The Librarian and the Dom [Club Libertine 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Librarian and the Dom [Club Libertine 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Diane Leyne

  Club Libertine 2

  The Librarian and the Dom

  Jake Hughes is a Dom working part time at Club Libertine. He's good at what he does and enjoys it, but he's also a lonely widower who just wants a sub to call his own. One fateful night, he saves librarian Lindy McNeil from a fall down some stairs. Their sexual connection is instant and strong, but so is their emotional connection.

  She's innocent in the ways of BDSM but she's eager to learn and he's eager to teach her, but he also worries as things progress quickly between them. There’s a lot he hasn’t told her and now he’s worried he’s waited too long. How will she react when she learns that his specialty at the club is whipping women at the request of their Doms or when she learns about the twisted relationship he had with his late wife?

  Will it all be too much for Lindy or can they make it work?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 24,415 words


  Club Libertine 2

  Diane Leyne


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2013 by Diane Leyne

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-668-3

  First E-book Publication: April 2013

  Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To my friends for their love and support. They know who they are!


  Club Libertine 2


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Jake leaned against the wall in the dungeon of Club Libertine where he worked part time as a dungeon master, as he watched the two Doms fuck the woman he’d just cropped and strapped for them. She’d had three orgasms so far, but he could see that she was building to another one, which would be a doozy, he knew. She’d either pass out afterward or at least be so limp and tired that her men would have to treat her like a delicate porcelain doll. They’d unstrap her and hold her in their arms while they massaged her aching body with sweet-smelling creams. Then they’d wrap her up tight in a blanket and take her home to sleep off the rush of endorphins.

  And he, Jake, would go home alone. Again. But not for another two hours. He ducked into the locker room to put on his, well, he wasn’t sure what to call it. Vest? Harness? It was all leather straps and vaguely gladiator-looking. He wore matching six-inch leather cuffs on his wrists. And it showed off his impressive physique. He was six five and had a sculpted body with very little body fat. Trying to flatter him, most would mention his resemblance to the actor Joe Manganiello who played a werewolf in True Blood. He was actually a bit more ripped than the actor, but he also had the same dark hair and eyes, so he could see where they got their ideas.

  But when he was doing a scene with someone, he liked to be bare chested. He liked that there was nothing to impede his range of motion, even accidently. He was accomplished with all the implements of pain from the crop to the strap, from the flogger to the single tail. He’d mastered them all and prided himself on his total control. He prided himself on never hurting a sub by accident. He’d only ever given them what they wanted or needed. And if they had a Master, he always worked closely with them, working out the scene. Sometimes he’d have sex with the sub as a part of the scene, and sometimes not. Lately, he preferred not to the sex with these virtual strangers. He’d obliged tonight because he was good friends with Mac and Sean and they had convinced him that this was something their sub needed.

  He walked out of the locker room through to the bar, passing the uncollared subs’ area. There was a collective look of disappointment as they saw him wearing the vest. He knew he was one of the more popular Doms with the singles and not just because he didn’t have a sub of his own and was available for play. Ever since the first time he’d made his wife come using only a crop, his prowess had been the thing of legend. Some Doms came to him for training with the various implements of pain, but few were able to develop his almost delicate touch and his ability to know just how much pain to give a woman to enhance her orgasm, not overwhelm it.

  When Maria was alive, the subs knew all they’d get from him was a whipping, and that was enough for most, especially those with their own Doms to fuck them afterward. But Maria had been gone for two years, and he was a man and he took what was offered. He always made sure the woman was satisfied afterward. But he generally just fucked women whose Doms requested it, where all parties involved were turned on by sharing. He found that if he had sex with the uncollared subs, they got ideas about starting a relationship. Or if they didn’t, they just saw his hand that wielded the whip and a giant cock to pleasure them afterward.

  In other words, he didn’t like being with the sub who only wanted him for sexual pleasure, and he wasn’t interested in any of the subs who were interested in him. Which was why he tried to stick with the attached
subs. Maybe he was being too picky. But he wasn’t going to compromise. He wanted love, and he was nearing forty. He wanted it all. He wanted a sub of his own to love, but he had no idea where he was going to find one.

