The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 268

by Mj Fields

  ���Yeah, those doors must be kicking her butt,��� Harper smiled as she rolled over to turn off her light.

  Harper tossed and turned and finally got up and went to her closet. She pulled his sweatshirt off the hanger she had placed it on so that no one would wash it. She laid down and smelled it. It still smelled as lovely as he does, thank God.

  Harper grabbed her phone to set her alarm. Her heart raced when she saw she had a message, a message from Maddox.

  - I am awake, sorry. I just got this. Maddox, how are you?...HA

  - I am well. I have not used my phone since we arrived here. I want to know that you are alright���MH

  - Thank God. I thought you were mad at me. Are you mad at me? You know I did not kiss him don���t you? ���HA

  - I am not mad at you Harper. ..MH

  - Good I was serious when I told you I loved you���HA

  Harper waited for his response it was taking longer than she thought. She re-read the texts and felt sick to her stomach. She should not have said it, not this soon. God what was I thinking?

  - Harper I don���t know how to respond to that. I know when I was with you before being drugged, I felt strongly for you. I am uncomfortable saying the words. I do not ever wish to hurt you, ever���MH

  Harper re-read the texts. What was I thinking, what do I say, why does this hurt so badly?

  - Okay, not a big deal. I am glad you���re being honest. So how is England….HA

  Maddox looked at the text and felt bad. But as she said it was not a big deal. If not, then why do I feel so bad?

  - Are you pressing charges? I think you should, he had very bad intentions. I don���t want to see you get hurt Harper���MH

  Too late she thought as she typed.

  - My parents and I are going to talk tomorrow. They said that you were moving to England for a long time. How do you feel about that?...HA

  - Harper, you have to press charges���MH

  - I want to see what kind of deal they offer. Maddox you may be able to come back��� Isn’t that what you want���HA

  It���s what I want Harper thought, as she pushed send.

  Maddox read her text and started to get angry.

  - I want to know that he cannot hurt you ever again���MH

  - He was trying to kiss me, Maddox. BECAUSE I TURNED AWAY WHEN HE TRIED BEFORE���HA

  Because I want no one else kissing me but you, Harper wanted to cry.

  - England is great. I am excited to be here, I hope that everyone decides after our family trial period is over that this is where they will want to stay as well���MH

  There Harper���take me out of the equation. Maddox pressed send.

  - We are spending the summer as we usually do. This year it���s South America, remember when you went there? And then the Cape for the last two weeks before college begins���HA

  Please remember, Harper pushed send.

  - Yes South America was beautiful. I, however, preferred the Cape. A much more realistic vacation atmosphere. I jammed with my Dad���s band all afternoon. The man who has filled in for him for the past year or so asked that I join him, and he and Dad think we could open for him in London at 02 to kick off the European tour. If we do well, we can open at every event. I played guitar and sang in public with my father and a small band earlier this evening. I also met a new friend who is a drummer. Very cool���.MH

  Okay, see Harper? I am not coming back, press charges. Maddox sent the message.

  Harper read it over and over again. He was trying to tell her he did not have feelings for her. That South America was a joke, and he had met a new ���friend���.

  - Very exciting things for you, I hope the music and your new friend make you happy. I want nothing less for you���HA

  - Harper do you realize when you sign off it says HA, like it���s a joke? I never realized that. It���s kind of funny isn’t it?���MH

  He knew that would make her smile, sent.

  - Yes it���s funny. I never realized it before, Good catch���ha

  Ouch, Ouch, Ouch. Now I am a joke? ���HA��� she snapped.

  - I am a bit tired I had a glass of wine with dinner. A first for me— apparently it isn���t frowned upon here in England. I think it will help me sleep. I hope you sleep well, HA. Please let me know that you have pressed charges tomorrow���MA

  - Anything in excess is not good for you, one glass right? Please take care of yourself. I have a very busy day tomorrow, and a speech to write for graduation if I don���t have time to call, I am sure Emma will tell Tessa���HA

  - Alright take care of yourself in the meantime. Chat with you soon���MH

  Harper re-read all the messages. How could she have allowed herself to believe this was anything? For a year, she thought about him. In her head, she had allowed herself to dream about what it would be like to kiss him and hold him again. The fact that the reality far surpassed her dreams, made this even harder. She had allowed herself to dream of him; and her spending time at the Cape, of school breaks meeting him somewhere and taking walks and talking, maybe even attending the same college where she could see him every day. For God���s sake, she even allowed herself to imagine marrying him. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!!! She screamed in her head.

  Harper turned off her light and finally after an hour of self-loathing, she fell asleep.

  Harper sat at her desk going over her speech for her graduation ceremony. She read the inspiring speech over and over. The one her mother had shed tears over while she read it, her father beamed with pride, and her advisor at school told her it was the most beautiful speech she had ever heard.

