Barmah Brumbies

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Barmah Brumbies Page 1

by Soraya Nicholas

  About the Book

  Poppy, Milly and Katie are thrilled when they find out they’re off to Barmah National Park on a five-day trail ride. Visiting Storm's home country, camping out and maybe even seeing brumbies in the wild are just some of the exciting adventures the girls have to look forward to.

  But will another of Milly's reckless ideas lose them the chance of a lifetime?


  CHAPTER ONE Back in the Saddle

  CHAPTER TWO Starlight Fun

  CHAPTER THREE Adventure Planning

  CHAPTER FOUR Double Disaster


  CHAPTER SIX Ready, Set, Camp!



  CHAPTER NINE We’re in Trouble Now




  About the Author


  For all my wonderful young readers, who provide such brilliant inspiration for my writing.

  ‘Go, Poppy, go!’

  Poppy’s heart pounded in her chest as Crystal’s hooves thundered over the grass towards the next jump.

  ‘Go, Pops!’

  Poppy stared at the big log ahead of them, steadying Crystal, sitting deeper in the saddle as she pulled back slightly on the reins.

  ‘Come on, girl, we can do it,’ she murmured as Crystal’s hooves lifted, knees tucking up tight as they cleared the log and landed safely on the other side. The final jump was the ditch, the one she’d been dreading, but she kept her eyes up and her hands steady as they galloped towards it.

  She had no idea how many minutes the cross-country course had taken them, but it felt like they’d been flying and Poppy doubted they’d gone over time.

  ‘Good girl,’ she whispered. ‘Let’s do this, we can do this.’

  Poppy realised she was pulling back on the reins as Crystal slowed and tossed her head to fight Poppy’s control.

  Trust her, Poppy. Ride your pony confidently and don’t give her your fears.

  Aunt Sophie’s words rang in her ears and Poppy let the reins slip through her fingers a little, pressing her legs firmly to the pony’s sides. Crystal sprang into action, her legs working fast, ears pricked as they rocketed forward. They were only a few strides out and Poppy sat up straight, kept her gaze between Crystal’s ears as they lurched upwards and . . . thud. They were on the other side!

  She slapped Crystal’s neck in a big pat, grinning as she leaned forward and pushed her into a full gallop as they raced toward the finishing line.

  Within seconds they were through, skidding as they pulled up to a trot and then a walk. Poppy bent down and threw her arms around Crystal’s neck, hugging her as they walked, reins forgotten, her horse’s sides heaving against her legs. Crystal’s hair was damp against Poppy’s cheek, but she didn’t care how wet and sweaty her pony was, because they’d made it around perfectly, and she couldn’t be more proud of Crystal.

  ‘Way to go, Pops!’ Milly was first by her side, high-fiving Poppy as she slowly pushed up off Crystal’s neck. Katie joined them, grinning ear to ear, followed by Aunt Sophie. Her aunt beamed proudly as she passed Poppy a bottle of water.

  ‘Crystal was amazing,’ Poppy said breathlessly. She guzzled the water gratefully as she took her feet out of the stirrups and stretched out her ankles. Then she passed it back to Sophie and swung down from the saddle, taking Crystal’s reins over her head and walking beside her as she headed back to the horse truck.

  ‘Want me to walk her for you?’ Katie asked.

  ‘I’d love that,’ Poppy said. She felt exhausted, her legs ready to buckle beneath her. She had been one of the last competitors to go around. Milly and Katie had already ridden the course. Their horses, Joe and Cody, were tied up and munching on hay while they waited for the showjumping phase to start.

  ‘You did great out there, Poppy. I’m so proud of you all today,’ Aunt Sophie said, falling into step beside them. ‘You’re all riding brilliantly, and those ponies of yours couldn’t have tried harder for you.’

  Poppy grinned at her aunt. Sometimes she could hardly believe it. Less than a year ago, she’d never, ever thought she’d own her own horse. Then Aunt Sophie and Uncle Mark had surprised her with beautiful Crystal. Not only that, they’d asked two other young riders – Milly and Katie – to join the Starlight Stables team, and given them horses of their own to ride and train, too. Ever since then, Poppy had been joined at the hip with her new friends – they rode together every other weekend and during the school holidays.

