His Submissive (Fifteen Volume Box Set)

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His Submissive (Fifteen Volume Box Set) Page 96

by Hannah Ford

  Hunter walked to her. “Can I have my keys back?” he asked. She handed them over, and even the graze of his fingers made her quake that much more.

  “Is that to make sure I can’t escape?” she said.

  “Nobody’s holding you hostage, Kallie.”

  “I know.”

  He walked closer still, and she was instantly consumed by the possibility that he might kiss her right now. Instead, he just caressed her cheek softly with one hand. “You don’t know,” he said, “but you will. I’m going to prove it to you.”

  She looked away. “Could we maybe sit and talk for a little bit?”

  “Sure, let’s get a drink and some food. What do you say?”

  “Sounds perfect.” She breathed a sigh of relief. Drinks and food was something normal people did. Eating was normal. Drinking was normal.

  Maybe she could stall him until they had to go back to the hospital so he could meet Red. Of course, she wasn’t sure she wanted to stall him—Kallie knew that a very big part of her was more than ready to see what he had in store for her.

  Kallie followed Hunter into the house, and she was once again struck by how clean and minimalistic the place was. Every nook and cranny was gleaming, spotless, as if nobody had ever lived there. And with very little furniture or decoration, she supposed it was a lot easier to keep it that way.

  “What would you like to drink? I’ve got a full bar upstairs,” he told her.

  She was nervous. She was in the belly of the beast now, so to speak. “I don’t care. Whatever you’re having.”

  “Vodka and cranberry,” he said. “Yes?”

  “Why not?”

  “Have a seat. Hang here and I’ll be right back.”

  He left, climbing the stairs and disappearing out of sight. Kallie knew he’d told her to take a seat, but she didn’t feel much like sitting down. Instead, she wandered the empty living room, searching for clues about Hunter’s life.

  Where were the family pictures, where were the mementos of his work, his life, his friendships? She couldn’t find anything that even hinted at such things. There was a modern fireplace and a mantle above it, but on the mantle was nothing but a large oval mirror and four candles in black, sleek candleholders.

  It was eerie, in a way, how Hunter appeared to have intentionally wiped out all traces of his past, his friendships and achievements and connections. You’d never suspect he was the writer of a hit novel, a blockbuster film, and operated a successful film production company.

  She glanced up the stairs and Hunter was nowhere to be found.

  She wasn’t going to find anything about him walking around his living room. Instead, she opted to slowly creep into the hallway, opening doors as she went. There was a closet, which was empty but for a few coats hanging, a broom and dustpan.

  A bathroom as white and antiseptic as an operating room.

  She closed the door and moved on. Turning the corner, she came to another door, and opening it, found a stairway leading down to the basement.

  What if he finds me snooping around? She thought, as she started to tread lightly down the stairs.

  Well, I’ll say I was trying to find the bathroom.

  It sounded plausible enough, she decided, as she continued down the steps, her heartbeat sounding in her ears. Perhaps she just needed any excuse to do what she wanted to do, regardless of whether or not it was sensible.

  The truth was, when it came to her relationship with Hunter, nothing she’d done was sensible.

  At the bottom of the stairs, she looked around and her eyes grew wider and her pulse quickened.

  “Oh my god,” she whispered.

  It was like some kind of medieval dungeon, she thought. Her palms grew sweaty as she gazed at the various implements and machines that populated the cellar. There was a contraption that looked a lot like a pommel horse those gymnasts used, only it had straps and chains attached to it.

  There were some other things in the basement that were equally foreign to her experience. She couldn’t even imagine how they worked. There was an elaborate series of chains and pulleys that hung from the ceiling—the system was so intricate that she assumed it had been installed by professionals.

  The room was well lit, very bright, and clinical in nature, much like the rest of the house.

  Nearby, there was a large black chair, like a throne—except that there were long, black legs and arms protruding from the main structure, with manacles that she could picture being attached to someone’s ankles and wrists as they lay submissively in the chair.

