Meant to Be

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Meant to Be Page 8

by Jenny Bloom

  “Did you sleep okay?” Lisa asked.

  “Yes, I certainly did. We should probably get up. Nina doesn’t have school, but I’ve got work later on. I may go see Peter beforehand,” she said.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of Nina,” Lisa said.

  “Are you sure? I mean, she’s not your child. I don’t want to—”

  “I’m okay with it,” she said.

  “All right,” Anna said.

  When they got up, Anna bade Nina and Lisa farewell, heading out the door. Lisa looked at Nina, who was slightly nervous.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” she said.

  “I know, I’m just surprised,” Nina said.

  “About what?”

  “About Mommy falling in love again. I thought she loved Daddy, but that wasn’t real love. They were both upset about things, but I never asked why,” Nina said.

  “It can be hard for a child to get it. But, if you ever need anything, I’m here for you. I won’t replace your dad, but I’m here to make your life as good as it can be,” Lisa said.

  Nina grinned. Lisa felt a small feeling of hope course through her veins as she saw the little kid smile. Maybe this was it. Maybe this was what she needed.

  “What would you like to do today, Nina? I’ll be taking care of you until your mother gets home,” she said.

  “I wouldn’t mind getting Mommy a gift,” she said.

  “That’s a wonderful idea! We can go together,” Lisa said.

  “Did Mommy leave you with money though?” Nina asked.

  “Nope, but we can make it work,” Lisa explained.

  Nina looked at her with confusion. Then, Lisa smiled.

  “It'll be our little secret. You can give Mommy an amazing gift. And maybe, we’ll get one for Daddy too,” Lisa said.

  There was something about helping Nina out that warmed her heart. Suddenly, Nina looked at her with widened eyes.

  “I have the perfect gift for Mommy,” she said.

  “Sure, let’s get it then,” Lisa said.

  Lisa took Nina’s hand, headed over to the car and then drove to the mall. Nina ran toward the doorway. Lisa followed suit, curious as to what the Nina wanted to buy. When they got inside, she rushed toward one of the clothing stores, inciting Lisa’s curiosity as she walked in.

  The walls were lined with different items, trinkets and such which piqued her curiosity. Then, Lisa noticed Nina walk over to the cabinet, pointing at a turquoise pendant.

  “Here. Get this for Mommy. Say it’s from me. It’s her favorite color,” she said.

  Lisa looked at the item, noticing that it was a beautiful bright blue tone. It would complement her hair very well.

  “Well, that works perfectly for your gift. What about me though”.

  “You should give her a picture. She’d like that,” Nina said.

  “I think that’s a good idea!” she said, smiling at the thought.

  Lisa had a feeling a painting would be perfect for her. The holiday season didn’t just have to be material gifts. Sentimental gifts worked too.

  “Sure, but of what?”

  “Maybe you, me and her? She would enjoy that. I know she loves art. I remember one time she gave Daddy this pretty picture. While he liked it, she enjoyed it a lot more,” Nina explained.

  “Well, I’ll do that then,” Lisa said.

  She thought about what to paint her, what to give her to make it worth her while. But then, Nina smiled again, and Anna grew curious once more.

  “What’s the matter?”’

  “Oh, just thinking about the look on Mommy’s face when she gets the painting,” she said.

  “I figured as much. Does your mom really like paintings?”

  “Yes. She always wanted to date an artist,” Nina explained.

  “Well, she clearly found the one then,” Lisa said with a laugh.

  “Do you think you’re going to get married?” Nina asked.

  Lisa paused. As much as she liked Anna, she wasn't sure about that yet. She knew that, with Anna, things could be different, but she wouldn’t mind.

  “Maybe down the road, but not just yet,” she said.

  “Okay. Just asking,” Nina said.

  Lisa laughed. The kid understood a lot more than she let on. After they made the purchase, Lisa and Nina both went back to the house. Lisa then sighed.

  “I’ll start painting it after your mom gets back. For now, do you want to make some ornaments.” Lisa said.