  ‘So, who’s going to walk the showjumping course with me?’ Aunt Sophie asked. ‘I have my pockets lined with Freddo Frogs, so first to . . .’

  ‘Me!’ Milly begged, leaping in front of Aunt Sophie and walking backward. ‘Anything you want, I’ll do it. Just let me have all the chocolate!’

  Poppy rolled her eyes and Katie burst out laughing.

  ‘Oh, Milly, that’s so kind,’ Aunt Sophie said, winking at Poppy. ‘I was going to ask who’d like to be first to muck out around the truck and inside it, and refill the horses’ water. Thanks for offering.’

  Milly groaned and Poppy exchanged grins with her aunt. Milly drove them crazy sometimes, but she always made them smile.

  ‘Seriously, Mrs D,’ Katie said, ‘are we all going to walk the course together?’

  ‘Yes,’ replied Aunt Sophie. ‘We’ll check the horses, then head down and go over the course.’ She paused. ‘I was going to ask who’d like to walk it with me first, but maybe we’ll all do it rather than separately.’

  ‘Hang on, so I don’t have to do all the chores?’ asked Milly, hopefully.

  Aunt Sophie slung an arm around Milly’s neck. ‘Of course you don’t, silly. That was just payback for trying to cheat your friends out of all the treats.’

  Poppy shook her head and smirked at Katie. But Katie was looking at the showjumping course, chewing on her lower lip.

  ‘You nervous?’ Katie asked, her voice low.

  ‘It’ll be fine. Cody always does well,’ said Poppy, putting a hand on her shoulder to try and reassure her.

  Katie nodded. ‘Yeah, I know. I just really want to go clear.’

  ‘At least your horse didn’t put on his brakes and almost send you flying straight over his head on the cross-country course!’ said Milly. ‘Joe acted like there were monsters hiding in that big brush fence before he changed his mind and lurched over it!’

  Katie giggled. Poppy smiled. Trust Milly to make Katie forget all about her worries.

  ‘Girls, do you remember asking me about the Barmah National Park muster a while back?’ Aunt Sophie asked suddenly.

  The girls all stopped and stared at her. Even Crystal leaned in closer, her nostrils flared, like she was waiting to hear what Sophie was going to say. A shiver of excitement tingled through Poppy. Of course she remembered! When she’d saved her brumby, Storm, they’d researched where he’d come from, and Poppy had begged her aunt and uncle to take them to Barmah one day.

  Aunt Sophie obviously took their stunned silence as a yes, because she continued on. ‘Unfortunately, we’re not going to be able to make the muster.’

  Poppy stifled a groan, disappointment pulsing through her. Why had Aunt Sophie even brought it up if it wasn’t going to happen?

  ‘Was it my parents?’ Katie asked. ‘Did they say no to going when you checked with them?’

  Aunt Sophie shook her head. ‘No, sweetheart, your parents were very excited for you. In fact, all of your parents were happy for you to go.’

  Poppy noticed the look on her aunt’s face, recognised the slight upturn at the corner of her mouth. She was hiding something from t

  ‘We can’t go on the muster, but we can go on the Barmah Heritage Ride.’

  They were all silent for a moment as the words sank in.

  ‘What is it? Do we still get to take our own horses there?’ Poppy asked.

  ‘When is it?’ Milly asked.

  ‘Are we all going?’ Katie cried.

  ‘One at a time, girls!’ Aunt Sophie laughed, holding up her hand. ‘Mark and I spoke to a friend at the Victorian Brumby Association, and the heritage ride takes place a week after the muster, so the dates coincide with a long weekend. It’s fun and rider focused, which means you get to ride out daily with a mix of experienced and young riders. Mark and I will be coming with you – it’s a rule that young riders must be accompanied, so you’re stuck with us, but we’ll spend five days riding through the forest and camping at the muster yards. It’ll be absolutely magical.’

  Poppy clamped a hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming. Almost a week? That was awesome news! They were actually going to Barmah!

  ‘So, what do you say?’ Aunt Sophie asked. ‘If you want to go, it’s in three weeks’ time, so I should register tonight.’

