The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 230

by Mj Fields

���Hey Maddox,��� London yelled, ���Do you like my suit?���

  London strutted like Brody and spun in circles.

  ���Absolutely stunning, Miss London,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���How about mine?��� Harper copied London and laughed.

  Maddox jaw dropped, and he looked down, ���Looks lovely, Harper.���

  Brody looked at him and started to chuckle, Maddox gave him a dirty look.

  ���Let’s get in that water Maddox,��� Brody whispered and laughed.

  Maddox looked anxiously at him as they began walking into the water, ���You doing alright?���

  ���No, but I���ll get through it,��� Maddox said his jaw tightened.

  ���I have an idea ��� why don���t you think whatever thought you had on the beach. You seemed to have lost your edge there,��� Brody laughed and walked further out.

  Maddox tried to hide his smile.

  ���She���s a beautiful girl,��� Brody egged him on.

  ���She is not,��� Maddox blushed.

  ���Oh you���re right ��� she���s dreadful. Hideous even,��� Brody splashed him and laughed.

  Maddox splashed him and fell under the water and popped right back up and coughed.

  ���You okay?��� Brody panicked.

  Maddox laughed, ���Yes, but sea water���s awful!���

  ���Got to close your mouth before you go under water and don���t breathe through your nose,��� Brody patted his back.

  London dove on Brody���s back and Harper dove on Maddox, ���Gotcha!���

  Brody watched Maddox tense up and go under water.

  ���London, down.���

  He moved to where they had gone under and stepped into a very deep spot, ���Em! GRAB LONDON!���

  Brody dove under and swam trying to find them and couldn���t. He surfaced and looked around and saw Maddox pop out of the water a few feet in the other direction with Harper still on his back she started to laugh. Maddox let out a deep breath and smiled and laughed with her.

  ���Holy shit!��� He shouted.

  ���Maddox, that���s an adult word,��� London scolded.

  ���Sorry London,��� Maddox laughed and looked over his shoulder at Harper who lifted her arms high in the air and fell back into the water.

  Maddox turned to watched her and laughed when she popped up, ���You���re crazy!���

  ���That was cool,��� She stood up and smiled brightly at him.

  ���You have no idea,��� he laughed.

  ���Maddox are you alright?��� Brody asked.

  ���I am, I think Harper here just taught me how to swim,��� he laughed.

  ���You didn���t know how? Oh I���m so sorry,��� Harper covered mouth trying not to laugh.

  ���No, it was seriously cool,��� Maddox tried to stop smiling.

  ���Want to go out further?��� Brody asked.

  ���Hell yeah!��� Maddox laughed.

  ���Maddox, your mouth,��� London warned.

  Maddox chuckled, ���Sorry London.���

  ���No, you need to learn first!��� Harper snapped.

  ���Oh really?��� Maddox shook his hair spraying Harper with seawater.

  ���Blow bubbles, float, and tread water,��� Harper explained.

  ���You want to teach me, friend?��� Maddox cocked his head to the side and winked.

  Harpers jaw dropped, and she scowled, ���Someone needs to, let���s get this done…buddy.���

  Brody looked at Emma, and looked shocked.

  ���Leave them alone,��� Brody whispered.

  ���She doesn���t even have a chance. He looks, acts, and even flirts just like you,��� Emma said sadly.

  Brody cocked his head to the side and winked, ���Like that Em?���

  ���Poor girl,��� Emma whispered and laughed, ���But he has no idea who he���s messing with Brody, that���s Tessa���s daughter. I���m sure���more than sure, she can hold her own.���

  ���Then let them be Em,��� he kissed her cheek, ���Besides, London���s chaperoning.���

  Brody rubbed her back lightly, ���I���ve never had you in the water.���

  ���For God���s sake Brody,��� Emma blushed.

  ���Just making an observation,��� Brody smiled, ���And a demand, when they go to sleep tonight, you and me out here, got it?���

  ���We���ll see,��� Emma blushed.

  ���You look hot as hell in that suit Em,��� Brody kissed her neck.

  ���Goodbye, I���m getting out of here right now,��� Emma gasped.

  ���Run, run, as fast as you can…Em,��� Brody laughed tauntingly

  * * *

  Collin and Brody grilled fish and watched as Harper bossed Maddox around.

  ���Tessa, she���s being very unlike herself,��� Collin scowled.

  ���She likes him,��� Tessa laughed.

  Collin looked at her and then finally understood what she was implying.

  ���They are cousins,��� he gasped.

  ���No, NOT technically,��� Tessa giggled.

  ���Well she���s too young to like boys,��� Collin snapped.

  ���Same age as I was,��� Tessa laughed out loud.

  ���It���s actually not all that funny. Think of poor Maddox,��� Collin tried taking the other side.

  ���He started it,��� Emma said softly.

  ���He what?��� Collin asked.

  ���He cocked his head to the side and winked, he flirted with her,��� Emma said looking down.

  ���Em, you’re going to get us thrown out of here on our asses,��� Brody chuckled, ���London���s out there ��� they���re fine. I mean as long as it is alright with you Collin.���

  ���Its fine,��� Tessa laughed while Collin grumbled.

