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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 227

by Mj Fields

  ���No, Em, it���s fine, if things get odd we can make up some excuse,��� Brody forced a smile.

  ���Maddox has a doctor���s appointment today, to see what immunizations he���s had and a normal physical. It���s at eleven,��� Emma said anxiously.

  ���Okay Em, we haven���t had the chat about ������ Brody smiled when she stepped towards him and hugged him, ���Later, alright?���

  Emma closed her eyes, and he hugged her tighter.

  ���Mom, is breakfast ready?��� London called as she ran down the stairs dragging Maddox along.

  ���Yes, but Brody���s Uncle Bo will be here in just a few minutes to meet all of you,��� Emma smiled, ���Maybe we could wait for him?���

  ���Maddox, let���s set the dining room table,��� London giggled.

  Brody handed Lexington to Emma, ���Your great uncle���s an ass, Lexi.���

  Emma smirked, ���And your Daddy shouldn���t talk like that.���

  ���Just making sure she knows,��� Brody kissed her head, then went to help the kids set the table while Emma fed Lexington.

  * * *

  ���Brody, Maddox and I were thinking we would like to play in the studio today,��� London smiled, and Maddox tried not to laugh.

  ���Oh were you?��� Brody chuckled and winked at Maddox.

  ���Since we are stuck here, it would be fun,��� London grinned.

  ���Maddox has an appointment later this morning,��� Brody smiled at Maddox.

  Maddox���s face fell, ���Maddox, are you alright?���

  ���What kind of appointment?��� Maddox asked quietly.

  ���Just a check- up,��� Brody said as if it wasn���t a big deal.

  Maddox looked at him for a moment, his face revealed nothing, ���A shrink?���

  ���No Maddox, a regular doctor, just a physical. London and Lexi go to the same office, it���s not a big deal,��� Brody finished straightening the chairs.

  ���And if I don���t want too?��� Maddox asked with a slightly defiant tone.

  ���Maddox, we can talk about it, alright?��� Brody put his hand on his back, and Maddox began to walk away, ���Hey, let’s go have a chat.���

  Maddox was fighting to stay calm as Emma walked into the room.

  She looked at Maddox, ���Hey is everything alright?���

  Maddox began walking away, and Emma grabbed his arm gently, ���Maddox������

  ���Not now,��� Maddox said. He pulled away and walked out of the room.

  Emma started to walk after him, ���Em, I���ll go.���

  Emma watched Brody follow Maddox out of the room.

  ���London, what happened?���

  ���I think Maddox���s upset about going to the doctor,��� London answered sadly, ���Mom, do you think he���s scared?���

  ���Well, I don���t know London, but I���m sure Brody will help him figure it out,��� Emma looked towards the door.

  ���Mrs. Hines, Bo Hines is here,��� Clive announced.

  Emma forced a smile on her face, ���Let���s go greet him, girls.���

  * * *

  ���Hold up, Maddox,��� Brody caught the door before it shut in his face and walked in Maddox���s room.

  Maddox paced back and forth in front of his bed.

  ���You need to talk to me, Maddox…tell me what���s going on,��� Brody sat at his desk chair and waited.

  ���I don���t wish to go,��� Maddox answered and continued to pace.

  ���Tell me why Maddox. Let me help you figure it out, son,��� Brody stood up.

  ���I don���t like doctors,��� Maddox answered.

  ���Okay, I don���t either, but its part of life, Maddox,��� Brody explained.

  ���Not for me, it hasn���t been,��� Maddox whispered.

  ���I can promise you, Emma will make sure������

  ���Emma���s taking me?��� Maddox gasped.

  ���Yes,��� Brody answered soothingly.

  ���Now I truly don���t wish to go,��� he rolled his eyes.

  ���I can try to go as well if it���ll make you more comfortable,��� Brody offered.

  ���You���re supposed to protect me,��� Maddox whispered.

  ���I am Maddox, and I always will,��� Brody grabbed him and held him tightly.

  ���Don���t make me go,��� Maddox whispered.

  ���I won’t make you go alone Maddox,��� Brody lifted his chin, ���I don���t know what it is you���re afraid of, but when you���re ready to tell me, I���m ready to listen. I���ll be going with you Maddox.���

  They heard London���s little feet patting up the stairs, ���You���ll be fine, okay Maddox?���

  London bound into the bedroom, ���Bo���s here. You okay, Maddox?���

  ���I���m fine, thank you London,��� Maddox smiled sadly.

  ���Daddio, why don���t you go down? We���ll meet you down there,��� London smiled at Brody.

  Brody looked at Maddox, and he nodded his head yes, ���Alright then, see you both down there.���

  ���Maddox,��� London smiled, ���The doctor���s nice.���

  Maddox sat on the bed, ���Mine wasn���t, London.���

  ���I���m sorry, but I promise you���ll be okay. Besides, we start school in a month, and you need to your shots to get in. You���ll meet friends and have fun,��� London smiled broadly, ���Maybe a girl?���

  Maddox laughed, ���I don���t think I���ll be ready for that for a very long time.���

  ���Why not?��� London asked curiously.

