Ignition (Escaping Demons Saga Book 2)

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Ignition (Escaping Demons Saga Book 2) Page 1

by Stacy McWilliams

  Copyright © 2016 Stacy McWilliams Ignition

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be duplicated, transmitted, in any form or by any means– whether electronically, mechanically, by photocopying or any other means, without prior written consent. To do so would result in Legal proceedings.

  This novel is a work of fiction and any similarities to any party are coincidental.

  The ownership of this work is protected by Copyright and belongs to the author.

  Cover by Desiree DeOrto

  Edited by Susan Sores


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Stalking Me

  Thank You

  I would like to dedicate this book to my amazing sister Jennifer. Jen we have been best friends our whole lives. You were my maid of Honour and Corey’s godmother and I couldn’t ask for a better sister than you. You are always there when I need you and although at times you drive me demented, I love you more than you’ll ever know. We are separated by two years, and it has made us so close.

  I know Sharmaine and Morgan are gonna kick my ass if I don’t at least mention them, but they know I love them too.

  Love ya longtime


  As my senses returned, I could feel Nathan kneeling beside me. His hair tickled my forehead as he whispered softly in my ear, “We can’t be together. I love you, but I am so wrong for you. You deserve so much more than I can give you. I promise you this, though. I will help you. When the time comes, I will help you. I can’t… I won’t… I promise you will be safe from me, from us.”

  He moved his lips to my head and kissed me softly. As our lips met, he sighed and flames licked up my spine. We gripped each other, deepening the kiss. For a moment, he was mine and that was all I needed to know. I loved him and he loved me. His skin warmed under my fingers and I ran my hands up and down his arms as he moved us gently down onto the ground, kissing me so passionately that my head spun. I’d never felt this level of desire from him. In that moment, I would have given anything to him, been anything for him as I kissed him with a carnal need. He broke away, gasping for breath as he stuttered out, “I can’t… we can’t… We have to stop this…Jas, please?”

  He shook his head and closed his eyes for a moment. I breathed heavily and I watched as his face scrunched up, as though he was in pain. My hand moved almost unconsciously and I touched his cheek. He leaned onto my hand and sat there for a moment, breathing quickly. His hands moved up as his head shook my hand away and it dropped to my lap. It hurt me that he didn’t want my touch to comfort him and I watched as he rubbed his eyes before opening them. As he stared down at me, his willpower left him as he moved down towards me, pulling my head back to his, holding my neck and securing his face to mine. “Oh my God, I love you. Jas, I’m so sorry for how I’ve been with you this week, but…”

  He kissed me again, caressing my tongue with his own. My heart thundered in my ears as our hands began to wander. His arms snaked around my waist, touching the bare skin under my top. My hands rose up his back, gliding over rough skin. I paused as I ran my hands up and down his back. His breath came fast, and his face was drawn, in what looked to me like panic. “Nathan, what’s this? What are these rough bits on your back?”

  He closed his eyes and shook his head, whispering, “Never mind. They aren’t important.” His body tensed and he shook his head again, before touching his lips gently to my own once more. He said my name softly, leaned his head on my own, saved from saying anything else when a thundering crash sounded overhead and some pebbles rained down on us. He gasped and jerked away from me. “Jasmine, I have to end this. It’s not safe.” Safe for who I wondered as he touched my cheek gently with the tips of his fingers and gazed into my eyes, his green eyes flashing as I looked up at him, tears filling my eyes. I realised he was ending things with me. My heart splintered painfully and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  He moved slowly towards me before kissing me once more. As his tongue met mine, my body shook with renewed longing. I deepened the kiss and could tell by the ferocity of his kisses and the shuddering breaths that his willpower was crumbling when another crash made us both jump.

  He pulled away from me and moved backwards, whispering, “I am weaker because of you. You are my weakness and if anyone ever found out about us, they would kill both of us…” His eyes filled with tears as he spoke hoarsely. “I’m not good enough for you. You need whole and mortal and I can’t give you that. I have hit you and hurt you. Sometimes I have no control and I can’t let you get hurt because of what I am. This, us is over.”

