Day, Sunny - Hot in Space (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Day, Sunny - Hot in Space (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 6

by Неизвестный

  Kalien chuckled.

  “Spread your legs. Now.”

  A hand slapped his butt. It wasn’t totally painless.

  Damian complied, gritting his teeth.

  Kalien’s cock rubbed against his ass.

  “Calm down.” Kalien kissed his shoulder soothingly. “You are acting as frightened as a virgin.”

  Damian wanted to hit him.

  “But he is.”

  Trust Alana not to pass up on that.

  He felt Kalien enter, his thick cock sliding slowly into him.

  “Don’t go all the way at once,” Alana warned. Kalien stopped. Damian let out a heavy breath, his ass burning.

  “You are big,” he said in a strained voice.

  It sounded stupid even to him. Of course he knew Kalien was big.

  Slowly, Kalien eased back. Damian sighed in relief.

  Kalien thrust back, deeper this time. The burning intensified, mixed with dark pleasure. Damian cursed.

  “Don’t fight it. He is being very careful with you.” Alana was still holding him.

  He was, but that didn’t stop that big dick from stretching him further, not quite hurting him. Damian clutched at Alana. Kalien’s balls pressed against his ass.

  “I am in.” Kalien panted, his warm breath touching Damian’s ear.

  “Tight, so tight. No wonder you like this.” He sounded very pleased with himself.

  Damian groaned. He still couldn’t believe he was letting them do this.

  “I am going to fuck you,” Kalien’s voice said in his ear. “Can Alana release you, or are you going to resist?”

  The fullness in his ass was becoming painful.

  “You wouldn’t do this without her, so let her stay.”

  “True,” Kalien answered, unabashed. “But I got you where I wanted you, so what’s the point?” He punctuated his words with a slow grind of his hips.

  Damian swallowed a moan. He turned his head to glare at Kalien.

  “You are not doing this again.”

  “We will see about that. Now, I’m going to fuck you until you are sore.” He started to move with increasing speed and ruthless determination, slamming his hips against Damian’s ass. The edge of pain crested Damian’s pleasure. His back bowed.

  “Yes, yes, you are good,” he whispered, mercilessly pounding Damian’s butt. “Too bad I won’t be able to last.” He thrust forward, rubbing against a sensitive spot. It was more than Damian could bear. He screamed. His cock twitched, and he spilled his release on Alana’s belly. Kalien took him once more, so violently that he almost toppled them both over. Alana plastered her palms against Damian’s chest, keeping him still and in position as Kalien pumped his seed into his ass. His head fell on her shoulder. His mouth opened, fangs popping out. He bit.

  * * * *

  Alana screamed, their pleasure searing through her. Kalien was inches away, his head thrown back, a groan escaping his throat. Her lips parted. She sank her fangs into the sensitive flesh of Kalien’s neck, mirroring what Damian did to her.

  Climax grabbed them once more, sizzling within the ring of their bodies. They collapsed.

  Gulping the air nosily, Alana opened her eyes. Damian was laying half on her, half on tangled sheets. One arm still draped over Damian, Kalien was stretched beside her. Both men were breathing hard.

  Alana blinked. Her muscles felt like jelly.

  She had shared their ecstasy. How had that happened?

  A trickle of blood appeared on Kalien’s neck. There was a metal taste in her mouth.

  “Kalien? Did I bite you?”

  Kalien blinked. His shaking hand reached to tentatively touch his neck.

  “I think you did.”

  He got up, his cock leaving Damian’s body. Groans escaped both men. Desire pooled in her belly, but Alana shook it off. Kalien was watching her, a puzzled expression on his face. “You climaxed with us. I didn’t think you could do that.”

  She wiggled out from under Damian. She grimaced, trying to sit up.

  “I can’t. I couldn’t.”

  “What happened, then? Not that I’m complaining.”

  Kalien rubbed the puncture marks on his neck. Mirroring his movements, Alana felt her own neck. Blood smeared her fingers.

