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Meant to Be

Page 2

by Jenny Bloom

  As they walked around the exhibits, Lisa had an idea. The flowers were beautiful. Lisa could see the grow lights that were scattered about, probably assisting with helping the little plants grow. But her hand twisted out, lightly touching Anna’s own hand.

  Lisa expected her hand to be pushed away. Instead, it was grasped, ever-so-slightly.

  “I hope it’s not too forward,” Lisa said.

  “I have to be honest, Lisa. I’ve never been with a woman before, but I know that I like women. I mean, I did have a child, but that was different. The two of us were too different. I know that the reason for us being together was originally for Nina. While my ex was a good man and a good friend, it just wasn’t right,” Anna said.

  “That makes two of us who like women,” Lisa said with a smile.

  “Really? I would have never guessed. In high school, you were always flirting with the boys. I know you didn’t date much, but I never really put two and two together,” she said.

  “That was a long time ago. But, I certainly knew that I liked women. I just had to keep it hidden,” Lisa said.

  “You're not the only one,” Anna said.

  “Once you get out into the real world and live, you realize what is and what isn’t important. While I loved high school and the whole high school scene, I discovered the ‘real’ me in college. I learned to accept myself for who I am and not for an ‘image.’”

  “I never had the courage when I was younger. It was something I knew about myself but didn’t pursue. I went to college, married and had a child. Now, I’m discovering the ‘real’ me as well,” Anna said.

  “Give it some time. Everything good come to those who have the patience to wait for it to come. Anyway, we have all night to chat. Let’s walk and check out the art exhibits. They are magical,” Lisa said.

  “Yes, I certainly agree that it’s a beautiful exhibit. Definitely worth it to share this view with someone as wonderful as you,” Anna said.

  The words made Lisa’s heart skip a beat. While Lisa enjoyed the sentiments, she knew full well that she would have to leave Anna at the end when they got back to their normal lives. Lisa understood sometimes things weren’t meant to last. However, Lisa was just happy to have someone near, even if it was temporarily.

  “By the way, Lisa, once we finally get out of here and back home, is there any way I can contact you?” she said.

  “Sure, we can exchange phone numbers. Since we live so close to each other, perhaps we can get together some time,” Lisa said.

  “Sure, I’d love that,” Anna replied.

  They exchanged contact info. Then they slowly strolled through the airport terminal in awe with the different pocket gardens and artist exhibitions. As they slowly walked around, they chatted about high school and where their lived ended up at that moment.

  “For the first time in a long time, things are slowly beginning to make sense to me. I’m happier at this moment in time,” Anna said.

  “This is the first time in a long time that I’ve been happy myself,” Lisa admitted.

  “Really? You seem so ‘put together’ and confident,” Anna said.

  “Perhaps, but life hasn’t been easy. Sometimes I wonder if I’ve missed out on things by holding myself back,” Lisa said.

  “My first impression of you is that you haven’t held yourself back,” Anna admitted.

  “Thanks, Anna. But there are some things that you don’t know about me yet, that I’m not ready to tell others about. But, let’s just say that it’s not easy for any of us,” she admitted.

  “It’s not. I don’t have it easy either. I love Nina with all my heart and soul. But, I’ve found out the hard way that raising a child is both wonderful and the hardest job I’ve ever had,,” she said.

  “From what you’ve told me, you sound like you’re doing a great job,” Lisa said with a smile.

  “I appreciate your words. Sometimes, I don’t feel like I am. Sometimes, I wonder if I’m even doing it correctly. I just do the best I can,” Anna said.

  Lisa paused to check out an exhibit of a Christmas tree made from dozens of red, white and pink poinsettias. The artist then draped the poinsettia ‘tree’ in white colored lights and silver garland. Lisa had to admit the artist had an eye for detail and was very creative.

  Anna noticed Lisa looking at the exhibit and stopped to take a look at it. “It’s so beautiful, don’t you think? It’s the spirit of the holidays on display,” Lisa said.

