Day, Sunny - Hot in Space (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Day, Sunny - Hot in Space (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 3

by Неизвестный

  “You will have to ask me nicely,” he said, pinching one nipple. Delicious pain bit into her flesh. Her eyes narrowed. He gently massaged her other breast, making her clench in anticipation, but didn’t do anything more.

  Oh, hell. She could kill him later.

  “Kalien, please.”

  “Please, what?”

  Alana’s fist found and wrapped into strands of golden hair spilled over the pillows. She tugged at them.

  “Please fuck me.”

  His teeth flashed. He snarled, raising his hips and slamming into her mercilessly.

  “Yes,” she hissed, ferocious pleasure shooting up her spine. Her thighs clenched, heat exploding in her belly. She heard Kalien’s gasp and felt him arch and tense under her.

  They shouted and came together.

  * * * *

  Dressed and showered again, Alana went in search of Damian. They needed to talk.

  Her body was still pleasantly sore. She ignored it. She was going to need all her wits for the upcoming conversation.

  And after that conversation, well, it was not to say that she wouldn’t be satisfied if it was only Kalien sharing her bed. But if there was a possibility Damian could join them, she was certainly not going to miss it.

  She grinned to herself. Maybe there was more Senhani in her, after all. She found out that she didn’t have any problems lusting after two men simultaneously. Two men that were involved, at that.

  And it seemed she wasn’t the only one prepared to use the situation they found themselves in to the maximum.

  She found Damian, still on the bridge. He appeared absorbed in whatever he was doing. Alana glanced at the monitor. Things seemed to be under control, or well on their way to it. She dropped into the chair next to him. Red Star was a fabulous ship, and both Damian and Kalien were very good at what they were doing.

  “What’s our status?” she asked, lounging negligently.

  Damian barely glanced at her. “No pursuers...for now.” His gaze flicked over her. She smiled. She had no doubt what he was thinking about.

  Her hand dropped on her thigh.

  “Do you really mind sharing Kalien that much?”

  A cool smile stretched his lips.

  “What, now you are asking me? Don’t you think it’s a little...late?”

  She answered it with one of her own.

  “Ah, but I am still asking you.”

  Damian snorted. He turned in his chair to face her. He raised one booted foot to rest on the knee of his other leg. The black clothes he wore were plastered against him.

  Alana felt a small twitch low in her belly.

  “Did Kalien ever tell you how the two of us met?”

  Now that was an unexpected comment. She frowned.

  “He told me it was on a shared assignment.”

  Damian chuckled. “It was. When he got me into that contract, he promised he wouldn’t try to get me into his bed. You see, he was chasing me for some time before. It was a good job, so I took him at his word.” His tone was rueful.

  “Let me guess. He lied.” Alana wasn’t surprised. She would.

  Damian cleared his throat. He suddenly blushed. “Actually, no. Not really.”

  “How do you mean that?”

  “He, ah, failed to mention the fact that there are many places on this ship...that are not a bed.” She incomprehensively stared at him. Then what he said finally sunk in. She blinked, surprised at the immediate surge of lust that accompanied that image.

  “Well, well. Took him a bit literally, did you? And how had that slipped your notice?”

  It was the stroke of a genius. Get close to your prey. Lull it into sense of false security. Pounce. She must remember to congratulate Kalien later. She planned to be as sneaky and ruthless in getting Damian into her own bed.

  Damian grimaced, apparently unaware of her train of thought.

  “I assure you, it did. It didn’t occur to me up until the point Kalien had me in his hands, literally and figuratively.”


  “When we completed that contract, the bed was the only place where we hadn’t done that.”

  Yep. That sounded like Kalien, all right. Alana’s gaze shot to the console. She raised a speculative eyebrow at Damian. He sighed. “Yes, that, too.”

  She allowed herself a smile.

  “Right there, hmm? I would never have thought that about you.”

  “Me, either. Not before Kalien, anyway,” he muttered, raising his head as the object of their conversation joined them.