  She looked at Damian, still on his belly between them and suspiciously quiet. Kalien followed her gaze. His eyes narrowed. He grabbed Damian, turning him over. Startled, Damian growled.

  “Open up your mouth,” Kalien demanded, obviously pissed. His thumb pressed at Damian’s lips. Damian snapped at him.

  Alarmed, Alana grabbed Kalien’s hand. “Don’t.”

  But the fangs were very visible. Kalien glared at his longtime lover.

  “Now you, too, have fangs?”

  Damian’s gaze shifted.

  “Yes.” His voice was very soft.

  “Great. How come you never shared that with us?”

  Alana winced. Kalien had said “us,” but what he’d meant was “me.” After all, Damian had been his lover much longer than hers. And she had an inkling of what Damian was.

  A berserker, someone who could call battle rage. They were virtually indestructible.

  “It wasn’t something I wanted to share.”

  “Why not? You wanted to fuck me but didn’t want to mention that?”

  “Wait, Kalien. It wasn’t like that,” Alana said, rolling over until she was between the two men.

  “You are not hiding your fangs. “

  “I can’t hide mine. His are retractable,” she pointed out reasonably.

  “I know what their abilities are. I want to know why he never…”

  From the corner of her eye, Alana saw a shadow of hurt cross Damian’s face.

  Kalien saw it, too. He broke off. They reached for him simultaneously.

  “No, my love, don’t. I am sorry. You surprised me, that’s all,” Kalien crooned, wrapping both arms around Damian while Alana crawled on top of him, effectively stopping his struggles. His body was still warm and smelled of both of them.

  “Us,” she added, letting her head rest on his chest. Kalien’s hand touched her hair.

  “I didn’t mean to…” Damian tried, then stopped. He tried again. “I know I should have told you. I just…Alana seemed to have figured it out, and she obviously didn’t mind. And I wasn’t sure how to tell you, not once we started sleeping together.”

  Kalien slanted a glance at her.

  “You knew?”

  “I suspected. It wasn’t my secret to tell.”

  “The way you fought,” Kalien mused aloud, “I suppose I should have figured it out. You are...strange after we fight.”

  Alana felt Damian tense under her.

  “I can’t control myself when I am in that state. I hate it. I am sure I will rip apart even you two.”

  Alana snorted, snuggling against him comfortingly.

  “You would probably want to fuck us. I am sure we wouldn’t mind.”

  Kalien’s eyes widened. “He would?”

  “As far as I know, battle rage calls on basic instinct. That’s one of them.”

  “Hmm...” Kalien’s voice sounded speculative.

  “What’s with the teeth, then? Why get them now? “

  Damian frowned.

  “I was a little...distracted. They don’t usually just pop up.”

  “I was that good, eh? You should have let me do that years before.” Alana had to bite her lips not to laugh at the obvious satisfaction in Kalien’s voice. His previous annoyance seemed to be entirely forgotten.

  Damian rolled his eyes.

  “You know, I hear that the Senhani bite could be orgasmic. Yours, too, then?”

  Alana pricked her ears. She wanted to hear the answer to that question, too.

  “Something like that. I bit Alana, and she shared my pleasure. Then she bit you and transferred part of what I injected into her to you.”

  “Hey, that has possibilities.”

  “Forget it. I am not biting anyone
in the middle of sex.” Damian waved his hand dismissively.

  “You do.”

  “Not in that way.”

  Alana angled her head to look up at him.

  “What, never?”

  Damian blushed.

  “You bit me? I never had any bite marks!” Kalien said, incensed.

  “Ah, but were you looking there?” Alana was grinning.

  Kalien blanched. “You wouldn’t...”

  “Oh, yes, he would.”

  “Damn it, Damian! You bit me while sucking me off?” Now Kalien sounded offended.

  Damian’s lips curved. “You never complained.”

  “I didn’t know.”

  “You know now.”

  Watching Kalien’s face, Alana had to laugh. His eyes got a lost, dreamy look. He licked his lips.

  “If you were to go down on him right this minute,” she whispered in Damian’s ear, her voice suggestive.

