Shift - 02

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Shift - 02 Page 11

by M. R. Merrick

  Riley struggled to his feet, eyes scanning the shadows. I tried to slow my footing to a silent crawl, but I realized I wasn’t walking on the street. I moved on the shadows above the ground, hovering on the air.

  As I neared Riley, I swung my fist forward. My hand hit the side of his cheek and a loud crack echoed between us. Smoky tendrils broke free of his wings in the form of claws and swung around him, but shadows and air pushed me back.

  As the branches of power missed me, they crashed into the ground. The pavement cracked and chunks of the road shot into the sky, trickling down around us. The stems wavered, transforming from long, smoky claws, to blades that cut through the darkness, desperate to find their opponent.

  I walked on the shadows, calling my flame as I neared Riley. The fire stayed masked in the darkness and I let my flaming fist smash into him again. Black wisps moved to protect him, and the tendrils snapped towards me, but shadows moved with physical force and blocked their attack.

  Riley’s wings unfurled and his head peeked out. I swung my fist towards him again, but he predicted my attack and caught my hand. His huge grasp covered my fist, crushing my bones with something more than a hunter’s strength. The pain broke my focus and the shadows around me paled. Riley came to his feet and reached for the ring. His scarred fingers pulled my finger back and tried to tear the ring from my hand, but it wouldn’t budge. A blast of white magic exploded and he pulled his hand back. Riley growled in frustration and black wings took the shape of a hammer. The black weapon hit me and I soared through the air, rolling across the pavement.

  I came to my feet as quickly as I could, and found it hard to breathe. With each breath, a piercing pain shot through my chest. Riley stood across from me, black eyes locked with mine, and the look on his face was one of pure anger. Black wings opened and with a single leap, they shot him into the sky, pushing the air beneath him.

  “Give me the ring!” His demonic voice flared through the street, echoing off the abandoned buildings.


  His wings beat into the air, keeping him high above me. He screamed in anger and a dark growl shot from his mouth. “This isn’t over!”

  The wings folded and arched behind him, his body diving toward the ground. Just as he was about to hit the street, the road blurred, reality tore, and the ground opened, his body disappearing as the portal swallowed him.

  The world around me shook and all its clarity vanished. The shadows peeled away and the flames faded, leaving not a mark on my body. The streetlamps and moon came back to life, and I was left alone, standing in the abandoned street. Everything around me shifted, merging together in a hazy portrait. The street vanished, the lights faded, and consciousness sucked me from the false reality.

  Chapter 10

  Beads of sweat ran down my face. The sheets were wet and cold against my skin. My pulse raced through my body and when the bedroom door opened, I panicked. I moved to grab the dagger from under my pillow, but I regretted the move as pain shot through my body.

  “You know, I thought if I slept on it, I’d feel better, but I still can’t believe…” Rayna stopped and covered her mouth. “What the hell happened?”

  I followed her gaze to find myself, and the bed, covered in blood. The cuts on my torso were closed, but the flesh around them was raw and sore. Blood had run down my sides and soaked the bedding.

  “I…I don’t know, it was just a dream,” I said. My voice sounded distant, even to me.

  Rayna walked towards me and placed a hand on my shoulder, lowering herself to examine the wounds.

  “I don’t know what happened,” I said. “It was Riley….”

  “He’s getting inside your head. I don’t know how, but I can feel it. I can feel the magic around you.” She shuddered. “What does he want?”

  “The ring.”

  “The ring? Why?”

  “Why does the Circle want it? It seems to me, that's our only lead to getting answers about any of this.”

  “He’s getting stronger. It’s like whatever power he invoked is growing. And so are you.”

  I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. “You’re right. Something is going on with me. I just don’t know what it is yet.”

  “You don’t have to keep it all to yourself. You can trust me.”

  My body felt foreign to me, like it wasn’t mine anymore. There was something else inside and I couldn’t control it. But Rayna was right. I could trust her, and she of all people would understand. There was a giant cat that kept trying to tear itself out of her body. The problem was, I didn’t know what was going on with me.