  Kalien dropped a quick kiss on the top of her head. He went over to Damian and put a hand on his shoulder, effectively invading the other man’s personal space.

  Alana fidgeted in her seat. After what they were just discussing, she didn’t need to see that. She was getting embarrassingly wet.

  “Fond memories?”

  Damian snorted. “You wish.”

  Kalien’s voice dropped an octave. “Very much, like always.”

  Damian wasn’t impressed. “I spoke with some of my contacts.” Damian turned to Alana.

  “It seems Hoyden is willing to cut us loose. We can even go back after an appropriate amount of time has passed if we are willing to guarantee Kalien won’t steal his new ship for a pleasure ride.”

  Kalien immediately assumed an air of offended innocence. “I got it back! He didn’t even know it was missing.”

  Alana ignored him. Instead, she concentrated on Damian’s statement.

  “We? We are willing to guarantee? You and I?” Did Damian mean it? He expected her to stay on the ship, with him and Kalien? She held her breath.

  The deep emerald gaze held hers. “Yes. You and me,” he added, realizing what she wanted to ask.

  Relief flooded her senses. Well. That was easier than she expected. “So now we are a threesome?”

  Damian leaned back in his chair.

  “Looks that way.”

  * * * *

  “Watch it. You are going to wake her up.”

  Alana blinked as the soft whisper pulled her out of sleep. She was lying facedown on the big bed, her fingers curled into the soft sheets. Her body was sprawled comfortably across the big bed in the living quarters. She cracked one eye open, moving her cheek across the cool sheets.

  The room was still in comfortable darkness. However, now there was light coming from the open doorway. She could see two figures against a backdrop of light. They were only a foot or so from the bed.

  Kalien was closer. He was also only wearing loose drawstring pants. He was holding on to Damian, who was still in his day gear.

  Kalien chuckled.

  “Now that sounds like a good idea.”

  Clothes rustled, and the bed trembled as someone was pushed onto it.

  “Kalien! Watch it!” Damian hissed.

  There was light peppering on the golden hair of Kalien’s chest gleaming in the dim light. Hands on his hips, head cocked to one side, and his lips pursed, he contemplated Damian, who was by now half lying on the bed, leaning back on his elbows. She didn’t have to see his face to figure out he was glaring at Kalien. Kalien must have been used to it because he didn’t seem perturbed by it. He knelt in front of his lover.

  “Your leg,” he prompted. He tugged on one boot then repeated the process with Damian’s other foot. There was a soft thud as both boots were discarded. Kalien got up and straddled his still-dressed lover.

  “There. That’s better,” he murmured, settling himself comfortably.

  Damian’s breath quickened. Alana twisted a little, trying to ignore the sudden tug of desire in her belly. Neither of the men noticed it.

  Kalien widened his eyes and gave Damian an innocent look. “What? I only want to undress you. You mind?”

  He unbuttoned Damian’s jacket then pulled the shirt under it over Damian’s head.


  His hand reached behind Damian. Alana frowned, still watching them covertly. What was he doing? Dark hair spilled over Damia
n’s nude back, its ends teasing Alana’s ankle. Kalien must have taken down the band that was holding it.

  Alana drew a quick intake of breath.

  Dark hair now half-shielded Damian from her look, but for once, she didn’t mind. She had pegged him for a brunette. It seemed she wasn’t right. That glorious mane of hair was a very, very dark, deep red. She had never seen something like that. She longed to see him in full light, betting that mass of hair would look spectacular.

  A zipper hissed. Alana licked her lips. She couldn’t see what Kalien was doing now, but she could very well imagine it. Her body tensed, thrumming with delighted anticipation. She remembered how Damian had looked when she was the one doing the undressing. Would Kalien shift from his lap? She peered cautiously at them.

  Definitely not.

  And she was starting to develop some definite voyeuristic tendencies. She couldn’t believe how hot she was.

  “There, I am finished.” A playful swat sounded. Kalien pulled back, taking Damian’s pants with him. He tossed them carelessly aside before climbing back into bed.