  Kalien cringed, then shifted, his cock twitching eagerly.

  Both Alana and Damian laughed. Alana patted it comfortingly.

  Kalien blushed. He muttered something under his breath.

  There was a silence.

  “Damian?” she heard him ask.


  “How is your butt?”

  Alana stifled a laugh. Kalien was incorrigible.

  Damian sighed. “Still sore, if that’s what you’re asking.”


  “But you are not doing that again.”

  Kalien made a noncommittal noise.

  * * * *

  “What the hell?” The ship jerked violently, and the force threw Alana against the wall. Only quick reflexes and detailed training saved her from a nasty fall. She cursed. The ship’s lights blinked then dimmed. Alarm flashed through her. She ran toward the command room, barely avoiding clashing into Damian, who showed up from her left. They both skidded to a halt. Damian grabbed her, holding her steady.

  “Kalien! What was that?”

  Their lover was strapped into his console, the ship swaying under his commands. It made a sharp turn that almost spilled them onto the floor. Alana threw herself into her console. From the corner of her eye, she saw Damian doing the same.

  “There is a ship on our left!”

  Or that could be the right. Kalien was still moving them.

  “Why do you think it’s after us?” she asked reasonably.

  The ship chose that moment to turn its nose slowly, unmistakably aiming for them before speeding up.

  “It’s after us, all right,” Kalien replied, turning them swiftly.

  “That’s a mighty big ship for a mercenary company. It’s hard to believe it’s interested in little old us. Wait…”

  Damian pulled the picture on the screen, magnifying it. There were telltale marks on the ship’s left side, two blue marks and one silver mark, intertwined. Andraxi’s Imperium. Damian threw a quick glance at Alana.

  “Someone you know?”

  She looked a little green. Her throat was suddenly dry. She swallowed, gripping Damian’s shoulder. She felt lightheaded, and it wasn’t just from the way Kalien was driving.

  “I don’t know. It might be,” she answered truthfully.

  Damian turned to Kalien.

  “Slow down and let them get us.”


  “Just do it. Let’s see what this is about.”

  Once her stomach satisfied itself with staying down, Alana was able to focus on the intruding ship. As Damian said, it was big, and it was Andraxi. Actually, it was a class A-7 dreadnought, one of the ships with the most firepower in the Andraxi fleet. Kalien was leading them toward its docking bay, still looking miffed with Damian. There was no incoming communication from the ship, just eerie silence as the blackness of space narrowed down to the gleaming metal insides of the ship.

  “You armed?” she asked Damian, standing up. She was still a little wobbly but getting over it fast.

  He raised one eyebrow in inquiry.

  “That may be our guest. However, a show of force won’t come amiss. After all,” she added in grim tone, “those are Andraxi.”

  Chapter 8

  “You did it on purpose!” Alana yelled. Her cousin, Bellian An-Tiaran, member of the Andraxi intelligence force and de facto highest-ranking person on the ship, looked unimpressed.

  “You called me.”

  “One, I didn’t call for you specifically. Two, why didn’t you identify yourself? We could have shot at you.”

  “I assumed you were too smart for that.”

  “Not necessarily,” Kalien commented in his coolest voice. “If you had caught me, I would have waited to be towed as close as possible before opening fire from all weapons. Most likely, your ship’s shields would have been down. You wouldn’t have expected an attack, and from such a close range, there would likely be significant damage. In the ensuing confusion, we may have been able to slip away.”

  The Andraxi wearing the captain’s uniform winced. Alana didn’t know him, but to get a command of this ship, he must have been good. Of course, he also must have screwed something big to get tasked with babysitting her cousin.

  “Good plan. Thanks for containing yourself.”

  Bellian shrugged. “Be that as it may, Alana, you are in trouble. Dis sold you out, but I’m guessing you already figured it out.”

  “What was his deal?”

  “He needed to get information on Celestra. Since there are a lot of people trying to get it, he used one courier for sending it. The second one was a ruse.”

  Damian’s mouth twisted. “That’s not unusual. However, usually the courier that’s used as cover is informed of it beforehand. It ups the price.”