  “I don’t want you to think I don’t care, because I do. It just seems like anytime my life gets on level ground, everything shifts and I’m stuck climbing back up the same hill.”

  “Maybe we should just call Marcus,” Rayna said.

  “No. Marcus is dealing with his own problems right now. I need to handle this on my own.”

  “You’re not doing anything on your own. Remember what happened the last time we handled things?”

  “I’m not saying let’s go on a crusade. I’m saying let’s figure it out as best we can. When Marcus gets back, we’ll go from there.”

  “Maybe we could try Elyas?”

  “We already went back to the tree. There's nothing there,” I snapped.

  Rayna lowered her gaze. I hadn’t meant to sound harsh, but the backlash of the dream was running through my veins. I tried to think of another option, but I couldn’t.

  “You’re right. Let’s go to the tree. It's worth a try,” I said.

  Rayna smiled and her eyes held a look I remembered all too well. One I wished I could find again: hope.


  The trees and brush of the south forest thickened the deeper we went in. Long branches threatened to mar our skin, while roots and decrepit trees tried to tangle our feet. I came prepared, wearing a long-sleeved shirt and pants, but it didn’t keep the wooden limbs from scratching against my face and neck.

  “I wish Tiki would’ve come. I think he’d enjoy this place,” Rayna said.

  “I didn't hear him come in last night, and after five minutes of shaking him, I gave up trying to wake him.”

  “Last night?” Rayna laughed. “I’m pretty sure he didn't come home until this morning.”

  The scratches on my face started to burn as we stepped into the clearing, and I was relieved to be free of the forest’s grasp.

  The sun was high in the sky, but the natural blue light that hung in the air was still there, floating around the largest tree I’d ever seen. It stood in the center of the field and the rest of the forest grew up around it. Multicolored flowers covered the tree and stood in full blossom. Soft, thick green leaves covered the branches, rejecting autumn’s grasp. The other trees, however, had been clutched by fall, shaking every leaf from their branches. The open area was littered with crisp browns, reds, oranges, and yellows.

  “I can feel it–the magic’s still here,” Rayna said.

  We both moved to the tree and placed one hand against the bark, interlocking our free hands with one another. Rayna channeled her element through my hand and into the tree. Her breeze of energy made me smile, but the magic of the tree didn’t ignite like it had before.

  Rayna sighed, closed her eyes, and tried again. This time her Earth magic engulfed us. A breeze broke through the forest and into the clearing, lifting the dead leaves and blowing them into the air. Encircling us was a multitude of colorful, crisp, dead life.

  The trees around us swayed and their roots stretched deep into the wet earth, but no other magic came.

  “It’s not working,” Rayna said.

  I pointed to the ring. “It’s because she’s in here. This is the soul piece.”

  Rayna took my hand in hers and stared into the ring. The silver band wrapped around my scarred finger and the unmarked red gem that was embedded inside.

  Her magic throbbed under my skin as she channeled her power into t
he ring. Power encircled it, and spurts of her magic shot out of the gem and vanished up my arm. Goose bumps rolled through me. A power exploded and a bright light flashed between us until an invisible force blew us apart. We both tumbled to the ground in a shockwave of power.

  I brought my hand up to inspect the ring, but it sat on my finger untouched. The band gleamed with an unblemished shine, and the red gem looked unscathed by whatever had happened.

  “Sorry,” Rayna said, wincing as she sat up.

  “Don’t be.” I extended a hand and pulled her to her feet. “It was worth a shot.”

  A chill shuddered down my neck and the sound of feet shuffling caught my attention. Demons.

  A man and a woman stepped out of the forest, leaves crunching beneath their feet. The man was tall and slender, with tanned skin. The sunshine reflected off his shaved head, and mud and pieces of dead leaves stuck to his clothes. He looked calm and comfortable, despite the white scratches the branches had left behind.