  Staring at it, she felt a thrill of fear and excitement in her belly.

  For the first time, she had a clear idea of what Hunter meant to do to her if she agreed to his terms.

  And for the first time, Kallie realized with total clarity that she wanted him to have his way with her. She wanted to know what it would be like to give herself over to him and let him take control.

  “Like what you see?” the voice asked from directly behind her.

  Kallie shrieked and jumped, turning around to find Hunter at the base of the stairs, watching her with an enigmatic expression.

  “Oh my God, you scared me Hunter!”

  He folded his arms. “What are you doing down here?”

  “I—I was…” she realized now how silly her cover story about the bathroom would sound. “I was curious,” she said, finally.

  Hunter slowly smiled. “You could have asked me what was down here, Kallie. I’d have told you. Remember our deal?”

  “I’m sorry I went snooping. I didn’t plan to—it just happened.”

  “There are drinks upstairs, or…we could get to the main course,” he said, his eyes darkening with intensity as he stared at her. “You could see for yourself what all of this is for.”

  She licked her lips. “I don’t need a drink,” she said. “Unless you think you need one.” She smirked at him.

  He came towards her. “No, I don’t need anything but you, right now, right here. This is where you and I are meant to be, Kallie. Don’t you feel it?”

  She nodded slowly. “I feel something. I’m curious. I want to try it and see what all the fuss is about.”

  “Well come on, then.” He walked briskly to the black throne. “I could put you in the chair. I bet you’d like that. Legs spread wide, handcuffed, helpless as I touch you all over.”

  Kallie gasped, thinking about it. Her eyes were wider than ever and her legs trembled. Yet, despite the anxiety, her most intimate place was hot and wet from the anticipation of his hands on her body.

  “Whatever you want,” she said.

  “Yes, that’s the spirit,” he laughed, moving to the ropes and pulleys she’d been trying to figure out earlier. “And since it’s up to me, I’m going to put you on the swing. Naked.”


  “Get undressed. Right now.”

  She hesitated. “That’s embarrassing.”

  “You admitted that it was wrong to come down here like that, without even asking my permission. You violated my privacy.”

  “And I said I was sorry.”

  “Well, that’s not good enough.”

  She looked down at her body and tried to imagine taking her clothes off right in front of him. “I can’t, Hunter.”

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  She sighed. Why was it that she was feeling more turned on than ever? What was the hold that he had over her? She couldn’t understand it, couldn’t make any sense of it. “I’m not sure. I just—I need time.”

  His jaw tightened. “No more time. I’m losing patience. We’ve done the dance—you pretending not to want what we both know you want. Me pretending that I believed your uncertainty. I’m done pretending. Are you?”

  She looked into his eyes. If Kallie was going to go through with it, she realized that she needed to trust him completely. And as she watched him watching her, Kallie understood that she did, in fact, trust him. There was no good reason to trust him, but still she

  “Okay,” she said, as if readying herself for battle. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

  “Good. Now get undressed.”

  Kallie pulled off her shirt, leaving herself exposed to him—she wore a see through bra, and her nipples poked stiffly through the thin material.

  Hunter’s expression was alert but passive. He gestured for her to continue. She stepped out of her heels and slid her pants down to her ankles. Now she was in nothing but her bra and panties. She looked down to see gooseflesh breaking out across her entire body.

  And she’d already soaked through her panties in her desire for him.

  “You can keep your bra and panties on for now,” he said. “Even though you’ll soon beg me to take them off you.”

  She shuddered, knowing that she already wanted to strip them off. She wanted to be bare for him.

  More than that, she wanted Hunter to throw her down on the floor right now and enter her, make love to her the way he had before—forcefully, wildly, almost out of control.

  “Come here,” he said, pointing to the spot next to him. She walked obediently to where he stood.