  Poppy threw her arms around her aunt and Milly and Katie did the same, jumping up and down in excitement. ‘Thank you!’ Poppy squealed. ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you!’

  ‘You’re the best, Mrs D,’ Milly yelled out.

  Katie just smiled, her grin stretching ear to ear.

  ‘No need to thank me, girls. But Poppy . . . ’

  Poppy stopped jumping, wondering what was wrong.

  ‘You might want to go catch your pony.’

  Poppy turned and saw Crystal with her head held high, trotting off toward the horse trucks. ‘Katie!’ she moaned, sprinting after her.

  ‘Sorry!’ Katie called out. ‘Kind of distracted over here!’

  Crystal sped up, racing toward the trucks. There were horse trucks and trailers everywhere, not to mention fancy-looking horses and riders – why did Crystal have to go off on her own at the biggest event she’d ever been to! Poppy groaned. If she stepped on her reins and broke them, she’d kill Katie! Then a slow smile spread across her face. At least she was going in the right direction. And they were going on a five-day trail ride through the same park that her brumby, Storm, had originally come from. It didn’t get any cooler than that.

  Poppy watched from the sidelines as Katie flew around the showjumping course. After walking it together three times over, she was confident she knew the order of the jumps and how many strides were needed between the tricky fences, but actually getting around the course on horseback was something else entirely.

  The one-day event was the last of the season, and they had all wanted to do their absolute best. Aunt Sophie had given them horses of their own so they could help promote her riding academy, and Poppy knew she wasn’t the only one eager to add more ribbons to the wall in the Starlight Stables tack room.

  And if they did well today, Aunt Sophie would decide whether they were ready to move up to the next grade and compete against older riders and jump bigger fences. They would be eligible for junior pre-novice horse trials when the next season started, if they were good enough. A shiver ran down Poppy’s spine and she smiled to herself – she loved the challenge and she couldn’t wait to jump bigger jumps and keep proving herself to her aunt.

  ‘Go, Katie,’ Poppy murmured to herself. ‘Only three more to go.’

  Katie made it look easy. Cody elegantly soared over the last few jumps, his canter even and balanced, his head tucked down. They were an amazing team, and even though they were never the fastest, they usually always went around clear without touching a pole.

  Milly had already ridden, flying around the course at a mad pace and no doubt beating all of them in the speed stakes. But she’d taken two rails, which she had been disappointed about.

  Poppy gritted her teeth and collected her reins, nudging Crystal forward with her heels and heading for the training area now that she’d seen Katie finish. She pushed her pony into a trot and they did a few circles, but when Crystal started tossing her head and trying to run off, Poppy switched gears and made her slow down, riding some figure of eights and then serpentines to get her to settle. Aunt Sophie had always told Poppy that Crystal was excitable and got bored quickly, which meant she had to get her thinking to make her calm down.

  Once they’d found a nice rhythm, Poppy sat deep and asked Crystal to canter. Being one of the last competitors to go was nice, because there weren’t many riders competing for the warm-up area, and it gave her time to settle Crystal and practise going over a few jumps without having to watch out for other horses.

  Crystal rushed over the first practice fence but Poppy forced her to slow again, sitting deep in the saddle and keeping her hands firm. They cantered around for a second time, careful to give another horse a wide berth as they circled and approached again.

  ‘Good girl!’ Poppy praised her this time, patting Crystal’s neck and then turning her in a circle and heading back in the other direction. They shot forward and cantered toward the jump, clearing it again.

  Poppy slowed Crystal to a trot and let the reins slide through her fingers, allowing her to stretch her neck out. They trotted for a while longer before walking and then finally making their way back toward the showjumping ring.

  ‘Competitor sixty-nine? Do we have competitor sixty-nine? Poppy Brown?’ an official called out, tapping her pen against her clipboard.

  ‘Here!’ Poppy called, riding closer.

  ‘You’re up,’ the woman instructed. ‘We’ve had a few riders scratched from the program, so you’re on next.’