  “It is beautiful. With the holidays coming up so quickly, I don’t have a clue where to begin,” Anna said.

  “I don’t either. This is the first holiday that I don’t know what I’ll do. It’s weird,” Lisa said.

  “I guess we’re kind of kindred spirits in a way. Which is reassuring,” Anna said.

  Lisa nodded and looked into Anna’s eyes. She felt an unexplained connection. It was different. It made Lisa wonder just what the future held for her. Perhaps there are such things as Christmas miracles, Lisa thought.

  “Thanks, Anna. For keeping me company,” she said.

  “You're most welcome Lisa,” Anna replied.

  The tension between them was becoming unbearable. Anna was breathtaking. As Lisa started to close her eyes, she did the one thing she never thought she’d get to do.

  Lisa kissed Anna.

  Chapter Three

  As Anna pulled back, she looked at Lisa with an incredulous glance.

  “Did you just—”

  “I did. Sorry about that,” she said.

  “No, I’m not mad at you at all. Actually, I must confess that I’ve had a secret crush on you since high school,” Anna said.

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Sorry I’m a bit awkward. I haven’t been close to anyone in a long time,” Anna admitted.

  Anna blushed as she confessed both her secret crush and not being with anyone.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve felt like I do at this moment myself. I guess if we’re confessing secrets, I remember fantasizing about you in school. I was just a bit confused doing those years,” Lisa said.

  “I think it’s normal. I’m flattered that you thought about me as well. I never quite felt like I was part of the ‘it’ click. I was always a little unsure of my looks,” Anna admitted.

  “You were a beautiful girl in school and you’re a beautiful woman now,” Lisa said.

  Anna smiled and sighed. It felt good to finally admit to herself and to Lisa and unburden the secret passion she has held inside for many years.

  “Thanks. I’ve already said this once, but I am so glad we reconnected,” Anna admitted.

  “I am too. If you want to spend more time together, I would love that,” Lisa said.

  “That sounds good to me. Perhaps you’ll be able to meet my daughter, Nine. A I’m sure she’ll love you,” Anna replied.

  “I’m sure.”

  Lisa grabbed Anna’s hand and held it as they walked around the terminal, looking that the exhibits.

  “The lights they put around here look gorgeous. I’m impressed with how they decorated this place,” Lisa said.

  “I am too. It’s a treat,” Anna replied.

  “Do you believe in love at first sight? I don’t know if there really is such a thing. I really don’t. If there is, then you’re the first person I’ve had that sort of instant connection with,” Lisa said.

  “I don’t know either. I’ve tried the dating apps and websites, but they just didn’t do anything for me. So many on the personal ads are just one-night hookups. They are really interested in other than sex. I don’t really understand dating. But I will say, this is quite a good date, if it is one,” Anna replied.

  “You're telling me. I was in a long-term relationship myself. And while I’ve been out of the dating scene for a while, it’s still different to me,” Lisa said.

  “Well, maybe we’ll both learn about the differences as we go along,” Anna said.

  The smile Lisa gave to her warmed her heart.
Anna felt like a new person when she was around Lisa. She hoped Lisa felt that same energy. After a little while, both of them then sat down on the bench nearby, looking up.

  “I do believe in fate. Maybe our meeting is some sort of fate,” Lisa said.

  “As do I. Thankfully we again live close to each other. Once we get home, we can make plans to get together,” Anna said.

  “That we will,” Lisa replied.

  “Spending time with you is so delightful. It’s a refreshing thing to feel,” Anna said.

  “You're telling me. I don’t really date. I tried meeting up with a few women. The women I’ve met were so catty and dramatic. A few of them weren’t even ‘out’ to their families. Dating needed to be all hush-hush. Are you like that?” Lisa said.

  Anna tensed, unsure of how to explain it.

  “My daughter doesn’t know, but my ex-husband does. He’s definitely supportive of me finally moving on. He doesn’t want to see me unhappy either,” Anna explained.

  “Ahh, I see. Well, I’m glad that there isn’t any ‘hiding’ in public to be with you,” Lisa said.

