allowed to get up?��� Maddox asked.

  ���When you wake up,��� Brody sat up, ���We just try to let Lexi sleep a little longer than this little early bird does.���

  ���But London needs to give you some privacy as well,��� Emma frowned at London.

  ���It���s really no trouble,��� Maddox smiled lovingly at London.

  ���Maddox, those eyes cast spells, she���s going have you trapped in her trance,��� Brody laughed.

  ���Oh I see,��� Maddox laughed.

  ���We���ll be out in a couple minutes,��� E
mma smiled.

  They left and Emma smiled at Brody, ���Can you even imagine Christmas?���

  Brody laughed and used his best London voice, ���Maddox, it���s Christmas, its 12:01 they won���t be mad, come on.���

  Emma laughed until she had tears coming out of her eyes and her stomach ached.

  ���We are so screwed, Em,��� Brody laughed.

  ���We are,��� Emma wiped her eyes, ���but I wouldn���t want it any other way.���

  ���Me either Em. Hey we do need to put monitors in her room. I���we just need to be safe, we don���t know what he���s lived,��� Brody���s tone turned serious.

  Emma smiled, ���Okay, I never even thought���Brody he has a very kind heart and his eyes are so gentle.���

  ���I���m so glad you feel that way Em,��� he hugged her, ���But we should just be cautious alright?���

  ���Okay, but they shouldn���t know,��� Emma said, ���And he can���t think we feel that way, ever Brody������

  ���Of course not. Do you know how amazing you are?��� Brody looked at her as if he were in awe.

  ���I know how amazing you are,��� Emma blushed.

  ���I love you Em,��� Brody hugged her.

  ���I love you,��� Emma whispered in his ear.

  ���I can let you sleep a bit,��� he smiled.

  ���No I don���t want to miss this,��� Emma stood up, ���Brody, we should do Christmas.���

  ���Now?��� he asked cocking his head to the side.

  ���No when we get home. We can sneak a tree in and well, for him and the girls, you missed Christmas as well, it���ll be your first Christmas with your kids,��� Emma jumped up and clapped.

  Brody smiled, ���Our first Christmas as a family of five,��� he stood up and grabbed a pair of pants, ���Hey Em, what are you looking at?���


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