  “Nathan, please don’t do this.” I all but begged him, my voice cracking as I voiced my heartache. “I need you, I love you.” He turned away from me and shook his head. “You deserve more, how can you love me when I’m a monster? How can you want me when all I want is to hurt you? That’s not love, Jasmine, that’s just pathetic and needy and I want no part of it, no part of you anymore.” His voice was ice cold and his eyes when he turned back to face me were almost black and devoid of all emotion. His expression was as dark as his eyes and my head and heart were hurting at his callous words.

  I gasped as he stood suddenly, gathered the picnic blanket, and walked away, leaving me sitting, panting for breath, and trying to figure how to survive without him. At the mouth of the cave, he turned back and stared at me coldly, “Don’t bother fighting, you won’t change my mind. I was right, I’m not capable of love and if I was it certainly wouldn’t be some mortal I would love.” He turned and stared out at the crashing water, as the tears began running down my face and I curled into a ball as wave after wave of heartbreak rolled over me. Thoughts crashed around my head, our first kiss, when he saved me, how I felt when he smiled at me and looked at me like I was the only person in the world. Could I let his darkness push out my light or would I just cause him more pain if I tried to make him see that he loved me as much as I loved him? Would my light be enough to save him or would his demons win in the end?

  He turned back at the entrance and his cold voice caused my heart to break as he muttered, “Jasmine, don’t fight for us. I don’t want you to. We aren’t good together. I’m a monster and you are in danger as long as we are together.” He turned away from me as more tears strolled down my face and I could only watch as he moved away quickly.

  I allowed myself a few moments to cry and to wallow in the devastation over Nathan ending things. I didn’t trust easily, it was hard after all that I’d been through to know who to trust and who just wanted to use me, but I’d really trusted Nathan. I’d really believed he loved me, even after finding out about the demons and everything that we’d been through since I arrived here, creatures trying to kill me, James trying to kill me and Nathan turning on me again and again. I was stronger than this, stronger than them and I knew what I needed to do. If we couldn’t be together and I was in really in danger, I had to leave. Leave him behind and move on. I had to run and never look back. I would need to close that box and lock it tight,
but I could do it. I’d done it before when families had had enough of me.

  I waited a while longer steeling myself before getting up and dusting myself off. My eyes were dry and I was determined to leave and put all of this behind me. I half-walked, half-crawled up the narrow ledge of the path, slipping, sliding, and gripping on for dear life. I finally reached the top and Nathan was thankfully nowhere to be seen. I began walking to their home, feeling the whole time the tingle on my neck as though someone was watching me. I reached a stone circle and as I walked into it, I felt a vibration almost like an earthquake underfoot, which caused me to fall over. I gasped in pain and looked around, in panic which turned quickly to terror as I spotted the reason for the vibration. James had returned and was glaring into the circle at me. He looked awful.

  His face was all scratched and cut, one of his hands bent at a funny angle, and his leg twisted as he glared into the circle. He started towards me, grunting and dragging his leg along the ground. I wanted to scream, but some instinct told me not to, so instead I stumbled backwards. Roughness touched my back and I jumped in fright as a crash as loud as thunder sounded. I stared at him in absolute terror he hit the force field surrounding me repeatedly. A putrid smell emanated from him, like decomposing flesh and it almost made me vomit as it flowed around me and had me gasping for a breath of fresh air.

  “Come on out, Jasmine,” he bellowed, causing more of the stench to be released and the tree to shake with the quivering underfoot. Water drops and leaves fell around the circle as he tried again and again to get to me. I shook so hard because he looked terrifying and I just stood numbly watching him, not thinking or reacting, but worried about him finally catching up to me. My brain had shut down completely. The stench of him lingered on the trees, flowers, bushes, and grass. It flowed all around me, choking me, leaving me gasping for air as it drowned out the smell of the trees leaves and wet grass.