  But even that was starting to get stale. He felt satisfied by the job he did when he saw the pleasure he gave other Doms’ subs, but when he saw their Doms cuddling them and seeing to their aftercare, he felt wistful. He wanted a relationship. He was a relationship kind of guy.

  He walked over to the bar and sat down. Normally he didn’t drink on the job, but he felt like a beer. Duncan Rider, the chief bartender and Jake’s best friend, knew him well, setting a cold one in front of him without being asked.

  Jake sighed and chugged down half the beer before placing it down on the counter.

  “I was watching the feed, man. That was hot.”

  “Yeah, she was new to the whole pain-pleasure-sub thing, so I wanted to make sure she had good memories of her first time and give her Doms a high standard to shoot for. If they short-change her, she’ll know.”

  He took another sip of his beer and then tipped the bottle and took a swallow.

  “You want another?”

  “Yeah, but I haven’t even finished this one. And besides, I’m on duty for two more hours. I’d better stop at one.”

  “What’s wrong? Don’t deny it. I can see it in your face. You are not a happy man, Jake. You just whipped a hot sub and made her come. What’s wrong?”

  “Maybe that’s it. She was a hot sub, but she wasn’t my hot sub. Sure, I came, but there’s something missing. I want a relationship. I was actually relieved when her Doms changed their minds and didn't want me to fuck her, too.”

  “Lots of uncollared subs dying to get with you, Jake.”

  “Half of them want me to whip them. The other half of them just want my cock. I suppose there are a few who want both. But none of them just want me. Jake. Full-time computer consultant and part-time Dom. Truth be told, the pain thing. I learned it to please Maria. Turns out I had a knack. I’d be happy enough spanking a sub into submission using my bare hand.” He chugged the rest of his beer.

  “Well, back to work.”

  He stood up just as Liam O’Hara, one of the co-owners of Club Libertine walked to the bar. That was another of his gifts. He was one of the few people who could tell Liam and Connor apart at a glance. Even their own parents sometimes had difficulty.

  “Hey, Liam.” Duncan got out a Diet Coke and placed it front of Liam. If it was Connor, he’d have provided a Sprite. Most Doms didn’t drink on the job.

  “Hey, Jake. Good work earlier. I knew you were the right man for such a green sub. I had a look at her before her Doms were rubbing her down afterward. Sleeping the sleep of the well fucked. I saw her ass. The marks were already fading. I don’t know how you do it, man. It sounded like you beat the hell out of her. It looked like you beat the hell out of her. She certainly yelled like you beat the hell out of her. But I’d be surprised if she even has any marks tomorrow.”

  “What can I say? It’s a gift.” He shrugged uncomfortably. “Part of the secret is the sound. Make it loud so it sounds like it should hurt.”

  Liam laughed. “You look beat, Jake. Both Connor and I are here tonight. It’s Tuesday, and it’s kind of quiet. Why don’t you head home early?”

  “Thanks, Liam. Don’t mind if I do. See you Friday at the club, Duncan, and I’m planning on being there Sunday morning for basketball at the park.”

  * * * *

  Duncan watched Jake leave and then turned to Liam.

  “It’s been two years since Maria. The man needs a permanent sub of his own and soon.”

  “He’s not the only one.” Duncan sighed. “I work at a BDSM club filled with hot naked women and I go home alone every night.”

  “Right there with you. But at least there’s just one of you looking for someone. Any woman to take me on has to want Connor, too. And she has to be able to tell us apart. So far, the only person who can tell us apart, and I mean really tell us apart and not just have a lucky guess, is Jake, and he’s not our type, but if the right woman doesn’t come along soon, we may have to consider expanding our horizons.”

  “Well, I don’t see that there’s any way you could get Jake to bottom, so unless you and Connor want to become subs…”

  “You have a point, Duncan. That’s almost a bigger impediment than the fact that Jake’s a dude. I guess we’ll all have to keep looking. There has to be a woman out there for us.”

  The men looked at each other and sighed.