  Kallie looked down, afraid to meet his gaze. She wasn’t sure what she’d find.

  Hunter began pulling one of the chains down and the whole system squeaked and creaked and groaned as the various ropes and pulleys moved in unison. He drew one of the chains down until it was level with Kallie’s stomach. At the end of the chain was a pair of leather handcuffs.

  Hunter took Kallie’s hands and fit them inside the leather restraints. His touch was firm, but not rough. Slowly, he cinched the leather tight around her wrists, buckling her in so that she couldn’t wiggle free. Her hands were now essentially bound together.

  “You’re mine for now,” he said. “Do you agree?”

  “Yes,” she nodded. She could feel the beads of perspiration gathering on her forehead and upper lip.

  Everything was happening so fast—the entire situation had taken on the surreal quality of a dream, a fantasy. Here she was, in Hunter Reardon’s elaborate sex dungeon, playing some role, but not sure exactly what her part entailed.

  Still, she didn’t feel frightened for her safety. It was more a sense of wanting to let go, to be uninhibited, to completely give herself over to him—but not being ready to deal with what that might mean when this little fantasy was over.

  Would she be able to look herself in the mirror afterwards and not feel ashamed, dirty, soiled in some way?

  Hunter started to crank a lever on the side of the contraption and slowly, the chain began to rise toward the ceiling. As the chain went upwards, it lifted her arms further and further over her head.

  Something about it was so incredibly vulnerable and erotic, and Kallie didn’t know why. Was it the fact that Hunter was watching her so closely, seeming to pay so much attention to her every expression, eye movement, breathing, the tension in her shoulders?

  At one point, he gently put his hand on the back of her neck and leaned into her ear. “Let it go, relax.”

  And then suddenly her shoulders released and the pleasure was exquisite, like an amazing yoga stretch. She let the chain hold her weight, and it was almost as though she were light as a feather.

  “Look at your breasts, Kallie,” he whispered into her ear. His breath tickled her lobe and her ear canal. “Look down at those pert, tight nipples.”

  She looked down. There was a gleaming trail of sweat dripping between her breasts. She didn’t have enormous boobs in the first place, and with her arms stretched high overhead, they’d flattened out somewhat. It seemed to make her nipples stand out even more through her bra, and they were as hard as they’d ever been.

  “Tell me what you see,” he said.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Her voice quivered slightly.

  “Are you aroused?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “And how can I tell?”

  “You can tell because my nipples are hard,” she said. The admission served to make them only harder, and then her cheeks flushed because she knew that Hunter had seen.

  “Yes, they’re very hard indeed. I like that. It pleases me. Do you want to please me right now?”


  “That’s good. Now tell me about your pussy. Describe how it’s feeling this very instant.” His body was positioned to the side, so she could feel him and vaguely see him out of the corner of her eye. But she wasn’t unnerved or distracted by his eye contact.

  “My pussy is wet,” she said. Once again, the act of admittance seemed to make her more excited, and she felt a surge of heat in the entrance between her legs.

  Hunter’s hand stroked her neck softly, sending tingles and chills up and down her spine. Suddenly his hand wrapped around her hair and started to pull as he whispered into her ear. “I think you want me to shove my hard cock all the way in the wet pussy of yours. I think you want me to make you come again and again.”

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  He didn’t puller her hair too hard. Just enough to give her scalp a tingling feeling, and somehow it made the rest of her body feel even more vulnerable to his touch.

  “You’d like me to reach inside your bra right now and caress your bare breast, stroke your nipple. Play with it.” His breath was hot against her ear.

  The chain rattled as she jerked involuntarily, imagining his hand on her. She closed her eyes, picturing it, hoping he’d take this opportunity to actually do it. “I want you to touch me, Hunter,” she moaned.

  She was starting to lose herself. Something about this place, this room, the privacy and intimacy of it. Just the two of them down here—and nobody would ever have to know what had occurred between them.