  * * *

  They all sat at outside and ate dinner. London was falling asleep and Brody laughed.

  ���Look at her, tired baby girl,��� he whispered to Emma.

  ���Sun and water,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Water and moonlight,��� Brody winked.

  Emma smiled and looked down, ���I���m going to tuck London in.���

  ���I got it Love,��� Brody picked up London. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled sweetly.

  ���She���s tired,��� Maddox smiled as he watched Brody carry her into the room.

  ���You should be as well,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���I should be, demanding teacher, high expectations, and������ Maddox smirked.

  ���You can swim now can’t you?��� Harper snapped and stood up, ���I���m going to bed.���

  Maddox stood up, ���Harper I was just poking fun, I truly appreciate your help.���

  ���Fine, you���re welcome, goodnight,��� Harper stormed into the bathroom.

  Maddox looked shocked.

  ���Maddox, I don���t know what���s gotten into her, but she doesn���t act like that. It���ll be dealt with,��� Collin stood up and started walking towards the bathroom door.

  Maddox ran in front of him and stood guarding the door.

  ���She didn���t do anything wrong!��� Maddox growled.

  Collin stepped back and s
poke softly, ���Maddox, she was rude. I���m going to talk to her.���

  ���Maddox!��� Emma snapped and walked up to him and grabbed his arm.

  He pulled his arm away and glared at Collin.

  ���You and I are going to have a long talk tonight Maddox. But right now, my little girl was rude and she needs to know that,��� Collin looked him in the eye.

  Harper opened the door, ���Excuse me.��� Maddox didn���t move, ���Hello, I would like to get out of here.���

  ���Harper you’re going to stop being rude and apologize to Maddox,��� Collin looked past Maddox and at his daughter.

  ���Fine,��� she stomped, ���Sorry Maddox. Now move���please.���

  Brody walked out of the bedroom and saw the stand- off.

  Brody walked towards Maddox quickly and grabbed his arm, ���Maddox, let’s take a walk.���

  ���Get your fucking hands off me,��� Maddox snarled.

  ���I assume he thinks I���m going to hurt my child,��� Collin told Brody. ���Harper, if you feel threatened for even a minute just say the word and he will be out of your way.���

  ���No, Daddy, Maddox, come on,��� Harper snuck under his arm and took his hand, ���Walk with me?���

  Maddox looked at her and scowled.

  ���He and I are going to take a walk Harper. Then he���s going to talk to your father,��� Brody looked at Maddox and grabbed his arm, ���Let���s go, Emma you too.���

  They sat at the outdoor table, and Maddox looked down, ���What was that in there?���

  He didn���t answer, ���Maddox, your father asked you a question.���

  ���He was going to hurt her,��� Maddox yelled.

  ���He was going to scold her for being rude Maddox. One of his jobs is to teach her how to treat others.���

  Emma took Maddox���s face in her hand and turned his chin towards her. ���That���s one of our jobs as well.���

  ���So now you’re going to discipline me?��� Maddox asked without expression.

  ���Yes, we kind of have to,��� Emma replied.

  ���Fine,��� Maddox said.

  ���There is, however a learning curve,��� Emma said and looked at Brody.

  ���I agree, so your punishment is to talk to Collin and do the dinner dishes,��� Brody sat back and looked proudly at Emma.

  Emma closed her eyes and tried not to laugh.

  Maddox looked up, ���That���s it?���

  ���This time,��� Emma smiled softly.

  ���I know you thought he was going to hurt her Maddox, but you truly have to understand that the whole world isn���t like what you have experienced,��� Brody said sadly, ���There are a lot of assholes out there, but you can’t put yourself in situations like that. If it hadn���t been Collin, but another man, it may have been a very serious situation, son.���

  ���I���ll take that into consideration,��� Maddox said softly.

  Brody and Emma looked at one another, ���If I grab your arm don���t you yank away from me Maddox. I���ll never hurt you.���

  ���I apologize to both of you for that,��� Maddox looked up briefly looking at Emma.

  ���You did that to Emma?��� Brody gasped.

  ���Brody, it���s okay,��� Emma put her hand on his leg.

  ���That is unacceptable Maddox, completely and totally unacceptable,��� Brody stood up and ran his hands through his hair and looked at the sky.

  Maddox looked anxious, ���And this is where you get your desire to protect the people you love,��� Emma smiled at Maddox.

  ���Don���t excuse this Emma ��� if he doesn���t learn now he���s fucked!��� Brody snapped.

  ���This is also where you get your foul language,��� Emma whispered to Maddox and smiled, ���Which we have to tell you isn���t okay, and will cause lots of problems in a social setting such as a church and school. ���Fuck��� is a naughty word,��� Emma winked.

  Brody looked at her with his blank stare.

  ���And that������ Emma smiled.

  ���Enough Emma,��� Brody pulled her up into her and hugged her tightly, ���You���re okay?���

  ���Yes I am. And Maddox will be too,��� Emma kissed him, ���I���m going inside, I love you both.���

  Brody sat and looked at Maddox, ���And that���s the only thing that calms me when I���m ready to blow.���

  ���So you wanted to hurt me for pulling away from her?��� Maddox asked confused.