  After a little bit, Anna looked at the time. She noticed it was around seven in the evening and she was hungry.

  “We’ve talked so long I didn’t notice what time it was. That isn’t something that happens every day,” she teased.

  “I’m glad you like talking with me as much as I do you,” Lisa said with a smile.

  Anna grinned. For a moment, neither of them said anything at all. It was a nice moment together. Anna wondered just what may happen next. She dared to quietly think What could a future hold for us?

  Anna would leave it up to fate. After they got up, the two headed to dinner. Then, Lisa smiled.

  “I’d love it if you have dinner with me,” she said.

  “I’d love that a lot, Lisa. I really would,” Anna said.

  Lisa smiled. She was just happy to feel alive once again and not held back by the traumas of her past.

  Chapter Four

  Lisa was excited for the first time in a long time. She was definitely ready for whatever came her way. However, Lisa knew that it may not be as she hoped. Rekindling an old friendship is one thing. Moving it a more personal level is another. Lisa confessed her secret as did Anna, but that didn’t guarantee them any sort of relationship beyond friendship. Plus, Anna had a daughter and a life before they met. Then again, Lisa had her own life too. Lisa knew that Anna meant a lot to her already. But, she was a bit concerned by the short matter of time reconnecting with Anna.

  Lisa wasn’t sure how to really proceed, but she decided to let things evolve as they may. Lisa also had some personal things to talk to Anna about. She just wasn’t sure how to start that conversation. Lisa decided to just leave things as they were. Then when the time was right, she would explain everything to Anna.

  As Lisa and Anna were walking to the bar, , an announcement was made by their airline advising them that they needed to return to the ticket counter.

  They arrived at their gate and saw a line forming to speak with the airline agent. They made their way to the line to find out the news they heard over the intercom system. Both hoped that they were able to leave, but neither wanted to say anything out loud, in fear of jinxing themselves.

  Anna and Lisa waited in line for their turns speaking with one of the counter agents. Not long after standing there, the buzz came down the line that the airline was assigning them complimentary rooms in the Garden Hotel.

  After standing in line for about fifteen minutes, Lisa heard the agent.

  “Next in line, please,” the woman agent said.

  Lisa walked to her counter. Anna wondered what the arrangements were going to be. After a few minutes, Lisa turned and waved Anna up the counter.

  Anna was a bit confused for a moment, but made her way to the counter agent. Standing by Lisa, the ticket agency said, “As I explained to Ms. Silvers, the hotel has a limited number of remaining rooms left. We are asking for passengers to take rooms in pairs.”

  Anna shook her head in agreements. Lisa looked at Anna and just smiled.

  “Ms. Silvers has advised me that you and she are best friends and have agreed to share a room. I do need to get you’re okay for these arrangements. Do I have that?” she asked.

  Anna’s voice cracked a bit before she said, “Yes, yes of course. That will be fine.”

  “Thank you. I’ve given Ms. Silvers a key and will now give you one as well.” The agent handed the key card to Anna and smiled. “If you can Ms. Jackson, please sign here for me. This is the complimentary form we need to give to the hotel. Then I’ll send it over to the hotel to check you both in,” she said.

  Lisa and Anna together thanked the agent and began to gather their things. Before they could leave, the agent said, “By the way, we were providing a complimentary dinner to our guests. You both can proceed to the hotel’s restaurant. By the time you walk over to the hotel’s entrance, you can check in and proceed to dinner.”

  They again spoke in unison by thanking her. They turned around and headed to the end of the terminal where the Garden Hotel was located. At least they had a room to sleep in and dinner to look forward to.


  After they were checked into the hotel, they arrived at the restaurant in the lobby of the hotel. Lisa looked around and noticed there weren’t many people around.

  “Wow. So, this is it?” she asked.

  “Seems like it. Most of the people who were trying to get home by other means left as early as possible,” ,” Anna said.

  “I guess we seat ourselves,” Anna said.

  “Let’s sit in the back, if that’s okay with you,” Lisa said.