  “That’s right. Say my name. Beg me to do what you want me to do.”

  “Please, Hunter. Suck my tits. Fuck me.”

  He pulled her hair and the chain squeaked beneath her weight and she swung back and forth slightly. Maybe that’s why he calls this a swing, she thought, distracted momentarily. He yanked her head back again with a quick pull of her hair, and this brought her back to the moment.

  “What would you do if I reached into those panties and touched your bare pussy with my fingers?” he asked.

  “I’d…I’d like that,” she whispered. Her hips ached for him. She licked her lips. “Please just touch me a little down there.”

  “No. Not yet. Not until you’re completely at my mercy. I’m going to own you today, Kallie.” His voice was low and demanding, promising that he knew it was inevitable. “I’m going to show you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you belong here with me.”

  Her whole body convulsed with what felt like a wave of pleasure. It was extraordinary. Kallie hadn’t ever felt anything quite like it. It certainly wasn’t an orgasm, since it didn’t originate down there. And yet, the sensation was very similar. The biggest difference was, she didn’t feel that sense of completion. In fact, quite the opposite.

  Her desperation for completion grew. “I want you to show me, Hunter. I want to know what it’s like.”

  “Why do you want me to continue?” he asked her. “I thought you said this life wasn’t for you.”

  “I don’t know.” This was the truth. Her willingness to submit to him in this context was shocking. She felt that perhaps he’d been right—that he’d instantly seen in her something that told him she was made for this sort of situation.

  “Of course you know why, Kallie,” he reprimanded. “Tell me why you want me to keep going, or I’ll leave you hanging there. And I’ll leave your pussy drenched in juices, crying out for my hand and my cock. But I won’t touch it unless you tell me the truth.”

  “I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “Just the truth. Why did you resist this, when deep down it’s exactly what you want most?”

  “I’m afraid. I don’t want to be bad. I don’t want to keep secrets.”

  He paused for a bit. His hand released her hair and his lips withd
rew from her ear. She still felt him near her, his body heat, his eyes upon her. “That’s very good,” he said, finally. “Very honest.”

  “I’m trying,” she said.

  “There’s nothing bad about what we’re doing here,” he replied. “As long as you’re happy, who gives a shit what the rest of the world thinks?”

  She closed her eyes. “I don’t care. I just want you to touch me.”

  “I know. But you need to be ready, Kallie. I want you to be so primed that when my fingertip touches the very edge of your panties, you’ll come like I’ve been fucking you for days.”

  “I’m ready now, I swear. I’m so ready.”

  “You’re getting closer, that’s true. In fact, I think perhaps you’re ready to have that pesky bra taken off.” His hand reached up and unsnapped her bra and it fell away, dropping to the floor. She looked down and watched it fall to her feet. Her breasts were now revealed, her pink nipples hard and aching.

  His hand touched the small of her back, where her bra had once been. His fingertips grazed her skin and she jumped forward, gasping.

  “That’s it,” he whispered in her ear. “I want to have that effect on you. I want you to respond just that way.”

  She closed her eyes again and tried to focus on her rapid breath. Slow down, she told herself. Don’t let him win with his crazy mind games. Get a hold of yourself.

  “What are you thinking, Kallie?” he asked, as if he’d read her thoughts.

  “I’m thinking that I need to chill out,” she laughed weakly.

  “No, that’s wrong,” he said. His tone grew harsh. “You’re resisting me again.”

  “I’m not. I just—“

  “You just nothing. Don’t you want to come?”

  She took stock of her body. The ache in her wet passage had deepened and now the need was a throbbing, pulsing desire. The soaked panties clinging to her skin was proof of how much she wanted this. “Of course I want to come. But you’re not going to let me, are you?”

  He laughed close to her ear. “Without a doubt, I will. When the time is right.”

  “When will it be right?”

  “The second you stop fighting me, Kallie. The very second you give in completely, I’ll know and I’ll give you what you need.”


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