  She reflected on the past two weeks of school; how all the guys except Jackson and Liam snickered at her when she passed them in the halls along with some of the girls, no doubt the ones who had dated or whose future plans included dating Carter, gave her dirty looks while she passed them in the halls. Girls she thought were her friends. The class that voted her onto homecoming court even though she thought it lame. Oh yes, and then there was the fact that she hadn���t heard a peep from Maddox. No text the next day saying, ���Yes Harper I do love you.��� Not even an ���I love my friend.���

  She sat back and crumpled it up and threw it in the trash. Yes, it was more for effect, the stupid thing was saved on her computer, and no doubt a copy was already framed and ready to be hung next to Matthew and CJ���s in the family room.

  Ha, she thought and then ha was not funny it was a joke just like the past freaking year of her life. HA! Harper Ann Abraham, so HAA— the joke was she could even be laughed at longer with a long a sound. Haa and if she had married Maddox it could be HAAH or just HAH, Harper laughed at how ridiculous she was Ha! Hell yes, I can laugh at myself, ha ha ha, just like that. Harper was in her room laughing hysterically at herself, and she grabbed a pen and paper and began to write.

  Harper stood at the podium overlooking the two hundred people sitting in the bleachers to watch the people they loved graduate. Her brothers were home, Grandpa John and Grandma Maggie sat in the front row of the bleachers next to her parents, aunts, and uncles. She smiled politely, and Matthew winked at her, and she laughed. Her laugh boomed into the microphone, and all she could think was HA.

  ���My fellow students, educators, family and friends,��� Harper began to giggle, and Liam sat in the chair next to her and laughed, ���Ha,��� he said to him and he laughed uncomfortably, she smiled and took a deep breath. Crumpled up her paper and looked at the crowd.

  ���I am not a spontaneous person, so I am going to start trying to be more so, today,��� she looked at Tessa who smiled at her, ���We sit here today celebrating four years of hard work to achieve the ultimate goal; receiving our diploma. Check it out, there is a basket full of them a
ll rolled up with pretty blue ribbons and topped with a bow. We did not get here alone��� we did it with help from our families who love us, through educators – some who love us, and some who are probably going to throw their own party when they are sure they do not have to look at us again, ever, and I can say I truly appreciate what they have all done for me. Leading me to the finish line to capture the ultimate prize; a rolled up piece of paper with a ribbon.

  Harper looked at her grandfather and he was smirking, she watched her mother kick him, and she laughed.

  ���I really want to take the time to thank my fellow students for all they have taught me as well. All the lessons received, you know all the things that we are not graded on. From you I have learned so many things,��� Harper giggled and stared for a few moments at the crumpled paper before her, ���That was a really bad decision.���

  Liam stood up and grabbed her hand and whispered in her ear, ���You don���t have to do this, Harper.���

  ���Thanks, but I do,��� Harper did not let go of his hand, he stood next to her, and she took a deep breath, ���I had some really important things I was going to teach you all today, but I suppose that we have all learned enough or we would not be here in these glossy gowns, and mortarboard caps with these silly little tassels. So why not talk about what we do have to celebrate; tomorrow. Tomorrow, the order in which we sit here becomes our yesterday. Those of us who are not happy about it can begin our walk to change it. Tomorrow we don���t walk into a building we so desperately wanted to leave. Instead we walk towards a dream of everything we knew life could be���without the voices of others obscuring the voice within ourselves. Let no one hold you back from your dreams. The saying, if you love someone set them free comes to mind. Reality is we are far too young to hold ourselves to the idea of one life, one love forever before we even know truly who we are. If they love you they want you to be happy as well. Oh, and seriously being pissed off at someone who your boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on you with, is lame. Move on get over it, don���t let it consume you and for God���s sake, stop talking crap about them, you are so not perfect. Okay, now I remember my badass speech. We have all screwed up, all of us. We are kids we are supposed to screw up. Just because, you didn���t ace your SAT���s doesn���t mean your dream of Harvard is unattainable. Work hard and don���t stop ���til you get there. Just because you didn���t get the lead in the play doesn���t mean you won’t have a star on Hollywood Boulevard. Just because someone called you a ho because you loved on their boyfriend doesn���t make you a ho, same goes for the guys out there, figure you out. Walk out of here today smiling knowing that less than half of the people you had to impress or outdo will never cross your path again. If it hurts or makes you angry, LET. IT. GO. Tomorrow we become accountable to ourselves, tomorrow we become accountable for our future. Tomorrow we get to choose. I���ll finish with a quote from one of my favorite people ever, Ellen DeGeneres, ���Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else���s path unless you���re in the woods, and you���re lost, and you see a path then by all means you should follow that.��� Harper looked at Liam and smiled, ���That���s all I have, thank you and congratulations everyone.���

  CJ and Matthew stood up and clapped and whistled loudly, Harper smiled and covered her eyes. She heard a loud unfamiliar noise.

  Harper laughed out loud when she saw her grandfather and brothers ringing cowbells. Tessa stood and whistled loudly and grabbed a cowbell and joined them. The crowd joined in, and Harper hugged Liam and sat down.

  ���Alright, quiet down now,��� Liam stood at the podium and laughed, ���I don���t know how I am supposed to follow that badass speech, but I���ll try.���

  Liam, Jackson and Harper were holding their graduation party together. Harper walked out of the house towards the tents set up for the celebration. Jackson grabbed Harper and dragged her behind him to the tent.