  “Sure!” Anna said.

  Lisa smiled, showing Anna how to make some homemade Christmas ornaments. The happiness Lisa felt when she spent time with Nina warmed her heart, making her wonder if there was a reason for it. She had a feeling that, with Anna, things would only go up from there, and things would get easier with time.

  Anna arrived home about four hours later. When she saw Lisa and Nina on the couch, she smiled.

  “You two look comfy,” she pointed out.

  “Yeah, we are. Nina and I have talked a lot today. We’ve been hanging out.”

  “Yeah, and we even got Christmas gifts!” Nina said.

  “How fun! I’m excited to see what you got me,” Anna said.

  “Well, I would like to give yours to you the night before. Not in front of everyone, if that’s okay,” Lisa said.

  “Sure. It’s nothing like that is it?” Anna asked.

  “Oh, not at all! It’s just something I’d prefer to give to you in private,” she said.

  Anna nodded. “I can’t wait,” she said.

  “Good. Anyway, I need to head back to my place after dinner. I’m going to work on your present tonight,” Lisa said with a smile.

  Anna then looked at her. For a moment, the beaming smile warmed Lisa's heart. It felt so right, so real. Lisa couldn't wait to see what Anna would think about her gift.

  She hoped Anna loved it.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Anna was curious about the gift Lisa was going to give to her, but she stopped herself from asking. It was something she’d learn about eventually when Lisa felt that it was time. For now, she was just happy that Lisa was here with her, happy and satisfied.

  After work over the next few days, they spent time together. Anna noticed that Lisa was leaving earlier, probably to go work on the gift. Anna felt happy, but then, she noticed Nina looking at her.

  “Something the matter, sweetie?”

  “No Mom, I just noticed you’re happy,” she said.

  “I am. I really am, honey. Lisa has helped me a lot,” Anna said.

  “Good Mom,” she said.

  “Do you like her too? I wouldn’t want to do anything you wouldn’t like,” Anna said.

  “No, I love her Mommy,” Nina said.

  Anna smiled, feeling happy and amazed at how well life was going. It was only a few days until Christmas, and Anna was excited.

  “We should go see your father tonight,” she said.

  “Okay Mommy,” Nina said.


  Anna and Nina drove over to the hospital. As they walked to the entrance, Anna smiled at her daughter. Nina was holding her hand a little bit. Anna felt good about her family. They entered the hospital and made their way to his room.

  “Hi, Peter,” Anna said.

  “Hi, Anna. Hey, sweetie,” Peter said, lightly petting Nina’s head.

  “Hey Daddy,” she said with a grin.

  “You feeling better?” Anna asked.

  “Define better,” he said with a smile.

  “You know what I mean,” Anna said.

  “Like I’m alive and don’t feel like death? Yeah, I feel much better,” he said cheerfully.

  “Well good. You had me worried for a moment,” Anna admitted.

  “That makes two of us. I don't know how I managed to live to tell the tale myself,” he said.

  “Luck, and a good surgeon,” Anna said.

  “Yeah, mostly just that. Anyway, I think I vaguely met Lisa. Are things good for you two?” he

  “We’re doing better,” she said.

  “Good. I’m happy for you two. From what I can remember, she seemed like a fine woman,” he admitted.

  “Yes, she is,” she replied.

  “Good. Now I don’t need to worry about you,” he said.

  “You don’t, but I thank you for your concern,” Anna said with a smile on her face.

  “You’re most welcome. I know how it can be” he said.

  “You’re telling me. I’m happy” Anna said.

  “Is she still coming over for Christmas? I know my mom will probably have to come over to at least help me with tasks around the house, but I think she’ll leave afterward. She understands that I just need a little help right now,” he said.

  “Yeah. That’ll work,” she said.

  “Perfect. Can’t wait to see you. I can take Nina too starting tomorrow night. Since it’s Christmas eve,” Peter said.

  “It is? I didn’t even realize that,” she admitted.

  “It’s okay. It’s been a rough few weeks, but it’s finally ending sooner rather than later,” he said.