  “I know why Nathan blamed me, I saw you two together today, all smiles and stolen glances. How could he betray us, his own kind, over one of your disgusting kind? I’ll never understand but I will get to you, you filthy little parasite!”

  I realised then that there was no getting out of this; this monster would try to kill me and I could die here, huddled up next to a tree, or I could fight him and never give up. I closed my eyes as I tried to make a decision through the numbness. I had to try and fight. I couldn’t let him murder me. I needed to live; to survive somehow so I knew my decision to fight him was made. A stone whirled by my head missing it by a millimetre and I screamed in fright, because he had just figured out that while he couldn’t get through the barrier, objects could. I had made a huge mistake screaming out loud. I’d just given him my location when I screamed and he might not have been able to see me, but he now knew roughly where I was.

  “Jasmine, where are you?” Nathan’s voice sounded in my head and I felt it spin from side to side as he tried to figure out where I was. I pushed him out, trying to block him so I could ready myself for the inevitable fight that was coming.

  “Don’t you dare fight him, stay there and I will find you.”

  I shook my head again to clear it when a large boulder flew through the air and smacked me right on the head. Damn Nathan distracting me, I thought as my head bounced back, hitting the tree. I slumped silently to the ground, feeling blood running down my face. I lay there for a few minutes fighting to stay awake but, blacked out as another boulder flew overhead.

  Loud sounds woke me up, grunting and groaning and I kept my eyes closed, fighting nausea and dizziness. I opened my eyes slightly, watching a fight take place. Nathan danced around James, landing a few solid punches to his face and ribs. I was lulled back under again and when I came to, it was just in time to see Nathan twist James’ head to the side, snapping his neck and causing a crack to sound like a gunshot in the silence. I watched as his body fell like a sack of potatoes to the floor. I stared at him, hearing voices calling out to me but not answering as I looked at the face of the demon that would have killed me without a second thought. All I could think about was how he had a mother somewhere who loved him and wanted him home.

  My eyes began roaming around and I searched for Nathan. My heart thundered in my ears as I tried to push myself up from the ground. My eyes found Nathan and all pity for James went right out of my head. Nathan was hurt, badly by the looks of things as he stumbled repeatedly into the trees surrounding him, getting up and blindly walking around in a circle. “Jas,” his voice was hoarse “where are you?” I made my way over to the edge of the circle, crawling over stones and leaves, to get to Nathan. I welcomed the sting as the stones cut into my knees because it gave me something to focus on, other than the pounding in my head and the dizziness that threatened to overwhelm me. Finally at the edge I moved a stone, and collapsed again onto the grass, smelling the wet grass and breathing deeply, trying to ignore the pain in my head. Nathan moved towards me, his eyes taking in the blood on my head and the tears in my eyes, as the pain reached a crescendo. He gasped as he stumbled, landing almost beside me. He looked up at me through puffy eyes and muttered, “I love you,” before he blacked out.

  I crawled over to him, ignoring the pounding of my head and the rolling of my stomach. I had to know if he was okay. I could feel stickiness on my head, telling me the blood was still flowing, but I ignored that completely as I made my way over to where Nathan had fallen. I touched my hand to his and felt nothing. I moved my hand to his wrist as footsteps sounded behind me. Crashing through the trees, as loud as thunder, I turned my head while finding a very weak pulse going in his wrist. Relief must have shown in my face because his father, had just arrived, growling and shouting at me. “Jasmine, what on Earth happened?” he glared at me as though I had done this damage to Nathan.

  I shook, but answered as truthfully as I could, “James tried to kill me. Nathan pushed me in here and fought him, but he managed to get me with a boulder. I blacked out. I don’t know what happened…” I felt myself slipping into darkness and when I awoke, I was in a strange room, surrounded by demons, all of whom hadn’t noticed I was awake. I glanced about the room and saw the machines, and curtains. Great I was in another bloody hospital, but where was Nathan. As I looked about the demons I noticed that and their faces kept shifting from demon to mortal and back again.