  ���Wouldn���t she take time away from you and Lexington?��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Yeah, good point…Forget that pal, I just got you,��� London hugged him, and he laughed. ���We better get down there.���

  * * *

  ���Bo,��� Brody put his hand out to shake his uncle���s.

  ���Hello Brody, thank you for having me,��� Bo smiled.

  Brody looked at Emma and smiled, ���Emma made breakfast, let���s go eat. I���m starving.

  ���Is he okay?��� Emma said softly.

  ���He is, this is just all new to him,��� Brody grabbed the plate of fruit and the homemade hash browns.

  Bo sat at one end of the table and Brody at the other, ���So I���ve met Lexington, she���s beautiful. When will I meet������

  ���Hi Bo. I���m London and this is Maddox,��� London beamed.

  Bo stood and shook London���s hand, ���Pleased to meet you London, you���re gorgeous. Maddox?���

  Maddox looked up extending his hand when Bo addressed him. He shook Bo���s hand cautiously and looked away quickly, ���Ready to eat, London?���

  ���Yep, sit by me?��� London grabbed his hand and pulled him around the table.

  ���So how do you like it in the States, Maddox?��� Bo asked.

  ���I like it here very well thank you,��� Maddox smiled at Emma as she passed him a plate.

  They ate quietly. ���I���d like to have a shower before my appointment, would that be alright?��� Maddox asked Brody.

  ���Of course son,��� B
rody stood and started clearing the table.

  ���Maddox, it was very nice to meet you,��� Bo hugged him.

  Maddox pulled away after a brief moment and looked up at him. His face showed fear and confusion.

  ���You don���t need to be afraid of me Maddox. We���re family you and I,��� Bo said and stepped back.

  Maddox looked at Emma quickly and back at Bo, ���I���m not afraid of you.���

  Maddox exited the room quickly.

  Emma settled Lexington and London in the family room and went back to the kitchen where Brody and Bo stood talking.

  ���You sure he���s yours, Brody?��� Bo asked.

  ���Did you see him?��� Emma laughed knowing it would soften the storm she saw brewing in her husband���s eyes.

  ���I did,��� Bo answered quickly.

  ���Looks just like Brody,��� Emma smiled and handed a cup of tea to Bo.

  ���Thank you. And Brody looks just like me,��� Bo said winking at Emma.

  ���I suppose there are a lot of similarities. He looks a lot like the pictures I���ve seen of his mother Grace as well. The eyes,��� Emma rubbed Brody���s back gently.

  ���We had a DNA test done, he���s mine,��� Brody answered and looked down at Emma and smiled.

  ���So you had sex with������ Bo began

  ���Christ, Bo,��� Brody snapped.

  ���Well I���m just asking,��� Bo said defensively.

  ���I was fifteen, it was a long time ago,��� Brody snapped.

  ���How was it?��� Bo asked.

  Emma looked at Bo, ���My sister lived in hell, and she���s dead now. There���s no reason������

  ���I���m sorry,��� Bo said, ���Its time for me to head out. Thank you again for the meal. One more thing Brody, did you happen to come across any paperwork of your father���s that you thought may belong to me?���

  ���No why? What are you looking for?��� Brody asked.

  ���My original birth certificate, but I���m also interested in photos, family stories, family tree, anything like that?��� Bo asked.

  ���No, but if I do, I���ll let you know,��� Brody said walking him to the door.

  Bo smiled and gave Brody a half hug before walking out the door.

  Brody looked at Emma, ���I���m sorry.���

  ���It���s fine. I think we pissed him off, though,��� Emma laughed.

  ���I would have to agree, Em,��� Brody smiled, ���How terribly inhospitable of us.���

  Emma laughed, kissed him quickly and turned to finish the dishes.

  ���Would it be alright if we asked Henry and Caroline to come stay with Clive and the girls? I���d like to go with you and Maddox. He���s very resistant to it Em. I want to know why,��� Brody looked at her scowling.

  ���Of course,��� Emma hugged him.

  * * *

  ���Em and I were chatting, and she mentioned that when London was apprehensive about going to the doctor, she would promise to take her shopping after,��� Brody smiled in the rearview mirror at Maddox.

  ���It isn���t necessary, you���ve already given me so much,��� Maddox looked down and let out a breath.

  ���Nope, that was Christmas. Let us do this Maddox, you���re ours and we want to,��� Emma turned around and smiled brightly at him.

  ���Anything you want. Let���s have it Maddox, if you could have anything, what would it be?��� Brody laughed.

  Maddox sat looking down, not answering.

  ���Come on Maddox, now���s your chance. Your Dad would give you the moon right now if you asked for it,��� Emma laughed.

  ���I would settle for a dog,��� Maddox said softly.

  ���A dog?��� Brody gasped.

  Emma squeezed his hand and tried not to smirk.