  A tremor of excitement ran through Poppy and she placed a hand on Crystal’s neck. They’d trained hard for this event, there was no reason for her to be so nervous, but still her stomach always started to flip whenever they were about to compete.

  The rider who’d been in the ring exited and Poppy gathered up her reins and urged Crystal on, pushing her pony straight into a trot and then a bouncy canter. They circled, waiting for the bell to jingle, and when it did she took a deep breath, circled one more time, then headed for the first jump.

  Poppy’s stomach was still churning as they approached, but the moment they flew over the simple upright her nerves miraculously disappeared and her head went silent. She couldn’t hear anything other than the rise and fall of her own breath, and Crystal’s hoof beats and then low grunt as they cleared another jump. It was always like that for her – once she was in the ring she never thought about anything other than riding clear. And winning.

  The next one was wider, an oxer, and Crystal sped up, taking off earlier than expected but still clearing it easily. Poppy pushed her heels down hard and lifted out of the saddle, feeling clumsy as they landed and almost losing her stirrup. But she didn’t have time to worry. There was another vertical ahead and then the combination.

  ‘We’re doing great,’ she whispered to Crystal. ‘Whoa, girl. Whoa now.’

  She didn’t want to go too fast into the two jumps ahead. There were only two strides between each one and she didn’t want to muck up the first and end up crashing through the second. They were steady, Crystal was pulling hard against her hands, but within seconds they were airborne and Poppy released the reins, giving Crystal her head as they cleared it.

  One, two . . . Yes! They were over the second jump. They had a wall ahead to jump, then another oxer.

  ‘Let’s do this!’ she told Crystal as they rocketed forward.

  Poppy was confident now, loving the feel of her powerful pony beneath her, and Crystal’s ears were pricked, enjoying the show jumping as much as the rider. Poppy knew it was like a game to Crystal, one she liked to play fast.

  They jumped all the final fences, flying over the last one with ease. The small crowd clapped and Poppy beamed, her cheeks aching from smiling so hard. They’d done it!

  ‘Yes! Good girl!’ she praised, fighting to slow Crystal down and exit
ing the ring at a way-too-fast trot. She bumped in the saddle trying to get her to walk, but it wasn’t until they were back near the warm-up area that Crystal finally calmed down. Her nostrils were flared and her steps still fast, but the jig-jogging had stopped.

  Poppy took her boots from the stirrups and stretched her ankles out, walking for a while before halting and dismounting. She stroked Crystal’s face, dropping a kiss to her cheek, before running up her stirrups and loosening the girth a little.

  ‘We did great today,’ she told Crystal as they walked.

  She opened her mouth to say something else but saw Milly running towards them, flapping her hands, and Katie just behind her. She grinned and waved at her friends. When she finally reached them, Milly looked like she was about to burst.

  ‘We need to do a practice camp out,’ Milly announced, eyes wide as she grabbed Poppy’s hand. ‘We can ride out with a tent and . . .’

  ‘Um, I think you should have started that with telling Poppy how crazy-amazing she was out there,’ Katie scolded.

  Poppy bit down on her lip and stroked Crystal’s neck. ‘You really think so?’

  Katie grinned. ‘I know so. You were fast and clear.’

  Milly laughed. ‘Yeah, yeah, we know Poppy’s amazing. You were awesome out there,’ she said quickly. ‘But what about the camping? How cool would it be to ride through the farm and have a night out? Just us! We can tell Mrs D that we need a practice run.’

  Poppy did have to admit that it sounded kind of fun. ‘So without Sophie and Mark?’

  ‘Just us,’ Milly said. ‘Well, our horses too obviously, but it’d be so much fun.’

  ‘And you want me to ask if we can do it?’ Poppy said, knowing that’s why Milly was asking her.

  ‘Yup,’ Milly replied.

  Katie’s smile was wide; she was clearly as excited about the whole thing as Milly. ‘Guys, if we stand around talking any longer, we’re going to miss finding out who’s going home with a ribbon!’

  Poppy gulped. A little voice in her head was whispering that she might get a ribbon, but she pushed the thought away, not wanting to get her hopes up, and smiled back at her friends. ‘What are we waiting for?’ she blurted. ‘Let’s go!’


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