  “You’ve got that right,” Anna laughed.

  “If you want to spend some time alone with her, go for it. I’ll gladly help you as much as I can,” he said.

  “Thanks, Peter. You’re so good to me,” she said.

  “It’s because I know how it can be. How it can affect all of us,” he said.

  Anna nodded, blushing.

  “That’s true,” she said.


  After Peter was released from the hospital and arrived home, Anna dropped off Nina and then went back to the house again, sighing in happiness.

  While she was happy about the fact that things were going better between Peter and her, she wondered what Lisa was up to. For the first time since they got together, she realized Lisa wasn’t answering her texts, which bothered Anna slightly.

  She wondered what Lisa was up to. Oh well, they’d be meeting for dinner tomorrow anyway. No sense in getting hung up on that. Still, Anna did have a few doubts in her mind, but it was better not to worry about things.

  The next evening, Anna heard a doorbell ring. Anna walked on over, and when she opened it, she saw Lisa standing there. She had bags under her eyes and looked tired, but a beaming grin was present on her face.

  “Hello,” Lisa said.

  “Hello yourself. What’s all this?” Anna asked.

  “Oh, this? I brought it over for you. It’s your gift,” she said.

  Anna looked at it with surprise. Then, Lisa placed it under the tree.

  “I have something for you,” Anna said.

  “Really? I’m excited,” Lisa said.

  “Do you want to have some dinner first before we open up gifts?” she asked.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Lisa said with a smile on her face.

  They sat down and had dinner, but Anna noticed Lisa was incredibly quiet. She was looking around, pursing her lips as she spoke.

  “Sorry, I’m just excited to give my present to you. I’m very tired, but the look on your face was what drove me forward,” she said.

  "Really? You didn’t have to stay up all night for me,” Anna said.

  “No, I wanted to. You matter to me right now. You’ve changed me for the better, and I’m happy that you’re in my life,” she said.

  Anna nodded.

  “We’ve both really come a long way in the last few weeks,” Anna said.

  “I know we have. And I feel great about it. I’ve been a little worried, but I know you’ll enjoy what I have for you,” she said.

  The rest of the dinner continued to be quiet, but Anna felt that excitement as it permeated the area, almost like a drug. Lisa had something meaningful for both of them, and she couldn’t wait.

  After dinner, Lisa went over to the tree that Anna had just put up. She looked at the ornaments that she made with Nina, smiling.

  “I’m so glad I made those with her,” Lisa said.

  “I am too. Nina adores you, Lisa,” Anna said.

  “And I adore her too. I hope we stick around for a little bit. Together,” Lisa said.

  “You know I don’t want you to leave,” Anna said.

  “I’ve been a little on edge about life recently. I’ve done a lot of thinking and made some incredible changes to my life. It’s changed me for the better Anna, and I thank you for it,” Lisa said.

  “You do?” she said.

  “Of course. If it weren't for you, I would have never had a relationship with you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn’t have stuck around so long. If it weren't for you, I wouldn’t be the happy person I am today. So, I do have you to thank Anna, for pretty much everything,” she said.

  “I guess the same could be said for you. I mean, I’m happier now than ever before. Peter isn’t breathing down my neck to find a relationship. I feel like I’m a better mom to Nina. Everything feels right. Maybe this is the best Christmas gift of them all,” she said.

  “I think it is. But of course, that’s all up to the person at hand. But I did get you something nice, Anna. Something that reminded me of us,” she said.

  Anna sat down, and Lisa gave her the big present.

  “What’s this?” Anna asked.

  “Something that I made to express my love for you,” she said.

  Anna opened the gift, immediately shocked at the sight in front of her. It was a painting. It was she and Lisa together, and Nina on the side. The three of them were smiling. It had a wonderful tone. The colors were vibrant. It was so beautiful, it made Anna cry.

  Anna felt the happy tears cascade down her face. She wasn't suffering anymore, and as she looked at the image, she felt happy, secure and whole. She noticed a presence behind her, and arms wrapped around her body. Anna lay her head on Lisa's shoulders.