  “I’m guessing that Dis didn’t bother informing you.”

  “No. He did not.”

  His tone sent shivers down Alana’s spine.

  “Oh. That sounds unlucky for Dis.” Bellian smiled, showing his fangs. He studied Damian with an intensity that made Alana nervous. What was her devious cousin planning now?

  “But it could be,” Damian continued, “that I know who has the real one.”

  Bellian’s smile widened. “That’s welcome news. You wouldn’t mind staying with my guests, then?”

  “Not really. Great ship. Should scare the piss out of everybody with an ounce of sense.”

  Kalien gave his lover a suspicious look. He didn’t seem thrilled with the way things progressed. Privately, Alana shared his feelings.

  “Good, then. I am sure my friend will be more than glad to help you settle.”

  His friend looked more than glad to escape his company.

  “Gentlemen, follow me, please,” he cheerfully announced, opening the door. The hallway beyond them was suspiciously empty of guards. Kalien hesitated. None too gently, Damian pushed him forward. He and Alana exchanged glances. She moved her head subtly, indicating she was going to join them later. Damian appeared to pick up her meaning immediately. He nodded, then disappeared.

  Alana was left alone with Bellian. She put both hands on his desk, leaning over until their noses were practically touching.

  “Now, I want to hear what this is about.”

  “Alana? You called us.”

  “I wanted information. I didn’t expect you, and I especially didn’t expect you in the ship that can wipe out a small planet system.”

  “It’s a serious matter.”

  Alana snorted.

  “They make an impressive team, Alana. I have heard of Red Star.”

  Alana kept her face impassive. “I am aware of that.”

  “Maybe I just wanted to take a look at them. After all, you are my favorite cousin. I can safely say that you have an interesting taste in lovers.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “But it was one, Alana.” Bellian cocked his head. “You going to keep them?”

  “Of course I am!” she snapped, then narrowed her eyes at him. “And that was what you wanted to hear.

  “Yes. Congratulations. ”

  She ignored him, marching toward the door.

  * * * *

  When she found her way to the cabins that were designed for the three of them, only Kalien was inside. Damian was nowhere in sight.

  “You are back.”

  Kalien faced her.

  She sighed, dropping on the seat opposite him.

  “Damian said that you were more likely to get more information from your friends if no one else was around.”

  “I didn’t have any luck. I will have to try again.”

  “The Captain has an interesting opinion of him.”

  Leave it to Kalien to pump as much information as possible from any available source.

  “Bellian doesn’t belong to his crew. He is a member of Nef-feru, Andraxi intelligence force. A very influential member.”

  Kalien absorbed the information.

  “He is your cousin.”

  “The blood tie is somewhat distant. But he is the one I am closest to. Bellian had…a birth defect. He is weaker and slower than Andraxi usually are. Naturally, we were put together and bonded quickly. He is very, very intelligent. Andraxi praise physical fitness, but they appreciate intelligence even more.”

  “I know. That’s why they are one of the most dangerous warrior races.”

  “Correct. In Bellian’s case, that means that he has some plans…convoluted plans, if I know him. And since he genuinely likes me, he is going to try and fix this. It’s just that what he thinks is best for me is not necessarily what I think is nice.”

  “He liked Damian, I think.”

  “He liked the way he thinks. That’s not a very good thing. Where is Damian, anyway?”

  Alana started unstrapping her weapons. She was safe now, at least.

  “He said he wanted to look over the ship. The Captain didn’t have objections.”

  Alana paused what she was doing. “You did warn him that Andraxi are likely to challenge him to a fight just to see how good he is? The fact that Bellian is related to me will only exacerbate things.”

  “Captain said the same. Damian said it didn’t matter.” Unable to stay still, Kalien stood up and started picking over things that were delivered to them.

  “Well, a berserker should be reasonably safe, even on a ship full of Andraxi,” Alana allowed. Kalien’s head shot up, but he avoided her gaze. Alana frowned. It appeared Kalien was still upset about Damian’s secret.


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