  ���Ready to have some fun?��� Jackson smiled over his shoulder.

  ���I am ready to hide in shame, Jackson.��� Harper slowed down.

  ���Get over it girl. Like you said; Let. It. Go,��� Jackson laughed, ���Check it out Luke Lane is home and Matthew brought a friend. I don���t think either of them saw you at the graduation ceremony.���

  Harper smacked Jackson���s arm and stomped away, laughing.

  ���Hey Harper,��� Jackson smiled, ���Don���t you tell Liam, but your speech was���badass.���

  Harper rolled her eyes and blushed, ���Thanks.���

  ���No B S. I really liked it,��� Jackson hugged her.

  Tessa smiled as she saw her walking towards the tent, ���Give me a minute?���

  ���Yeah,��� Harper was looking around the crowd.

  ���London is not here, they left this morning for England,��� Tessa squeezed her hand.

  ���Without saying goodbye?��� Harper was angry.

  ���We can visit������

  ���NO!��� Harper was shocked and covered her mouth.

  ���Harper it will be okay,��� Tessa wrapped her arm around her shoulder, ���I have to tell you I was shocked by the speech today. But heed your own advice, Harper. Follow your dreams.���

  ���Yeah, I���ll be fine. Not a big deal.���

  ���We are going to South America, one of the communities already set up so far less work,��� Tessa smiled at Harper.

  ���I would probably prefer more work,��� Harper smiled.

  ���And then the Cape,��� Tessa tried to make her smile, ���With the whole family.���

  ���Cut short by two weeks, and then off to College,��� Harper smiled and held two thumbs up and rolled her eyes.

  Matthew walked up behind her and poked her in the sides causing her to jump and laugh. She turned around and was about to punch him in the arm.

  ���You better not, I brought company home. I have to be on my best behavior,��� Matthew stepped back.

  ���That doesn���t mean I have to be,��� Harper lunged at him, and he stepped aside, and she fell into the arms of a stranger, ���Oops, sorry.���

  ���Harper, this is my roommate, Blake. Blake, this is Harper,��� Matthew watched as Harper stood up and stepped back.

  Blake smiled, ���You okay?���

  Harper nodded her head yes, ���Thank you.���

  ���No problem, that was a great speech,��� his smile broadened, and she noticed the dimple.

  Devil dimple, stupid devil dimple.

  ���Harper, the one person who thought your speech was great, and you can’t even say thank you?��� Matthew joked.

  ���Thanks,��� she rolled her eyes and laughed, ���See you around.���

  Harper ran towards Jackson and Liam.

  ���Who’s the new guy?��� Liam laughed.

  ���Blake, Matthew���s roommate from college,��� Harper pulled her sunglasses over her eyes.

  ���Fresh meat?���

  ���Eww gross!���

  ���Sorry —but I noticed you checking him out.���

  ���Whatever, Liam.���

  They walked into the tent and grabbed a plate of food and sat at a table with Jackson, Luke Lane and a few other cousins.

  Harper noticed Matthew and Blake at the buffet.

  ���Whatcha looking at?��� Liam whispered.

  Harper looked at him and made a nasty face.

  ���Yeah, eww gross, huh?���

  ���Liam, knock it off,��� Harper laughed.

  Blake was
handsome, he had short black hair and light brown eyes. His smile was gentle as were the rest of his features. His button up shirt looked pressed and expensive. He wore shorts and tennis shoes. He carried himself very well and smiled at everyone. He was charming, and everyone he stopped and said hello to seemed very much at ease.

  ���Here he comes,��� Liam goaded.

  ���I swear Liam, I am going to pop you in the nose,��� Harper growled at him, and he laughed.

  ���How is the chicken, Harper?��� Matthew sat next to her.

  ���Well its feather free, organic, hot but not too hot, and marinated for the perfect amount of time allowing the sauce to flavor the meat perfectly,��� Harper smiled and took a bite and chewed obnoxiously.

  ���Cornell sauce,��� Matthew winked.

  ���Yes, indeed,��� Harper rolled her eyes.

  ���Harper, will you be attending Cornell?��� Blake asked.

  ���Yep, Liam and I both are.��� Harper answered without looking at him.

  ���Ivy League, very nice.���

  ���What? After that speech you doubted it?��� Matthew laughed.

  ���It was a great speech,��� Blake elbowed Matthew.

  ���A badass speech,��� CJ sat on the other side of the table and winked at Harper.

  ���Yes, she had a badass prom as well. Which I want details, Harper,��� CJ raised his eyebrow and sat back.

  ���God, you act just like dad,��� Harper scowled at him.

  ���She had a great prom. I caught her sucking face with Maddox outside and������ Harper smacked him in the back of the head, ���I had to drag her inside.���

  ���YOU KISSED A BOY?��� CJ yelled loudly.

  Harper covered her face and slumped down in her chair, ���Shut up!���

  ���And she liked it,��� Liam laughed, ���Maddox Hines then proceeded to shatter her ex-prom date���s nose after kicking in������


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