  ���No, I wanted to make it better for both of you but still give you sufficient discipline. This parenting stuff is truly difficult. The loving you part? That���s very easy. Figure out what made you react like that tonight Maddox. Think long and hard and then we���ll talk. I���m going to send Collin out, he���s a damn good man Maddox. He���s helped us more than you know without even asking anything in return,��� Brody kissed his head and walked in the house.

  * * *

  Maddox stood as soon as he saw Collin walking out the door.

  ���I���m extremely sorry I don���t…what happened…I should���.���

  ���Have a seat Maddox.���

  Collin stood before him, he was tall and well built, very strong and intimidating, and Maddox sat.

  ���Your dad���s getting us a couple drinks, will be out in just a minute,��� Collin sat down across from Maddox and smiled gently.

  ���I didn���t want������

  ���I know you thought I was going to hurt her. You need to learn to read people better,��� Collin looked up as Brody walked out, ���He thought you would feel more comfortable with him out here.���

  Maddox visibly relaxed more and Brody felt a sense of relief.

  ���So Maddox, I was raised by my very own mother, who was severely abusive,��� Collin sat up, ���She would trade her children���s bodies for drugs and we often went hungry.���

  Maddox���s eyes widened, and he looked at Brody.

  ���She went to prison for killing my sister, and I���m also certain she had my brother killed. I dealt with it very poorly at times but learned from my mistakes and through people who came into my life at the right time. I learned to read people, so I knew who to trust. I didn���t know how to love. I won���t bore you with the specifics, but there are key points that I want and need you to focus on until you start feeling comfortable in your own skin. First you’re going to need to know that I loved, or still love, my mother, even though I don���t like her. She���s evil, but still my mother. A dog that���s been kicked by its master since the day it was brought home, that dog still loves its master Maddox. It knows no better, that���s what it���s lived. Second, you need to figure out who you are and what you want out of life. I dove into school and became a doctor. For me, because I lost my siblings it was important that I learned to save lives. Then I wanted to teach people how to take care of themselves. Education is particularly important, and I hear that you love to read. Keep reading. It erases the fear of the unknown and indirectly removes any prejudices you have of people. Knowledge is power. Read people, understanding their quirks and mannerisms will help ease the anxiety that I���m sure is burning deep inside you. Any questions so far?���

  Maddox shook his head no and swallowed hard.

  ���At your age, it���s going to be hard, but not impossible to trust, it will be okay M
addox, trust that Emma and Brody love you. If they do something you dislike remember that they are human. For now they have the hardest job in the world, they���re parents. I see you with London and Lexington, and I know that you love them. So you���re a few steps ahead of much of the world. You have to make a decision to be a good man. Not just, to decide but plan each step,��� Collin sat back and took a drink. ���I had the advantage of going to school and church from an age younger than you. I���m not going to lie and tell you it���ll be easy Maddox, but I see strength in you. A man who protects a girl he hardly knows, from a man who could easily kick his ass.���

  Maddox looked up at him and then back down quickly.

  ���I see that you���re also pretty sure of yourself. Maddox you���re a big boy, six foot right?��� Collin asked.

  ���And growing,��� Maddox held his eyes to Collins.

  ���Brody this boy needs strength training when he can control his temper,��� Collin smiled, ���Maddox ask questions ��� tell people what you’re feeling.���

  ���None of you want to know what I���m thinking, and I���m not willing to share,��� Maddox sat back and looked blankly at the floor.

  ���I can assure you there won���t be any judgment here Maddox. I���ve been forgiven for all I���ve done and paid the price for all my wrong doings. I���ve amassed a great amount of material things and accomplished every one of my goals. None of that mattered until I forgave myself, and I have. More importantly I never truly lived until I accepted love from other people. Tessa changed my life. Tessa and our children; CJ, Matthew, and Harper gave me a more than I ever could imagine. Opening yourself up to love, the giving and receiving of it will change your life Maddox, more than anything.���

  Maddox began to tap his foot and appeared agitated.

  ���Come on Maddox, let���s hear it,��� Collin sat back.

  Maddox looked up at him, ���You’re pissing me off.���

  ���Maddox enough!��� Brody scolded.

  ���No, you want to know what I feel! You all want to know how I feel?��� Maddox stood up and glared at them, ���I watched twelve children be sold to a sick mother fucker less than two weeks ago, knowing damn well what���s going to become of them. I watched a woman, who granted was no saint but she was my mother, get gunned down in front of me. I was thrown into a car and then a plane. I know how I should feel, I should feel thankful that I���m not being beaten, starved, and shoved in a goddamn closet for weeks. But I���m angry…so fucking angry. I���m brought to this hopeful life. One that I may have dreamt about if I ever actually knew it existed. Then the people I felt safe with…violated and compromised and you don���t even know I feel that way. Then to a doctor where all my nightmares are exposed in front of two people who I trust and know love me whatever the fuck that is. And I feel like I must love them but who the hell knows if it’s real. I have no idea when the next car���s going to explode, or someone I care deeply for is going to be abused or killed or taken from me. I want to kick the shit out of someone!���


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