The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 287

by Mj Fields

  ���Then the world is perfect,��� Harper snatched the bag from his hand, and they both laughed.

  ���Alright, I will be gone for three days. I���ll return in time to pick you up and head down to Hallenstadion. You���re good?���

  ���I am great,��� Harper took a big bite of the nut cake.

  ���Alright then see you later?���

  ���Call me when you land?��� Harper talked with her mouth full.

  ���Now how could I say no to you?���

  Blake and Harper walked into the stadium separately. He talked to a few people she had met at the office before making her way towards the VIP tents. She was grateful it was not as cold as had been predicted, it was actually unseasonably warm for this time of year— it was almost sixty degrees. She wore her W.H.O sweatshirt, hat, and mittens. They finished unpacking the VIP gift bags ten minutes before the gates opened. And Blake finally made it to the heated tent to make sure everything was correct. ���Looks good everyone, excellent job. Please be sure you give the artists the correct bags, they are gold, and the VIP���s get what color?���

  ���Red,��� they all answered.

  ���Great job team. One last thing, have fun today. I am officially off the clock and here to volunteer my time just like everyone else.���

  ���Sure he is,��� Harper heard someone behind her snicker.

  ���Holy shit— boss man has jeans on, check out that ass, who would have thought,��� Harper looked behind her and laughed.

  The event was to last four hours from the first act to the last. Harper did not even know who was playing she only knew Brody and Maddox were not. Each person had been assigned shifts; hers was first she would work for two hours, and then she was free to do whatever she wanted. Coincidentally Blake was assigned those hours as well since he made the schedule.

  When MASS was introduced Harper felt her heart beat stronger. She didn���t even realize where she was or what she was doing when she wound up in the front row of the VIP section standing there looking up at the blonde from the photos. They did two songs, the same as each band had.

  ���We have one more song that we would like to play for you all tonight with our special guest. Come on out Maddox Hines!���

  The crowd went wild and Harper felt her eyes burning. He walked out on stage, and the blonde pointed towards Harper. Tears fell down her cheek, and he stood in front of the microphone, ���Don���t you cry, Sweetness.��� She wiped her face quickly and looked around. She wasn���t sure if he was talking to her and she looked back up, ���Yeah you---- there���s no one else.���

  Harper saw Blake walking towards her, and she looked at him and wiped her face, ���Get me out of here.���

  ���Okay, you���ll be alright,��� Blake took her hand, and they tried to make their way out of the crowd. More people had moved in when they heard Maddox���s name and no one was moving.

  Blake whispered ���Sorry,��� and hugged her as she cried into his chest. He glared up at Maddox and Maddox closed his eyes and sang the chorus.

  I need you to, tell me that you hate me,

  I need you tell me that, so I can’t, walk away and leave you lonely and crying.

  I need you to, tell me that you hate me

  So I can know inside, this is for real, and not just my twisted heart that’s lying.

  I need you to, Tell me that you Hate me

  The words they mean so much, from you, it says your love once was true,

  I need you to, Tell me that you hate me

  I can love you Sweetness, even harder, I���ll never leave you sad and blue

  I need you to, tell me that you hate me,

  And this crazy messed up heart is yours eternal, this burning soul will leave you never

  I need you to, Tell me that you hate me

  So I can move on from right now and walk hand in hand with you into forever.

  Harper was crying so hard she did not hear the rest of the words. The song ended and Maddox watched Blake and Harper walking out of the VIP area. He smiled and walked off stage scrambling past everyone to find her before he lost her.

  He saw them walking out of the side gate, ���Harper, wait!���

  Blake stopped, and Harper continued to walk. Maddox started to walk past Blake, and he stopped him, ���She doesn���t want to see you.���

  ���Oh man— you really don���t want to stand in my way right now,��� Maddox laughed irritably.

  Blake started to talk, and Maddox moved left and then quickly right. Blake grabbed his shirt and tried holding him back. ���Hey Harper, your buddy here has his hands on me, and I really don���t want to break his face!��� Maddox yelled behind her.

  She stopped and turned around and stormed at Maddox. She pushed him, ���Why are you here?��� she pushed him again, ���Haven���t you done enough?���

  He stood there and let her beat on him.

  ���Harper, come on let���s get you home,��� Blake stood in front of her.

  ���NO! What did I ever do to you, Maddox?��� Harper was sobbing, ���Why do you keep doing this to me?��� she pushed him again.

  ���Harper, we need to get you out of here, people we work with are going to see you,��� Blake said softly.

  ���I don���t fucking care! Hate is not a strong enough word, Maddox,��� Harper pushed him again, ���I loathe you, you disgust me! Go get your fucking blow jobs by the whores you said I was worse than ���I DETEST YOU!��� Harper turned and walked into the parking lot she looked back at Maddox, ���Why? Why!���

  She took a step to cross the driveway and a car struck her.

