The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 248

by Mj Fields

  Emma moaned loudly and moved her hand down unbuttoning his shorts. She took him in her hands and rubbed him against her, and he groaned.

  ���Em your skin tastes sweet as always, with a mix of the seas saltiness,��� he whispered into her ear as he untied her suit top, ���Delicious.���

  He removed her top, ���I���ve wanted you all day.���

  Emma took his hand and placed it on her butt, ���I want you���I want to try something.���

  Emma put his hand lower with hers covering his.

  ���Em,��� his body quivered.

  ���Just be gentle please,��� Emma moaned as his finger caressed her.

  ���You are sure this is what you want Em?��� his voice was dark.

  She pushed her backside into his hand, ���I���m sure I want to try.���

  Brody lifted her chin with his hand, and she looked up into his fiery eyes, ���You���re sure Em?���

  ���Yes, just like that,��� she arched her back as his pinky finger pushed slowly, gently against unchartered territory.

  He grabbed her back and pulled her into a harsh passion filled kiss and she whined in pain. Brody immediately stopped, ���I���m sorry.���

  ���No, it���s my back, I think I got too much sun.��� Emma looked up apologetically at him.

  He let out a frustrated breath and smiled. ���Turn around let me see.���

  Emma reluctantly released her arms from his body and pouted as she looked up at him.

  He smiled, ���That will take weeks of play Em and lots of lube. Now turn around love.���

  Brody cringed when he saw her back. ���Do we have any aloe?���

  ���No, but there is some in the bathroom, I saw it earlier. Is it bad?��� Emma looked over her shoulder at him.

  ���That ass is magnificent,��� Brody clenched his jaw.

  Emma giggled, ���Thanks, I���m glad you like my ass.���

  ���Mine Em, my ass,��� Brody bent down and nipped it and kissed it softly.

  ���Ok yours, but how is YOUR back,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Kind of resembles a lobster. I���ll fetch some aloe and possibly some lubricant. Fuck Em you are such a goddess.��� Brody looked up at her and clenched his jaw, ���Lie on your front I���ll be right back.���

  ���Hey Music Man,��� Emma yawned, ���You’re pitching a tent.���

  Brody looked at her confused, and she pointed to his erection. ���If you’re going out there you should cover up a bit.���

  Brody smiled and bent down and kissed her swiftly and chuckled, ���Right you are Love.���

  * * *

  Brody walked out of the bathroom with aloe in his hands, and John crept out of the bedroom.

  ���Is Lexington alright?��� Brody asked quietly.

  John smiled, ���She���s asleep, hasn���t woken up once. I do want to tell you those walls are paper thin Brody and I would hate any noise to wake her at this hour.���

  Brody looked into John���s smiling eyes and returned his smile and nodded in agreement. ���Thank you.���

  Brody quietly opened the door to the room Maddox was sleeping in, he was still asleep. ���Goodnight son, I love you,��� Brody whispered and closed the door.

  He knocked lightly on the room the girls were in, the light was still on. Harper opened the door and she asked if everything was alright.

  ���Yes thank you. I was just checking to see if London was asleep,��� Brody smiled.

  Harper opened the door wide and he saw her sleeping peacefully. ���Thank you girls very much. I���m sure this time with you all will be one of the highlights of her summer.���

  ���Mr. Hines, London was singing a song, well part of a song earlier about the sea, it is beautiful. Does this mean you���ll have a new album out soon?��� Ava asked.

  Brody smiled, ���That song is one that my son has been playing with. I can���t take credit for that.���

  Harper smiled and looked down.

  ���Thank you again,��� Brody said and walked out.

  ���Brody,��� Harper followed him out, ���Is he alright?���

  ���Physically, he���s healing very quickly. Emotionally, it���s going to be a long road. He amazes me. He���s a kind, loving, gentle boy. Far from what anyone else would be having lived what he did for nearly sixteen years. He���ll learn, but it must be his choice, we mustn���t force it on him. I believe one hundred percent that Maddox is a wonderful young man,��� Brody said and looked at Harper with a gentle smile.

  ���I���m sorry I was rude,��� Harper said sadly.

  ���Harper I don���t think you were rude, you���re a kind young lady. I know you���re concerned about him. You also have a great heart and head on your shoulders. I���m forever in your debt for the phone call that probably saved his life,��� Brody hugged her. ���Thank you.���

  Ava opened the door and gasped.

  Brody looked at Ava and smiled and then back at Harper, ���Thank you Harper for all you have done.���

  Harper smiled, ���Goodnight Brody.���

  Brody walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind him. He looked at Emma who hadn���t moved. He smiled and sat next to her and squirted aloe on his hands rubbing them together to warm the cold liquid. He bent and kissed the small of her back, and his tongue skimmed gently into and between her Venus dimples and she arched her back ever so slightly. He gently rubbed her shoulders and down her back hoping it would cool the burn on her beautiful skin.