  The woman was short, with chocolate brown hair in a pixie cut. A tank top and blue jeans covered her slender build, and she carried herself with poise and confidence. Her hazel eyes were large, round, and serious, but there was something about them–something familiar.

  When they walked towards us, the sensation moved through my body again. I reached for both daggers and the man froze. He put his hands up as if to calm me, and stepped back.

  “We are only here to speak with Rayna. We mean you no harm,” he said, his voice warm and gentle.

  “Who are you?” Rayna asked.

  “I’m Garrett Bronson, proud member of the Hollowlight Pride, and this is Karissa Johnson.”

  Garrett spoke directly to Rayna and Karissa's eyes were locked on mine. Her gaze had a focus that narrowed in on me, but playfulness pulled at the edges.

  “What do you want with me?” Rayna asked.

  “We’ve been asked here by Charlie Tanamay, leader of the Hollowlight pride. He would like to request a meeting with you.”

  “Who is Charlie and why didn’t he come himself?” I asked.

  Karissa stepped forward, looked at Rayna, and spoke in a soft voice. “He didn’t want to impose. He hopes by giving you a respectful and formal request, you’ll be more willing to hear him out.”

  “Willing to hear what?”

  “He wishes to help with your current…situation,” Karissa said.

  “I assure you his intentions, however cryptic, are honorable. He only wants to help,” Garrett said.

  “Well, you can tell your leader I’m not interested,” Rayna said.

  Garrett looked disappointed, but nodded kindly. “Of course. Sorry to intrude.”

  “We can help her.” Karissa stared at me, her voice pleading yet confident, all at once. “We really can.”

  “Come, Karissa,” Garrett said. “She said no, let’s go.”

  Karissa sighed and the pair started to push back through the brush, branches cracking beneath their feet.

  “Wait!” I shouted.

  They stopped and turned to face us, but didn't attempt to get closer again.

  “The Hollowlights are werecats, right?” I asked.

  Garrett nodded curtly.

  “Rayna, we should think about this.”

  “Don’t start this again, I already…” she started, and a sudden realization came over her face. “You put them up to this didn’t you? I can’t believe you.”

  “I didn’t do this, but I think we should talk about it.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “Something is happening to you and Marcus and I don’t know how to help. Grams was right, you’re better off working with an experienced shifter. ”

  “We can figure it out without them.”

  “The night Willy shifted the wolves knew exactly where he was and what they could do for him. You may not like it, but whoever this Charlie guy is, maybe he really can help.”

  Rayna fought a silent battle in her eyes and stared at me with defiance.

  “It’s just a meeting,” I said. “Please?”

  “Fine.” Rayna rolled her eyes and turned to Garrett. “But he comes too.”

  Garrett nodded. “Agreed.”

  When we broke through the last of the forest, there was a black SUV parked along the side of the road. Rayna and I hopped in the back, and as all the doors shut, Garrett turned around and sniffed at the air. “I smell dog…” he said, sounding confused.

  Rayna and I exchanged glares and Garrett shrugged. He turned the key and the SUV roared to life.

  “Where are we going?” Rayna asked.

  Garrett dropped the vehicle into gear and it jerked forward. “Charlie owns a club on the north side of town. He’ll meet us there.”

  “I don’t remember there being a club on the north side. What’s it called?” I asked.


  Chapter 11

  Shift was a club on the other side of Stonewall. By the time we got there, the sun was already starting its descent. Streaks of pink, hues of red, and blends of orange littered the sky, casting a warm shadow over the old, worn warehouse.

  The windows that weren’t smashed or boarded up were covered with years of dust. The grout between the bricks was sporadically missing, causing some to crack and fall from their respective places.

  A small group of people gathered around the entrance of the building. Looking abandoned, like so many things in the Underworld, the club was covered in glamour. As I broke the glamour down, the red bricks turned to metal panels–clean gray sheets that covered the building. All the windows were whole, each tinted black so you couldn’t see past the setting sun's glare. A purple neon sign flashed, SHIFT, and hung above two glass doors, with a large man standing in front of each of them.

