The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 221

by Mj Fields

  Elizabeth was now dead, but so were many other people Emma had loved, all because of a choice he made without telling her first. Now Brody lay in jail facing charges while Emma was home raising their blended family. His son Maddox, whom he never knew existed, his infant daughter Lexington, who he���d convinced Emma to have, and the beautiful London, whose father now lay beneath the dirt because of him.

  He knew Emma was strong, so damn strong, but he feared she would break and that he, but also those three children would lose the part of her they needed and loved most, her heart.

  Brody stood up and looked out the window through the cold steel bars, wondering how she was doing. How Maddox, who had only known Brody for a few short days, was doing. He wondered if Lexington would ever know her father, or if she could ever depend on him, when he was absent all the damn time. He thought of how London was exactly like her mother, how she needed to fake a smile and take care of everyone around her, needing them to feel loved and giving all of herself so that they would. He desperately wanted London to be able to be a child again and knew that he could get her back to the place she���d been when he first asked her for her mother���s hand in marriage. Brody sat up and gripped his hair wanting to scream. Instead, he rolled to his side and closed his eyes.

  * * *

  ���Alright my three little loves, what do we have for dad?��� Emma smiled as she grabbed her coat.

  Maddox handed her an envelope, ���Please tell him we love him and miss him. I know that sounds so strange.���

  ���No Maddox, it sounds perfect,��� Emma hugged him.

  ���Thanks super spy Double O Mom,��� he laughed and blushed.

  ���No problem Double O Son,��� Emma joked in an attempt to make him feel less uncomfortable.

  ���Mom ��� tell him when he gets home, he���s Dad from now on,��� London smiled and held her tightly.

  ���I will London,��� Emma kissed her, ���Okay do we need anything while I���m out?���

  ���We should have ice cream sundaes for dinner. I think Maddox deserves that don���t you Mom?��� London blinked rapidly and flashed a large smile.

  ���I don���t know maybe Maddox doesn���t like ice cream,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Oh, I do,��� he smiled and mimicked London���s eye flutters and they both laughed.

  ���Pizza for lunch and ice cream for dinner������ Emma began.

  ���And Christmas in July,��� London twirled around laughing.

  ���Maddox will get the wrong impression of us, and then when things get back to normal, he���ll be bored,��� Emma laughed.

  ���I promise I won���t,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Okay fine,��� Emma said giving up, and the two kids gave triumphant cheers.

  ���Give me hugs, big hugs, so I don���t change my mind,��� Emma laughed as they both hugged her tightly, ���Well, the broken ribs will be a good reminder to stop and get those liver and onions right?���

  ���ICE CREAM,��� London yelled.

  ���Oh ��� okay, ice cream! Now I remember. See you soon,��� Emma smiled as she walked out the door.

  * * *

  Brody walked into the visiting room and sat, ���Could you please un- cuff my hands?���

  ���No, it���s against the rules, I���m sorry Mr. Hines,��� the blonde female officer blushed.

  ���Alright, can you tell me who I���m meeting?��� He asked softly.

  ���Eli and Emma,��� she read off her clipboard.

  ���I want them both in here, is that alright?��� He asked trying his best to look confused.

  ���I think I can swing that,��� she smiled.

  ���Thank you so much,��� he smiled shyly with purpose.

  Fucking control freaks, he thought.

  ���Is there any way around these?��� He asked holding up his wrists exposing the cuffs, ���Maybe take one off and attach it to the chair?���

  ���Sure Mr. Hines,��� she giggled.

  Brody sat for a few minutes, and Eli walked in, ���Where���s Emma?���

  ���She���s putting away some things that I advised her not to bring in,��� Eli smiled as he sat.

  ���Like what?��� Brody asked.

  ���Homemade cards,��� Eli shot him a look and imperceptibly shook his head no.

  Brody smiled, ���Alright then.���

  Emma walked in, looked at him, and closed her eyes and tried not to cry, ���Come here Em.���

  Emma walked over and sat next to him, ���No contact, Love,��� he whispered looking down.

  ���Who told you that?��� Eli snapped.

  ���The guard who searched me before I came in here,��� Brody said sadly.

  ���Bullshit, hug your husband Emma,��� Eli growled.

  Emma hugged him tightly, ���Are you okay?���

  ���As long as you are Em,��� he kissed her head and pushed his forehead against hers.

  ���Well then, we���re good,��� Emma smiled sweetly.

  ���Alright, we have paperwork being pushed rapidly through family court as we speak. Maddox���s your child, so those charges will be dropped very soon, I���m thinking within an hour. I also have an arraignment hearing in an hour. Emma, I would like you to be there, and if all goes well, he walks with us,��� Eli looked up from his notes briefly.

  Emma took a deep breath, looked at Brody and smiled, ���Thank God.���

  ���What will Maddox���s birth certificate say?��� Brody asked.