  Alana squeezed her eyes shut, going absolutely still. Hot breath fanned her shoulder as a warm body tucked itself against her side. Seconds later, she was sandwiched between them. Someone’s arm circled her waist. Her palm rested on one satin chest.

  They settled, their breathing evening out.

  Warmth burst in her belly. Which one was behind her, and which one was in front? She was sorely tempted to open her eyes then decided it didn’t matter. Who cared? They both felt so wonderfully close to her.

  Chapter 4

  Sounds of water running woke her up. Alana grumbled and buried her nose in the pillow. It didn’t help.

  “Both of you, get up.” That was Kalien’s voice, and he sounded unbelievably cheerful for so early in the morning. Alana groaned. That’s all she needed, a lover who was an early bird. Shit, fuck, crap.

  “I said get up.”

  “Go away,” insisted Damian, his voice muffled with sleep. She snuggled closer to him. Oh, nice. She opened one eye to see Kalien standing on one side of the bed, completely dressed and looking bemused.

  And determined.

  Kalien rolled his eyes. “First he doesn’t want to go to bed, now he doesn’t want to leave it.”

  “I hate your bed. It’s too big. It’s something that could be found in a bordello.” Damian was obviously still more than half asleep.

  “Then get up!”

  Something clasped her ankle and pulled. Alana jumped, scrambling for purchase among bunched bedsheets. She wasn’t the only one. Both she and Damian glared at Kalien, who only smiled, releasing them.

  “Breakfast is ready.”

  He tossed two robes at them. Alana’s fell over her head. She scrambled to get it off. Grumbling, she started to get up. She had to pick up the robe then wrapped it around her body and busied herself with the sash. Damian had already risen and was standing next to her, offering her a hand.

  “Thanks.” She allowed him to haul her up on her feet. She yawned, raising her eyes. Up until that moment, the way he looked didn’t register with her sleep-fogged brain. Now the impact kicked in full force.

  Kalien was leaning against the wall in his silver robe, identical to the one he gave her. His golden hair was tied up. The robe covered him up from his neck to his toes. His long fingers were the only naked skin she could see.

  Mmm, yum. Her stomach made a happy dance. She quickly averted her gaze, only to find Damian beside her.

  That was really not an improvement.

  Damian’s hair was still tousled from sleep, and his emerald gaze was unfocused. She didn’t mistake it last night. His hair was an incredible deep red, almost like wine. His scarlet robe was partially open and revealed a triangle of fine, masculine chest.

  Her limp fingers dropped the silver sash.

  Her stomach was now dancing a jig.

  Damian frowned and caught the sash before it slid on the floor. “Here, let me.” He tugged her closer to him.

  Then he, too, froze.

  Alana didn’t have to look to know her robe was now parted and Damian could see her breast.

  And her Senhani purple nipple. His hungry gaze was burning her skin.

  Senhani were legendary for their sexual accomplishments. Damian was reacting as any healthy, red-blooded male who had seen a naked Senhani woman would.

  Of course, she wasn’t full-blooded Senhani and wasn’t raised like one, learning how to pleasure her bed partners.

  Judging by Damian’s expression, he didn’t really care.

  “Surprise, surprise.” Kalien’s merry voice reached them, breaking the tension between the two of them. Damian finished tying her sash and tugged at the hem of her robe.

  “Yes.” He turned to his lover. “You mentioned breakfast?”

  Her breast safely tucked beneath silk, Alana followed them into the next room. There were three plates and three chairs. Kalien didn’t joke when he said there was breakfast. They took their places. Alana absently picked at her food.

  Damian and Kalien were speaking, but she couldn’t seem to concentrate on what they were saying. Finally, she gave up. Looking directly at Damian, she blurted, “I didn’t know you were a redhead.” Both men turned to stare at her. She flushed.“Sorry!”

  Damian blushed, and Kalien grinned, obviously unperturbed. He leaned toward Damian, who was sitting next to him.

  His fingers fastened in that abundant auburn hair. “Rather nice, don’t you agree? I personally adore it. Guess you’ve never seen something like that? Andraxi are mostly blond.”