  Anna nodded, sitting down in the back corner. A server, one of the three working, came over and looked at them.

  “Well, you ladies are looking lovely,” the server said.

  “As lovely as two ladies in the airport during a snowstorm can be,” Lisa said with a scoff.

  “She means well. Anyway, I’ll take a hot tea,” Anna said.

  “Same here. And, I guess we’ll have whatever is available on the menu,” Lisa replied.

  After he left, Anna sighed.

  “I have empathy for the people who need to work right now. This storm is really something,” she said.

  “It is. I just hope that it doesn’t knock out the power,” Lisa replied.

  “I doubt it. But still, it could. I mean, I do at least have someone I can spend time with. Better than doing this alone.”

  “You’ve got that right,” Lisa said with a smile.

  Dinner went by quickly, even though it felt almost surreal in a sense. Lisa certainly wasn’t complaining. At the same time, she also knew that going home would end the adventure. Then, she’d go back to the reality of being a lonely artist.

  Life was fun sometimes, and Lisa hated it. She wanted, more than anything in life, to the life that she desired and she chose. Not too long afterward, the server came back with their food.

  The server asked them if they needed anything else. Both said no and thanks him for their dinner. He then said he would be back later to check on them.

  As they started to eat in silence, Lisa watched Anna’s eyes. She wondered why Anna was being so quiet, especially after their wonderful time together before dinner.

  Lisa cleared her throat and said, “You seem so quiet right now. Is everything okay? Is there anything bothering you?” she asked.

  “I’m okay. I’m thinking about life and all. I wonder where life will take me and where things will go. I sometimes wonder if I’m a good parent to my little girl. At least in the sense that I can easily take life into my own hands,” Anna said.

  “You're a great mom. I’m sure of it,” Lisa said.

  “Thanks. I don’t know. It’s those things that sit in the back of my mind sometimes. It really makes me think,” Anna said.

  “I do the same thing. Sometimes I wonder if it’s fate, or if I am just lucky,” Lisa said

  “Yeah. I wonder that, too. I feel lucky to have found you though. You make a boring old life a lot happier,” Anna said with a smile.

  “That I can agree with,” Lisa said.

  Their dinner went by without a hitch. Then the lights flickered, and suddenly, Lisa tensed. She looked at Anna, and she looked about too.

  “What’s going on?” she inquired.

  “I’m not sure, but I think we should make our way up to our room,” Lisa said.

  They rose up and said goodbye to the server. Then proceeded to their room.

  The entire time they walked to the hotel, they were silent. As they entered the lobby, they were greeted with a notice that the elevators were temporarily suspended.

  Both Lisa and Anna read the sign. Lisa then said, “Great day for a walk up to the sixth floor.”

  Anna wanted to laugh. Just one more thing to cap off a day filled with surprises. Anna sighed and looked for the stairs. Luckily the stairs were next to elevators.

  “Well, let’s do it. Just think that we can have a nice shower once we get up to the room. Plus, it could have been worse if he had all of our luggage instead of our carryon cases,” Anna said.

  Lisa and Anna slowly climbed the stairs to the sixth floor. It didn’t take as long as either one expected, but by the end, they were fatigued. It was stress for being stranded rather than the stairs.

  As they arrived on the sixth floor, Lisa peered to the right, looking for a sign that showed which way their room was located.

  They walked the hallway and finally found the room.

  “Here we go. Perfect!” Lisa said. They found their room. Lisa used to key to open up the door. She held the door for Anna.

  “After you,” Lisa said.

  Anna walked into the room unsure of being alone with Lisa would hold.

  Chapter Five

  When the door opened, Anna sighed in relief. It was a comfortable looking room with two beds, a small kitchenette area with snacks and water, if they needed it..

  “Awesome,” Lisa said.

  “Nice. We are so lucky to get a deluxe room,” ,Lisa said.

  As Lisa smiled at her, the lights flickered on and off three more times, before shutting off entirely. The room was temporarily blackened until the generator kicked in.


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