  Chapter Two

  Jake took a quick shower and dressed in his street clothes. Jeans and a dark T-shirt were his usual attire. He left his leathers at the club. They had a laundry service that could deal with cleaning leather, and he was grateful not to have to worry about them. Then he left through the staff entrance and took the freight elevator to the ground. Once he was off duty, he didn’t want to see any of the members. He never knew how to deal with them. For him, BDSM was for the bedroom and the playroom and the club. The rest of the time, he just wanted to be Jake. But since that would send confusing messages to the subs and possibly annoy their Doms if they followed strict protocol in and out of the bedroom, he just avoided everyone outside the club except a few close friends such as Duncan Rider, Connor and Liam O’Hara, and a few other Doms who were on staff.

  Jake lived in a residential area not far from club. It was maybe a half an hour’s walk, and he thought that would be a good way to clear his head. He had just not been himself lately. Maybe he needed to take some time away from the club. He’d miss doling out the pleasure, but sometimes, he just got tired of servicing women without actually being with them. He laughed to himself. Maybe some people would find it ironic. Certainly, when he was twenty he would have killed for a job that required him to meet and have sex with so many beautiful women but now he wanted to be able to spend time with a woman outside the club. He wanted to be with a woman who put her foot down and said “no servicing any other woman but me.” He wanted to be needed.

  Everyone thought it was the memory of his wife that was holding him back, but the truth was, things weren’t as they seemed. He looked up as he walked, noticing the beautiful clear sky filled with twinkling stars.

  “Maria, if you are up there, help me find someone to love.” He stopped walking to stare at the stars. And that was when he heard the sound of the box dropping and something heavy spilling out. And the sound of a woman in distress.

  He looked, and he could see that a woman coming out of a nearby building had lost her balance and dropped a box of books and now she was falling, tripping on one of the books, and about to tumble down the stairs. Jake was surprisingly fast for a man his size, likely due to playing basketball with Duncan and the guys every week.

  But he almost wasn’t fast enough. She’d already staggered down the first few stairs and was just about at the sidewalk in one piece when her heel snapped and she started tumbling. Jake lunged and swept her into his arms before she hit the sidewalk, but his momentum kept him from stopping, and he ended up on his own butt, luckily with her on top of him rather than vice versa.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Shouldn’t I be asking you that? After all, you landed on the bottom.” The woman’s voice was rather breathless, but also pleasantly toned. Nothing he hated more than that fake little-girl voice some women affected. It was dumb sounding and childish. He liked women, and the one is his lap sounded attractive.

  “I’m okay. I landed on some books. They broke my fall.”

  “Probably not as well as the Good Samaritan broke my fall,” she said wryly. He laughed. “I should get up. I’m probably squashing you in addition to the bruises.” It looked to him like she was deliberately avoiding looking at the face of the stranger whose lap she was now sitting in. And she was probably embarrassed at taking down someone who tried to help her. But squishing him? He bench-pressed four hundred pounds. He barely noticed her weight.

  Jake sensed her panic. She was sitting on his cock and he knew it was getting hard and that bothered her, and she squirmed more, trying unsuccessfully to move off his lap.

  Jake tried to will himself to relax. But something about this woman appealed to him. And it was embarrassing to have an erection on first meeting. They should at least exchange first names before he poked her in the butt. But she kept squirming, desperate to get off him.

  Maybe he could use humor to stop her from freaking out. “No rush. I’m good here. Especially if you keep squirming like that.”

  She turned to look at him, her eyes opened wide in shock. She had the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen. They were big, green, and he could drown in them. He felt an immediate jolt of attraction. And she was no flyweight either. He was six five, maybe two hundred fifty pounds since he’d been bulking up lately. He didn’t want a skinny little bird that seemed like she’d break if he squeezed her a bit. Almost involuntarily, his hand snaked around her waist and squeezed.

  She ducked her head, letting the curtain of curly brown hair cover her face again. And he removed his hand. “I must be crushing you. Help me get some leverage so I can get off you.”

  Jake sighed and gave her a hand up. But he didn’t get up right away. He took a minute to admire the Amazon in front of him. She was tall and athletically built. He wondered if she played basketball. She wasn’t delicate. But she wasn’t fat either. She had swimmer’s shoulders and breasts that looked like they might be big enough to fit into his hands.


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