  She hadn’t.

  Damian glanced first at him then at her. He shrugged, letting the other man pet him.

  “It’s natural, too. Do you want to see?” Kalien suggested, smiling wickedly.

  Damian’s hand flew to his chest and grabbed his scarlet robe, clutching it tightly.

  Kalien patted his head. “Relax, I am only teasing you.” He let his hand fall down.

  “We will leave that for after breakfast.” Unperturbed, Kalien returned to his food.

  * * * *

  Alana inspected the scarred piece of metal. She pursed her lips, crouching over the damaged wall. The computer above them was beeping softly. This part of the ship had taken the worst beating. It wasn’t un-repairable, and it wasn’t very serious, but it would be certainly better if they could fix it as fast as they could.

  Standing over her, Damian tapped her shoulder.

  “What do you think?”

  “I can definitely patch it. However, it will slightly hinder our maneuvering ability.”

  Her own ship wasn’t as big as Red Star. It was made for one. This one was something else. Kalien was a top-notch pilot. He could pilot anything you gave him. Judging by the way he took them out of the way of Carver’s enforcers, who were no slouches by any stretch of the imagination, this must be his special baby.

  “Kalien? You hear that?”


  Alana frowned at his tone. Something was off with Kalien. Damian must have sensed it, too, because he twisted to stare at his partner.

  “What’s wrong with you?”


  Something clicked. Kalien must be doing his part inspecting the ship.

  “Something is eating you.”

  “Nothing.” More clicking. Then a thump. “I just remembered I am mad at you.”

  “Me? Why?”

  Damian sounded honestly baffled. Alana shifted on her knees until she was looking at him. She was leaning on Damian’s legs. Kalien was standing opposite them, about four feet away. He lowered the hand holding the sensor and glared at his lover. His hair was unbound and tumbled down his back.

  He folded his arms across his chest, a clear sign of annoyance.

  “Fact one. I wanted Alana. Fact two. You wanted her, too. Fact three. You never mentioned it.”

  His eyes narrowed.

  Damian blinked.

ng to say?” Kalien asked in a poisonous tone.

  “What do you want me to say?”

  Kalien curled his lip in disgust. Damian had no clue. “You are so paying me for that.”

  He was obviously angry, and Damian as obviously didn’t get it. Bad for Damian, since Kalien could be extremely creative when it came to revenge. And this was his lover, so he could do all kinds of interesting thi...Alana suddenly choked as a thought occurred to her. Not the smartest thing she could have done because it shifted Kalien’s attention, and his anger, on her.

  “What was that?” he demanded.

  She cleared her throat.

  “Nothing.” She tried for casual and failed.

  “Alana…” he warned.

  Alana squared her shoulders before looking at him. “He is your lover, and you are mad at him. Most people in your situation...” She couldn’t help it. She swallowed laughter again.

  “I am listening.”

  “You are going to deny him sex?” The last word was a high-pitched squeak.

  Both men blinked. They looked at her, then at each other. Alana couldn’t resist anymore. She completely lost it, howling with laughter.

  “Well…that was...” Damian sounded like he, too, was trying not to laugh. Seconds later, he doubled over. He was holding his stomach, shaking with laughter.

  “It’s not funny!”

  Damian had to put a hand on Alana’s shoulder to steady himself. “Sorry,” he choked out. “It was just…the thought of you...not having sex.” He tried to swallow his amusement unsuccessfully. “Sorry.”

  Kalien glared at them both.

  * * * *

  Dataru was a small planet whose spaceport had a relatively bad reputation. There was also a satisfying, not too big and not too small, distance between it and Governor Carver’s planet. Alana had been here only once or twice, but Damian and Kalien were frequent visitors. Once they docked, they immediately contacted the repair team. Kalien was currently with them, as he was the one most knowledgeable about the ship’s specifications.

  Alana was frowning at her personal communicator when Damian entered the room. He was wearing a long black coat over his usual clothes. She raised her eyebrows at him.


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