  ���We don���t have to,��� Maddox looked anxious.

  ���No, I think we could do that. London���s mentioned it,��� Brody said and closed his eyes briefly.

  ���We should get her one too, then,��� Maddox said quickly, ���I would not want her to feel badly.���

  ���Two dogs?��� Brody huffed.

  ���I think it���s a great idea.��� Emma laughed, ���And then when Lexington���s older, we could get her a cat.���

  Brody scowled at her, and she laughed harder.

  ���I���m sorry, just forget I������ Maddox started.

  ���No way, Maddox,��� Emma laughed, ���I think two dogs will be great, unless you want a cat?���

  ���I don���t like cats. They are sneaky and don���t seem loyal,��� Maddox said quietly.

  ���I agree, hideous creatures,��� Brody laughed, ���What type of dog?���

  ���Big one, well two big ones,��� Maddox said looking out the window.

  ���Small dogs are nice,��� Brody offered.

  ���No, they���re cats that bark,��� Maddox said still seeming distant.

  ���A St. Bernard?��� Emma giggled.

  Brody scowled at her, and she laughed.

  ���I was thinking Labradors.��� Maddox finally looked at Emma and smiled slightly.

  ���A boy and a girl and then maybe they could have puppies,��� Emma grinned, ���What do you think Brody?���

  He raised his eyebrow in warning, ���Alright, we���re here.���

  Emma and Brody got out of the car, and Maddox sat for a moment, ���As soon as we get him through this, you are in a whole lot of trouble, Mrs. Hines.���

  ���Hmm, sounds fun,��� Emma giggled. She kissed him sweetly and opened the door for Maddox.

  * * *

  Maddox sat uncomfortably in the waiting room between Emma and Brody, he looked around and saw that everyone was looking at them and whispering. He looked at Brody who smiled and shook his head.

  ���Get used to it,��� he laughed and Emma laughed too.

  Maddox was playing with his hands looking down. Emma looked at him and couldn���t stand to see him in quiet agony any longer.

  She stood and walked to the desk. ���Do you know how much longer it���s going be?���

  ���Not long,��� the nurse smiled up at her.

  ���Could you put us in a room? He���s struggling and the looks out here aren���t helping,��� Emma said trying to not appear angry.

  They were led into a room, and the nurse gave him a gown and told him to change.

  ���Here?��� he gasped.

  ���I���ll wait outside,��� Emma patted his back and left the room.

  ���Are you going out too?��� Maddox huffed.

  ���I didn���t want to leave you, Maddox. I can turn around if you need me to,��� Brody stood up.

  ���No, that���s fine,��� he snapped, ���You���re going to see it anyway!���

  Maddox took off his shirt and turned, revealing two scars on his back, and then took of his pants. One large mark ran across his upper thighs. Maddox turned around, and Brody gasped when he saw the scars on his upper thighs.

  ���Maddox, my God,��� Brody whispered.

  ���I���m better now, I won���t do it again,��� Maddox whispered and put on the gown.

  ���Maddox, you didn���t do this,��� Brody���s hands began to shake.

  There was a knock on the door and t
he doctor and Emma walked in.

  ���If you don���t want me to stay, Maddox, I don���t have to. You just tell me what you need right now,��� Emma smiled softly.

  He shook his head no and swallowed hard.

  ���Maddox I���m Dr. Green, but you can call me Karen,��� she smiled and sat, ���We���re going to do an exam, and then take some blood. We���re going to put you through the wringer today, but it���s necessary.���

  Maddox stood up, ���Get this part over first please. Emma, please turn away.���

  Maddox pulled down his boxers and bent over the exam table, and Brody���s jaw dropped.

  ���Maddox, we���re not going to do anything like that, alright?��� Dr. Green spoke softly.

  Maddox quickly stood up and pulled his boxers up. He looked embarrassed and confused.

  ���Have a seat, Maddox,��� Dr. Green cleared her throat and turned away reaching for something. But Brody knew she was trying to check the emotions he had seen cross her face a moment ago.

  Emma turned around, and Brody looked at her. He was taking deep breaths to calm himself.

  ���Maddox, why don���t we start with some questions first, okay?��� Dr. Green smiled, ���Let���s just dive into the scarring on your back. What happened?���

  ���I was whipped,��� Maddox answered in a direct tone

  ���I���m truly sorry, are there any other marks like that?��� She was drawing on a diagram of a body.

  ���My back, I believe two, right Dad?��� Maddox looked at Brody.

  Brody stood and walked next to him. His son was asking for his help, needing him to validate who he was and show him he would stand by him.

  ���Yes two, maybe three. Perhaps you can take a quick look?��� Brody pointed to the other side of the exam table and Dr. Green walked over.

  ���You don���t need to get up Maddox, you���re fine right here.���

  Maddox grabbed Brody���s hand and held it tightly as the doctor opened the gown in the back and looked at the scars.

  ���Okay, thank you for showing me Maddox,��� she sat next to him in her chair, ���Are there any more?���


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