  The two bouncers stared down at us and sniffed the air simultaneously as we approached, disgust taking control of their features.

  “Forget it, Garrett. They smell like mutts,” one of them said.

  Garrett turned and looked at both of us.

  “They're here on request of Charlie,” he said politely.

  “If I let them in, there will be a riot. I can’t do it.”

  Garrett stared up at the man twice his size and locked eyes with him. The bouncer struggled at first, trying to claim dominance before tearing his gaze away. He sighed and reached into his back pocket, pulling out a small unlabeled glass bottle.

  “They have to put this on. I don’t need everyone inside getting worked up.” The bouncer tossed the bottle towards me and I grabbed it out of the air.

  “Cologne? Really?” I asked.

  “Pheromones. If you want in, that’s the deal, hunter. Besides, I’m doing you a favor. You don’t want to go in smelling like a wolf. It tends to get the kitties all worked up.”

  “If you say so.”

  I pushed the cap down and sprayed it a few times. I expected an overpowering scent to take over my senses, but there was nothing. Just a clear, odorless mist that sprayed over my body. Rayna rolled her eyes when I passed her the bottle and gave it a few sprays. She grimaced immediately and coughed. “That’s horrible,” she said, tossing it to the bouncer.

  “Oh no, that’s what heaven smells like, sweet cheeks.” The bouncer grinned and took in the scent. His dark eyes turned back to me and his smile faded. “Don’t cause any trouble, hunter, or you’ll be dealing with me.”

  Past the first set of glass doors were two solid steel ones. Garrett pulled the handle and the bass poured from the darkness, music rocking through the entrance. Flashing neon lights exploded and the beat picked up speed. The crowd of demons, who covered the dance floor, screamed and machines poured smoke over the room, making it hard to see and even harder to breathe.

  Karissa weaved through the crowd of people, past a row of booths lining the wall, and around the dance floor. When we reached the DJ booth, she moved up the steps and pulled open a door that read, VIP ONLY.

  As the door shut behind us, the techno musi
c stopped and softer music started. Leather couches and dark tables lined the walls. There were men in suits holding clear glasses full of dark liquor in one part of the room, and on the other side, guys in torn blue jeans and stained white t-shirts. Beautiful women wearing skimpy, tight dresses swarmed from group to group, giving off fake laughter and empty promises. Everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves.

  At the end of the room was another door marked, Employees Only. It was made of heavy wood and Karissa pulled it open with unnatural ease. This room was quiet, with people sprawled out over the furniture. The dress code varied from dress shirts and ties to completely nude. Strangely, the ones wandering around naked seemed to be the most comfortable.

  We stopped in the center of the room in front of two vacant leather couches with a small, wooden table in between.

  “Make yourselves comfortable,” Karissa said, and disappeared through another door.

  My nerves clenched as all eyes turned to us, but when Garrett took up post behind us, everyone diverted their attention.

  “What’s going on?” Rayna whispered as we settled onto the couch.

  “I don’t have a clue.”

  Karissa returned, followed by a smaller native man. He was short, with long black hair that hung to the middle of his back. He wore blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a red and black flannel jacket that was open and drifting around him. His steps were silent on the tile floor and he moved with grace, giving off a vibe of calming energy. His thick lips curled into a smile as he approached, extending an oddly large hand for his size.

  “Welcome, my friends,” he said, and his voice was deep but gentle.

  “Thanks…I guess,” Rayna said.

  “What exactly are we being welcomed into?” I asked, shaking his hand. His skin was hot to the touch and extremely soft.

  “To Shift!” He smiled and sat across from us. “I hope Garrett and Karissa were welcoming.”

  “They were,” I said.

  “I’m glad. My name is Charlie Tanamay, but everyone here calls me Chief. I’m the leader of Stonewall’s Hollowlight pride, and a proud were-tiger.”

  “And why are we here?” Rayna asked.


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