  ���Elizabeth will be listed as his mother and you as his father. I also have the paperwork you have asked for, and as soon as the court drops these ridiculous kidnapping charges we file the others, giving Emma legal guardianship,��� Eli rummaged through his file, producing the paperwork.

  Emma looked at Brody, ���Why?���

  ���If I get sent away Em, he has you. Unless you don���t������ Brody started.

  ���Of course I do,��� Emma smiled sadly, ���Brody, of course I do, but you���re not going anywhere.���

  ���It���s precautionary, alright?��� Brody smiled back, ���Have I told you yet today that I love you?���

  ���I love you more,��� she smiled and held his hand.

  ���And you look beautiful, Em,��� he smiled.

  ���And you���re a sight to behold Brody, even in orange,��� Emma grinned.

  ���Orange work for you Em?��� He winked.

  ���Okay you two, let���s get focused on the task at hand,��� Eli was all business as Emma and Brody gazed at each other lovingly.

  * * *

  Bail was set for two million dollars. Emma looked down trying not to cry.

  ���Eli, our accounts are frozen,��� Brody sneered.

  ���I���ve been working on that as well. We have it covered,��� Eli smiled.

  ���How?��� Brody gasped.

  ���Your new friends are particularly resourceful,��� Eli winked.

  * * *

  Brody smiled at Emma as he walked through the security gate and she ran up and hugged him. He looked down at her and smiled softly.

  ���Let���s get the hell out of here,��� Brody kissed her head quickly, took her hand and walked to the car.

  ���We have to stop at the store, I promised ice cream for dinner,��� she looked up at him and smirked.

  ���And you scolded me about soda?
You���re getting soft Em,��� Brody chuckled as he twirled her around.

  They climbed into the car, Brody in front next to Henry, Emma���s father, and Emma in the back.

  ���They don���t know, right Dad?��� Emma asked.

  ���No, the kids will be very excited,��� Henry smiled.

  Emma handed Brody the envelope of cards and told him what Maddox and London had asked her to tell him. She went into the store alone, against Henry and Brody���s wishes. They wanted to have the grocer deliver, but she insisted that Brody walk into the house with the bag of junk to make sundaes, to surprise the children.

  Emma stood at the checkout and noticed people staring. She looked down and saw the newspapers with Brody���s arrest plastered on the front of every paper on the rack. She took a deep breath and smiled at the cashier as she signed her name on the credit machine���s screen.

  ���You���re Emma Hines?��� The cashier asked, snapping her gum.

  ���Yes I am,��� Emma took her receipt.

  ���Sorry you got mixed up with him,��� she rolled her eyes.

  ���Well I���m not, he���s a wonderful man who���s being framed,��� Emma felt tears in her eyes.

  ���Aren���t they all?��� The cashier snickered.

  ���Go to hell,��� Emma said under her breath as she grabbed her bags and rapidly walked out the automatic doors.

  * * *

  Brody watched her walking quickly towards the car, and he got out and ran to her, ���Em, are you alright?���

  He took the bags in one hand and hugged her tightly against him as she wiped her eyes, ���Yes, let���s go home please Brody.���

  ���Okay, Love,��� he kissed her, ���Come on.���

  When they got in the car, Brody followed her into the back seat and held her as she cried.

  ���What���s wrong Princess?��� Henry asked.

  Emma told them what happened.

  ���You told her to go to hell, Emma?��� Brody said, trying not to laugh.

  Emma scowled at him, ���Not very loudly.���

  ���You���re going to have to grow thicker skin than that, Princess,��� Henry laughed.

  ���Not while I���m around she won���t. I���m sorry Love, we���re going to have to be tied up in our home for a while, but it���ll get better,��� Brody lifted her chin and looked in her eyes.

  She closed her eyes and tried not to smile.

  Brody laughed and shook his head, ���You missed me, Em?���

  Emma put her head against his chest, ���Yes, Brody, I missed you.���


  Emma walked in the house alone and was met at the door by two beautiful children who immediately hugged her in show of love and support.

  ���Mom, did you forget something?��� London asked quietly.

  ���No, what was���oh shoot let me grab those bags,��� Emma smiled obnoxiously and opened the door.

  ���I got them Em,��� Brody smiled and Emma quickly took the bags knowing they would be dropped soon.

  Maddox and London both hugged Brody. ���Now that���s one heck of a welcome,��� he laughed.

  ���I���m glad you���re okay Dad,��� Maddox said as tears welled in his eyes.

  ���We will all be fine. I love you kid, you know that right?��� He asked while cupping Maddox���s face.

  ���I do, I truly do,��� Maddox hugged him.

  Brody looked at Emma and smiled.

  ���Alright is it dinner time yet?��� London joked, always trying to lighten the mood.

  ���You had lunch three hours ago,��� Emma laughed.