  She lay on the ground completely still. Maddox and Blake both ran to her side.

  ���Harper?��� Blake grabbed her.

  Maddox saw blood on the side of her face, and her elbow was going in the wrong direction, ���Easy Blake,��� Maddox took his shirt of and cleaned the side of her head, ���Your arm hurt, Sweetness?���

  ���Screw you,��� Harper tried to sit up and her lip quivered.

  ���Lay down and relax for a few minutes,��� Maddox started.

  ���I���m a doctor Hines, I got this!���

  ���How about you call an ambulance,��� Maddox tried not to contain his disdain for Blake.

  ���I will������

  ���Listen up Doc— her arm is pretty messed up, and she has a head injury, call an ambulance!���

  ���There are several here already������

  ���Then go fucking get one!���

  Harper tried sitting again, ���I would not suggest that,��� Maddox pushed her hair away from her cut and smiled, ���This is not how I expected our reunion to go, Sweetness.���

  ���Shut up Maddox, just shut up,��� Harper tried to hit him and yelled out in pain.

  ���You can’t hit me right now, but I promise you can beat the shit out of me when your boo- boo is all better,��� Maddox tried to kiss her head.

  ���Leave me alone,��� Harper started to cry, ���Just leave me alone!���

  ���Not going to happen, I am nothing if not persistent, just like you said all those years…���

  ���I was a kid Maddox. I am a woman now, and I don���t want you���Oh God!���

  ���What is it?���

  Her left arm covered her stomach, and she cringed.

  ���Your stomach? Are you bleeding?��� Maddox grabbed the hem of her sweatshirt, and she held it tight, ���I have to look Harper, come on I promise I won���t…���

  Blake ran towards her, ���They will be here any second okay?���

  ���Harper?��� Maddox was confused and looked back down.

  ���Sorry, just forget it okay?���

  ���I won���t. How long have you known?���

  Blake looked down and then looked at Harper, ���It���s none of your concern.���

  ���Like hell it���s not!���

  ���It���s mine!���

  ���Nice try douchebag! Go flag down that ambulance!���

  ���How about you go ������

  ���Hey Sweetness, lots of things have changed in the past few weeks, one thing has not. I have a slightly bad temper. This is not about him, and he needs to walk,��� Maddox looked at Blake, ���Did you catch that? She needs a fucking ambulance!���

  Harper���s eyes become heavy and then it was dark.

  Harper woke in the ambulance to an awful smell. She opened her eyes, and Maddox was sitting behind her stroking and kissing her head. ���Where���s Blake?

  ���I���m right here,��� Blake was in the front of the ambulance sitting next to the driver, and he was clearly annoyed.

  ���I called your parents, they are������

  ���You what?���

  ���He said they didn���t know about our child,��� Maddox tried not to smile, ���I didn���t tell them anything other than which hospital we would be at and that you would be fine.���

  ���And then I gave your father a medical assessment of your situation. Which as a doctor he needed,��� Blake glared at Maddox.

  ���And then I sang said assessment to your mother. As a mother that���s what she needed,��� Maddox winked at Harper and then looked at the paramedic, ���Is there some sort of curtain we can close, the noise from up front is slightly annoying,��� He smiled and looked at Harper, ���You are going to be just fine, I���ll make sure of it.���

  ���What are you going to do sing her well?���

  ���Oh Blake, you and I are going to������

  ���Stop, both of you please stop,��� Harper began to cry.

  Maddox closed his eyes, ���You know what your tears do to me?���

  Harper tried to lift her arm to wipe her face and cried out on pain.

  ���I got them,��� Maddox kissed her cheek.

  ���Enough,��� Harper snapped, ���You don���t get to just show up and act like everything is fine, Maddox!���

  ���I never said everything is fine Harper, but you don���t need to worry about it. You worry about healing. I���ll worry about how I am going to spend forever making it up to you.���

  ���Stop talking like that!���

  ���Okay Sweetness. I���m sorry,��� Maddox looked into her eyes and took her right hand he held it to his chest and then kissed her fingers. She pulled her hand away and closed her eyes.

  When they arrived at the hospital the paramedics wheeled Harper into an exam room. A nurse put her hands up stopping them both, ���One at a time.���

  ���I���m a doctor,��� Blake smirked.

  Maddox glared at him, ���I agree that you have medical knowledge pal so I���ll concede. But when you get answers I go in.���

  ���She doesn���t want you in there.���

  ���You going to stand here and argue with me or go see how MY girl is doing?��� Maddox pointed to the exam room.

  Maddox stood against the wall with his hands shoved in his pockets and his head hanging down. Harper was pregnant and he did not care what the douchebag said, he knew it was his. She loved him, and he loved her. Everything would be fine. He didn���t understand why she had not told her parents. He wanted to tell his, and London, she would be so happy. He smiled and tilted his head back against the wall, and they wheeled her out he looked at her and she scowled at him. Blake started to walk by him, and he stuck his hand out stopping him, ���What���s up Doc?���

  ���Get your hand off of me,��� Maddox took his hand away, ���They are going to do some x-ray���s.���

  ���Is that safe?��� Maddox gasped.