  My eyes closed and I tried to listen to what was being said, but I drifted off again, with random phrases repeating in my head. Nate’s in resus. James almost killed them both and Nathan killed James. I heard these phrases over and over again as though they were shouting at me, echoing in my ears. My heart broke as I thought of Nathan, he had almost died protecting me and his last words before he blacked out were ‘I love you.” Was it worth sticking around? Could I change his mind about ending things with us? Would we survive if people found out that he loved me? I opened my eyes again much later and heard some random voices chatting as my eyes fought to open, “What happened, Nathan?” came a strange voice I didn’t recognise.

  “I saw him trying to hurt her and I knew there was a protected circle around. I pushed her in there to stop him from getting to her.” Nathan answered gruffly.

  “You should have let him kill her; she’s not worth all the bother,” his father’s voice admonished.

  “So you are saying that Nathan should have broken the edict you set and were adamant to remain intact?” his mother’s voice inquired, sounding agitated.

  “Yes, I am. Honestly this sacrifice is the worst we’ve ever had for invoking the demon in us and I wonder if we would be better just killing her and choosing another of the suitables to sacrifice.”

  “You can’t dad, killing her would send a message that you allow sacrifices to be killed before the Hallowday and it could lead to others breaking the laws.” Nathan’s voice sounded tense and I peeked through my eye lids to see him sitting in a wheelchair, leaning forward, coiled as tight as a spring. I closed my eyes again and heard his mother speak.

  “The boys right Mr
Stevenson, killing her could cause so many more problems.”

  “It’s settled then, but she better not cause any more trouble. Nathan, you must do a better job protecting her.” With that they left and I listened to the squeak of the wheelchair and the door closing after them. My heart thundered as I thought about what had just been said. I lay there with my eyes closed, breathing in the smell of the hospital, wondering when to open my eyes and alert them all to the fact that I was awake. Lying there listening to them, I felt very far away from the afternoon, and from Nathan. My heart broke a little more as I remembered how he had ended things, but little did I know that he would push me away, harder than ever before. He would try and break me and I would be able to do nothing to stop him and nothing to fix us.

  Getting out of the hospital a few days later was great, but I hadn’t had a moment alone with Nathan. I missed him so damn much it hurt. I wanted to chat about what had happened that day, but he never allowed himself to be alone with me. .

  We were released on the same day and we had to wait for his parents in the discharge room, but he sat on the other side of the room, checking his emails. He spent his time ignoring me completely.

  After two hours, I decided to go for a walk around the hospital to clear my head. He didn’t look up as I walked out the green door and headed for the lift to take me from the third floor to the exit on the first. I walked along, thinking about anything but him, but I couldn’t help it. He kept invading my thoughts and I spent the walk wondering where our relationship would go now. He was adamant he was so wrong for me, but all I could see was the sweet guy, who saved me time after time, but he didn’t want an us anymore and I needed to find some way to live with that. I needed to find a way to get over him and stop myself missing him.

  I walked around the garden for a bit; watching the birds and the trees swaying in the wind. I stood and stared into space, pushing all of my memories of Nathan into the recesses of my mind. I thought about the first time we kissed, how gentle he was and how conflicted he was. I thought about the first time he saved me and how he looked at me as though he wanted to run away from me. After a few more minutes I strolled back to the hospital, in no rush to be back with an indifferent Nathan. I wandered into the lift and my resolve weakened as the doors closed and Nathan caught my eye, standing at the exit, devastated. He had tears in his eyes, but he shook his head as my conflicted emotions began raging inside me. I didn’t move, just let the doors close on him. I resolved that I wouldn’t allow him to have any power over me, not anymore. No matter how much I loved him, I was strong enough to stay away from him.


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