  He rubbed her shoulders and leaned forward and kissed her cheek, ���Love does that feel alright?���

  Emma didn���t respond, he looked around and saw that she was asleep. He closed his eyes and chuckled a deep disappointed chuckle and sat back and covered her. He stood up and ran his hands through his hair and crossed his arms over his chest watching her sleep peacefully.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket alerting him of a text message

  - You free���Collin

  - be right there���B.

  * * *

  Brody walked down the stairs beneath the deck, and the door made a clicking sound and opened.

  ���Hey,��� Brody said as he walked in.

  ���Hi, I���m going to leave the door opened, the cooling system seems to be down, it���s hot as hell in here.��� Collin punched a few buttons and turned to Brody, ���So what do you have?���

  ���I have a file my father insisted I keep safe, it has birth and death certificates linking us to the royal family,��� Brody huffed.

  Collin chuckled, ���You say that like it���s a bad thing.���

  ���If this is what���s causing all of this heartache it���s certainly not good, besides it means nothing to me. However, my uncle������ Brody began.

  ���Bo Hines?��� Collin punched a few keys on the computer and displayed surveillance photos.

  ���Bloody hell Abraham,��� Brody leaned forward for a closer look.

  ���Does this look familiar to you?��� Collin pointed to a lavish building surrounded by pools and out buildings, beautifully landscaped grounds, and a fence that was at least twelve feet high.

  Brody looked at it closer. ���Yes���yes it does. That���s the resort or compound. Where the hell is it?���

  ���The Netherlands, in the hills. Listen, this place is undoubtedly linked to people with big money, and it���s only two years old. It���s fronted as a r
esort and was in dire financial trouble until about a year ago. Brody, I think this is where the missing funds from London���s Child went. We���ve been watching it for two weeks now. There doesn���t appear to be minors or sex slaves here. It���s consensual, the women and men who pay to be here are from prominent families. We haven���t linked your uncle as of yet, but we���re working on it.��� Collin sat back.

  ���Okay, so it���s not illegal,��� Brody was frustrated and sat quietly for a moment. ���Where do the employees come from? The Doms or Subs who serve the clients?���

  Collin took a deep breath, ���My assumption Brody?���

  ���Probably the same as mine. Human trafficking, which���FUCKING PIGS!��� Brody snapped.

  ���You need to stay calm and level headed about this,��� Collin directed, ���If not, this will continue.���

  ���He dragged Bobby out of his field work to tell him about Rebecca, he wants to talk to him about what I think is the paperwork my father left me.��� Brody looked up at Collin, ���He isn���t safe.���

  ���No, where does he work?��� Collin asked grabbing a pen and pad.

  ���I have no fucking idea, some secretive operation for the country,��� Brody was frustrated.

  ���Who knows about this file?��� Collin asked.

  ���Me and Emma that is it. Bobby wants me to meet him when he has leave.��� Brody looked at him, ���Emma won���t like it Collin, fuck I don���t relish the thought of leaving them again.���

  ���In order to keep them all safe, this needs to end,��� Collin looked in his eyes. ���Soldiers leave their families every day to protect our country, this is no different. You���re protecting your family and in my deepest hope, putting an end to this appalling human trafficking.���

  ���I started London���s Child for a reason, and now Maddox, my God Collin; I can���t look away until this has been exposed. I know that fuck has something to do with it, I feel it, my mother despised him, I���m ���When do we start?��� Brody let out a breath and looked at him.

  ���We talk to Emma and Tessa tomorrow, I want the kids to stay at our place back home, it���s far more secure than even here. You and I will do this together,��� Collin stood up. ���Try to get some sleep Brody.���

  ���I���ll try,��� Brody shook his hand. ���I don���t know how I could ever repay your kindness or what it must have cost to attain all this information, but I promise you this, I���ll do whatever I can.���

  ���This topic hits very close to home with me Brody, between you and I, Tessa knows what I lived as a young person. I can understand what your son has lived, and I can also see that he���s a strong young man, and a good person, he���s going to get through it. I don���t need repayment, I need vengeance, and I need to do it as legally as possible so I can help put an end to this,��� Collin fierce look did not fade, ���We do this soon.���.

  * * *

  ���What are you doing out here?��� Harper whispered causing Maddox to jump.

  ���What do you want?��� Maddox rolled his eyes.

  ���Are you spying?��� Harper scowled.

  ���That is absolutely none of your business. If you want to get all up in arms about it that���s pretty damn judgmental coming from you. What are you doing out here? You know what forget it, just leave me alone,��� Maddox sneered and walked quickly towards the beach.

  Harper stormed after him, ���No! What were you doing outside my father���s���office?���

  ���That���s his office?��� Maddox scowled.

  ���Whatever, answer my question.��� Harper put her hands on her hips and looked at him in a demanding fashion.