  “There we go. We did it,” she said.

  “We sure did. I love you, Lisa,” Anna said.

  “I love you, too, Anna,” she replied.

  There was a small silence. Then, Anna grabbed something from under the tree.

  “I got this for you. It’s a multi-part gift, and something that makes me happy,” she said.

  Lisa opened it. Inside was a picture framed. It was the photo they took while in the park. Inside was also a card.

  You’re the artist I’ve been searching for, the person who stole my heart, the one who makes me happy and secure. I want to be with you forever. I love you. I hope this support for your career is enough to get it going because I want to see you make beautiful art and stay in my life. Inside was a small piece of paper, and on it, was a key, and a letter. As Lisa read it, she looked at Anna.

  “You can’t be serious,” she said.

  “I am Lisa. I talked to Rupert. He told me that if I wanted to support someone using my share of the investment, I can and that someone is you. I want to see you succeed Lisa. I want to see you do well,” she said.

  Lisa looked too awestruck for words, and Anna beamed. She loved seeing Lisa like that, seeing her completely at the mercy of the words and actions that Anna took, and the choices she made.

  “Oh my God, Anna,” she said.

  “I wanted to give you a great Christmas present. I felt like this was fitting,” she said.

  Lisa felt her body rise off the ground, arms latched around her, and a bit, meaningful kiss against her lips. When Lisa pulled back, she grinned.

  “Thank you, Anna. This is the best Christmas gift anyone could ever give me,” Lisa said.

  “Merry Christmas! I love you,” Anna replied.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lisa felt so amazed by the sheer care, generosity and love that Anna had for her. It made her feel whole, made her feel welcome. Lisa also felt ready for whatever life would throw at her next.

  Lisa and Anna shared a deep, loving kiss with each other, one that said everything. The pain they went through, the future they had together, it was all right there and Lisa didn’t care, she was just ready
to finally make Anna happy, no matter what life threw at her.

  They had already gone through a lot in a short span of time. Even with all of that in place, Lisa could tell that Anna was trying her very hardest to be the best person that she could be. The way they kissed, the way they shared the tender feeling, it was all that Lisa wanted in life.

  Lisa wanted a life partner and she got one with Anna.

  When Anna pulled away, a trickle of spit connecting their lips, she flushed.

  “Are you good?” Anna asked.

  “Perfect. How are you?”

  “Amazing. I’m so glad that you’re here with me Lisa. You’re wonderful,” Anna said.

  “The feeling is mutual,” she said.

  “I want to make you feel good tonight. Come with me to the bedroom,” she insisted.

  Lisa was surprised by the sudden forcefulness of Anna’s words, but she wasn't complaining. She took Anna’s hand, and together, they made their way up the stairs and to the bedroom. When Anna closed the door, she pinned Lisa down, surprising her with a forceful array of kisses.

  “Whoa,” she said, shocked at how needy and wanting Anna was. Anna pulled back, blushing slightly.

  “Sorry, was it too much?” she asked.

  “Not at all, this is just a very pleasant surprise,” Lisa said with a smirk.

  “Good. Because I’ve missed this myself,” Anna said.

  Anna kissed Lisa with a flurry of touches and caresses. Lisa was shocked at how delightful Anna was at kissing. They shared a long, languid kiss. Lisa then let out a small moan, causing Anna to let her tongue slip in, moving against her own lips.

  “Oh God,” Lisa said, letting her moans mix with Anna’s own. The pleasure of the moment was driving them both to madness. Anna then let out a small hum, watching as Lisa then started to let out a series of small groans with every single moment.

  “Are you okay?” Anna asked.

  “Wonderful,” Lisa said, looking at Anna with a smile.

  Lisa then kissed her once again. Anna pushed her tongue in, with touching Lisa's body. She moved her hands up to Lisa’s nipples which were poking through her shirt. Anna touched them slightly and made Lisa moan.

  “Oh my God,” Lisa said, slightly surprised by how good Anna was.


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