  ���It has to be done. They will put an apron on her. It is fine,��� Blake walked away.

  Maddox took out his phone and sent a text to Ally, T, and Zach telling them what had happened and that he did not know when he would return. He called Brody and he answered as the pushed the stretcher by. Harper scowled at him again and he looked away.

  All the happy feelings were fading quickly. He had played the scenario in his head for a week of how this day would go. Nothing was going as planned. His nerves were getting the best of him. ���You can go in, they gave her something to relax her and������

  Maddox did not wait to hear what Blake had to say he walked quickly past him and into the exam room. Harper looked up at him and then back to the nurse, ���The Orthopedic Surgeon will be in to set your arm after he reviews the x-rays and radiologists reports. It looks like there will be no need for surgery which is great news for you and this little one. Keep the ice on it. Swelling will make it harder to set. Shall we take a peek?���

  Harper���s heavy eyes closed briefly, and she smiled and opened them again, ���Yes please, I haven���t done this yet. Maddox you should go.���

  ���Should I Harper, or should I be here by your side when we see our child for the first time.���

  ���It is my child,��� Harper rubbed her belly.

  ���May I please stay?���

  Harper looked at the nurse, ���Go ahead.���

  Maddox tried to keep his emotions in check when they pulled the wand out and applied the lubricant. Harper looked up at him and giggled. He closed his eyes and held her hand. ���Okay here we go,��� the nurse turned the screen so that they could see it better; she pointed out the heart and each part of the growing baby.

  Maddox pointed to the screen, ���It���s a boy?���

  ���No, that���s the leg,��� the nurse laughed and so did Harper.

  ���If it���s a boy there will not be much difference,��� Maddox whispered in Harper���s ear. ���When will we be able to tell the sex?���

  ���Harper do you want to know?���

  ���Do you, Maddox?��� her speech was slow.

  ���Of course,��� Maddox smiled and rubbed her hand.

  ���No, I don���t want to,��� Harper giggled, and the nurse laughed.

  ���Sorry, Momma rules,��� the nurse smiled.

  ���Whatever she wants,��� Maddox rubbed his thumb across her knuckles.

  ���How about you write it down and put it in an envelope,��� Harper smiled as she looked at the screen. ���When my mind is clear I will make that decision.���

  ���Of course,��� the nurse smiled and winked at Maddox.

  When she left the room Harper looked at Maddox who held a copy of the sonogram picture, and she could not tell what he was thinking. He felt her watching him and looked at her. ���Sorry.���

  ���Rest, you need to heal.���

  ���They are going to be in soon,��� Harpers lip quivered.

  ���Are you afraid?���


  ���Of the pain?���

  ���Of all of it, Maddox.���

  ���I promise you������

  ���Don���t, please just don���t.���

very angry at me, I understand, but������

  ���Stop, just stop!���

  ���Okay. I am not here to upset you, Harper; I did not expect all of this. But I am here now, and I���m not going anywhere. Tell me what you need from me right now. Whatever you need me to do I���ll do it.���

  ���Just stop talking.���

  Maddox sat still holding her hand as she fell asleep.

  The doctor came into the room and smiled, ���Maddox Hines.���

  ���Yes. This is Harper, she just fell asleep, and she is very tired. She���s pregnant and in pain. Whatever you need to do please do it as quickly and painlessly as possible.���

  ���I���ll certainly try.���

  The doctor looked over his paperwork and then looked at her arm. She was still asleep when he lifted it. She moved slightly and pulled the hand Maddox held against her face. ���Should I wake her?���

  ���I���m not sure.���

  ���Could she sleep through this?���

  ���Probably not, we need to raise the back of the bed,��� he raised the bed using the remote and Harper opened her eyes and looked at Maddox.

  ���The doctor is going to fix your arm,��� Maddox leaned over and held her back, helping her to sit.

  ���Okay,��� she rested her head against his chest, ���Maddox why don���t you have a shirt on?���

  ���I used it to clean up the blood from your head.���

  ���Oh. It doesn���t hurt.���

  ���I���m glad.���

  ���Harper, I am Doctor Ryan. This may hurt a bit but as soon as it’s back in place we will take another picture, and hopefully you can get out of here.���

  Harper was asleep on Maddox���s chest for over an hour. He didn���t move, he barley even breathed. She opened her eyes and sat up.

  ���Do you feel any better?��� Maddox stroked her back.

  ���Yes, where is Blake?���

  ���We can leave soon. I���ll take you back to Geneva. Emma is on her way now���.���


  ���Your mother called her and asked that she stay with you until they can get here.���


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