  ���I won���t repeat this Harper, so listen carefully. I don���t trust you. You betrayed my trust, you turned your back on me when, from the very little I know about friendship, I needed a friend. I���m hurt by this, and I���m getting over it rather quickly. I won���t be yelled at by someone my own age and I won���t second guess any decisions I have had to or will have to make in the future about people who I���ve put in danger. I will be cordial to you because I know we���ll have to deal with one another for some time. It���s truly uncomfortable being here around you and you made it even more so by yelling at me in front of your entire family this evening.��� Maddox looked away.

  ���You don���t just stop being friends with someone Maddox, I was trying to������ Harper began.

  ���Go to your library or Google search attachment disorder sweetheart, and stay the hell away from me,��� Maddox started to walk away.

  ���Please Maddox, please don���t������ Harper began to cry.

  Maddox heard her and turned around and looked at her, ���That isn���t going to work.���

  ���I���m not putting on a show, I missed you! You scared me!��� Harper stormed up to him and pushed him. ���You haven���t messaged me in days,��� she shoved him again.

  Maddox stepped back and placed his hand over his wound were she had hit him, ���You didn���t reply to mine!���

  She shoved him again and then covered her face and cried. Maddox placed his hand over his heart and turned to walk away.

  He looked up and saw Brody, Tessa, Emma, Collin, and Ava standing on the deck, he let out a deep breath and started walking towards the house.

  ���Don���t you walk away from me!��� Harper yelled and threw a rock at his leg.

  Maddox turned around and stormed towards her stopping before he got to her, ���Harper, you have an audience, so just turn it off.���

  Harper stormed after him when he began walking away and shoved him, ���I HATE YOU!���

  Maddox turned around and looked at her with hurt in his eyes. She sobbed and fell to her knees. He hesitated for a moment, and Collin and Brody ran up to them.

  ���Are you okay?��� Brody asked, ���Let me see.���

  Brody lifted his shirt, ���Damn it.���

  ���Dad it���s not a big deal, it doesn���t even hurt,��� Maddox looked at the ground.

  ���Harper Ann, what the hell is going on with you?��� Collin bent down and lifted her up as she continued to cry.

  ���I want to go home Daddy, please,��� Harper cried into his neck.

  ���I would like to go to bed please,��� Maddox said panicked, looking at Brody.

  ���Okay, but someone needs to look at this.��� Brody walked with Maddox behind Collin and Harper.

  Collin sat Harper on the chaise and looked at Tessa confused, and she smiled softly, ���I have her, you go see if Maddox needs anything.���

  ���I want answers Harper,��� he said sternly.

  ���Collin,��� Tessa stomped, ���GO!���

  He looked at Tessa and exhaled deeply and turned following Brody and Maddox into the house.

  ���Let me see,��� Collin said grabbing the first aid kit and started cleaning the blood. ���Okay one of the stitches isn���t healed completely, but it���s just the outer layer. I���m going to put some surgical glue on you and it will be all better, and then I���m going to kick my daughter���s ass.���

  Maddox tensed up when he said that and Collin let out a frustrated breath. ���Not literally Maddox, I won���t hurt her, you and I have been through this before. Although, I���m not sure why after that little show you would mind.���

  Collin smiled up at Maddox who relaxed as he fin
ished up. ���Good news, this will be dry soon and will hold in water. You may be able to swim tomorrow, you like to swim if I remember correctly.���

  ���I don���t wish to cause her anymore angst, I would like to go home,��� Maddox said sadly.

  ���I���m pretty sure she���s the one causing the pain here Maddox,��� Collin said as he set the kit on the shelf and cleaned up the mess he had left on the counter.

  Brody chuckled, and Collin and Maddox looked at him confused, ���You all set Maddox?���

  ���Yes, when can we leave?��� Maddox asked.

  ���We are here for a couple more days������ Brody began.

  ���And then what?��� Maddox snapped.

  ���Then we go home,��� Brody said confused.

  ���Will you be joining us Dad? Or do you have other plans?��� Maddox scowled.

  Brody looked at Collin and shook his head, ���Can we talk about this tomorrow Maddox?���

  Emma walked in and took Maddox���s hand, ���Come on let’s get you back to bed.���

  Maddox didn���t move, he stood and looked at Brody. ���We will talk tomorrow Maddox.���

  Tessa and Harper walked in. ���Harper has something she would like to say to Maddox before he goes to bed.���

  Harper glared at Tessa and then at Maddox, ���I���m sorry.���

  Maddox looked down, ���Thank you.���

  ���Would someone like to tell me what the hell is going on?��� Ava said loudly.

  ���Ava Links,��� Tessa gasped.

  ���What, why are they fighting, why did she hit him? Seriously aren���t you all like the Leave It To Beaver family?��� Ava asked.

  ���We���re not related,��� Harper and Maddox snapped at the same time.

  Tessa laughed, ���Ava and Harper go to bed.���


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