  ���But it���s time to celebrate, right Brody?��� London gave him puppy dog eyes.

  ���I don���t know about that,��� Brody crossed his arms and lifted his nose in the air, ���Ask again.���

  ���Ok,��� London giggled, ���It���s time to celebrate, right Dad?���

  ���Absolutely,��� he hugged her and kissed her head.

  ���And I���m going soft.��� Emma giggled.

  ���Better you than me, huh Em?��� Brody wagged his eyebrows at her and she laughed.

  ���I���m going to get Lexi,��� Emma said still smiling.

  ���You up for some help, Love? Do you need me to come?��� Brody smiled and cocked his head to the side.

  ���No, you promised sundaes way to early, get on it Music Man,��� Emma said as she walked up the stairs.

  * * *

  Emma came in the kitchen with Lexington and stood off to the side as Brody helped the kids make sundaes.

  ���Dad, is it alright if I add just a few more?��� London looked up at him with sad eyes.

  ���Okay just…just a few, and don���t tell your mother,��� Brody whispered.

  Maddox looked back, and Emma pressed her finger against her lips telling him to ���Shh.���

  He smiled and looked back, ���How about you Maddox, what would you like more of?��� Brody whispered.

  ���I think this is good,��� he answered hesitantly.

  ���No ��� fair is fair, how about a few more sprinkles,��� Brody shook them on and smiled and handed him the bowl.

  He laughed and turned and saw Emma standing with her eyebrows raised.

  ���I can explain,��� Brody quickly said.

  ���Oh you can? ���Don���t tell Mom.��� I hardly think there���s much explanation for that, Brody,��� Emma said and turned away.

  ���Well there is������ Brody stood searching for something to say and laughed, ���Lexington did not warn me you were there. Come here Lexi, we need to chat.���

  London and Maddox laughed as Emma tried to keep a straight face.

  Lexington laid her head on Emma���s shoulder and held tightly to her.

  ���You are mad at me as well, huh?��� Brody said sticking out his bottom lip and walked away grabbing his bowl of ice cream.

  ���Oh Lexi look what I have,��� Brody took a spoonful and made airplane noises trying to coax her.

  Lexi opened her mouth, and he laughed and reached for her, ���Come on girl.���

  ���No,��� she said and her lip quivered.

  Brody looked panicked and quickly put the spoon to her mouth, ���Okay, I���m sorry, here.���

  Lexington opened her mouth and took a bite. Her eyes widened in wonder. He reached for her again, and she laughed and went to him.

  Brody hugged her and let out a cleansing breath, ���Daddy, Lexi,��� he whispered as he kissed her cheek.

  Emma looked at him sympathetically and he shook his head.

  ���It���s going to be alright, Brody,��� she said.

  He hugged her, ���I know.���

  Emma stepped back, ���I���m still mad at you.���

  Maddox laughed and so did London.

  * * *

  Brody laughed when he walked into his bedroom and saw they were all in the bed.

  ���Where shall I sleep?��� He asked and grabbed a pillow.

  ���Right here,��� London patted the spot next to her.

  ���I���m not sure I���ll fit,��� he laughed.

  ���I can sleep on the floor, I don���t mind,��� Maddox said getting up.

  ���No, we���ll figure it out,��� Brody laughed, ���Where���s Mom?���

���s putting Lexi in her crib, she���s too little to be scared,��� London sighed.

  ���What are you afraid of?��� Brody asked pulling her next to him.

  London looked at Maddox, ���You tell him, but wait until I fall asleep I don���t want to hear about it anymore.���

  Maddox smiled sadly, ���Okay London.���

  ���Goodnight, I love you both,��� London snuggled up against Brody.

  ���I love you, London,��� Maddox smiled sorrowfully.

  London fell asleep quickly and shook slightly, ���Is she alright?���

  Brody smiled at Maddox, ���She does that when she falls asleep. So does Lexi and Emma.���

  ���They���re amazing, this is like a dream,��� Maddox said staring at the ceiling, ���One I wish to never wake up from.���

  ���You���re an amazing young man, Maddox. As long as I breathe, I���m going to try my hardest to make your life a happy one,��� Brody smiled at him.

  ���I do know this isn���t your fault, you didn���t know about me. From what I know, you were my age when you got her pregnant, she was older. It wasn���t okay,��� Maddox said and sat up, ���She abused you and I���m the result of that.���

  Brody sat up and looked at him with concern flooding his eyes, ���Maddox, she was extremely broken. She was taken and shipped in a box overseas and sold. There are a lot of things you are too young to know but, this is for certain; you���re a gift to me. I love you as much as I love London and Lexington.���

  ���I know, but you don���t have to.���

  Maddox���s response was truly natural. Brody closed his eyes and hugged him, ���I do have to, but more importantly, I want to. I���ve loved you since I learned about you, there���s no turning back. I just wish I could have������


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